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      • 클러스터 파일 시스템을 위한 채널 본딩 기반 VI-GM 통신 모듈 개발

        장기성 충남대학교 대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The overall performance of Cluster File System is primarily dependent on the bandwidth between cluster nodes. The most used network protocol is TCP/IP. However this protocol overhead results from context switch and data copy between the user and the kernel spaces. So, user-level protocols such as VIA are suitable for communication among cluster nodes. Recently Myrinet, including ServerNet, QNet, SCI(Scalable Coherent Interface) are used at the interconnection of cluster nodes. The communication module presented in this thesis utilizes VI-GM(Virtual Interface Architecture over GM), which is a port of VIA (Virtual Interface Architecture) on top of GM over Myrinet. A channel bonding mechanism enables two or more network interfaces to act as one, simultaneously increasing the bandwidth and providing redundancy. In this paper, we propose channel bonding based VI-GM communication module for cluster file system. Eventually, Through performance test, the proposed communication module is verified competitive.

      • 구름접촉피로시험을 통한 철도레일 연마량 분석

        장기성 서울과학기술대학교 철도전문대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        일반적으로 구름접촉피로 및 마모는 레일과 차륜의 반복적인 접촉에 의해 발생되는 현상으로 차량의 고속화에 대비하기 위해 지속적인 연구가 진행되고 있다. 철도 차량의 고속화는 전 세계적인 추세이며, 300km/h이상의 속도로 주행 가능한 차량이 계속적으로 개발되고 있고 국내에서는 최고속도 430km/h의 차세대 고속열차를 개발중에 있다. 하지만 차량의 고속화에 따른 접촉압력의 증가는 레일표면의 구름접촉피로손상의 발생빈도를 높게 하고, 이러한 레일의 손상은 승차감, 소음, 주행 안정성과 밀접한 연관이 있어 매우 중요하게 다루어 지는 요소이다. 이에 따라, 레일손상을 예방하고 제어하기 위해 국내외에서는 레일 탐상차 및 종합검측차 운행과 레일연마기준 및 교체기준을 마련하여 운영하고 있다. 특히, 국외 철도선진국의 경우 경제성, 유지보수효율성 등을 고려하여 주기적인 레일연마를 시행하고 있으며, 자체 운영환경을 고려한 레일연마기준을 수립하여 적용하고 있다. 국내의 경우에는 도시철도 및 고속철도를 중심으로 국외 적용된 기준들을 그대로 준용하여 사용하고 있어 과학적인 근거 수립이 필요한 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 실제 KTX차륜과 UIC60레일의 동일한 크기와 물성치로 ABAQUS를 이용하여 모델링 한 후, 정적윤중과 300km/h에 대한 동적윤중에 대하여 차륜의 위치별 접촉압력을 산정하였으며, 산정된 접촉압력을 구름접촉피로시험(RCF, Rolling Contact Fatigue Test)에 적용시켜 구름접촉피로 손상을 파악하고 적정 연마량을 산정하였다. The rail surface defects which are generated on repeated rolling contact fatigue are getting increased according to high speed, high density, and minimum weight. In addition, Increasing noise and vibration are affected by these also impact load generated as well. Because of this phenomenon, more serious and critical damages were occurred. In fact, in order to control them, the rail grinding were conducted. However, there are not enough researches to make an criteria of generating optimal rail grinding amount in Korea. This study evaluated how depth of hardening on rail surface is formed and suggested optimal rail grinding amount by RCF(rolling contact fatigue) test with generated contact pressure between KTX wheel and UIC60 rail by applying FEM analysis. Therefore, the amount was generated approximately 0.2mm/20MGT to maintain integrity of rail surface by getting rid of depth of hardening on rail according to rail accumulated passing tonnage.

      • 抵當擔保證券 流動化를 爲한 法的 檢討

        장기성 대구대학교 사회복지개발대학원 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In this context, this study is composed of legal conditions for operating mortgage system, building the methodology of mortgage securitization, publicating mortgage-backed securities (MBS). This study focuses on presenting the legal sides for mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and its stable settlement. This study is carried out on the basis of analysis on the realities of Korean housing finance and social & legal environment to operate mortgage system. Housing finance in Korea is in instability of fund gathering, in inefficiency of fund circulation, and in poorness of credit reinforcement. And the environmental conditions for operating mortgage system turn out to be so poor in legal sides. Most of all, the rational strategics in institutional · legal sides should be devised in order to improve the existing conditions in mortgage operation. In addition, building the mortgage broking institutions and its activation require enhancing official credibility of the institutions, developing highly technological financial technics, and supporting taxational mechanism. Easy access to housing loans due to the expansion of housing fund supply by primary lenders and increase in affordability to purchase house with relatively small amount of down payment, due to a higher loan to value ratio (LTV). With mortgages gaining greater liquidity through securitization, banks and other financial institutions will be able to make low-interest loans with maturity ranging from 20 to 30 years. The government inaugurated the establishment of a financial corporation that would issue mortgage-backed securities to revive the ailing housing industry, a top party official. The Korea Mortgage Corporation (KOMOCO) is a new financial institution inaugurated on September 21, 1999 according to the Mortgage-Backed Securitization Company Act enacted on January 29, 1999 to promote the national economy through long-term and stable supply of housing finance. The Korea Mortgage Corporation (KOMOCO), an independent housing finance organization comprising both government and private financial institutions, issued mortgage-backed securities (MBS) for the first time in Korea on April 7, 2000. The volume issued reached 397.6 billion won with maturities ranging from 6 months to 6 years. The average annual interest rate was 9.5 percent with a range extending from 8.2 to 10.1 percent. The funds raised by this issuance will be used to both assist buyers with process payments and construction companies with additional financing for small-sized apartments to be rented or sold. All of the mortgage-backed securities (MBS) issued on April 7, 2000. were sold in one shot to the following financial institutions: Farmers's Bank, Kookmin Bank, Foreign Exchange Bank, Shinhan Bank, Samsung Life Insurance Company, Jaeil Life Insurance Company, and Samsung Life Investment Company. The successful issuance of mortgage-backed securities (MBS) has significant implications for the nation's economy. First, the liquidation of the housing loan market will remarkably expand the usable volume of funds available to construct housing. Secondly, by being provided securities with various maturities, the nation's bond market will be nurtured; subsequently, the interest rates in the bond market will be stabilized. Lastly, the increased sensitivity of housing construction to the interest rate will enable the government to more effectively manage monetary policy. Issuance of mortgage-backed securities (MBS) extend the base of housing finance through long-term and stable supply of housing fund, which eventually leads to sound development of national economy. The Mortgaged-Backed Securitization Law established by on October 16, 1998. The Mortgaged-Backed Securitization Company Act established by on May 24, 1999. Thereafter, the Mortgaged-Backed Securitization Law was amended on January 21, 2000. A set of this amended process in legal sides followed as, First, this amended law became involved the principle of a collateral law in korea. because a collateral converted into a mortgage, it resulted from fixing loan amount. from a point of debtor' view, the rights and interests of a debtor was apt to be injured, although a mortgagee had shifted into anther, he could not intervene his will. Secondly, the Mortgaged-Backed Securitization Law didn't reflect the distinct qualities of the mortgage-backed securities (MBS), because the Mortgaged-Backed Securitization Law included liquidity of all asserts. These problems should be necessarily overcome to operate mortgage naturally and to activate it as an ideal means to solve the problems of korean housing finance. The Mortgaged-Backed Securitization Law included the special case regarding transfer and registration of the mortgage-backed securities (MBS). But it is a disturbance of basic principle of registration in case of transfer by any legal action in Korea and can not deny that might be opportunism. To settle these problems, I insisted on creating a new real right as a similar system of the Circulated Mortgage, the Owner's Mortgage or the Land Debt in German Civil Law, denying the independence of the mortgage for more efficient and reasonable liquidation of the mortgage-backed securities (MBS), and admitting the public confidence to make possible for the liquidation of a mortgage. Also, if it is difficult to legislate the Real Estate Registration Law to earn the public confidence, I have recommended a system as Title Insurance in America to complement the public confidence of the mortgage, and I had recommended a system as the powerful individuals as public notary or special institutions to establish the public confidence, for investigating the realistic registration status of the real estate in due and strict process, and establishment of particular institutions to burden the responsibility for the result of the investigation. Revisions of the Korean Civil Law or the Real Estate Registration Law is reasonable and idealistic in this situation of Korea to meet the need of the contemporary mortgage system, but I could think of the ways to establish the special exception clause for the articles considering the resistance of peoples agitated by the principles of law in the revised system. If I settle this system as an ideal form to our current circumstances, it will contribute to overcome our current financial crisis, activate depressed housing market, and promote housing supply rate. More deeply and systematical study is required before operating this system.

      • 지방자치단체의 환경분쟁과 구제에 관한 연구

        장기성 동아대학교 대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        환경오염은 전국적으로 동일하게 나타나는 것이 아니라, 질적 양적인 면에서 지역마다 독특한 형태로 나타난다. 특히 우리나라의 경우 지금까지 환경행정을 비롯한 모든 행정이 중앙집권적으로 이루어져 왔고, 이에 따른 국가의 개발정책도 특정지역에 편중되어 이루어졌기 때문에 환경오염 현상도 특정지역에 편중되어 있다. 따라서 국가의 일률적이고 정형적인 규제조치만으로는 공장밀집지역이나 도시지역의 고밀도 공해나 국지적인 특수 공해에 대처하기는 어렵다고 하겠다. 또한 효율적인 환경행정을 펼치기 위해서는 각종의 다각적인 규제조치를 강구하여야 하고 또 토지이용의 적정화나 환경오염 방지사업의 실시 등을 유기적으로 관련지어 종합적인 대책을 수립하여 이를 수행할 필요성이 강력이 요청되는 데, 국가차원에서의 환경행정을 펼치기에는 그 관할권이 각 부처간에 복잡하게 얽혀있어 체계적인 시행이 아주 곤란하다. 그런데 지방자치단체는 주민에게 밀착한 주민본위의 행정을 전개할 수 있고, 지역주민 자신이 자기의 판단과 책임으로 연대하여 사무를 처리할 경우에는 지역의 실정에 맞는 행정을 운영하는 것이 가능하다는 지방자치의 장점에 더하여, 지방자치단체는 원칙적으로 그 장에게 모든 권한이 집중되기 때문에 각종의 다각적인 규제조치 등 종합적인 대책의 수립과 효율적인 환경행정의 집행이 가능하다. 즉, 환경행정이 갖는 성격과 지역주민과의 긴밀성 등을 고려할 때 지방자치단체가 수행하여야 할 환경행정에 대한 역할과 책무는 중대하다고 할 것이고, 당연한 귀결로서 국가를 상대로 한 환경분쟁보다는 지방자치단체를 상대로 한 환경분쟁이 증가하고 있고, 앞으로도 지방자치단체를 대상으로한 환경분쟁의 경향은 더욱 두드러질 것으로 예상된다. 그러므로 지방자치단체가 환경분쟁에서 가지는 지위를 중심으로 환경행정과 피해구제에 있어서의 그 법리의 연구가 필요하다. 이러한 측면에서 지방자치단체를 상대로 한 환경분쟁과, 판례의 태도, 해결방안으로서의 환경분쟁조정제도를 통한 일반적 구제방법과 행정소송법 상의 공법적 구제방법 등이 논의될 수 있다. 사법적 구제를 대체하는 환경분쟁조정제도는 그 신속하고 간단한 해결을 피해자들에게 제공하고 있어 그 활용이 증대되고 있지만 강제집행력이 없는 점 등 다수의 문제점이 있다. 공법적 구제방법에 있어서도 제3자 취소소송에 있어 원고적격의 확대를 통하여 피해구제를 도모하여 왔고, 현행 행정소송법에는 규정되어 있지 않는 의무이행소송, 예방적 부작위소송, 단체소송을 통한 피해구제의 법리와 이 제도들의 도입에 활발한 논의가 진행되어 온 결과 의무이행소송과 예방적 금지소송은 대법원과 정부의 행정소송법개정안에 규정되어 있다. 반면 주민소송은 현재 지방자치법에 제도화되어 있는 민중소송의 하나이다. 현행 행정구제제도는 개인적 법익이 침해된 경우에 비로소 국가기관에 그 구제를 청구할 수 있는 주관적․사후적 권리구제 제도중심으로 되어 있는데 비하여 주민소송은 일정한 사항에 대하여 감사 청구한 주민이라면 개인적 법익의 피해여부와 무관하게 주민소송을 제기할 수 있게 하여, 현행의 주관적․사후적 행정구제제도의 기능과 더불어 객관적․사전적 구제기능도 가지고 있다. 더구나 주민소송은 주민에 의한 민주적인 통제가 가능하고, 원고적격을 포괄적으로 규정하고 있으며, 주민소송의 유형으로서도 4종을 규정하고 있어 다양한 소송유형을 제공하고 있다. 이들 소송유형은 민사소송과 행정소송의 주요한 소송유형이 함께 포함되어 있어 주민들은 당해 사안에서 가장 유효하다고 판단되는 소송유형을 단일 또는 복수로 선택할 수 있으므로 이러한 유용성에서 주민소송은 환경피해라는 공공적 성격을 가지는 사안에 적합한 측면을 가지는 실효성 있는 수단이라고 하겠다.

      • 로마서 10:4의 τέλος νόμου Χριστός의 의미에 관한 연구

        장기성 백석대학교 2011 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Paul the Apostle declares in Romans 10:4 that “τέλος νόμου Χριστός .” What is the meaning of the phrase “te,loj no,mou Cristo,j” in this verse? Historically there have been wide-range different interpretations about this phrase. The meaning of this phrase chiefly depends on what the word no,moj indicates and what the word te,loj means especially. The purpose of this dissertation is to make clear the meaning of “te,loj no,mou Cristo,j” and to look into its connotations (Chap.1). This phrase is a core phrase in Romans 9:30-10:21 and has a very importance in the understanding of Romans’ contents and message (Chap.2). In Chapter 3 I try to find out the meaning of this phrase through investigating the usage of no,moj in Romans and the usage of te,loj in Pauline Epistles respectively. In results, in this phrase no,moj indicates Torah, the Mosaic law and te,loj strongly implies the termination temporally (against Robert Badenas’ contention, that is teleological usage). Accordingly “te,loj no,mou Cristo,j” can be interpreted as the termination of the law. Then what does the termination of the law mean concretely? Next chapters deal with this question. Chapter 4 is an exegetical approach to grasp the exact meaning of “te,loj no,mou Cristo,j” in the context of Romans 9:30-10:21. In this periscope (Rom.9:30-10:21) Paul discusses Israel’s rejection of the righteousness of God revealed in Jesus Christ. Israel, who pursued a law of righteousness, did not attain to the law. Because they pursed it not by faith but as if it were by works (Rom. 9:31-32). Israel had a zeal for God, but not based on knowledge. For, being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own, they did not submit to the righteousness of God (Rom.10:2-3). Paul is contrasting the righteousness which is of the law (the righteousness that Israel pursued) with the righteousness which is of faith (Rom. 10:5-13). Romans 10:4 is a Paul’s response to this Israel’s actual situation. In consideration of this context Paul is speaking in Romans 10:4 of the law as a way of righteousness and is affirming the relation that Christ sustains to this conception. Therefore “te,loj no,mou Cristo,j” means that Christ is the termination of the law as a way of attaining to righteousness. God did not give to Jews the law as a way (or means) of attaining to righteousness. But Israel considered the Torah as a way of righteousness. Christ is the termination of the law. By Christ the salvation history was definitely changed. The era of the law was terminated in the redemptive history through Christ. The era of the New Covenant prophysied by Jeremiah (Jer.31:31-34) was started through Christ Jesus. The tragedy of Israel was that they did not know the limit of the law in the salvation history and they did not receive Jesus Christ the Saviour in faith. Christ is the termination of the law. This does not mean that the law was abolished by Christ. The law is God’s will (Rom.2:18). The law is holy, and the commandment is holy and just and good (Rom.7:12). The law is effective to Christians as a rule (and as a norm) of life permanently in spite of the coming of new era of salvation through Jesus Christ. Christians are still under the obligation of observing the law. So we Christians establish the law(Rom. 3:31). Therefore the interpretation of the phrase “te,loj no,mou Cristo,j” as “Christ is the termination of the law” does not deny continuity between the law and Christ (and between Old Testament and New Testament). Chapter 5 is a study of tracing the meaning of “te,loj no,mou Cristo,j” in the light of Paul’s Damascus experience(Ac. 9:1-9; 22:1-21; 26:1-23). Paul’s experience of Christophany in the Damascus road was an incident of bringing about his conversion and of receiving God’s call to preach the gospel to the Gentiles. In this chapter I examine “The New Perspective on Paul” and criticize E.P. Sanders’ “covenantal nomism”, James D.G. Dunn’s view about “the works of law” in Paul’s letters(Rom. 3:20, 28; Gal. 2:26; 3:2, 5, 10), and N.T. Wright’s “reinterpretation of the Paul’s doctrine of justification” as erroneous assertions. I conclude that although Judaism in the first century (A.D.) had diverse aspects in relation to the law the mainstream of Judaism (and Paul’s position) was legalism. From a viewpoint of change of Paul’s understanding of the law after Damascus experience it is proper to interpret the meaning of “te,loj no,mou Cristo,j” same as in chaps. 3-4. Christ is the termination of the law as a way of attaining to righteousness. However the commandments of the law are God’s words which Christians should observe them according to the power of the Holy Spirit (Rom.8:4). The law is an expression of God’s will, especially an expression of love. He that loves his neighbor has fulfilled the whole law, the law of Christ (Rom.13:8,10; Gal.5:14;6:2). Jesus Christ is the termination of the law as a way of attaining to righteousness. No one will be justified by works of the law (Rom. 3:20; Gal. 2:16; 3:11). A man is justified by faith apart works of the law (Ac.13:39; Rom.3:28; Gal.2:16). Salvation comes from only by God’s grace through faith in Christ Jesus and not by works (Eph. 2:8-9). There is no other name (execpt Jesus Christ) under heaven given men by which we must be saved (Ac. 4:12). “The gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith’.”(Rom.1:16-17)

      • 비만 마우스의 트레드밀 운동과 식이 변화가 지방세포의 adipogenic과 lipogenic markers에 미치는 영향

        장기성 동아대학교 2016 국내박사

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        본 연구는 고지방식이로 유도된 비만 마우스를 대상으로 8주간 트레드밀 운동처치와 식이변화를 통해 지방세포 핵내 adipogenic markers 즉, lipin-1, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ(PPARγ), CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein α(C/EBPα), lipoprotein lipase (LPL) 그리고 fatty acid binding protein 4(FABP4)와 지방세포 세포질내 lipogenic markers 즉, lipin-1, diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT) 그리고 triacylglyceride(TAG)에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 규명하기 위해 본 연구를 실시하였다. 4주령 수컷 C57BL/6 mouse 50마리를 분양받아 정상식이군(normal diet group : ND, n=10)과 고지방식이군(high fat diet group : HF, n=40)으로 분류하여, 45% 고지방식이를 통해 8주간 비만을 유도하였다. 비만이 유도된 후 ND군은 정상식이를 유지, HF군은 고지방식이 유지군(high fat diet sedentary group : HFS, n=10), 고지방식이 + 트레이닝군(high fat diet plus training group : HFT, n=10), 식이변화군(dietary change group : DC, n=10), 그리고 식이변화 + 트레이닝군(dietary change plus training group : DCT, n=10)으로 재분류하여, 8주간 각 그룹별 처치를 시행하였다. 45% 고지방식이를 통해 비만을 유도한 결과 3주차부터 8주차까지 HF군이 ND군에 비해 체중이 유의하게(p<0.05) 높게 나타났다. 혈중 지질성분의 경우 DCT군에서 triglycerol(TG), total cholesterol(TC), 그리고 low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-c)이 HFS군에 비해 유의하게(p<0.05) 낮게 나타났으며, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c)는 HFS군에 비해 유의하게(p<0.05) 높게 나타났다. 지방세포의 핵에 위치한 lipin-1, PPARγ, C/EBPɑ, LPL 그리고 FABP4는 HFS군에 비해 DCT군이 유의하게 (p<0.05) 낮게 나타났다. 지방세포 세포질에 위치한 lipin-1, DGAT 그리고 TAG는 HFS군, HFT군 그리고 DC군에 비해 DCT군이 유의하게 (p<0.05) 낮게 나타났다. 규칙적인 유산소운동과 식이변화의 복합처치는 adipogenic 및 lipogenic markers를 효과적으로 조절함으로써, 고지방식이로 유도된 비만의 경우, 규칙적인 유산소운동과 식이변화의 복합처치가 지방세포의 분화 및 성숙을 효과적으로 억제할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of 8-week treadmill training and dietary change on nuclear adipogenic markers (lipin 1, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ [PPARγ], CCAAT/ enhancer-binding protein α [C/EBPα], lipoprotein lipase [LPL], and fatty acid-binding protein 4 [FABP4]) and cytoplasmic lipogenic markers (lipin 1, diacylglycerol acyltransferase [DGAT], and triacylglyceride [TAG]) in adipocytes of mice with high-fat diet-induced obesity. Fifty 4-week-old male C57BL/6 mice were purchased and allocated into a normal diet group (ND, n = 10) and a high-fat diet group (HF, n = 40). Obesity was induced in the mice in the HF group by feeding the mice with 45% high-fat diet for 8 weeks. Then, while the mice in the ND group maintained a normal diet, the mice in the HF group were regrouped into the following subgroups: high-fat diet sedentary group (HFS, n = 10), high-fat diet plus training group (HFT, n = 10), dietary change group (DC, n = 10), and dietary change plus training group (DCT, n = 10). Each group was treated accordingly for 8 weeks. After consuming a 45% high-fat diet for 8 weeks, the mice in the HF group showed significantly higher body weight than those in the ND group (p < 0.05) from the third to the eighth week. Regarding blood lipids, the DCT group had significantly lower levels of triglycerol (TG), total cholesterol (TC), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-c) than the HFS group (p < 0.05), but had significantly higher high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c) levels than the HFS group (p < 0.05). Regarding nuclear lipin 1, PPARγ, C/EBPɑ, LPL, and FABP4 in adipocytes, the levels were significantly lower in the DCT group than in the HFS group (p < 0.05). Regarding cytoplasmic lipin 1, DGAT, and TAG, the levels were significantly lower in the DCT group than in the HFS, HFT, and DC groups (p < 0.05). As the combined treatment of regular aerobic exercise and dietary changes can effectively regulate the expressions of adipogenic and lipogenic markers , such combined treatment will effectively suppress adipocyte differentiation and maturation in obesity induced by a high-fat diet.

      • 영어의 관용적 이항구조 어순제약

        장기성 영남대학교 2010 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 영어에 있어서 이항구조(binomial idioms)를 이루는 전항(first element)과 후항(second element)의 위치제약이 어떤 언어적 기제(mechanism)에 의해서 작동되고 있으며 그리고 그 기제가 어느 정도의 제약성을 가지는지를 규명하는 것이 연구의 목적이다. 이를 위해서 본 연구는 음성·음운론적, 인지적 그리고 빈도수 층위를 설정하여 어떤 언어적 장치들이 어순에 어느 정도로 제약성과 설명력을 가질 수 있는지 기술하였다. 그 결과는 아래와 같다. 1) 음성-음운론적 고찰에서는 P, C¹, V, F, C², C³, CP 등의 원칙들이 이항구조의 어순에 어느 정도의 제약성과 위계를 가지는지를 밝히는데 초점을 맞추었다. 이 고찰에서의 연구결과는 다음과 같다. a) β&#8807;α에서는 P 93.9%, C¹ 82.2%, V 83.8%, F1 70.3%, C² 71.3%, C³ 72.5%, CP 75.8%를 각각 차지했다. 원칙들 간 제약은 P > V > C¹ > CP > C³ > C² > F1 순서 위계를 보였다 (Appendix 1). b) β>α에서는 적중률 면에서 β&#8807;α에 비해서 상대적으로 뒤떨어진 C³(42.1%) > F(38.1%) > P(35.6%) > V(28.7%) > C²(32.7%) > CP(25.4%) > C¹(19.6%) 위계를 보였다(Appendix 2). 2) 다음으로 인지적 고찰에서는 ‘나 먼저 원리’와 ‘자연성의 원리’ 그리고 ‘현저성의 원리’에 기대어 어떤 인지적 언어장치들이 어순에 제약을 가져오는지를 고찰하였다. 인지는 결국 인간정신의 산물로서 언어구조에 어떤 모습으로든 반영됨을 이항구조를 통해서 확인할 수 있었다. 이들 원리들이 적용될 수 있는 이항구조 자체의 양이 제한되어 있고, 다른 한편으로는 개별 이항구조 간에 계층적 위계와 세분화된 기제가 필요한 측면이 있으나, 음성·음운론적 제약의 한계를 극복해주는 대안 가운데 하나의 원칙으로 간주될 수 있었다. 3) 마지막으로 빈도수에 의한 제약이다. Appendix(3)과 Appendix(4)의 통계가 보여주듯이, 빈도수에 의한 어순적중률이 각각 약 78%와 70.7%를 차지함으로써 언어적 통계처리 결과로는 의미 있는 원칙으로 간주 된다 결론적으로 관용적 이항구조의 어순 제약은 기본적으로 음성·음운론적 기제와 인지적 기제에 의해서 설명력을 가질 수 있으나, 본 연구에서는 빈도수에 의한 기제가 이항구조 어순에 보다 적극적인 제약성과 설명력을 가지고 있음을 몇 가지 언어적 장치와 계량적 통계 그리고 분석을 통해서 입증할 수 있었다. Word Order Constraints for English Binomial Idioms The purpose of this study is to investigate what kinds of linguistic mechanisms work on the word order constraints on English binomial idioms and the degree of the constraints imposed by some linguistic mechanisms. Phonetico&#8228;phonological, cognitive, and frequency aspects are explored to describe the degree of the constraints and explanatory adequacy for the binomial word order by some linguistic devices. The results are as follows: 1) A phonetico&#8228;phonological analysis is focused on the degree of constraints and hierarchies exercised upon the word order of binomial idioms by such principles as P, C¹, V, F1, C², C³, and CP. a) In β&#8807;α, principle P accounts for 93.9%, C¹ 82.2%, V 83.8%, F1 70.3%, C² 71.3%, C³ 72.5%, and CP 75.8%. Constraints among the principles follow the order of P > V > C¹ > CP > C³ > C² > F1 (See Appendix 1). b) In β>α, principle C³ accounts for 42.1%, F 38.1%, P 35.6%, V 28.7%, C² 32.7%, CP 25.4%, and C¹ 19.6%. Constraints among the principles follow the order of C³ > F> P > V > C² > CP > C¹ (See Appendix 2). 2) Cognition is reflected in linguistic structures in some way or another as the products of the human mind from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. This study also explores which cognitive linguistic devices put constraints on the binomial word order, using the so-called "Me-First Principle," "Naturalness Principle" and "Salience Principle." It is revealed that the number of binomial idioms where those principles can be applied is limited. Therefore, there is a need for stratified hierarchies and segmented mechanisms among individual binomial idioms, but those cognitive principles can be an alternative to overcoming the phonetico&#8228;phonological limitations. 3) Finally, the study analyzes the limitations using the frequency. As Appendix (3) and Appendix (4) reveal, word order hit rates by the frequency are about 78% and 70.7%, respectively, and so their statistics are regarded as linguistically significant results. In short, phonetico-&#8228;phonological and cognitive mechanisms have some explanatory adequacy for word order constraints on binomial idioms. However, the study proves that a frequency mechanism has more active constraints and more explanatory adequacy for the word orders of binomial idioms than phonetico-&#8228;phonological and cognitive mechanisms, based on some linguistic devices, quantitative statistics and analyses.

      • 박막형 선재를 이용한 무유도 권선형태의 초전도 코일의 교류손실 특성해석

        장기성 연세대학교 대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        최근 여러 나라에서 YBCO 박막형 초전도 선재를 이용하여 저항형 한류기가 개발되고 있다. 저항형 한류기는 이전부터 BSCCO 1세대 초전도 선재를 이용하여 개발되어 왔지만 2세대 YBCO 박막형 선재를 이용한 개발은 이제 본격적인 연구가 시작되고 있다. BSCCO 선재에 비해서 YBCO 박막형 선재는 상대적으로 높은 인덱스 값과 높은 임계전류밀도 등의 특성을 가지고 있다. 따라서 사고전류 발생 시 짧은 시간동안 저항이 발생해야 하는 저항형 초전도 한류기에는 YBCO 박막형 선재가 더 적합하다 할 수 있다. 초전도 한류기는 초전도 전력기기가 갖고 있는 저 손실, 고효율, 경량화, 환경 친화 등의 장점을 갖고 있지만 전력계통의 교류 통전에 따른 교류 손실은 피할 수 없는 손실 중 하나이다. 따라서 저항형 한류기를 제작, 개발함에 있어서 통전손실과 자화 손실과 같은 교류 손실을 감소시키는 것은 냉각부하를 줄이고 안정적이고 고효율의 운전을 이루는데 충분조건이라 하겠다.본 연구에서는 초전도 한류기에 적용되는 무유도 권선 형태의 초전도 코일을 제작하여 교류 손실을 측정하였다. 무유도 권선의 방법은 무유도 솔레노이드 형식과 무유도 팬케이크 형식 두 가지를 사용하였고 권선 방법에 따라 교류 손실의 특성이 다를 것으로 예상 되었다. 교류 손실은 크게 초전도체에 흐르는 전류 자체에 의해 발생되는 통전 손실과 외부 자기장에 의해서 발생되는 자화손실이 있다. 그러나 본 연구의 무유도 권선을 하게 되면 선재 사이의 외부 자기장의 영향은 감소하게 되고 자기 자계에 의한 영향만이 존재하게 된다. 따라서 교류 손실에서도 자화손실은 매우 작아지게 되고 통전손실이 큰 비중을 차지하게 되어서 통전손실을 측정하는 것이 곧 교류 손실을 측정하게 되는 것이라고 할 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 무유도 초전도 코일에 전류를 통전시켜서 발생하는 손실을 측정하고 해석하였다.교류 손실의 측정방법은 크게 세 가지로 분류되는데 자화법, 열량법, 통전법이 있다. 자화법과 열량법은 시편의 종류와 측정하는 손실의 종류가 본 연구와 부합하지 않으므로 본 연구에서는 통전법을 우선으로 하여 실험을 실시하였다. 그리고 실험 방법과 결과의 유효성을 검증하기 위해서 Norris 이론에 따른 계산 값과 비교했다. 그 결과 통전법은 이론값과 유사한 값을 가짐과 동시에 권선 형태에 따른 결과의 예상 결과를 보여줌으로써 손실 측정에 적절히 이용될 수 있음을 보여주었다.위의 실험과 해석 과정을 통해서 YBCO 박막형 선재를 이용하여 송, 배전 급의 초전도 한류기를 개발하였을 때 발생되는 교류 손실을 예측할 수 있을 것으로 예상된다. 부가적으로 한류기뿐만 아니라 무유도 권선형태의 코일이 이용되는 초전도 전력기기의 교류 손실을 예측할 수 있는 방법을 도출할 수 있을 것이고 이에 따른 냉각시스템의 용량 계산과 디자인에 많은 도움을 줄 수 있을 것이다. Recently, the resistive superconducting fault current limiter(SFCL) using YBCO coated conductor has been developed in many country. Before YBCO coated conductor, BSCCO-2223 was used in resistive superconducting fault current limiter. YBCO coated conductor has higher n-value and current density compared with BSCCO-2223. YBCO coated conductor is more appropriate for SFCL because SFCL needs to produce resistance rapidly at fault occurring. As superconducting power equipment, SFCL has many advantages. However, AC loss generated in the superconducting wire is inevitable since most of the power equipments are operated under AC conditions. Thus, reducing AC loss makes SFCL operate more efficiently and stably.In this research, two bifilarly winding coil for SFCL were fabricated and measured AC loss. The methods used to wind coil are non-inductively wound solenoid type and non-inductive pancake type and AC loss in coils were expected to be different with respect to winding type. AC loss is grouped into magnetization loss and transport current loss. Magnetization loss is caused by magnetic field and transport current loss is caused by current flow caused self magnetic field. In bifilarly wound coil, magnetization loss is so very small that it could be ignored and transport current loss is the only loss concerned.Methods to measure the AC loss are grouped into three methods, magnetic, electric and calorimetric method. Because the samples of the magnetic method and calorimetric method are different from the coils fabricated, electrical method was used to measure AC loss of the coils. The research for AC loss of the superconducting coils was conducted for two winding type by measuring AC loss of each coil. The comparison was made for AC loss of non-inductive wound solenoid coil with non-inductive pancake coil. All of the data measured were compared with those calculated by applying the Norris equation. The experiments and comparison yielded the conclusion that the AC loss of the superconducting coils depends on the winding type and electrical method is appropriate for measuring AC loss for the superconducting coils.With the results of the research, the AC loss of transmission or distribution class high temperature superconducting current limiter using YBCO coated conductor can be calculated. In addition to the AC loss of SFCL, the AC loss of the power equipment using non inductive wound coil can be calculated and it will be helpful to calculate the capacity of the cooling system for the power equipment.

      • 獨逸語 動詞의 Valenz理論과 그 應用에 關한 硏究

        장기성 경북대학교 교육대학원 1980 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Hier will ich mir einige Probleme der Valenztheorie, besonders in der theoretischen Ausfiihrung G. Helbigs, U¨berlegen. Theoretische Voraussetzungen sind solche: Ein Satz besteht aus verschiedenen Funktionsgliedern, die hierarchisch miteinander verbunden sind; eins dominiert das andere oder die anderen. Am Gipfel der strukturellen Hierarchie steht das Finitum, ein stets dominierendes, nie dominiertes Satzglied. Andere Glieder im selben Satz sind alle entweder direkt oder indirekt von dem Finitum dominiert. Das wa¨re Grundannahmen der Dependenzgrammatik Die Valenz des Verbs ko¨nnte zuerst einmal seine Fu¨gungspotenz in bezug auf die direkt untergeordneten Glieder bedeuten. Es fragt sich nun, ob man dabei alle "subordine´s imme´diats" aufza¨hlen solle, oder nur solche, die obligatorisch, nicht fakultativ das Finitum begleiten, and damit ein "strukturelles Minimum" bilden. L. Tesnie`re, der zwischen actants and circonstants unterscheidet, gliedert alle Pra¨positionalphrasen als e´quivalents d'adverbes in die letzeren ein, d.h. she Bind alle als nicht Valenzgebunden aus den Valenzbeziehungen ausgeschlossen, was besonders fu¨rs Deutsch eine sehr bestreitbare Unterscheidung wa¨re. Um these obligatorische "Erga¨dnzungstimmung" auszuwa¨hlen, benutzt G. Helbig den "Eliminierungstest"; man streicht namlich ein Glied vom gegebenen Satz weg and pruft, ob der Satzrest trotz der Elimination des betreffenden Gliedes noch vollgrammatisch bleibt oder nicht, soll kraft Kompetenz des native speakers theoretisch stets mo¨glich sein. and nur solche Glieder, deren Eliminierung die Grammatikalita¨t verletzen wu¨rde, erweisen sich als die syntaktisch Notwendigen. Nun bezieht sich aber der Unterschied zwischen den obligatorischen and den fakultativen, frei hinzufu¨gbaren Gliedern nur auf die Oberfla¨chenstruktur, wa¨hrend die Valenzgebundenheit im Grunde eine Angelegenheit der Tiefenstruktur sein soll. Auch ein oberfla¨chlich fakultatives Glied kann valenzgebunden sein, wenn es in der Tiefenstruktur direkt vom Verb abhangt, nach G. Helbig also zu den "engen", aber nicht zu den "freien Verberganzungen" geho¨rt. Man nimmt an, daβ bei der Mitteilung mit einem Verb als Aussagekern einige Satzglieder in bezug auf ihre grammatische Form and ihren semantischen Bereich schon zugleich mit der Auswahl des Verbs determiniert seien. In diesem Aufsatz babe ich einige Probleme and Entwicklungstendenzen der Dependenzgrammatik kritisch darzustellen versucht. Die Theorie der Dependenzgammatik soll sowohl fu¨r die Theorie an and fur sich selbst als auch fu¨r den Deutschunterricht fu¨r Ausla¨nder weiter entwickelt and erga¨nA werden.

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