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      • SLAM using the image matching technique of another type robots

        임성규 영남대학교 대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In this paper, we propose a noble method of mapping the environment based on the image matching techniques of SLAM for multiple robots. For many application, it is well known that a single robot system is less efficient comparing with multirobot system. The mapping using an on-board computer of a leader robot is difficult because it requires large amounts of data processing, whereby the errors of the robot position estimation emerge and the map accuracy decreases. Furthermore, a robot is located in initial state when the SLAM method is implemented. In this work, we used the specific mapping methods based on the image matching SLAM and Cloud computing. The experimental results show the efficiency of the proposed method.

      • 실내 환경에서 영상을 이용한 무인비행체 SLAM 기법연구

        임성규 건국대학교 대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        실시간 위치 추적 및 지도 작성 기술은 무인항공기를 비롯한 지능형 로봇, 자동차 등의 핵심이 되는 기술이다. 그동안 실외 환경에서는 위성항법 시스템과 3차원 지리정보시스템(3D Geographic Information System)을 이용하여 이를 쉽고 정확하게 구현할 수 있었다. 하지만 실내 환경의 경우 위 두 시스템을 사용할 수 없기 때문에 실내 환경을 위한 새로운 SLAM 방법을 필요로 하였다. 하지만 기존의 제안된 방법들은 주로 비행체의 위치추적에 특화되어 있어 비행 환경을 위한 지도 작성 부분은 상대적으로 소홀하거나 제공되는 정보를 이용하여 실제 비행을 위한 지도 작성이 불가능 하였다. 본 논문에서는 무인항공기를 위한 지도를 제작하는 SLAM 알고리즘을 제안하였다. 이를 위하여 새로운 센서의 추가 없이 기존의 실외 환경에서 사용해 왔던 단일 카메라를 사용하여 지도를 제작하였다. 제안된 방법은 먼저 영상으로부터 직선의 정보를 추출한다. 이를 위하여 Canny 외곽선 검출기를 사용하여 영상으로부터 물체의 외곽선을 추출하였다. 추출된 외곽선으로부터 정확한 직선을 얻기 위하여 Douglas-Peuker 알고리즘을 사용하여 외곽선의 직선화 및 간소화를 수행하였다. 계산된 직선의 정보로부터 실제 지도 작성에 사용되는 3차원 직선 정보를 생성하기 위하여 영상내의 외곽선과 코너 등의 제한된 영역에서 특징점을 추출할 수 있도록 Shi와 Tomais 제안한 방법을 사용하였다. 이후 추출된 특징점에 대하여 KLT 알고리즘을 사용하여 추적된 특징점에 대하여 위치를 계산하였다. 특징점의 위치계산 후 3차원 직선의 공간방정식을 얻기 위하여 주성분분석을 사용하였다. 이후 생성된 직선의 정보를 이용하여 면 정보를 생성하였고 이를 공간상에 배치함으로써 실내 환경을 위한 지도를 작성하였다. 실험은 무인항공기에 카메라가 장착 되었다는 가정 하에 무인항공기로부터 데이터를 전달 받아 지상에서 지도를 생성하도록 하였다. 실험을 통하여 얻은 지도 정보는 오차를 포함하고 있지만 무인항공기의 실내 환경에서의 비행을 위해 충분히 사용될 수 있었다. Simultaneous localization and map building are key technologies for UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), robot and smart vehicle. Meanwhile, these are achieved by using GPS (Global Positioning System) and GIS (Geographic Information System) easily in outdoor environment. But these two systems cannot be used in indoor environment. So new algorithms are required to achieve SLAM in indoor environment. Existing SLAM algorithms are proper to localization but not enough to make map for UAV in indoor environment. In this paper, we propose a SLAM algorithm to make maps for UAV. To do so, our method only use vision sensor that already used in outdoor environment to make the map without other sensors. Suggested method first extracts 2D line information from images. To do so, we use Canny Edge Detector to extract edges form image. Then, we use Douglas-Peuker algorithm to obtain accurate 2D line information from extracted edges. To obtain 3D line information by using 2D line information. We also use KLT algorithms to track feature points extracted from edges and corners on image and PCA (Principal Componet Analysis) to fine 3D line equations. Second, it constructs plane information from 3D line information. Finally the 3D map of indoor environment is constructed by locating planes in 3-Dimensional space. We have implemented the proposed algorithms with MATLAB and performed experiments on ground. In our experiment, we assumed that the camera is mounted on UAV, and the data is transmitted to desktop computer from the UAV on the ground. Then, we make the map by using the computer. Resulting 3D map have some error but it is enough to be used for UAV in indoor environment.

      • 예레미야서에 나타난 다윗왕가의 민족주의 : 예레미야와 거짓예언자와의 대결을 중심으로

        임성규 서울신학대학교 신학대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In this study, nationalism of Davidic dynasty in the Jeremiah period is divided into two categories. One is reformative nationalism advocated by Josiah and Jehoahaz, which Burk Long, N. K. Gattwald, and Henri Mottu call Pro-Babylonianism. The other is anti-reformative nationalism represented by Jehoiakim and Zedekiah, which the same scholars define as Pro-Egyptianism. Into which of the above categories can Jeremiah be included with regard to nationalism? He assesses Pro-Egyptians as taking chauvinistic and 'blind' nationalism. Then, does he belong to Pro-Babylonians? It is true that he is somewhat inclined towards Pro-Babylonianism, but he cannot be simply classified into Pro-Babylonians. This point can be illustrated by his rejection of babylonians' request that he should become a Babylonian aftere fall of Jerusalem. Why did Jeremiah think that Babylon was needed for the salvation work of Yahweh? He only believed that superficial surrender to Babylon was inevitable for the proper reform of Judea. In particular, Yahweh's will, which was expressed through his prophets including Jeremiah, lied in the preservation of Judean people by eliminating the existing leaders and their policies at the hand of Babylonians. To make the above-mentioned conclusion, I first investigate the religious situation and the change of Judean politics in Jeremiah's time both of which were influenced by the change of political geometry in ancient Near-East. Then, I examine such issues as kingship, the Temple, false prophecy, people and Babylon prisoners. Those issues produced much controversy and fierce confrontation between Jeremiah and false prophets, which can be summarized as follows in terms of a theological approach of tradition. ◁표 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) The summary of historical traditions reveals both fruits and limits. As far as fruits are concerned, the summary, first of all, shows that there existed two conflicting traditions in Jeremiah's time, that is, North Israel tradition drawn from Exodus tradition vs. Jerusalem tradition associated with dynasty tradition. Second, the conflict and confrontation existed between the successors of those two traditions, which were represented by Jeremiah and false prophets including Hananiah respectively. Their confrontation was not just a conflict but a fight to death. Jeremiah proclaimed judgement against Jerusalem and false prophecies while Hananiah and false prophets theologically justified their vesting interests and suppressed Jeremiah and similar prophets. Third, Jeremiah's proclamation of judgement against Jehoiakim and Zedekiah shows that each tradition had a different view on kingship. Jeremiah regarded Davidic dynasty as the one that should keep the contract with Yahweh and protect people and the weak. On the other hand, Hananiah and false prophets considered the kingship of Davidic dynasty endowed by Yahweh as the one everlasting to its descendants. Fourth, theological traditions were of substantial importance in the structure of conflict and confrontation and the angle of the confrontation between prophets. Considering that Judea was a religious country at that time, theological issues amount to state issues and vice versa. Accordingly, when political and state issues were expressed, they were more likely to adopt theological contents rather than political expressions. It is however clear that the above summary based on theological traditions has some limits. First, it cannot cover the issue that goes beyond the realm of religion. Second, it cannot deal with the social class and the overall members of the society at that time. The main text of the Bible mentions the people mobilized for the construction of the Temple and people of the land helping Josiah and Jehoahaz into throne, but it is not easy to comprehend how the social structure was formed to affect those occurrences. Third, it can be assumed that Jehoiakim and Zedekiah were related to Hananiah and false prophets in some extent, but it is difficult to explain how the political sects existed at that time. To overcome the aforementioned problems, I introduce the concept of political and social conflicts between social groups. I also examine the theological approach of Wilson and Burke Long, the suggestion of Henri Mottu and Gattwald who regard Jeremiah as claiming coexistence but Hananiah and false prophets as well as Jehoiakin and Zedekiah as claiming independence, and the explanation of Marvine Chaney in which the eight century before Christ is analyzed in terms of political economy. If all the above approaches are considered, the social members of the Jeremiah's period and their political sects can be schematized as follows. ◁표 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) What kind of nationalism did Jeremiah see in the nationalism of Davidic dynasty? Then, what about Jeremiah's own opinion about nationalism? I suggest that some factors should be taken into account to draw a more complete picture of the relations between political groups. First, a special attention should be paid to the relation of each group to the reform policy initiated by Hezekiah and Josiah. Second, the attitude towards the interests of Judaic people and the relations between priests and prophets are of great importance. Applying the above factors into the analysis made in this study, I propose that three political groups should be distinguished in Jeremiah's time. The first group includes Josiah and his second son Jehoahaz, both of whom represent reformative nationalism. The second group is termed as anti-reformative nationalism whose advocates contain Jehoiakim, Hananiah, and Zedekiah. The third group is symbolized by Jeremiah, who made cooperation and solidarity with reformative nationalists beyond nationalism. ◁표 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요)

      • A Study on Non-alloyed Ohmic Contact to Indium-Rich InGaAs for Ultra-High Frequency Applications

        임성규 忠南大學校 大學院 2020 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        In this paper, I have investigated a pathway to mitigate the arsenic (As) cross-contamination on a back side Si wafer during GaAs growth by metal-organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD). Without a proper protocol doing a III-V on Si heterogeneous epitaxy, We have observed high levels of the As concentration on the back side Si wafer, easily in excess of 1 × 1020 atoms/㎤ by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) analysis and 1015 atoms/㎠ by total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) analysis, after GaAs growth on Si. This known level of contamination on wafers would disqualify them for fabrication in existing Si VLSI FABs. In order to mitigate the As cross-contamination, we have proposed a SiO2 protection layer on the back side of the Si wafer. From both SIMS and TXRF analysis, the proposed scheme has dramatically lowered the back side as concentration to 1.5 × 1016 atoms/㎤ by SIMS and 1.0 × 1010 atoms/㎠ by TXRF. And then, metal-semiconductor contact resistance of 10-8 Ωcm2 or less is required for fabrication of ultra-high-speed low-power devices. To this end, it was possible to achieve the desired contact resistance by changing the doping and material composition of the III-V compound semiconductor. In the III-V compound semiconductor, an InxGa1-xAs material with a small energy bandgap and fast electron mobility was used. In the pre-treatment process before metal contact, a low contact resistance of about 2.5 times that of the other group was obtained in the group that gave the surface oxide film through a dip of HCl: DI (= 1:5) 60 sec. It was confirmed that at a concentration of doping concentration of 1x1019 atoms/cm3 or higher, there was little change in contact resistance according to the measurement temperature. It will be said that the main mechanism of contact resistance is the movement of electrons through tunneling. Finally, doping with teleium 5x1019 atoms/cm3 and using In0.7Ga0.3As material containing 70% indium concentration, a low and stable contact resistance of 3.6x10-8Ωcm2 was secured.

      • 40프리즘디옵터 이상의 외사시에서 양안 외직근 후전술과 단안 내직근 절제술 및 외직근 후전술의 효과

        임성규 全南大學校 大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        40프리즘디옵터 이상의 사시각이 큰 외사시 환자에서 양안 외직근 후전술과 단안내직근 절제술 및 외직근 후전술의 효과를 알아보고자, 1996년부터 2001년까지 전남대학병원 안과에서 40프리즘디옵터 이상의 외사시로 양안 외직근 후전술 혹은 단안 내직근 절제술 및 외직근 후전술을 시행받고 1년이상 관찰이 가능했던 65명을대상으로 수술량과 수술 전 편위각에 따른 수술효과를 비교하였다. 수술 성공은 ≤10PD의 내편위 및 외편위로 정하였다. 수술시 나이는 평균 9.15세(3~29세)였고, 수술 후 추적관찰기간은 평균 16.6개월(12~72개월)이었다. 전체 수술성공률은 39명(60.0%). 부족교정률은 25명(38.5%), 과교정률은 1명(1.5%)이었다. 55프리즘디옵터이상에서 수술성공률은 23.1%로 50PD이하에서의 69.2%보다 통계적으로 유의하게 낮았다(p<0.05). 과교정은 40PD군에서 1명(1.5%)을 제외하고는 발생하지 않았다. 모든군에서 외전장애는 발생하지 않았다. 결론적으로 40PD이상 50PD이하의 외사시에서 양안 외직근 후전술 및 단안 내직근 절제술은 수술성공율이 높아 효과적이었다. 그러나 55PD이상의 외사시에서 양안외직근 후전술 및 단안 내직근 절제술 및 외직근 후전술은 외전장애나 과교정을 발생시키지 않았지만, 부족교정률이 높아 한번에 3개 이상의 외안근의 수술을 해주는 것이 바람직할 것으로 생각된다. To evaluate the effect of both lateral rectus recession according to the amount of the recession in the patients who showed large angle(≥40 prism diopter, PD) exotropia. Total 65 patients who underwent both lateral rectus recession or unilateral recession-resection and followed up more than 1 year between 1996 to 2001 at Chonnam university hospital, were reviewed. The effects of both lateral recession or unilateral recession-resection was compared according to the amount of recession or resection and preoperative angle of deviation. Successful outcome was defined as esotropia ≤10PD, orthophoria and exotropia ≥10PD. Mean age of patients was 9.15years(3~29years) and follow up time was 16.6 months(12~72months). Overall successful outcome marked 60.0%. The occurrence rate of undercorrection was 38.5% and overcorrection was 1.5%. The success rate in group with preoperative deviations greater than 50PD was significantly different from the group with deviation 50PD or under 50PD (p<0.05). Overcorrection was not noted except in 1 patients(1.5%) of 40PD group. Abduction limitation was not noted in all cases. In exotropia with less than 55PD, both lateral rectus recession & unilateral recession-resection was effective method because success rate was high. After maximal both lateral recession or maximal unilateral recession-resection in exotropia with more than 50PD, gaze limitation and overcorrection was not occured. But undercorrection was high and success rate was low. So both lateral rectus recession or unilateral recession-resection were ineffectve method in more than 50PD.

      • 大邱-倭館北部의 霞山洞層에 나타나는 赤色層의 分布와 堆積環境에 關한 硏究

        임성규 慶北大學校 敎育大學院 1972 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study deals with the distribution and the depositional environment of Reddish beds of Hasandong Formation in northern part of Daegu-Waegwan area. The numbers of Reddish beds in Hasandong Formation are counted more than 100 at northern most part of the studying area while only 10 at southern area of the middle part. Near the Mt. Palgong, Reddish beds are disappeared, but they appear again at south-east of Waegwan area. It seems that the disappearence of Reddish beds in the lower middle part is partly due to the result of the intrusion of granite by which this areas were affected thermal metamorphism. The lateral facies change of this formation is very extreme: Through Gunwi to Dain, the lowest horizon descends gradually, while the highest horizon ascends gradually. In the south-eastern part of Waegwan, the highest horizon ascends gradually. In the south-eastern part of Waegwan, the highest horizon shows the ascending tendency again as shown in Fig.1. According to Rock color chart(Published by Geo. Soc. America 1963), the colors of 60 samples of Reddish beds are generally comfined in 3 colors: 5R 4/2, 10R 4/2 and 5R 5/4. The mineral constituents, fossils, Reddish beds and several kinds of sedimentary structure in this area seem to indicate that the trubulent environment was alternated intermittently with the realative calm environment at that time of the deposition of Hasandong Formation. The microscopic examination shows that most sandstones associated with the reddish beds are classified as Arkose according to Dapples(1953).

      • 상업계고등학교 전문교과 교육과정 운영과 국가기능자격제도와의 연계방안에 관한 연구 : 충북지역 상업계 고등학교를 중심으로

        임성규 建國大學校 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is to define the problem of connecting the curriculums of commercial high school professional courses and government technical qualification system, and analyze the responses from teachers and graduates not only to find the appropriate connection measures but also to improve the curriculums of commercial high school professional courses. In order to implement the research, I selected 121 teachers and 103 graduates and distributed the questionnaires to them; the collected questionnaires were classified by variables to calculate frequency and percentage; and analyzed x2 verification and the degree of significance. The result of the study can be summarized as follows. First, concerning as to whether the curriculum of commercial high school professional courses is appropriate, they answer that professional course education needs to be continued on long-term basis; practical education should be focused on field training; and personality education for being a vocational technician is very important. Concerning as to the contents the future commercial high schools should emphasize, they responded that practical computer education and other professional educations are necessary as well as foreign language education. About the operational problems of commercial education curriculum, teachers concern about a problem due to the preference of going on to colleges; graduates concerns about a problem of the education devoting to certificate acquisition instead of normal school education. Second, concerning the present condition of the curriculums of commercial high school professional education, as government technical qualification system influences on operating school curriculum, both need more mutual relationship to cultivate excellent vocational technicians; computer related education should be more emphasized in accordance with increasing necessity for the certificates of 'word processor' and 'computer operating ability'. For the normal school education, teachers want the reinforcement of reeducation to promote their professional teaching ability; graduates seem to be generally working in worse environment compared to others of different jobs. Concerning the quality of classwork, graduates answer they need various learning methods and materials with enough educational equipment as well as student-centered education. Concerning the practical education for certificates, the equipment is old and thus, operating advanced and realistic education materials like internet or moving images is very difficult. Third, concerning the connection measures between professional course education of commercial high schools and government technical qualification system, both of the teachers and graduates want industry-school cooperation through connection with industrial organizations in order to solve the problem of insufficient experimental and practical equipment. Concerning the connection of operating commercial high school curriculum and certification system, both of the teachers and graduates answer that it is necessary for students to have a choice of continuing study or getting a job as students who acquire the certificates by completing professional courses can continue to study at a higher level with the certificates. Concerning the improvement measures for the present certificate system and institute, both teachers and graduates answer that making tests for certificate should be prepared by the teachers who are in charge of the professional courses in school, and the examination be conducted by the present special institute.

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