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      • 정통 개혁파 신학 서론 : 프란키스쿠스 유니우스의 『참된 신학에 대하여(De Theologia Vera)』를 중심으로

        임항 합동신학대학원대학교 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The object of this dissertation is to review De Theologia Vera and investigate what reformed prolegomena to theology is. To achieve the object, This dissertation surveys De Theologia Vera by Franciscus Junius who lived in the 16th century and examines features of it. In chapter Ⅱ, the background of De Theologia Vera is researched first. And then, the whole structure of De Theologia Vera is summarized and drawn in a diagram. After this, the attitude of Junius for this topic is identified, which is not theoretical just as scholasticism but accords with the end of true theology. Junius's demonstrating is introduced answering ‘quid sit’, ‘an sit’, ‘qualis sit’ thereafter. He defines ‘theology’ terminologically, and then verifies the existence of theology by the subject of theology, and consensus of all people about it. To answer ‘qualis sit’, He separates false theology from true theology. After this, what archetypal, and ectypal theologies are explained. And then, a comparative analysis for both and three types of ectypal theologies, ‘The theology of union in Christ’, ‘The theology of vision in the heavens’, ‘The theology of revelation in this life’ are introduced. And then, ‘Natural theology’ and ‘Supernatural theology’, which are two ways of revelation, are compared. Junius's investigation on ‘Absolute theology’ following ‘four causes’ with the greatest care is examined thereafter. And after the explanation of ‘Theology in a subject’ following human's conditions, 'the original state', 'the state of sin', the conclusion is explained. In chapter Ⅲ, three features of De Theologia Vera are identified: ‘The sole subject and communicator of true theology, The Triune God’, ‘Predestined Grace’, ‘Continuity with Synopsis Purioris Theologiae’. Truly, Triune God is the origin, and the object, and the end of true theology, and he communicates it by his predestined grace. Examining Junius's research, this dissertation draws two conclusions. First, Junius doesn't regard true theology as a science but emphasizes that there is no separation between the Word of God and true theology. So that he retraces all the works of true theology, and concludes that it is originated from invisible God, who is most holy and high. Thus, although human's corruption always corrupts it, true theology which is inseparable from the Word of God is as viable as the Triune God gives. Second, Junius distinguishes what is to be attributed to God and what is to be attributed to humans. In doing so, He asserts that only the purest and most high things are attributed to God and only limited and corrupted things to creatures.

      • 하·폐수처리공정 유출수와 매립장 침출수의 TOC 배출 특성

        임항 조선대학교 2020 국내박사

        RANK : 247615

        In this study, TOC in the influent, reactor, effluent and sludge was analyzed to determine the TOC behavior in each process of a public wastewater and sewage treatment plant. Based on the introduction of industrial wastewater TOC effluent standard, the distribution characteristics of organic matter according to the type of business of the wastewater discharge facilities in the workplace were identified. The following conclusions were obtained through the comparison and correlation analysis between the distribution characteristics of the organic matter and the organic contamination index items according to the characteristics of the landfill leachate. 1. As a result of analyzing TOC in the sewage treatment plant, while the average TOC concentration of the influent ranged from 51.4 mg/L to 122.6 mg/L, the TOC concentration of the effluent ranged from 6.9 mg/L to 13.6 mg/L. Except for the TOC value 21.9 at the TI point, the TOC value in all points turned out to be within acceptable TOC criteria, which is below 15 mg/L. The TOC removal efficiency of each facility ranged from 87.6 % to 91.1 %, which was lower than the BOD removal efficiency of 93.6 % to 99.3 %, but the COD removal efficiency was similar to 87.6 % to 97.9 %. 2. The average influent and effluent CODMn/TOC ratio for the sewage treatment plant was 1.50 and 1.93. While the SUVA value of the influent was 0.8 L·m-1/mgDOC to 1.5 L·m-1/mgDOC and that of the effluent was 1.7 L·m-1/mgDOC to 2.0 L·m-1/mgDOC, and the influent and effluent consisted of hydrophilic and low molecular substances. The SUVA value of the influent was 3.6 L·m-1/mgDOC and the SUVA value of effluent was 3.9 L·m-1/mgDOC at TI point where the wastewater was introduced. Subseqqently, the introduction of hydrophobic aromatics and polymers was confirmed. 3. In the sewage treatment plant, 66.6 % ~ 73.1 % of the influent organic carbon was discharged the sludge. 17 % ~ 24 % was consumed via internal reactions, and about 10 % was discharged the effluent. Influent organic carbon in the sewage treatment plant is discharged in the sludge at 66.6 % ~ 73.1 %, 17 % ~ 24 % was consumed in internal reaction, and about 10 % was the effluent. 4. The CODMn average concentration in the wastewater from industry ranged from 1.1 mg/L to 79.0 mg/L, and the TOC average concentration was 1.0 mg/L to 147.9 mg/L. The highest COD and TOC concentrations for “fruit and vegetable processing and storage treatment facilities” were 79.0 mg/L and 147.3 mg/L. The COD and TOC concentrations for “coal mining facilities” were lower at 1.1 mg/L and 1.0 mg/L. respectively 5. The CODMn/TOC ratio between the organic matter indicators at each wastewater discharge facility was 1.5 ± 0.5. The correlation between CODMn and TOC for the 131 facilities surveyed was 0.8465, and 0.8630 to 0.9995 in 13 out of the total 17 industries surveyed. The correlation between CODMn and TOC for non-ferrous metal smelting, refining, and alloy manufacturing facilities was 0.6759 as a moderate correlation. The correlation between CODMn and TOC for fishery product markets and industrial water treatment facilities was negative. 6. The CODMn value of four facilities exceeded the CODMn effluent limit standard , but in the case of applying the TOC effluent limit standard, the TOC value of eight facilities exceeded the standard. As a result of industry type analysis a stricter TOC standard was applied to the following industries petrochemical product manufacturing, organic chemical product manufacturing and food industry. Although the food industry remains in compliance with the COD standard, it was found that the food industry is likely to be not in compliance when the standard is changed to TOC. 7. The concentration of organic matter in the raw water generated from the landfill leachate reflected the following characteristics: BOD was 19.8 mg/L to 79.4 mg/L, CODcr was 42.4 mg/L to 541.2 mg/L and TOC was 7.1 mg/L to 200.6 mg/L. the effluent from the landfill leachate reflected the following characteristics: BOD was 1.0. mg/L to 42.1 mg/L, CODcr was 2.4 mg/L to 131.4 mg/L, and TOC was 1.1 mg/L to 57.4 mg/L. The removal rate of organic matter for 5 samples of effluent from the landfill leachate was TOC 76.4% ~ 99.4%, CODcr 81.2 ~ 99.3 % and BOD 86.0 % ~ 99.5 %. 8. The relative BOD/TOC ratio of the raw leachate water was (0.17 ± 0.05) ~ (0.97 ± 0.88), the CODcr/TOC ratio was (1.91 ± 0.66) ~ (3.80 ± 1.45) and CODcr/TOC oxidation rate is 57.9 ~ 115.1 %. The relative BOD/TOC ratio of treatment water is (0.16 ± 0.13) ~ (1.88 ± 1.18), CODcr/TOC ratio was (1.74 ± 0.42) ~ (3.47 ± 1.70) and the CODcr/TOC oxidation rate was 52.8 ~ 104.9 %. 9. As a result of analysis of the correlation between organic material indicators in raw water of linked waters (n = 61), the TOC correlation coefficient for BOD was 0.245 and the TOC correlation coefficient for CODcr was 0.742. The TOC correlation coefficient for BOD was 0.676 and the TOC correlation coefficient for CODcr was 0.943. There was a high correlation between the organic indicators CODcr and TOC in the treatment water.

      • 단체국외여행상품에서 국외여행인솔자 서비스 속성의 중요도-만족도 분석 (IPA)

        임항 세종대학교 관광대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247615

        논문 요약 단체국외여행상품에서 국외여행인솔자 서비스속성의 중요도-만족도 분석(IPA) 1989년 국외여행자유화 이래 꾸준히 증가해온 해외여행객들로 인해 여행업계 또한 괄목할만한 발전을 이루었다. 국외여행인솔자의 다양한 역할수행과 고객과의 상호 교류에 의한 서비스가 고객의 전반적인 여행만족도에 큰 영향을 미칠 뿐만 아니라, 여행사 경영에 있어서도 중요한 성공요인의 하나로 작용 한다는 것을 짐작해 볼 때, 국외여행 인솔자와 여행자 간에 직면하는 서비스접점에서의 소통과 역할 서비스는 여행사의 긴요한 마케팅 수단이 될 뿐 아니라 향후 고객관리와 인력관리 그리고 서비스 교육프로그램 기획과 실행에도 필수적이라 할 수 있으며, 이에 본 연구는 여행업체들 간의 경쟁력 강화를 위한 열쇠를 인적자원 활용으로 보고자 단체국외여행상품에서 국외여행인솔자 서비스 속성의 중요도와 관광객 만족에 미치는 영향을 분석·검증하였다. 본 연구를 통해 관광산업의 발전과 함께 유사한 여행상품 기획의 한계를 극복하고 고품위 서비스를 통한 고객만족을 위해서는 단체 국외여행 인적서비스의 시작이며 고객만족의 단초가 될 수 있는 국외여행인솔자의 최소 의무 고용과 고용에 따른 제도를 보완하고 그들이 직업인으로서의 자부심과 경쟁력 있는 인적서비스제공, 그리고 여행 전문인으로서 자리 매김 할 수 있도록 교육 강화와 경력관리제도의 도입, 최소한의 경제활동을 위한 임금보장 등의 지원이 절실하다. 주제어: 국외여행인솔자, 관광만족도, 중요도, 인적서비스, 단체국외여행상품

      • 진지한 여가활동으로서 댄스축제 참여경험 의미와 과정의 이해 : 근거이론을 기초하여

        임항 세종대학교 대학원 2020 국내박사

        RANK : 247615

        The purpose of this study is to explore the possibility of understanding tourism behavior and developing tourism resources in the future through exploratory research on the true meaning and formation process of the festival participation experience of Taiwan's M.I.T. which is one of the world's line dance festivals and the local festival Line Dance Queen Korea Summer Party for participants as a serious leisure. First, what extent does the festival motivation and festival process reflect the serious leisure characteristics? Second, what are the experiences from the festival and what do they mean to the persons who are on serious leisure? Some important points derived from this study were clearly identified to reflect the serious leisure characteristics of visitors to the M.I.T. Line Dance Festival and Line Dance Queen Korea Festival. First, monetary and physical patience and dedication for participation in the festival are one of the most important factors of serious leisure characteristics and second, form and strengthen the sense of achievement and belonging to self-care of career ownership through participation in the festival. Third, it was a continuous effort for knowledge and dance skills for participation in the festivals and fourth, a search for the costs and benefits associated with participation in festivals on serious leisure extension. Through this, he transforms himself into a different person who transcends everyday life as a bold self-expression of self-realization and inherent shame, and strives to maintain relationships for interaction and lasting partnership with the consensus-building group. Fifth, it can be said that the unique belief and value-sharing of the festival participants only makes them proud and sixth, it strengthens their sense of identity and belonging through selective partnership. Based on the conclusion of this study, I would like to propose the following for further study related to the promotion of tourism resource development and the festival. First, financial and physical patience and dedication to participate in the festival are the preparatory work of tourism for continued participation in the M.I.T. and Line Dance Queen Korea festivals, a personal investment that can be rewarded only by participating in the festival for serious leisure who want to participate in the festival and an activity that can be expected to maintain the festival's continued participation. The festival can also be said to be the result of their continuous serious leisure activities which they have been doing to participate in the festival as well as the creative idea of developing tourism resources. The infinite development potential and direction of intangible resources suitable for our country's tourism industry which lacks tangible tourism resources can be proposed. Second, the festival participants will be the final consumers and serve as promotional marketers in the space of the festival. Also, it will be promoted interactions among repeated visitors of similar goals and interests as a social space and eventually create a culture that will make them devote themselves to the festival and providing an opportunity for the festival itself to be self-sustaining and revitalized. It is clear that there is a necessity for further research to participate in the festival which is tourism behavior as a serious leisure in future research, and to understand the possibility of developing tourism resources. First, according to a methodological point of view, the observation of continuous tourism behavior is limited by the results measured by the quantitative method only. A qualitative approach to research should be used as a useful alternative to exploring and understanding the ongoing experience of participating in festivals in greater detail, given the detailed circumstances of participants. Second, it seems that more psychological approaches to understanding tourism behavior and various leisure-related practical research should be conducted more actively, which is a key factor of participation of festival visitors who participated as serious leisure. Third, the Line Dance Festival which was dealt with in this study, was a good theme for analyzing tourism behavior as a serious leisure, but it is true that the genre of dance itself was somewhat distant from the public. If various research is carried out on the subject of successful tourist attraction among serious leisure activities of a genre easily understood and accessible to the public, it will bring about real changes in the development and distribution of festival tour programs in the future.

      • Connecting individual-level behaviors with colony-level phenomena in the Japanese carpenter ants (Camponotus japonicus)

        임항 서울대학교 대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 247615

        Behaviors of individuals in a group, and especially interactions among them, lead to phenomena called “collective effects” that are often observed in social insects such as ants. Ants offer particular advantages to a researcher, who aims at evaluating the effects of individual behaviors on collective behaviors. They are well known for their collective intelligence, and individual ants, especially workers, during foraging are easily accessible for diverse experiments. For that reason, the Japanese carpenter ants, Camponotus japonicus, became the subject of my interest. In this study, I used experiments to investigate the relationship between individual-level behavior and collective behavior of a colony. This study took inspiration from previous research on the same species, where lens-shaped impediments were used to see if ants cross lens-shaped impediments in a manner similar to light rays moving across optical lenses. Results of the research showed that after the mature establishment of the pheromone trails the trajectories of ants crossing the convex-shaped impediment made of material (Velcro) that slows ants down were more dispersed than on the band-shaped or concave-shaped impediment across which ants had to walk between their nest and a food source. This observation suggested the analogy with optics of light rays crossing convex and concave lenses. In order to study proximate mechanisms responsible for this colony-level phenomenon, I observed the process of trail formation from the beginning of the video recording until the end, which was represented in the previous study. I used variables about individual-level behavior of ants near the edges of the impediments before and after ants crossed it. There was no analogy between optics and ant behaviors and individual-level behavior of ants when analyzed at a “microscopic” scale of individual behaviors of ants. I also found that with time ants’ trails became more converged towards the path consistent with the shortest distance (i.e. along the midline of the impediment) rather than the shortest time, regardless of the impediment’s shape. This may suggest that foraging ants optimize the colony-level behavior in a distance-minimizing manner, which is inconsistent with the time-minimizing principle governing rays of light crossing lenses of different shapes. Additionally, more edge-following behaviors of individual ants were observed in convex-shaped impediment, suggesting the previously observed higher dispersion of ants’ tracks across convex-shaped impediment could be a result of the individual-level behaviors of ants. These results imply the importance of individual behavior affecting colony-level phenomenon. If we ignore the details of individual characteristic, the collective behavior seen at the larger scale might be misleading. Future study using a simulation program that enables adjusting individual behaviors according to the findings of my study would broaden our knowledge about the connection between individual and collective behavior in ants. 개체의 행동은 집단의 행동에 영향을 미친다. ‘집단 효과’로 불리는 이러한 현상은 사회성 곤충의 중요한 특성 중 하나이다. 특히 개미는 집단 지성을 보이며, 먹이 활동을 하는 일개미를 다양한 실험에 노출시킬 수 있기 때문에 개체 수준 행동이 집단 수준 행동에 미치는 효과를 연구하는 데 유리하다. 본 연구에서는 일본왕개미(Camponotus japonicus)를 대상으로 개체 수준의 행동과 집단 수준의 행동의 관계에 대해 알아보기 위해 실험 데이터를 분석하였다. 본 연구는 집락과 먹이 사이를 오가며 벨크로 테이프로 만들어진 렌즈 모양의 장애물을 통과하는 개미의 움직임이 빛의 움직임과 유사한지 확인한 선행 연구를 바탕으로 진행되었다. 선행 연구 결과, 볼록 렌즈 형태의 장애물을 통과하는 개미의 경로는 밴드 또는 오목 렌즈 형태의 장애물을 통과하는 개미의 경로보다 유의미하게 큰 분산을 보였다. 이는 장애물을 통과하는 개미의 경로와 렌즈를 통과하는 빛의 광학적인 이동 경로 간의 유사성을 시사한다. 이러한 집단 수준 현상의 원인을 구체적으로 밝히기 위해, 장애물을 통과하기 전과 후 가장자리 근처에서의 개체 수준의 행동에 대한 변수들을 정의하고 각 개체에 해당하는 변수값을 계산하였다. 각 개체의 행동을 미시적으로 분석한 결과, 빛의 움직임과 개미의 개체 수준 행동 사이에서는 아무런 유사성이 발견되지 않았다. 또한 장애물의 모양에 상관없이 시간이 흐름에 따라 장애물을 통과하는 개미의 경로가 점점 중앙으로 모이는 것을 확인하였다. 이는 개미의 경로가 빛과 달리 시간 최소화 전략이 아닌 거리 최소화 전략을 통해 최적화된다는 것을 나타낸다. 뿐만 아니라 각 개미 개체들은 볼록 렌즈 형태의 장애물 근처에서 가장자리를 따라 더 이동하는 경향을 보였다. 이는 볼록 렌즈 형태의 장애물에서 경로의 분산이 더 크다는 것을 밝힌 선행 연구의 결과가 개체 수준의 행동에서 비롯되었을 수 있다는 사실을 보여준다. 본 연구의 결과는 집단 수준의 현상에 영향을 미치는 개체 수준의 행동의 중요성을 시사한다. 만약 개체의 세부적인 특성을 무시할 경우, 한 개체군의 집단적인 행동은 자칫 잘못 해석될 여지가 있다. 본 연구 결과를 바탕으로 개체의 행동을 조정할 수 있는 시뮬레이션 프로그램을 이용한 후속 연구를 진행한다면 개미의 개체 수준과 집단 수준의 행동 사이의 관계를 보다 깊이 이해할 수 있을 것이다.

      • 전신마취 시 심박수 변이도의 부교감신경계 분석을 위한 Poincare plot의 유용성

        임항 울산대학교 대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247615

        연구목적: 전신마취 시 심박수 변이도(heart rate variability)의 분석을 위한 Poincare plot의 standard deviation 1 (SD1)이 부교감신경계의 활성도를 반영하고, 주파수 도메인 분석법(frequency domain analysis)의 고주파수(high frequency, HF)와 상관관계가 있는지에 대해서 거의 알려진 바 없다. 따라서 이 연구는 전신마취 시 Poincare plot의 SD1이 주파수 도메인의 HF와 상관관계가 있는지에 대해서 알아보고자 하였다. 연구방법: Sevoflurane 또는 isoflurane마취 하에 복강경 수술이 예정된 23명의 환자를 대상으로 하였다. 마취 전, 마취 중 그리고 마취 후 안정된 5분간의 beat-to-beat 심박수를 기록하였다. 주파수 도메인 분석법의 저주파수(low frequency, LF) 파워, HF 파워 그리고 LF/HF 비와 Poincare plot의 SD1과 standard deviation 2 (SD2)를 계산하였다. 연구결과: 주파수 도메인의 HF와 Poincare plot의 SD1이 마취 중 감소하였고 마취 후 회복하였다. Sevoflurane마취 후 HF와 SD1는 isoflurane마취 보다 더 빠르게 회복하였다. 마취 전, 마취 중 그리고 마취 후 HF와 SD1은 유의한 상관관계가 있었다. 결론: 전신마취 시 Poincare plot의 SD1이 부교감신경계의 활성도를 분석하는 유용한 방법이라고 판단된다. Background: Relatively little is known regarding standard deviation 1 (SD1) from the Poincare plot reflects vagal tone and is correlated with high frequency (HF) of heart rate variability (HRV) during anesthesia. Thus, we examined the association of SD1 with HF during anesthesia. Methods: Beat-to-beat electrocardiogram was recorded for 5 min in 23 patients (isoflurane group, n = 13; sevoflurane group, n = 10) before, during and after anesthesia. Low frequency (LF), HF and LF/HF ratio of HRV and SD1 and standard deviation 2 (SD2) from the Poincare plot were calculated. Results: Both HF and SD1 were reduced following anesthesia, and recovered after anesthesia. The recovery of both HF and SD1 in sevoflurane group was faster than isoflurane group. There were strong correlations between HF and SD1 before, during and after anesthesia. Conclusions: These data suggest that the SD1 from the Poincare plot is a useful and valid method for the analysis of vagal tone during anesthesia.

      • 오존 酸化에 의한 淨水處理의 實驗的 硏究

        임항 朝鮮大學校 1992 국내석사

        RANK : 247615

        Ozone gas has a prominent characteristics of color reduction, removal of ordor, iron and manganese, disinfection, and decomposition of organic substances, cyanide reduction, and so forth by the strong oxidation. Especially ozone as a oxidation is much stronger than cholrine compounds and an effective disinfectant to virus. This paper is conducted to find out the effect for organic and inorganic matter removal through ozonization, sandfilter-ozonization and ozonization-sandfilter-ozonization treatment in the ozone flow rate 1.2mg/l(8.3 l/hr), 2mg/l(3.8 l/hr), 4mg/1(1.9 l/hr) for 4 min respectively and also ozone flow rate 4mg/1(1.9 l/hr) with reaction time 4, 10, 17 min separately. As a result of experiment, organic matter is removed about 90 percent when ozone flow rate are 4mg/l for 15min in the ozonization-sandfilter-ozonization and inorganic is removed 70 percent.

      • Bicycle ergometer 運動前·後 血液成分 變化에 關한 硏究

        임항 公州師範大學校 敎育大學院 1992 국내석사

        RANK : 247615

        자전거 에르고미터(Bicycle Ergometer)를 사용하여 안정시(운동 전 휴식 30분), 운동 직후, 회복시(운동 후 휴식 30분)의 순환능력(심박수, 혈압)과 혈액성분(적혈구, 백혈구, 혈색소, 헤마토크리트, 당질, 총 콜레스테롤, 총 단백질)의 변화를 측정학고 비교, 분석하여 성장 초기 중학생들의 생리적 기능 변화를 이해하고 운동에 대한 기대를 높이고자 K시 K중학? 2학년 남학생 10명(선수군 5명, 비선수군 5명)을 대상으로 본 연구에 착수하였다. 운동 부하방법은 Pre-test에 의해 최대 심박수의 80% 수준에서 결정하여으며, 자전거 에르고미터(Bicycle Ergometer)를 사용하여 0Kp에서 50 Rpm의 속도로 2분동안 준비운동을 실시한 후, 쉬지 않고 곧바로 3.0 Kp에 고정시키고 50 Rpm의 속도롱 5분동안의 본 운동을 실시하였다. 순환능력 검사와 체혈은 안정시, 운동 직후, 회복시로 나누어 각각 3회씩 실시하였는데, 순환능력 검사는 편히 앉은 자세에서 촉진법과 혈압계(Tycos형, Auto)를 사용하여 측정하였으며, 채혈은 상완부의 주정중피정맥에서 1회용 주사기로 매회 5cc씩을 채혈하여 즉시 그중 1cc씩은 항응고처리(EDTA-2K)하여 Auto Cell Counter(ABX:France)로 혈액검사(적혈구, 백혈구, 혈색소, 헤마토크리트)를 실시하였고, 나머지는 Plane tube에 넣었다가 hand Chemistry Analyzer(Gylford:U.S.A.)과 Auto chemistry Anaylzer(Gylford:U.S.A.)로 생화학 검사(당질, 총 콜레스테롤, 총 단백질)를 실시하였다. 실험 항목은 체력 검사(신장, 체중, 흉위), 순환능력 검사, 혈액검사, 생화학 검사 등으로 실험 항목별 연구 결과를 비교, 분석하여 선수군과 비선수군간의 각 항목별 안정시, 운동직후, 회복시의 평균(M)과 표준펴차(SD)를 SAS package program 에 의해 산출하였고, 양군간의 평균차에 대한 유의도 검증 (T-test)을 α=0.05,α=0.01수준으로 처리한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 안정시의 심박수는 선수군과 비선수군간의 통계적 유의성은 없었고, 운동직후에는 양군 공히 높은 증가율로 양군간의 유의한 차이(p<0.01)가 있었으며, 회복시에도 양군 공히 빠른 회복율로 유의한 차이(P<0.01)를 보였다. 2. 최대(수축기)혈압은 안정시에 선수군이 비선수군에 비해 약간 낮았으나 양군간 통계적 의미는 없었고, 운동 직후에는 양군 공히 높은 증가를 하였으나 양군간 유의성은 없었으며, 회복시에도 양군 공히 빠른 회복율을 나타냈으나 양군간 유의한 차인는 없었다. 3. 안정시의 혈액성분 중 적혈구와 백혈구는 양군 공히 성인 남자의 정상치보다 약간 낮게 나타났으며, 혈색소와 헤마토크리트는 거의 비슷한 수치를 나타냈는 데, 적혈구와 헤마토크리트에서는 양군간 통계적 의미가 없었던 반면 백혈구와 혈색소에서는 양군간 유의한 차이(p<0.05, p<0.01)가 있었다. 4. 운동 직후의 혈액성분 중 적혈구, 혈색소, 헤마토크리트 등의 경우 양군 공히 낮은 증가를 보인 반면, 백혈구는 양군 공히 급격한 증가를 나타냈는 데, 적혈구를 제외한 백혈구, 혈색소, 헤마토크리트 등에서는 양군간 유의한 차이(p<0.01)가 있었다. 5. 회복시의 혈액성분 중 적혈구, 혈색소, 헤마토크리트 등의 경우 안정시에 비해 양군 공히 평균 95%의 회복율을 나타냈으나 백혈구는 106%의 높은 회복율을 나타냈는데, 양군간 통계상 유의성(p<0.05)은 백혈구와 혈색소에서만 있었다. 6. 당질과 총 콜레스테롤은 안정시에 선수군이 비선수군에 비해 약간 낮았으나 양구간 통계적 의미는 없었고, 운동 직후에는 양군 공히 낮은 증가를 하였으나 당질에서만 양군간 유의한 차이((p<0.01)가 있었다. 회복시에도 양군 공히 빠른 회복율을 나타냈으나 양군간 유의한 차이는 없었다. 7. 총 단백질은 안정시에 선수군이 비선수군에 비해 약간 낮았으나 양구간 통계적 의미는 없었고, 운동 직후에는 양군 공히 낮은 증가를 하였으나 양군간 유의한 차이는 없었으며, 회복시에도 양군 공히 빠른 회복율을 나타냈으나 양군간 유의한 차이는 없었다. 이상을 종합해 볼때, 선수군이 비선수군에 비해, 안정시, 운동직후, 회복시에 순환능력과 혈액성분의 변화에서 전반적으로 낮은 수치를 나타냈다. 운동 직후에 선수군이 비선수군에 비해 순환능력의 수치가 낮은 반면, 회복이 빠른 것은 장기간의 운동을 통한 순환기능의 향상이 있는 것으로 사료되며, 또한 선수군의 혈액성분이 비선수군에 비해 증감의 차가 적은 반면, 회복이 빨랐던 것은 매일 규칙적이고 계획적인 운동을 실시함으로써 생리 및 생화학적 변화를 받아 운동부하에 대한 적응력이 길러진 것으로 사료된다. 앞으로의 문제는 더욱 발달하는 산업사회의 자동화 여파로 성장초기의 학생들에게 미치는 영향을 이해하고 체력단련의 내용과 강도를 판단하는 데 활용하기 위해서 나이별, 성별, 지역별의 지속적인 연구와 장기적이고 계획적인 체력단력 검진 결과에 따른 연구가 필요하다고 본다.

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