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      • KCI등재

        뉴미디어를 이용한 대학생들의 커뮤니케이션에 관한 연구 : 이동전화의 문자메시지 교환을 중심으로

        장상언 대한일어일문학회 2004 일어일문학 Vol.21 No.-

        本硏究は, 今や成人一人に一台と言われるほど, その普及の自覺ましい携帶電話を媒體としたコミュニケ-ションに關する調査報告である. 言語學サイドからもニュ-メディアを媒體とすコミュニケ-ション硏究が最近盛んに行われてはいるものの, そのほとんどはCMC, つまりコンピュ-タ-を中心にして論じられている. とりわけ, チャットにおける言語表現について, その文法あるいは形態的な規範性に硏究が片寄っている. しかし今日において重要なコミュニケ-ション手段の一つである携帶電話についてはあめる觸れることはないようである. そこで, 本稿では携帶電話による音聲通話やメ-ルのやり取りを中心にして韓國の大學生のコミュニケ-ション行動について論じてみたいと思う. 2003年上半期に釜慶大學の學生256人を對象にアンケ-ト調査を行った結果からその樣子を사いてみたい. ます, インタ-ネット通信との比較からみてみよう. 從來のこのような硏究は主にパソコンによるチャットや電子メ-ルのやりとりに注目ておリ, 移動體通信メディアにはあまリ關心を示していない. しかしながら, 今回の調査で明らかになったことは, 大學生の主なコミュニケ-ションメディあはむしろ携帶電話によるものであリ, とリわkt携帶メ-ルの占のる割合が一番大きかったということである. 相手の屬性別にそのそかコミュニケ-ションの樣子を見る限り, 親疎關係にとって音聲通話と携帶メ-ルの使い分けが著しく目立つと言える. その特徵としては, 親密な關係ほど音聲通話が選擇され, 疎遠な相手には携帶メ-ル好まれると言った傾向を見せている. さらに先輩·後輩の親疎關係によるミユニケ-.ヨンハタ-ンに似ており, 後輩より先輩の方がより親密な關係にあるようである. 性別にみるよ, 男性より女性の方が移動體通信メディアにより依存的で, その活用にも肯定的と言える. メッセ-ジの內容との關わリからみると, 約束や誘いなどのような, 相手の返事を必要とする雙方性コミュニケ-ションには音聲通話が, 애찰やお知らせ, お祝いめメッセ-ジなどの一方性コミュニケ-には携帶メ-ルが用いられる傾向にある. ここでひとつ注目したいのは, メッセの內容による使い分けと相手の屬性による使い分けの間に平衡性が見られるということである. 友人關係とメディア利用率との相關關係も認められる. 友人關係の形成および維持に積極的であるほとメディア利用率は高く, 中でも携帶メ-ルの利用率がもっとも高い. 移動體通信メディア, 特に携帶メ-ルのやりとりにはphatic communionの纖維という機能があって, 學生達に支持されていると言えよう.

      • KCI등재

        간판명의 특징에 관한 연구

        장상언 대한일어일문학회 2014 일어일문학 Vol.62 No.-

        The present article deals with signboard names found and collected in the College Street around Pukyong National University, Pusan, and tries to figure out the unique characteristics from them. I examined some Japanese Language-originated signboard names such as "Itsumo", "Hikaru" and "Aimashow" for examples. It is expected that the signboard names contain the name-giver"s expectation, desire, a sense of value, etc., as usual names contain, but more than other usual names. People may think the signboard names depend on the word meaning to some extent in general. "Itusmo" is represented only in Japanese Language, while "Hikaru" is represented in both Korean and Japanese characters. This means that these kinds of signboard representation recall the image of houses as something that concerned with Japan-related something, independently from the word meaning of signboard name itself. The image which receivers have is owed greatly by the visual image of the signboard characters. The name givers might have some expectation to produce as they wished to, by the word meaning they used. The word "Hikaru" has very clear word meaning, which means "to flash" or "to shine", though it only refers the house itself without any implication of the meaning. Thus, the verb "Hikaru" functions as a proper noun, so to speak a house name. The same may be said of others, that is, the adverb "Itsumo" which means "always" or "at all times", and polite form of invitation "Aimashow" which means "Let"s meet" or "Shall we meet". Here I strongly argue that these kinds of names send images as if they talk to the receiver, we say it "katari kakeru" in Japanese equivalent for "to talk to". And I would name this type of signboard naming "epic naming". The "epic naming" is widely used in Korea, for instance "chin"gu-ya hanjan haja(hey, dude, let"s have a drink)" "gunyo-nun yeppotta(she was so beautiful)" "hiya-ga charin bapsang(meals that Jill prepared for you)" and so on, and hence it influences to the naming practice for the foreign language-originated signboard name. In other words, indigenous naming to Korea was transferred to foreign language-originated signboard naming.

      • KCI등재

        간판명에 나타나는 혼종화에 관하여

        장상언 대한일어일문학회 2015 일어일문학 Vol.68 No.-

        This paper tries to examine the rhetorical usage of name in signboard, and also to discuss about the change of notation in proper noun as a signboard name. Signboard names dealt with here were mainly found and collected in the College Street around Pukyong National University, Pusan in 2012. And some material collected at somewhere in Pusan and Osaka was used complementarily to the College Street signboard names. Change is likely to occur in Proper names, unlikely common nouns. I will describe here mainly the changing situation of notation, not the meaning and name itself of signboard name. There are some different notation types of signboard name such as Japanese Hiragana, Korean Hangul and Romanized characters. The choice of notation type is solely depending on name giver’s strategy and intent. But from the viewpoint of Communication Science, message decoding is strongly dependent on the citizen namely addressee rather than name giver namely addresser, separately from the intent of name giver. There is an interesting example that has been changed from the original Hiragana notation in 2012 to the new Hangul notation in the short period of less than one year. There might be the name giver’s intent of evoking sound image, changing from the visual information. With the lack of knowledge about Japanese words, citizens will fail to cope with the name giver’s intent, rather strongly imagine Japanese atmosphere according to the indigenousness of name itself. In other words, the connotational Japanese image is stronger than the denotational name giver’s intent. Signboard names of Korea greatly different from them of Japan in the signboard name component. Signboard names in Korea tend to contain store category as their component while the Japanese does not. Some names have category component explicitly in them, and others have rhetoric expression to express their store category. For example, ‘Chikin ul kaempinghada’ (literally, "We are camping chicken" We are making chicken at a camp) means cooking chicken with metaphor, and ‘Makkulida’ (to be drawn to) is metonymically associated with maggulli, the Korean rice wine. These are what I have been arguing as epic naming. The most interesting and notable point is that indigenous naming to Korea is transferred to foreign language-originated signboard naming.

      • KCI등재

        언어행동에 관한 연구 - 문자메시지에 의한 커뮤니케이션 행동 -

        장상언 동북아시아문화학회 2010 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.23

        This is a report about university students' communication behavior mediated through cellular phones. Sometime ago, I published a paper on university student's communication behavior, and from the study I found out that cell phone SMS (short message service) is the media for communication supported most by students. This time, I have done a survey about how to use the cell phone SMS, and examined students' communication behavior. I can point out as follows from the analysis of this survey. Students tend to use their voice call and SMS appropriately by a degree of intimacy relation with their counter part. For example, voice calls tend to be chosen when their partners are close ones; on the other hand, they prefer SMS for partners who are not familiar. And I also analyzed contents of their SMS for the purpose of understanding students’ politeness strategy. When students send SMS of refusal against partner's request, they express apology first. This means that Korean students tend to have a strategy of negative politeness to preserve their partner's negative face. In general, it is said that emoticons are widely used when SMSing between university students. Concerning on the usage of emoticons, I would say that appropriate use of emoticons is occurred according to the social or psychological distance with their partners, and it should be counted as a strategy in refusal behavior.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        화교학생들의 언어생활에 관한 연구 : 한국의 바이링구얼

        장상언 대한일어일문학회 1998 일어일문학 Vol.10 No.-

        韓國には4万人とも言われる定住外國人集團があり、固有の言語と文化をもって生活を營んでいる。歷史的經緯から韓國に定住してきた華僑である。しかし、彼等は民族的單一性の强い韓國では異質の存在として、正堂な評價をされていない。ここでは、從來あまり關心の向けられることのなかった華僑たちの言語生活を把握することにより、彼等の實態に道りたいと思う。華僑高級中學校 (學校) の學生を對象に彼等のバイリソガルの實態を調べた。 その結果、まず、バイリソガル化がかなり進んでいること、場面や話し相手により微妙にコ一ドスイツチソグを行っていることなどがわかった。言語の自己表出機能について見た結果は、在日韓國人や在美韓國人における傾向とは違う、彼等の言語行動の特徵をよく表している。韓國語による夢や獨り言、비悲鳴がある一方で、數え方と計算は中國語によって實現されるという、見事な對立を見せている。すでにモノリソガル化した在日韓國人とは對照的に、彼等はバイリソガルとしての可能性を秘めているのである。 しかし、その一方で中國語の話せない學生が增えているとの懸念の聲もある。學生たちの家庭內での言語行動のうち、同世代か友達との會話では韓國語の使用割合が高く、特に、母親との會話では韓國語の使用が顯著である。つまり、彼等を取り卷く社會環經とともに、韓國人の母親の增加により、今後韓國語にさらされる傾向はますます强まるであろう。彼等の接している言語媒體もほとんど韓國語によるものである。 マイナ一言語である母語のしっかりした基礎づけは、メジャ一言語の韓國語の習得に欠かせない條件であり、2言語による高度の言語運用能力 (認知や思考等) の土台になるのである。彼等は、最も大切にすべき文化項目として、5割以上の人が中國語を支持し、母語維持に强い關心を示した。その一方では8割近くの人が韓國人に對して否定的イメ一ジを持っている。家庭狀況と社會環境、傳統文化維持と對韓國人イメ一ジの狹間では中途判斷なバイリソガルにしかなりえないであろう。 ネウストプニ一が言っているとおり、少數民族、移民、あるいは他の外國人がバイカルチュラルになねと同時に、「我??」もそうならなければならない。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        새로운 미디어(SNS)에 의한 언어행동 연구-대학생을 대상으로 한 설문을 중심으로-

        장상언 동아시아일본학회 2018 일본문화연구 Vol.0 No.65

        이 연구는 대학생들의 새로운 미디어 이용 형태와 SNS의 사용에 따른 언어행동의 영향에 대해 기술한 것이다. 한국의 SNS는 거의 카카오톡으로 통일되었다고 해도 과언이 아니다. LINE이나 Facebook, Twitter의 이용 비중이 높은 일본과는 아주 대조를 보인다. 이번 연구에는 카카오톡을 포함한 세 개의 채널을 중심으로 대학생들의 언어행동에 대해 살펴보았다. 그리고, SNS의 사용 확대와 함께 이모티콘 또는 스티커의 활용이 늘어났으므로, 이모티콘의 사용이 커뮤니케이션 행동과 메시지에 어떤 영향을 주는지에 대해서도 살펴보았다. 요약하면, 상대에 대한 적극적 배려가 필요한 경우에는 음성통화보다는 카카오톡을 상대적으로 더 많이 선택한다. 한편 소극적 배려가 필요한 경우에는 반대로 상대적으로 음성통화가 더 늘어나는 경향이 있다. 그리고, 이모티콘의 사용이 메시지에 대한 신뢰에 영향을 준다는 결과가 나왔다. 이모티콘이 들어간 메시지에 대해 수신자는 친근감을 느끼는 반면, 메시지에 대한 신뢰는 이모티콘이 없는 메시지에 비해 상대적으로 낮게 나타났다.

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