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      • KCI등재

        공학계열 프레젠테이션 글쓰기 수업 설계 모델

        전은경,이성학,Jun, Eun Kyung,Lee, Sung Hak 한국공학교육학회 2017 공학교육연구 Vol.20 No.6

        The purpose of this study is to present a model for fusion education combining engineering elements based on humanistic writing. Instruction design in presentation writing for engineering education progresses consists of four steps, such as instruction in visual, teamwork, feedback, and rewriting. Following these steps help engineering school students to analyze important data and to communicate their creative ideas. As writing is proceeding step by step, instruction design for presentation writing should come forth with specific methods to make students practice.

      • KCI등재

        『대한민보』의 소설 정책과 근대 독서 그룹의 형성

        전은경(Jun, Eun Kyung) 한국현대문학회 2014 한국현대문학연구 Vol.0 No.44

        This thesis studied on relationships between the policy of newspaper and several readers’ groups. Daehaminbo(大韓民報) was Korean Daily Newspaper that published vol. 357 from Jun. 2 in 1909 to Aug. 8 in 1910. It had published by Daehanhyuphoe(大韓協會). Daehaminbo had the dual strategy for readers had read the newspaper, as considering the category of the column on literature and the arts. One was for high-level readers, so called intellectual readers who could understand Chinese letter(Hanmun, 漢文). As they had learned Chinese letter in Seodang, korean traditional education institution, they was accustomed to Chinese letter. Daehaminbo made the readers" column, Punglim(諷林) for intellectual readers. The other was for low-level readers, so called female readers who could understand Korean letter(Hangul). They traditionally had been enjoying Korean novels. It related with the serial novels in the newspaper. Serial novels had been steadily published in a front-page in Daehaminbo. As they was written by Korean letter(Hangul), female readers and the people of the lower classes who could not read and write Chinese letter(Hanmun, 漢文) were able to enjoy them. Especially Daehaminbo(大韓民報) for readers had elaborated various strategies. One of them was a serial novel column. At the first place, it was so much emphasis placed on a serial novel in the newspaper Daehaminbo(大韓民報). They tried to publish a short novel in the newspaper. The title was hua-su(花愁) that means anxiety of a flower. The Kim"s wife had a husband who kept a mistress, and she was deserted by her husband, Mr. Kim. This short novel was for female readers as a type of a domestic novel. Editors of Daehaminbo(大韓民報), therefore, considered a serial novel column for female readers who could read Hangul(Korean letters). By the way, next serial novel was changed for male readers. The serial novel unquestionably had written by Hangul(Korean letters), but contents of the serial novel were replaced by them for male readers. Daehaminbo(大韓民報) had changed male-like novels and female-like novels by turns. It had made intellectual readers read Korean novels and given birth to new reading group for intellectuals.

      • KCI등재

        ‘쓰이는 텍스트’로서의 『별건곤』과 대중문학 독자의 형성

        전은경(Jun, Eun-kyung) 한국어문학회 2014 語文學 Vol.0 No.125

        This paper aims to investigate the Magazine Byulgungon as “a Scriptible Text” and the formation of readers for Popular literatures. Especially readers in the Magazine Byulgungon were connected to new popular literature in 1930’s. The Magazine Byulgungon was published in Oct. 1926, and has been discontinued as Vol. 73. in Jun. 1934. At the first place, it was very first magazine for “tastes” in colonized Chosun. Tastes were related with readers’s who were the people of the middle classes or the lower classes. Actually editors in the Magazine Byulgungon would like to educate readers of the middle or low classes, reading the practical contents in the magazine. However, readers’ desires were different from intellectual editors and authors. They had desired to change the Magazine Byulgungon owing to regard it as “a Scritible Text” by Roland Gerard Barthes. According to The Reader, the Text, the Poem written by Louis M. Rosenblatt, editors’ desires and readers’ had caused “the transaction” with each other in the Magazine Byulgungon. Therefore the Magazine Byulgungon is very important text as “a Scriptible Text” that readers and editors continuously created it together. This transaction has led to several popular narratives and modern popular readers. At the same time, the Magazine Byulgungon had made popular readers prepare be able to be reders for modern literatures.

      • KCI등재

        〈국치젼〉과 후쿠자와 유키치(福澤諭吉)의 상관관계 연구

        전은경(Jun Eun-kyung) 한국현대문학회 2007 한국현대문학연구 Vol.0 No.23

        본 논문에서는 〈국치젼〉을 축자적 번역이 아닌 최초의 장기 신문연재번안 소설이라는 전제에서 출발하여 논의를 전개했다. 『대한매일신보』는 국문판 “쇼셜란”에 독립과 애국심을 돋우기 위한 한국의 역사전기물 소설과 문명개화를 배우기 위한 서양 문물 번안소설을 싣게 된다. 이는 애국과 문명개화를 소설이라는 장르를 통해 이루겠다는 『대한매일신보』의 의지라고 할 수 있다. 이러한 상황 가운데 연재되기 시작한 〈국치젼〉은 일본의 문명 사상가인 후쿠자와 유키치의 삶과 상당수 유사한 내용이 담겨 있다. 연설 속의 사상이나 전개되는 사건이 매우 유사하며 동시에 일본 사회 풍토의 모습 역시 담겨 있어서 이 〈국치젼〉은 후쿠자와 유키치의 삶을 허구적 전기로 꾸민 모본을 대상으로 번안되었을 가능성이 높다. 그런데 후쿠자와 유키치의 『서양사정』과 『문명론지개략』의 내용이 상당수 포함되고 있음에도 불구하고 〈국치젼〉 후반부에 전개되는 “유람잡지”와 “개화 연설”은 유길준의 『서유견문』의 내용이 그대로 들어있거나 축약된 형식으로 나타나고 있다. 결국 이것은 후쿠자와 유키치의 문명사상과 유길준의 『서유견문』이 결합된 형식이라 할 수 있다. 즉 전반부는 일본의 모본을 참고하여 번안하여 나갔을 확률이 높으며 후반부는 유길준의 『서유견문』을 번역자의 사상과 의지로 그 모본과 다르게 전개해 나갔을 가능성이 있다. 이러한 측면에서 〈국치젼〉은 일본적이면서도 한국적인 요소를 담아 한국적 전통과 서양적 혹은 일본적 문명 사상이 접목되어 있다고 할 것이다. 이러한 면에서 『대한매일신보』가 주장한 서양의 문명개화 사상이 내부의 전통적인 토대와 만나 새로운 서적으로 창출되었으며, 이러한 “한국의 새서적”에 대한 욕구가 〈국치젼〉이라는 새서적을 탄생시켰다고도 할 수 있을 것이다. 이것이 〈국치젼〉이라는 번안소설의 의의이자 “한국의 새서적”으로서의 의의라 할 수 있다. This article studied about 〈Kukchi-Jeon〉(국치젼) that was the first long-term adapted novels in the modern newspaper. This thesis focused on the interrelationship between 〈Kukchi-Jeon〉(국치젼) and Hukuzawa Yukichi(福澤諭吉). 〈Korean daily news〉(대한매일신보) published "the novels column" where were korean historical novels and western adapted novels. The former was in order to inspire Chosun's people with the spirit of patriotism. The latter was for introducing the modern ivilization and enlightenment. This showed an indomitable will of 〈Korean daily news〉 that was eager to attain their ambition, the patriotism and the modern civilization through a genre of novel. 〈Kukchi-Jeon〉(국치젼) run a serial for about one year in the national news paper, 〈Korean daily news〉. For all that, a hero of 〈Kukchi-Jeon〉(국치젼), Kukchi was very similar to Hukuzawa Yukichi who was a man of modern thought in the Japan. Kukchi's behaviors and eloquences in the oratorical meeting were analogous to Hukuzawa's. Therefore 〈Kukchi-Jeon〉(국치젼) was quite within the realms of possibility that 〈Kukchi-Jeon〉 was adapted to the original text that converted Hukuzawa's life into a Fiction. Although 〈Kukchi-Jeon〉 included 〈the Occidental Circumstances〉(西洋事情) and 〈an epitome of theory about civilization〉(文明論之槪略) of Hukuzawa Yukichi, its latter half part, "a excursion magazine" and "a enlightened speech" included a partial Yu Gil-jun's 〈Seoyugyunmun〉(西遊見聞). Ultimately 〈Kukchi-Jeon〉 is a form combining Hukuzawa's civilization thought with Yu Gil-jun's 〈Seoyugyunmun〉(西遊見聞). Namely, the former part was connected with civilization thoughts in Japan and the latter part was related with Yu Gil-jun's thoughts by adapter's will including creative part. Consequently, 〈Korean daily news〉 created 〈Kukchi-Jeon〉 as "new book in the modern Chosun" in proportion to compound occidental civilization thoughts and inner traditional foundation in Chosun. This is the significance of 〈Kukchi-Jeon〉 as adapted novels and "new modern book" in Chosun.

      • KCI우수등재

        근대계몽기 서북지역 잡지의 편집 기획과 유학생 잡지의 상관관계

        전은경(Jun, Eun-kyung) 국어국문학회 2018 국어국문학 Vol.0 No.183

        근대계몽기 지식인들은 서양의 문학 개념과 일본이 받아들인 문학 개념을 그대로 모방하고 답습한 것이 아니라 이 문학 개념에 대해 변형하면서 수용했다. 이 논문은 그러한 개념 정립의 과정을 국내 잡지와 유학생 잡지의 영향 관계를 중심으로 파악해 보고자 했다. 서북도인들을 중심으로 국내 학회지를 간행한 『서우』와『서북학회월보』가 유학생 잡지 『태극학보』와 『대한흥학보』 등에 어떠한 영향을 받았고, 또 어떻게 변화하고 있는지 살펴보았다. 국내 학회지는 유학생 잡지와의 교류를 통해 새로운 문학적 장치와 편집 체계를 받아들였다. 또한 이 가운데 그대로 모방만을 하는 것이 아니라 스스로 그 개념을정립하고자 하는 노력을 보여주었다. <문예>면에는 한문체 산문이나 논설류 등을 포함시키고, <담총>, <가담>에는 새로운 문학적 가능성이 보이는 글을 배치했다. 이러한 구분은 국내 지식인들 스스로 이전 글과 대화체 서사 등의 글이 “다르다”라고 인식하고 있었기 때문에 가능했다. 또한 이러한 “다름”에 대한 인식은 이들이 유학생들과 교류하며, 유학생 잡지에 직접 참여했기 때문에 가능한 일이었다. 근대문학은 한순간 갑자기 성립된 것이 아니라, 이러한 새로움에 대한 발견과 “다름”에 대해 인식할 수 있는 시각을 정립해 가는 과정에서 진행되었다. This paper is to analyze a birth of modern concept about modern literatures in modern enlightenment era. The goal of this theory is to study the establishing process about the concept of modern literature between magazines for students studying in Japan and those for intellectuals in Joseon. The magazine Seowoo(『西友』) and Seobukhakhuiwolbo(『西北學會月報』) had influenced on the birth of modern novels and had made various narratives in the modern enlightenment era. These magazines were published by intellectuals who had lived in north-west area in Joseon. The magazine Seobukhakhuiwolbo had two editors; one was Park Eun-sik who was a Confucian scholar, the other was Kim Won-keok who had studied in japan. The editor, Kim Won-keok had established new titles of the magazine Seobukhakhuiwolbo as he had been influenced by the magazine Taegukhakbo(『太極學報』) that had published by students studying in Japan. Korean students studying in Japan had tried to formulate the concept of the modern literature, and also domestic intellectuals had tried to established the concept of new literatures. Therefore, domestic intellectuals had made the column of <liberal arts> and <conversation collection> as the title of magazine. They had included dialogue narratives that had implied in various contemporary lives.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        근대 계몽기 한·일 번역문학과 근대 독자층 비교 연구

        전은경(Jun Eun-kyung) 한국어문학회 2012 語文學 Vol.0 No.117

        The goal of this paper is to compare readers of Modern Korea with those of Modern Japan. It is very important to compare readers among the literatures in East Asia. East Asia had received so called “Western Literatures” as a Modernity in the age of modern Enlightenment. Especially the case of Korea was similar to that of Japan. Japanese translaters had accepted western literatures directly. They was not only translater or writers but also first readers. They had attempted new genre in their newspapers. So there were a lot of serial-novels in the newspaper. Korean translaters, on the one hand, were similar to Japanese, on the other hand, were different from them. There was only one newpaper in the colonized Chosun. The newspaper 〈Maeilsinbo〉 would like to control the colonized people. It was related with the colony policy. Jo Jung Hwan and Lee Sang Hyup as translaters had used the translated novels in Japan. Because the serial-novels in Japanese newspaper had already confirmed the popularity, they were easy to publish serially in 〈Maeilsinbo〉. Therefore Jo Jung Hwan had translated Ozaki Koyo’s 〈Konsikiyasha, 金色夜叉〉 into 〈Janghanmong, 長恨夢〉 in 1913. Lee Sang Hyup had trasnlated Kuroiwa Ruiko’s 〈Gankutsuou, 巖窟王〉 into 〈Haewangsung, 海王星〉 in 1916-1917. At the first time, readers in the colonized Chosun had sent very simple message to readers’ column in 〈Maeilsinbo〉. As time goes by, however they had tried to contribute the letters and columns in the newspaper. In the final analysis, these serial adapted novels played two important parts in 1910. One is that they trained the newspaper readers as the readers of serial novels. The readers who had grown up through 〈the reader’s column〉 and 〈the reader’s letter〉 in ?Maeilsinbo? in 1910 underwent in change into against the colonial discourse. The other is that they had considerable influences upon materializing the Korean modern popular literature. The serial novels in 1920’s-1930’s used the similar tale and story structure compared with the serial adapted novels in 1920’s.

      • KCI등재

        근대 계몽기 번역문학과 독자층 연구

        전은경(Jun, Eun-kyung) 우리말글학회 2012 우리말 글 Vol.56 No.-

        본 논문은 근대 계몽기의 번역 문학을 살펴보면서 독자층의 형성에 관해 연구하고자 하였다. 이 논문은 동아시아 문학의 태동과 근대 독자의 출발 및 성장을 보기 위한 서설이 되는 작업이다. 같은 서양의 문학을 가지고 오고 있지만, 한, 중, 일은 그 각자의 내적 토대와 상황에 따라서 다른 관심을 보여주고 있다. 즉 그 당시 유행했던 작품도 다르고, 번역된 작품도 다르며, 독자들의 반응 역시 달랐다. 또한 이와 같은 과정은 주어진 텍스트가 동아시아 각 나라의 내적 토대를 만나면서 각장의 방식대로 변환되어 독특한 특징을 양산해내고 있다. 또한 이러한 근대 문학의 토양을 만들어내는 것은 텍스트에 반응하며, 텍스트를 해석하고 즐기고, 또 그 가운데 배움을 이어가고 있는 독자들에 의해서 가능한 것이다. 결국 이러한 면에서『춘희』를 번역한 동아시아 삼국의 환경과 독자들의 성향은 비슷하면서도 미묘한 차이를 보이고 있다. 중국은『파리차화녀유사』가 『홍루몽』의 계보를 이으면서 가장 폭발적인 인기를 누렸다. 그리고 번역어 자체도 한국이나 일본에 비해서 좀 더 함축적이고 생략이 된 것이 많았다. 그러나 그 속에서 독자들은 서양의 연애를 문명으로 받아들여 배우고자 하는 의식은 은연중에 가지고 있었다. 이와는 반대로 일본은 신문매체가 급격하게 발달하여, 대신문과 소신문으로 명확하게 구분되었다. 그 가운데 소설독자 역시 양분되었다. 즉 남성적인 소설 경향과 여성적인 소설 경향으로 나뉘어 남성 독자와 여성 독자들이 구분된 채로 자신들의 욕구를 정반대로 드러내고 있었다. 이러한 상황에서 『춘희』는 『만조보』가 지식인 독자층을 확보하려던 상황과 맞물리면서 동아시아 삼국 가운데 독자들의 호응이 가장 적었다고 할 수 있다. 그것은 여성 독자들은 가정 소설에, 남성 독자들은 복수 스릴러물들에 흥미를 느끼고 있는 상황에서 ?춘희?가 큰 관심을 끌기에는 부족했던 것이다. 근대계몽기 조선에서는『홍루』가 일본의『춘희』처럼 연재 중단이 될 정도로 흥미를 못 끌지 않을까 지레 짐작하고 있었다. 그래서 소설 예고를 해서 전체 내용 줄거리를 미리 안내했다. 또한 작가 스스로도 큰 인기를 끌지 못할 것이라 확신하고 있었다. 그러나 지식인 독자들은 이『홍루』 ?의 연애의 세계를 중국처럼 일종의 서양 문명을 배우는 하나의 장치로 생각하고 있었다. 그러나 여기에 더 나아가 중국의 감각적인 영역, 통속적인 영역과는 달리, ‘愛’의 과정을 행동의 영역에서 ‘지적 영역’으로 상승시켜 개념을 좀 더 지적인 영역으로 옮겨 놓았다. 결국 동아시아 삼국의 내적 토대와 독자들의 경향, 매체의 변화 과정속에서 『춘희』라는 텍스트와 그 텍스트의 영향력은 각 나라별로 미묘한 차이를 보이고 있다. 또한 그 속에서 결국 식민지 조선의 경우, 이러한 영향 속에서 근대문학이 성립되고 있었다는 것을 알 수 있다. 따라서 근대를 맞닥뜨린 한, 중, 일 각각의 차이를 바라보는 것은 한국의 근대문학을, 또 근대독자를 객관적으로 분석해 낼 수 있도록 하는 큰 틀을 지속적으로 제공할 것이라고 기대할 수 있을 것이다. The goal of this paper is to compare readers of Modern Korea with those of Modern China and Modern Japan. It is very important to compare readers among the literatures in East Asia. East Asia had received so called “Western Literatures” as a Modernity in the age of modern Enlightenment. In China, <巴黎茶花女遺事>, translated La Dame aux camelias(1848, by Alexandre Dumas Fils), was most popular of East Asia. Chinese people fell in love with <巴黎茶花女遺事>. because it had taught real western love. The love from love was very different from old chinese love. Hoewever in Japan, <椿姬> was stopped in serial novel in the newspaper <Manjobo> La Dame aux camelias. Because Japanese readers had divided two types; one was the male-type reader, the other was the female-type reader. Therefore <椿姬> was disregarded by both of all. A term ‘love’ was a concept that Empire Japan had transmitted western term ‘love’ to colonized Chosun. The word ‘love’ symbolizes modernity in western. Chunhee(La Dame aux camelias, 1848, by Alexandre Dumas Fils) is a issuing novel. The work, Chunhee is a story not dealing with normal men and women, but prostitutes. Chunhee had carried in the newspaper, ?Maeil-sinbo? from September 21, 1917. to January 16, 1918. This novel had already flow into Japan and China. It had influenced them the sensation of ‘Modern Love’. However since the space was different, it was different to be influenced. The term ‘love’ had translated as ‘to love’ in colonized Chosun in 1910"s. It means not as a noun, but as a verb. Therefore ‘to love’ is totally different from an concept ‘love’ in the past. It was included all of behaviors that loved and acted between men and women. The term, ‘love’ was changing owing to the term of modern love, ‘to love’. In the first place, ‘love’ was just the concept of presenting about emotions. As time goes by, It had been turned into the concept of presenting about love behaviors. After all, this term had begun to include the eruption of desires in colonized female readers. ‘To love’ that mixed with behaviors and desires in 1910"s had prepared 1920"s, as a era of ‘to love’. This concept is “love of sphere of knowledge”.

      • 요양병원 간호사의 일반적 특성에 따른 동료지지 및 전문직 자아개념 인식 차이에 관한 연구

        전은경 ( Jun Eun-kyoung ) 한국노인의료복지학회 2018 노인의료복지연구 Vol.10 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences in colleague supports and professional self-concept level, peer support by the general characteristics of nurses in nursing home, which could be an effective way to improve the quality of patients' lives. The results of this study are as follows. First, the level of peer support level was the highest among the subcategories of career opportunity items, followed by social affiliation, attachment, trustful alliance, and advice. The level of professional self-concept showed the highest level of knowledge items, followed by leadership, relationship with members, and care items. Second, the results of the differences in peer supports by the general characteristics were analyzed to be statistically insignificant in terms of age, final education, work type, clinical career, hospital history, education experience. There was a significant difference in the level of peer supports by the position of the study subjects, such as attachment, social affiliation, care opportunities, trustful alliance. And the degree of 'helping peer in job related matters' was high. Third, the results of professional self-concept difference by their general characteristics were not statistically significant in age, final education, job title, clinical career, care hospital experience, education experience, and cohabitation experience.

      • KCI등재

        유학생 잡지 『대한흥학보』와 문학 독자의 형성

        전은경(Jun, Eun-kyung) 국어국문학회 2014 국어국문학 Vol.- No.169

        『대한흥학보』는 〈태극학회〉, 〈대한학회〉, 〈공진회〉, 〈연구회〉 등 총 4개의 유학생회가 모여 만든 대한흥학회의 학회지로 1909년 3월 20일부터 1910년 5월 20일까지 총 13호가 간행되었다. 유학생들의 잡지였던 만큼 쓰는 자와 읽는 자의 구분이 크지 않았다. 즉 잡지에 투고하는 사람도 유학생이었고, 읽는 사람도 유학생이었기에 『대한흥학보』는 필자이자 독자인 쓰는 자=읽는 자가 교합되는 상호교통의 장이기도 했다. 학술적 지식을 소통하는 공간이면서, 문학의 장으로도 활용되었다. 〈문학〉에서 특이한 점은 초창기에는 〈詞藻〉 등을 통해 한시가 주류를 이루었다가 후반기로 가면서 〈文苑〉, 〈散錄〉 등을 통해 산문이 강화되고 있다는 것이다. 문체 역시 한문이 주류였다가 후반기로 갈수록 단어형 국한문 내지 순한글로 바뀌고 있다. 즉 시에서 산문으로, 한문에서 국문으로 바뀌면서 점점 문학란이 확장되어 갔다. 이는 유학생들의 이중적인 고민에서 배태된 현상으로 이해할 수 있다. 국가의 독립과 존립이라는 당위적인 의무라는 측면과, 개인적인 유학생 스스로의 사적인 문제가 부딪치면서 감정의 표출이 산문으로 드러나게 된 것이다. 이러한 공통의 감정을 토대로 근대 문학이 태동하게 되고, 『대한흥학보』는 〈소설〉란을 개념화하여 배치하게 되었다. 즉 근대 소설의 형성은 작가의 탄생일 뿐만 아니라, 그것을 소화하고 향유하는 독자층이 동반자적으로 형성되었고, 동시에 이는 잡지의 독자층이 형성하고 있는 공통감이라는 매체의 특수한 상황과 매개되면서 확대 재생산된 것으로 볼 수 있을 것이다. The Magazine Daehanhunghakbo 『大韓興學報』 was a magazine published by 〈Daeganhunghakhui〉 that was the academic society for Korean students studying in Japan. Four academic societies of Korean students studying in Japan were integrated into the academic society, 〈Daeganhunghakhui〉. Four academic societies were 〈Taegukhui〉, 〈Daehanhakhui〉, 〈Gongjinhui〉, and 〈Younguhui〉. The Magazine Daehanhunghakbo were published thirteen volumes from 20th Mar. in 1909 to 20th May in 1910. Korean students studying in Japan were caught between Korea and their sense of desires. They started to manifest their desires and feelings in literature and write in prose in Korean. According to The Reader, the Text, the Poem written by Louis M. Rosenblatt, editors’ desires and readers’ had caused “the transaction” with each other in the Magazine Daehanhunghakbo 『大韓興學報』. Finally Lee Guang su’s first short novel, Mujung was published in The Magazine Daehanhunghakbo 『大韓興學報』. Jin hak moon had also written a short novel, Yojouhan(四疊半) that had showed the troubles and emotion of Korean students studying in Japan. Therefore Literatures connect with their lives, their society, and readers through the transaction among each others.

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