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      • KCI등재

        전통적 역산천문학의 단절과 근대천문학의 유입

        전용훈 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2012 한국문화 Vol.59 No.-

        This article examines the procedure of the discontinuance of traditional astronomy and the introduction to modern astronomy. The former is examined through the changes of official annual almanacs the government published and the latter is studied based on the Western books that were imported and textbooks on astronomy that were published in Joseon during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Since late 17th century, Siheonryeok 時憲曆(western calendar) was adopted, and Renaissance astronomy was introduced to the traditional calendrical astronomy. The calendrical astronomy in Joseon was developed to the highest level until the end of 19th century and was used in issuing national official almanacs (the annual calendar 日課曆 and the almanac of the seven celestial bodies 七政曆). However, the office for the observation of natural phenomena 觀象所 was abolished by the intervention of Japan at the end of 1907. Unable to be developed anymore, the calendar issue in Joseon was passed on to the charge of Japanese astronomers who had mastered modern astronomy. Publications containing Western astronomical knowledge were also imported, confirming to the movement of adopting the Western culture in late 19th century, and related knowledge was spread by newspapers such as The Hanseong Ten-Daily 漢城旬報 and The Hanseong Weekly 漢城週報. As a basic form of knowledge to discuss world geography, the elementary astronomical knowledge was introduced in geographic publications. However, modern astronomy was not recognized as a professional field of science in Joseon until early 1900. Two books, Chyeonmunhak 天文學(Astonomy) written by Jeong Yeong-taek and Cheonmunyakhae 천문략(Short Explanation of Astronomy) written by William Baird in 1908, which were published as a textbook to teach professional astronomy, show that modern astronomy was finally established in Joseon as one field of professional science.

      • KCI등재

        세종시대 역법 연구와 실용: 중국 역일과 서울 지방시의 결합

        전용훈 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2021 규장각 Vol.58 No.-

        이 논문에서는 세종시대에 진행된 역법 연구와 실용 과정을 통해 조선시대 천문학의 특징을 드러내고자 한다. 분석을 위해서는 조선천문학이 지니고 있던 두 가지 전제 조건을 고려하고자 하는데, 하나는 조공책봉 관계이며 다른 하나는 중국과 조선의 기준지의 차이이다. 조선은 조공책봉 관계의 제약으로 인해 중국의 역일과 일치하는 역일을 생산하고 이를 사용할 수밖에 없었다. 그러나 다른 한편으로 북경과 서울이라는 기준지의 차이로 인해, 일상생활의 시간은 서울기준의 지방시를 사용할 수밖에 없었다. 조선의 역법 실용에는 중국과 일치하는 역일과 서울기준의 지방시가 혼합되게 된 이유가 여기에 있다. 이런 특성을 지닌 조선의 역일과 지방시는 16세기 말의 역서에 고스란히 담겨있다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        고려시대의 曆法과 曆書

        전용훈 한국중세사학회 2014 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.39

        This study deals with the general history of the calendrical calculation system and annual calendar of the Goryeo(高麗) Dynasty, which have hardly been studied because of the lack of records. Along with the official records of the Goryeo Dynasty, Goryeosa(高麗史, Official History of Korea) and Goryeosa-jeolyo(高麗史節要, Essentials of Goryeo History), this study explores various Chinese references and collections of the literary works(文集) of numerous scholars in the Goryeo period(918~1392). First of all, this study clarifies that there were two kinds of annual calendars in Goryeo. One was published by the Goryeo astronomers every year, and the other was submitted to the Goryeo Kingdom by a neighboring kingdom in China as a symbol of investiture under the tribute-investiture system(朝貢-冊封 體制). By collating the arrangement of intercalary months(閏月) of Goryeo with that of neighboring kingdoms, this study shows that the calendrical calculation system of Goryeo was not accordant with the common notion that Goryeo exclusively used Xuanmingli(宣明曆, Extending Enlightenment Calendar) system of the Tang Dynasty from the beginning of the Dynasty to the early 14th Century when the Shoushili(授時曆, Season Granting Calendar) system of the Yuan Dynasty was implemented in Goryeo. Particularly in the 11th Century, when Goryeo paid tribute to Liao, the arrangement of the intercalary months of Goryeo was far more similar to that of Song than Liao, while Liao’s was similar to that of Japan, where the Xuanmingli system was definitely implemented. This study concluded that, in the 1th Century at least, Goryeo used a different system from Xuanmingli. Goryeo introduced the Shoushili system from Yuan China and issued its annual calendar from the year of 1309, and this practice continued into the Joseon(朝鮮) Dynasty. The annual calendar of Goryeo was often called Dongjiryeok(冬至曆) because it was issued on the day of the winter solstice. The style of the calendar is thought to be typical Juzhuli(具注曆, annotated calendar), which combined the two main contents, the calendrical dates(曆日) and the fortune note(曆注), for conducting daily life. Annual calendars were issued to the government offices and bureaucrats, and intellectuals exchanged them as a gift.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        문신제거술을 시행한 소년원 수용 소녀들의 문신제거전후의 심리적인 변화

        전용훈,김지혜,김근향,한우상,김재중,오갑성,하범준,현원석,김이영 대한성형외과학회 2002 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.29 No.3

        Tattooing has been practised since pre-Christian times, as an object of both fascination and revulsion. In the Present day, body tattoo has been a flourishing and contemporary teen issue. Adolescents have discovered tattoos as a means of self-expression. Due to the external characteristics of the tattoo however, a lot of researchers have shown their interest and done various researches. The examination of the psychological characteristics of the tattooed people revealed that a lot of people have psychological problems, the tattoos revealing the person's deviated image. As a result, several attempts have been made to try and correlate tattoos with the psychiatric diagnoses such as schizophrenia or personality disorder, or with adverse social circumstances such as poverty. The subject of tattoo removal is as old as the history of tattooing itself. Plastic surgeons have witnessed numerous tragic instances where a tattoo has caused hardship, including diminished employment prospects, even loss of love and affection from family and friends and, very commonly, loss of self-esteem. For this reason, the bearers of tattoo often consider the inevitable scarring left by tattoo removal as a preferable alternative. Past techniques of removing tattoos, using corrosive agents or skin graft, have been universally unsuccessful, or certainly less than satisfactory. But, currently laser therapy has been introduced into the market to remove tattoos.As a result, a lot of people have visited hospitals to get tattoos removed. In addition, many of those who had tried to hide the fact that they had tattoos, have been given the opportunity to express their feelings, and rate their psychological statements. This research enables to find the best approach to the person's psychiatric point of view, by objectively observing the person's psychological characteristics and psychological changes after the tattoo removal.

      • KCI등재후보

        19세기 조선의 曆算 매뉴얼 『推步捷例』

        전용훈 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2014 규장각 Vol.44 No.-

        『推步捷例』(古7300-8)는 19세기의 천문학자이자 수학자인 南秉吉(1820~1869)이 1861년에 편찬하고 간행한 것으로, 관상감의 관원들이 時憲曆法에 따라 천체의 위치를 계산하고 일용역서를 작성하는 데에 사용하기 위해 편찬한 역산 매뉴얼이다. 각종의 수표를 이용하여 원하는 계산을 간단하고 빠르게 하기 위한 계산의 과정을 제시하고 있을 뿐, 계산법에 적용된 수학적 원리나 천문학적 의미에 대한 이론적인 설명은 전혀 없다. 규장각한국학연구원에 소장된 『推步捷例』와 『七政步法』(奎12508), 그리고 『作曆式』(奎12506)이라는 책을 상호 대조해보면, 『推步捷例』는 『七政步法』과 『作曆式』의 합본으로부터 영향을 받아 성립한 책으로 확인된다. 따라서 『七政步法』(奎12508)과 『作曆式』(奎12506)은 원래 한 권의 책이었으나, 어떤 사정으로 인해 서로 다른 이름으로 분책되었을 가능성이 크다. 또한 『推步捷例』에는 일용 역서에서 날짜별 길흉의기를 나타내는 역주를 기입하는 방법도 수록하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        이동 컴퓨팅 환경에서 멀티미디어 서비스 지원을 위한 적응적 에러 제어 기법

        전용훈,김성조,Jeon Yong-Hun,Kim Sung-Jo 한국정보처리학회 2006 정보처리학회논문지 C : 정보통신,정보보안 Vol.13 No.2

        이동 컴퓨팅 환경은 단말기 휴대성, 무선 통신의 사용. 이동성 지원 등의 특성을 가지고 있다. 이러한 특성으로 인해 적은 자원을 가진 단말기, 높은 오류율, 잦은 접속 단절, 이동으로 인한 환경 변화 둥의 문제가 있다. 이러한 환경에서 멀티미디어 서비스를 제공하기 위해서는 적응적으로 에러를 제어하기 위한 기법이 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 이동 컴퓨팅 환경에서 원활한 멀티미디어 서비스를 제공하기 위한 AEC(Adaptive Error Control) 기법을 제안한다. AEC 기법은 클라이언트의 버퍼에 저장된 데이터의 크기와 오류율을 기준으로 4개의 그룹으로 나누고, 각 그룹별로 MPEG4의 VOP의 특징에 따라 적절한 에러 제어 기법을 적용한다. 클라이언트 버퍼에 저장된 데이터 크기의 임계값은 전송 속도 및 재생 속도, 평균 VOP 크기를 이용하여 설정되고, 오류율의 임계값은 연속도된 패킷에서 에러가 발생하는 경우를 기준으로 설정된다. AEC 기법에 대한 실험은 구축된 클라이언트/서버 환경에서 실제로 동영상을 재생하면서 실행하였다. AEC 기법의 성능을 기존의 에러 제어 기법인 ARQ, FEC, Hybrid ARQ/FEC 기법들과 비교한 결과, ARQ와 FEC 기법보다 더 나은 복구율을 보이고 있으며, Hybrid 기법과 유사한 복구율을 보이고 있다. 또한, 에러 복구 시간은 거의 유사하고, 에러를 복구하기 위해 필요한 데이터의 양은 FEC 및 Hybrid 기법에 비해 23% 정도 줄일 수 있었다. 따라서, AEC 기법은 대역폭이 좁고, 오류율이 가변적인 이동 컴퓨팅 환경에서 좀 더 원활한 멀티미디어 서비스를 제공할 수 있다. Mobile computing has such characteristics as portability, wireless network, mobility, etc. These characteristics cause various problems to mobile terminals like frequent disconnection, high error rate, and varying network status. These problems motivate us to develop an adaptive error control mechanism for supporting multimedia service in mobile computing environment. In this paper, we propose the Adaptive Error Control(AEC) scheme using client's buffer size and current error rate. After categorizing the status into four groups according to client's buffer size and current error rate, this scheme applies an appropriate error control scheme to each status. In this scheme, thresholds of buffer size and error rate are determined by the data transmission time, play rate and average VOP size, and by the probability of error for a sequence of packets. The performance of proposed scheme is evaluated by flaying MPEG-4 files on an experimental client/server environment, respectively. The results show that error correcting rate is similar to other schemes while the time for correcting error reduce a little. In addition, the size of data for correcting error is decreased by 23% compared with FEC and Hybrid FEC, respectively. Theses results demonstrate that the proposed scheme is more suitable in mobile computing environment with small bandwidth and varying environment than existing schemes.

      • KCI등재후보

        최소절개를 통한 천측두근막채취법과 이를 이용한 이개 거상술

        전용훈,현원석,하범준,오갑성 대한성형외과학회 2002 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.29 No.4

        The superficial temporal fascia is a thin, pliable, well- vascularized flap that is useful in elevation of the reconstructed ear of the microtia. However, the elevation of the superficial temporal fascial flap by conventional T or zigzag incisions in temporal region frequently leaves a conspicuous scar, hair thinning and alopecia. To overcome these problems, we harvested the superficial temporal fascia as a random pattern flap using only a retroauricular skin incision line for the ear elevation. Thereafter, the cartilage framework was elevated including superficial temporal fascia and superficial mastoid fascia underneath: dissection plane was continuous with the superficial temporal fascial flap harvest and dissection was performed just beneath the superficial mastoid fascia under the framework. A carved costal cartilage block was grafted at the posterior wall of the concha and covered with the harvested superficial temporal fascial flap, followed by a full-thickness skin graft.From June 2001 to December 2001, 9 patients (male 8 and female 1), who ranged from 9 to 26 years in age, underwent ear elevation using this method. The skin grafts was successful and the appropriate auriculocephalic angle was preserved in all cases. We did not find any complications such as infection, graft loss or cartilage extrusion in the 3 to 9 months follow-up period and the patients were satisfied with their cosmetic results.This method was easy to perform and did not leave any other scar in the temporal hear-bearing area and the results have been favorable.

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