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      • KCI등재

        한국 치과기공사의 직무만족과 직장이동에 관한 연구

        임병철,Lim, Byung-Chul 대한치과기공학회 1989 대한치과기공학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        This study was aimed for bettering productivity and technical level of the dental 1 aboratory, and helping the dental technician's benefits and rights, and then endowing them some belonged atmospher and stability on their post by Improving job- satisfaction and maintaining the transferability of one's post at a proper limitation. Therefore, 320 dental technicians extracted randomly from all the technicians working at 494 dental laboratories were subjected for this study. The approach to the study was a way through some postal questionaires executed from March 29, 1988 until May 4, the same year, in which total 254 technicians answered, showing 79% resp"nserate. responserate. The data-analysis was done by a model of the dental technician's transferability from their post, as considering Mobley's(1978)-model of post-transferability, and results through the study are as follows : 1. Satisfaction at a given post showed that the married is better than the unmarried(<0.05), and the experienced is better than the inexperienced(P<0.01). 2. Age, sex, educational experience, and one's service-duration did not affect significantly to the respondent's satisfaction on their post, statistically. 3. Satisfaction at a given post differed in adccordance with given conditions of one's post, i. e.,it stowed high when the monthly payment was good(P<0.05), and when too much duty on their job was given, it was the worst as shown in an example of the next order, too much<light<proper(P<0.005), and when a manager was fair, it showed high(P<0.005), and when the relationship with senior was good, it showed high(P<0.005), and when models of the prosthodontic materials being supplied were good, it was high (P<0.005), and when circumstantial factors at workshop were good, it was high(P<0.005). 4. Human relations with colleagues and technics of the senior's production of the prosthodontic materials didn't affect significantly to the satisfaction on their post statistically. 5. The frequency of the post-transfer and the satisfaction on the post had no significant relation between them statistically. 6. For the whole, relation of satifaction on the present-post and satisfaction on the before-post appeared to be associated with the respondents characteristic rather than in accordance with the satisfaction due to the post factors.

      • KCI등재

        이동 통신 중계기 설치를 통한 승강기 시스템의 전자파 환경 개선

        임병철(Byung Chul Lim),정기범(Ki-Bum Jung),정연춘(Yeon-Choon Chung) 한국전자파학회 2011 한국전자파학회논문지 Vol.22 No.11

        본 연구의 목적은 전자파 적합성을 고려하여 승강기 시스템 내에 중계기 안테나를 설치하는 방안을 제안하는 것이다. 승강로에 중계기 안테나를 설치하는 경우(Solution 1)와 승강기 내부에 중계기 안테나를 설치하는 경우 (Solution 2)의 2가지 solutions을 검토하였으며, Solution 2가 Solution 1보다 효과적임을 확인하였다. 또한, 승강기에 대한 전자파 내성 기술 기준과 20 dB의 안전 마진을 고려하여 중계기 안테나의 출력(EIRP)을 -5 dBm으로 제한할 것을 제안하였으며, 이러한 출력은 이동 통신 시스템의 정밀 전력 제어 메커니즘에 따라 최적의 안정된 전자파 환경을 제공함을 확인하였다. 이러한 접근은 무선을 활용하여 오히려 전자파 환경을 개선할 수 있음을 보여준 본 연구가 Green ICT의 중요한 사례가 될 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to suggest installation methods of a mobile-communication repeater into a lift system with consideration of EMC. Two approaches, one(Solution 1) is realized with a repeater installed in a lift hoistway and another(Solution 2) installed inside a lift, were proposed. It is confirmed that the Solution 1 is more effective than the Solution 2. And it is suggested that the EIRP of a repeater must be limited to be ≤-5 dBm by considering electromagnetic immunity level for a lift and safety margin of 20 dB. This limit can provide suitable electromagnetic environment inside a lift with precise power-control mechanism of mobile communication systems. This study could be a good example of Green ICT by improving electromagnetic environment in spite of radio use.

      • KCI등재

        피코의 『인간 존엄성에 관한 연설』 다시 읽기

        임병철(Byung-Chul LIM) 한국프랑스사학회 2017 프랑스사연구 Vol.- No.37

        본고는 르네상스 인간학의 선언문으로 일컬어지는 피코의 『인간 존엄성에 관한 연설』을 새로운 시각에서 해석하려는 시도이다. 흔히 피코는 자유의지와 가소성을 근거삼아 인간의 존엄성을 예찬한 근대정신의 주창자로 해석되고 있다. 하지만 『연설』의 진정한 주제는 철학예찬이었다. 이에 착안하여 본고는 첫째, 피코의 언어관과 철학관에 대해 논의하면서 그의 인간관이 철학적・주지주의적 인간학에 기초하고 있음을 주장한다. 둘째 피코에게 철학은, 비록 필요조건일 수는 있지만, 신에게로의 귀환이라는 인간의 영적 여정의 충분조건은 될 수 없었다. 즉 그는 신학적 토대 위에서 신과의 합일이라는 궁극적인 지복이 인간의 자기부정을 통해서만 가능하다고 믿었다. 이 점에서 본고는 피코가 예찬한 인간이 자율적 개인이라기보다 그리스도교에 귀의한 수동적 인간이었다는 점을 해명한다. 결론적으로 피코는 천사에서 짐승에 이르는 다양한 존재양태 가운데 최상의 삶을 추구할 것을 강조한 도덕적 존재론자였다. This study aims to re-interpret Pico della Mirandola’s famous work, Oratio de hominis dignitate, from a new viewpoint. At first, by having an eye on the fact that the main theme of Oratio is an exercise in praise of philosophy, this study claims that Pico’s perspective on man was based on the philosophical and intellectualistic anthropology. Secondly, it argues that Pico regarded philosophy as a necessary but insufficient element in man’s spiritual pilgrimage back to God. Considering this, the man Pico highly acclaimed was not so much an autonomous being as a passive one annihilating his own self for returning to God. In conclusion, Pico was an moral ontologist who put much emphasis on man’s pursuit of the best life among many options given to him.

      • KCI등재

        페트라르카와 르네상스 자서전적 기행문학의 출현

        임병철(Lim Byung-Chul) 부산경남사학회 2008 역사와 경계 Vol.69 No.-

        Atalented poet, Francesco Petrarch(1304-1374) was the most representative of his age, and also took the lead in inaugurating the Renaissance revival of antiquity, under whose influence what historians call the humanist movement could emerge. According to his own expression about himself, he, as a self-claimed poet and an egoistic intellectual as well, was a passionate lover of classical culture. In addition, one should note that, in numerable works of his, Petrarch represented himself as a tireless wanderer or traveler. The present study is an attempt at understanding what travel or wandering meant for him and his life. Furthermore, by thoroughly analyzing his famous letter, generally called "the Ascent of MontVentoux," it tries to elucidate how he appropriated a physicaltravel for the way of self-examination or even of self-expression. In that sense it argues that for Petarch the travel was not a simple event moving from one place to another, but a meaningful occasion for seeing the world through his own eyes. If that is the case, "the Ascent of Mont Ventoux" as a travel literature also shows us the most characteristic aspect of the Petrarchan autobiography, because his description of physical climb to Mt. Ventoux bears witness to the rise of a new sense of subjectivity in which the authorial self occupied the center of discourse. In conclusion, I contend that, although it seemingly appears to be an ahistorical phenomenon, travel is a historical experience which has different meanings according to the times. While in the Middle Ages it had been regarded as a spiritual pilgrimage following pre-established Christian teachings as best exemplified by Dante's Divine Comedy, for Petrarch it was an empirical experience for self-understanding. In the same regard, the distinct features of the travel literature changed into the new one through the age of Petrarch, because, unlike the medieval one which simply recorded the event, Petrarch used it as a literary device retrospecting his past and projecting his future. In a word, as a new literary genre Petrarch's travel literature was a new form of autobiography.

      • KCI등재

        르네상스 여행기에 나타난 저자의식과 세계인식

        임병철(Lim, Byung-Chul) 부산경남사학회 2011 역사와 경계 Vol.80 No.-

        이 연구는 16세기 초 이탈리아 출신의 여행가 루도비코 디 바르테마의 여행기를 르네상스 자서전의 출현과 새로운 세계인식이라는 차원에서 분석한 것이다. 당대의 광범위한 인기에도 오늘날 바르테마는 근대 초의 여행가 가운데 가장 수수께끼 같은 인물로 알려지고 있다. 아마도 이러한 그에 대한 무지는, 바르테마가 상황에 따라 외양을 달리하는 다양한 모습으로 스스로의 정체성을 창조했고, 더 나아가 자신을 여행가라기보다 저술가로 재현하려고 했기 때문에 생겨난 문제일 것이다. 더욱이 그는 동일한 맥락에서 자신의 여행기를 단순한 여행에 대한 기록이라기보다 스스로에 대한 일종의 자서전으로 기술하고 있다. 아울러 중요한 점은 그의 여행기에서는 그리스도교와 문명을 동일시하던 유럽의 전통적인 인류학적ㆍ인종지학적 세계관이 붕괴하고, 오히려 양자 사이의 분열의 징후가 드러난다는 사실이다. 다시 말해 그는 종교와 문명을 동일시하던 전통적인 틀에서 벗어나, 인간의 생활습관이나 행동양식을 통제하는 문화규율로서의 문명개념을 빌어 낯선 세계를 분석한다. 이를 고려할 때, 바르테마의 여행기는 유럽의 전통적 세계관에 기초하면서도, 역설적으로 그 사회와 문화에서 탈맥락화된 새로운 여행가의 출현을 보여준다. This study is to analyze the Itinerary of Ludovico di Varthema, a curious traveller of the early sixteenth century Italy, from the context of the emergence of Renaissance autobiography and new perspective about the world. In spite of widespread celebrity in his ages, Varthema is rarely known to modern scholars. The confusion or even ignorance of him may come from the facts that he invented his identity as varied as possible whenever circumstances needed and that he represented himself as a writer rather than a traveller. Moreover, in this context, he wrote his Itinerary as if it was not so much a simple record of what he saw and experienced as a kind of an autobiography which tells about himself. In addition, one should note that, by interpreting other worlds through the new concept of civility, Varthema and his Itinerary show us the symptom of the breakdown of European traditional anthropological and ethnological world-view which had put Christianity on a par with civilization. In short, Varthema"s Itinerary displays an emergence of the new type of traveller who was de-contextualized from his society and tradition.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        마찰교반 용접변수에 따른 알루미늄 압출판재의 인장특성 평가

        임병철(Byung-Chul Lim),김영문(Young-Moon Kim),김원섭(Won-Seop Kim),박상흡(Sang-Heup Park) 한국산학기술학회 2018 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.19 No.3

        Al 6061-T6를 사용하여 마찰교반 용접 시 회전 툴 숄더의 너비부의 넓이와 회전 속도, 이동속도의 변화에 따른 물성의 변화에 대하여 평가되었다. FSW 공정의 접합 변수에 따라 인장시험을 수행하기 위하여 KS B 0801 5호에 따라 시험편을 제작하여 마찰교반 용접을 시행하였다. 마찰교반 용접이 된 시험편의 기계적 특성을 평가하기 위해 Instron 인장시험기를 사용하여 1mm/min의 시험 속도로 인장시험을 시행했다. 평가결과, 인장강도는 회전 속도가 증가함에 증가 하였다. 툴 숄더의 이동 속도가 빠를수록 툴 유형에 관계없이 인장강도는 감소하였다. 툴 숄더 직경 12 mm (TSD12) 의 인장 강도 값은 일반적으로 8mm 보다 높게 나타났다. 이동 속도와 회전하는 속도가 한계 값을 초과하면 재료의 특성에 영향을 주지 않고 안정화 단계에 도달한다. 툴 숄더 직경 8mm (TSD8) 는 TSD12 유형의 공구와 비교하여 재료 특성이 감소하고 용접 영역에서 재료가 완전히 혼합되지 않는다. 인장 강도 값은 모든 회전 속도 1500 rpm에서 상대적으로 감소한다. 이동 속도가 낮을수록 같은 회전수에서 재료의 혼합될 수 있는 양이 많으므로 인장강도값이 높게 나타난다. 결과적으로 용접 영역에서 재료를 완전히 혼합하고 전이 온도에 도달하기 위해서는 임계값을 초과하는 회전 속도가 필요하다. The changes in the mechanical properties according to the width of the tool shoulder, rotation speed and moving speed in friction stir welding (FSW) are evaluated using Al 6061-T6. The results indicated that the tensile strength value increases with increasing rotation speed. The higher the moving speed of the tool shoulder, the lower the tensile strength, regardless of the tool type. A higher tensile strength value was generally obtained with a tool shoulder diameter of 12mm (TSD12) than with 8mm. When the moving and rotation speeds exceed a limiting value, a stabilization stage is reached, in which (the tool shoulder diameter?) no longer affects the material properties. At a tool shoulder diameter of 8mm (TSD8), the material properties are decreased and the mixture of material in the welding area is incomplete in comparison with the tool type of TSD12. The tensile strength value is decreased at a rotation speed of 1500 rpm. As a result, a rotation speed higher than the threshold value is needed in order for and the transition temperature to be reached, which allows the complete mixing of the material in the welding area.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        C형 간염 바이러스의 가족내 감염

        임병철(Byung Chul Lim),고재중(Jae Jung Ko),안경주(Kyung Ju Ahn),이규현(Gyu Hyun Lee),박용주(Yong Ju Park),임선희(Seon Hee Lim),김나영(Na Young Kim),이계희(Kye Heui Lee) 대한소화기학회 1996 대한소화기학회지 Vol.28 No.6

        N/A Background/Aims: The parenteral transmission routes of HCV infection such as transfusion or drug abuse are well known, but there are no known risk factors in about half of HCV infections. In these group we considered the probability that the transmission is done by sexual or non-sexual contacts between family embers and studied anti-HCV antibody positive rate among each family members of patients with chronic C liver disease to understand the route of HCV transmission. Methods: One hundred and ten family members of 31 chronically HCV-infected patients who admitted to Kangnam General Hospital were tested for anti-HCV antibody by secon<l generation enzyrne immunoassay. Among 31 index patients, 4 were hepatocellular carcinoma, 10 were liver cirrhosis, and 17 were chronic hepatitis patients. In all patients the degree of liver injury was ascertained by clinical findings, ultrasonography and/or biopsy. Results: Overall out of 110 family members of 31 chronically HCV-infected patients, 3(2.7%) members were positive fc>r anti-HCV antibody, indicating a higher but not significant anti-HCV antibody rate than that of general population(0.93%). But the positive rate of anti-HCV antibody among spouses of index patients was 11.1%(3 of 27), which was significantly different than that of general population or those of other family member groups(p<0.01). The positive rate of anti-HCV antibody among spouses of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, liver cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis was 25%, 0% and 13.3%, respectively. Conclusions: These results suggest that sexual contact plays a more important role in HCV infection than household contact among family members and more systematized and prospective studies are required to clarify the transmission route of HCV infection. (Korean J Gastroenterol 1996; 28:824-831)

      • KCI우수등재

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