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        극장 관람료의 합리적 분배에 관한 연구

        이현승,맹수현 영상예술학회 2009 영상예술연구 Vol.15 No.-

        부율이란 부금비율의 약칭으로 극장에서 거두어들인 입장수입에서 세금을 제한 후, 배급사와 극장 측이 약정에 따라 수입을 분배하는 비율을 의미한다. 국내에서는 통상 서울 지역의 경우 한국영화는 5:5, 외국영화의 경우 6:4(배급사:극장)로 배분하고 있으며, 지방의 경우 한국 영화와 외국영화의 구분없이 5:5의 배분을 하고 있다. 이는 1980년대 후반 할리우드 영화의 직접배급이 시작되면서 할리우드 영화에 비해 한국 영화의 경쟁력이 취약하여 생긴 관행이다. 하지만 한국 영화의 점유율이 15~30%를 유지했던 8·90년대와는 달리, 평균 50~60%의 점유율을 기록하고 있는 2000년대 이후까지 과거의 관행이 유지되고 있다는 것에는 문제가 있다. 또한 2002년부터 한국 영화의 투자 수익률이 하락하고, 투자, 제작, 배급, 홍보 및 마케팅 등 1차 상영관련 시장의 수익률이 적게는 10%에서 많게는 60% 이상의 마이너스 행진을 기록하고 있는 상황 속에서, 극장 상영부분만이 유일하게 이익을 보고 있다는 것은 산업내 왜곡된 수익구조가 존재한다는 의미이기도 하다. 미국이나 일본, 프랑스에서 극장의 관람료 수익 분배 비율은 10~50% 정도이다. 이를 한국 부율 관행과 비교한다면 그리 나쁘지 않은 수익 분배라고 생각할 수 있으나 사실은 그렇지 않다. 세계적으로 윈도우별 영화시장의 규모 중 극장 매출은 31%이다. 즉 극장 이외의 다른 수익 창출 구조가 안정적으로 유지되고 있다는 뜻이다. 하지만 한국의 경우 부가판권 시장의 몰락으로 투자자에게 돌아가는 수익 중 극장 매출이 차지하는 비율은 전체 매출의 약 80%이다. 그렇기 때문에 극장 관람 수입의 합리적인 배분은 그 어느 나라보다 절실한 실정이다. 영화 산업 내 각 분야의 주체들에게 합리적으로 수익이 분배되기 위해서는 다음의 네 가지 사안들이 고려되어야 한다. 첫째, 제작비, 작품의 가치, 흥행 예상 기대치, 마케팅 규모 등을 두로 고려하여 각각의 작품들은 개별적인 부율 책정에 들어가야 한다. 둘째, 미국의 슬라이딩 시스템이나 프랑스의 ‘월요일 협상(au lundi)’, ‘극장의 ‘통로’(Les ‘couloirs’ de salles)’ 방식과 같이 기간에 따라 차별적인 부율을 적용해야 할 것이다. 셋째, 한국 영화산업의 특수성을 고려한 부율 조정이 필요하다. 넷째, 공정한 거래 절차를 유지하여 바람직한 계약 관행을 확립해야 할 것이다. 한국 영화 산업 내에서 부율 책정은 그동안의 오랜 관행으로 각각의 이익집단간의 이해가 상충하여 쉽게 개선이 될 수 있는 문제는 아닐 것이다. 그러나 이는 한국 영화의 투자·제작 기반을 튼튼히 하여 극장에서도 지속적으로 양질의 콘텐츠를 수급할 수 있도록 하기 위함이며, 나아가 각 사업 분야 모두 합리적인 이익 창출을 통한 안정적인 수익 구조를 실현하여 영화 산업 전반의 성장을 구현하기 위함이다. 또한 합리적 부율 책정을 통해 한국 영화계의 과제인 다양성 영화의 안정적 제작·배급의 풍토 역시 마련될 수 있을 것임을 기대해본다. Box-office split stands for the rate of distribution of box-office earnings between a distributor and a movie theater according to an agreement between them after deducing tax from the earnings. In Seoul, box-office split is usually 5:5 (distributor:movie theater) for domestic movies and 6:4 for foreign movies. In domestic local areas, it is 5:5 in general, regardless of the origins of movies. The difference of box-office split between domestic and overseas movies has been derived from the lower competitiveness of domestic movies than Hollywood movies since Hollywood movies were directly distributed in the late days of the 1980s. The market share of domestic movies was only 15~30% in the 1980s and 1990s, but it has changed to 50~60% since the 2000s. In this vein, still maintaining the past practice is problematic. Besides, since 2002, the investment returns of domestic movies have decreased gradually and the earning rates of primary screening-related market activities, such as investment, production, distribution, publicity and marketing, has been reduced in the rate of minimal 10% to maximal 60%. However, there still exist profits in the part of movie theaters. It means that there is a distorted earning structure in the domestic film industry. The rate of distribution of box-office earnings in the United States, Japan and France is 10~50%. Comparing to the domestic rate, it seems to be not bad. However, it is not the case in reality. In the world, the sales amount of movie theaters occupies only 31% of total earnings which come from all the sales windows of movie market. This means that in overseas film industry there are stable earning structures other than movie theaters. However, with the destruction of domestic additional copyright market, the sales amount of movie theaters occupies 80% of investors' total income in the domestic film industry. Therefore, it is urgent to rationally distribute the box-office earnings of domestic movie theaters. In order for the box-office earnings of domestic movie theaters to be rationally distributed among all the parties of film industry, following four alternatives must be taken into account:First, each movie must have its own box-office split considering production cost, the value of movie, expected box-office value, marketing scale and so on;second, like American sliding system or French ‘au lundi’ and ‘Les couloirs de salles’ systems, differentiated distribution rates must be applied on the basis of the period; third, we need an adjustment considering Korean films industry's speciality; and fourth, fair transaction procedures and proper contract practices must be established. Since the existing box-office split is a practice of long standing and the interest of every party is contrary, the establishment and improvement of rational box-office split in domestic film industry seems to be not easy. However, to establish a rational box-office split is necessary for strengthening the investment and production base of domestic movies and supplying quality movies to movie theaters. In addition, it is necessary to establish a rational investment return-based stable earning structure for all the related fields of film industry and thus realize the growth of the film industry in general. The investigator hopes that with the establishment of rational distribution rate, the environment of stable production and distribution of diverse movies, a task of long standing in the domestic film industry, will be created in the future.

      • KCI등재

        Multiple Fractures in Patient with Graves’ Disease Accompanied by Isolated Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism

        이현승,김지민,주상현,이영학,김현진,김군순 대한골대사학회 2016 대한골대사학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        Isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH) is known to decrease bone mineral density due to deficiency of sex steroid hormone. Graves’ disease is also an important cause of secondary osteoporosis. However, IHH does not preclude the development of primary hyperthyroidism caused by Graves’ disease, leading to more severe osteoporosis rapidly. Here, we describe the first case of 35-year-old Asian female patient with IHH accompanied by Graves’ disease and osteoporosis-induced multiple fractures. Endocrine laboratory findings revealed preserved anterior pituitary functions except for secretion of gonadotropins and showed primary hyperthyroidism with positive autoantibodies. Sella magnetic resonance imaging showed slightly small sized pituitary gland without mass lesion. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry revealed severe osteoporosis in lumbar spine and femur neck of the patient. Plain film radiography of the pelvis and shoulder revealed a displaced and nondisplaced fracture, respectively. After surgical fixation with screws for the femoral fracture, the patient was treated with antithyroid medication, calcium, and vitamin D until now and has been recovering fairly well. We report a patient of IHH with Graves’ disease and multiple fractures that is a first case in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        디펜바허의 디자인 사이클을 통한 한국적 버내큘러 패션디자인 개발

        이현승,이재정,박주희 한국패션디자인학회 2016 한국패션디자인학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 피오나 디펜바허(Fiona Dieffenbacher)가 제시한 디자인 프로세스인 ‘The Design Cycle’ (이하 TDC)을 통한 한국적 버내큘러(vernacular) 요소를 반영한 패션디자인의 도출과 디자이너의 독창성을 중시하는 해당 프로세스의 유효성 탐색에 있다. 이를 위해 TDC의 구조와 버내큘러 디자인의 개념, TDC를 기준으로 분석된 패션디자인 사례를 고찰하였다. 프로세스의 첫 단계인 발상(idea) 단계에서는 브레인스토밍과 마인드 맵핑, 문헌조사를 통해, 전통과 현재를 잇는 한국의 버내큘러 요소로 무속과 K-pop, 거리응원 등에 내재된 ‘흥’의 역동성을 발견하였고, 이를 표현하기 위한 매체로서 무속의식의 운동성을 추출하였다. 두 번째 콘셉트(concept) 단계에서는 아이디어에 관한 해석 작업을 수행하여, 무속의식의 운동성을 시각화하기 위한 디자인 콘셉트로 ‘좌우’와 ‘상하’, ‘원 회전’ 운동의 방향성을 추출하였고, 그래픽 툴과 축도 패턴 작업을 통해 운동 방향성과 역동성을 시각화하기 위한 방안을 탐색하였다. 마지막 디자인(design) 단계에서는 상기의 콘셉트를 패션디자인으로서 구체화하고 세 가지 콘셉트를 반영하는 시그니처 스타일의 완성을 위한 재인식 및 재창조 작업을 수행하여, ‘좌우’회전의 운동이미지가 의복의 디자인 선으로 적용된 스타일과 ‘상하’의 운동이미지를 수직으로 비대칭 및 레이어드 구조로 적용한 스타일, ‘원’ 운동의 이미지가 디자인 선에 적용된 스타일을 도출하였다. 이로써 TDC가 정서적 요소의 시각화를 가능하게 하여 ‘오래된’ 이미지로 비춰질 수 있는 버내큘러 요소를 활용하더라도 현대적인 패션디자인 도출이 가능함을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구의 과정 및 결과는 향후 국제적인 취향이 공유되는 현대 패션디자인에 있어 디자이너의 독창성을 강화하기 위한 패션디자인 프로세스 및 차별적인 영감의 원천으로서 버내큘러 요소를 다루는 유사 연구에 참고 될 수 있기를 기대하며 여기에 연구의 의의를 둔다. The purpose of this study is to extract modern fashion design by re-interpreting Korean vernacular elements through The Design Cycle(refer to as TDC hereafter) suggested by ‘Fiona Dieffenbacher’ and investigate its effectiveness for unique fashion design works reflecting designers’ characteristics as well as own interpretation of design theme. In order to achieve this purpose, literature reviews on TDC, vernacular design, glocalism and a designer’s case which had been analyzed by criteria of TDC were conducted. At the 1st Idea stage, through brainstorming, mind-mapping and literary researches, ‘Korean excitement’ which could be found out from Korean shamanism in the past and which has been continued as the cultural aspect until this modern society, K-POP and the street cheering in the present Korea was payed attention and the directional motility of shaman’s action in ceremonies of Korean shamanism was then extracted as expressive design key words. At the 2nd Concept stage, ideas had been re-investigated and images of three directional motility; ‘horizontal’, ‘vertical’ and ‘circular movement’ were then configured as the design concept. At the 3rd Design stage, the concept had been visualized and the signature styles reflecting the three directional motility were then established to be modern fashion designs; the 1st style was constructed adapting ‘horizontal’ image in design lines on the surface, 2nd style was constructed to indicate ‘vertical’ image by the asymmetric and layered structures and 3rd style was constructed to illustrate ‘circular’ image through design lines on the surface. As a result, the emotional element of Korean vernacular was able to be visualized and established as modern Fashion by TDC. Therefore, it was also confirmed that the modern fashion design could be created although it’s design inspiration was come from the ‘old image’ of the vernacular element.

      • KCI등재

        Recurrent and Metastatic Trichilemmal Carcinoma of the Skin Over the Thigh: A Case Report

        이현승,심선진,박진희,조은경,하승연,신동복,이재훈 대한암학회 2010 Cancer Research and Treatment Vol.42 No.3

        Trichilemmal carcinoma (TC) is an uncommon cutaneous neoplasm that develops from the external root sheath of the hair follicle. It is considered to be a low-grade carcinoma with low metastatic potential. Local recurrence and metastasis are rare after surgical excision. We report here on a case of metastatic TC in the skin over the thigh, and this tumor was treated with cisplatin and cyclophosphamide combination chemotherapy.

      • KCI등재

        The Design Cycle(TDC) 방법을 활용한 패션디자인 실습모형 개발 연구 -뎀나 바잘리아의 디자인 방법을 중심으로-

        이현승,박주희,이재정 한국의류학회 2018 한국의류학회지 Vol.42 No.1

        This study investigated the design practice model based on the creative fashion designer's methodology in fashion education. ‘The Design Cycle’ was the criterion used to analyze the design method of Demna Gvasalia who is one of the outstanding contemporary designers. After that, this study's practice model was then developed and experimented to verify its effectiveness in design practice as based on Gvasalia's method where ready-to-wear products were firstly dissembled then re-constructed with new designs created based on re-constructed results. To test its effectiveness, a student oriented design workshop was held to extract design results through the practice model; in addition, the students also conducted a survey to evaluate the effectiveness of the method. According to the self-evaluation result, the participants generally accept the design efficiency through the distinctive process. An evaluation by three fashion experts was also conducted. Experts assessed that the model is recommendable for seniors having knowledges on ‘Construction’, it is appropriate to deal with the trickled-down copying trend that could promote student interest and generate separate results according to different visions. Therefore, it could be accepted that the applicability of this study's practice model was confirmed.

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