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        메르센과 데카르트에 대한 컬리의 해석은 타당한가

        이현복 대동철학회 2019 大同哲學 Vol.86 No.-

        컬리는 『회의주의자에 대항한 데카르트』(Descartes against the Skeptics)에서 데카르트의 코 키토 명제에 대해 매우 논쟁적인 주장을 제시한다. 그의 논제는 『성찰』(Meditationes de prima philosophia)의 반론과 답변에서 메르센과 데카르트가 주고받은 반론과 답변을 중심으로 이루어 지고 있지만, 그 범위는 데카르트의 형이상학 전반에 미치고 있다. 그는 메르센의 반론에는 논란 의 여지가 있는 해석을, 데카르트의 답변에는 신랄한 비판을 가한다. 나는 이 논문에서 그의 해 석과 비판이 과연 타당한지를 비판적으로 검토하려고 한다. 우선, 메르센에 대한 컬리의 독해는 “quod sis”를 잘못 이해하고, 이와 아울려 “quod sis res cogitans”를 컬리가 데카르트 코키토 논 증의 소전제로 간주한 “I think”와 동일시한 것이 그의 결정적인 오류라고 생각한다. 그리고 데 카르트에 대한 컬리의 비판은 관점의 편협성과 데카르트의 코키토 명제에 대한 그의 선입견에 서 출발해서, “sed tanquam rem per se notam simplici mentis intuitu agnoscit”에 대한 오독에 서 절정에 도달한다고 생각한다. 이는 메르센과 데카르트가 나눈 문답을 그 자체로 이해하려는 것이 아니라, 자신의 입장에서 재단하려는 그의 접근 태도에 근본적인 원인이 있다고 생각한다. In Descartes against the skeptics Curly makes a very controversial argument about Descartes’ Cogito. His thesis is targeted at the Objections of Mersenne and Responses of Descartes in Meditationes de prima philosophia, but the scope falls on Descartes’ metaphysics as a whole. He makes controversial interpretations of Mersenne’s Objections and harsh criticism of Descartes’ Responses. In this paper I will examine whether his interpretations and criticism are really valid. I think Curly misinterpret Mersenne’s phrase “quod sis”, and also he is wrong in equating his phrase “quod sis res cogitans” with “I think”. And I think Curly’s criticism of Descartes stems from his prejudice of Descartes’ Cogito and from his misreading of Descartes’ phrase “sed tanquam rem per se notam simplici mentis intuitu agnoscit”.

      • KCI등재

        淸末 도덕 개혁의 一端 ― 譚嗣同의 ≪仁學≫을 중심으로

        이현복 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2012 中國學論叢 Vol.35 No.-

        譚嗣同在≪仁學≫提起的“仁”不儘是儒家的而是佛家的、 道家的, 甚至是西學的。 所謂“仁”一面是“元”、 “性”、 “以太(ether)”等存在的原質, 一面是兼愛、 性海、 慈悲、 靈魂、 愛力、 吸力等存在的顯現。 “元”、 “性”、 “以太(ether)”不能留於個體, 而該通過像電線一樣的網絡互相連結。 此可謂“仁”。 所以“仁”能說是個體互相之間作用的相近之力、 卽是他所謂的“心力”。 在此重要的是互相性, 而且他做爲顯現這互相性的例子提起“通商”。 通過“通商”雙方能取得利益。 他把此互相取得利益的情況稱爲“相仁”, 强調“仁”的積極的特色。 有互相性, 個體能在世界裡互相接近, 發見彼我無分的同等的關係。 從此看來, “仁”不只是自然的而是根本的, 能說是接近基於天理固定的倫常, 但考慮“仁”的互相性和平等性, 在此所謂倫常不能包括上下、 內外、 老少、親疎各各有分的不平等的倫常, 只能是表示平等之關係的朋友之倫常。 這樣以個體之平等爲主的朋友之倫常是與社會體制及其變化有關的, 所以爲了實現此倫常及變化需要冒著社會的壓力突圍前進的勇猛無畏的精神。 譚嗣同在≪仁學≫披露“仁”之兩面的特牲和意義, 再加顯示做爲新的社會倫常的朋友之倫常和做爲其實踐道德的勇猛無畏之精神。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        陳映真의 ‘中國’ 다시 보기 ― 1960년대 후반 작품과 평론을 중심으로

        이현복 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2022 中國學論叢 Vol.- No.77

        In post-war Taiwan, the Chines National Party(Kuomintang) proposed the restoration of old Chinese ethics and morals as a modern project, that is, China as method. However, this China is no more than a project which reduce China to itself and make China. From this view, the subject only tried to survive in this world without self-reflection, due to the awareness of being damaged from the defeat on the mainland and expulsion to Taiwan. On the other hand, Chen Yingzhen(陳映真) identified himself as Chinese from the similarity on poverty, ignorance and backwardness between China of 5·4 era and Taiwan in 1960’s. Furthermore, confirms the national identity by recognizing the true face of the nation and the ability to overcome hardship and creating the new phase of history. However, in the end, it is nothing more than positioning and fixing oneself as a victim. In fact, the resistance and struggle for the liberation of China as a victim of imperialism can certainly be linked to that of the liberation of all mankind, but the two cannot be said to be absolutely identical. If the struggle were aimed at the Chinese self, i.e., self-reducing, a severance could occur between the above two practices. If China stays in self-defining itself as a victim of imperialist aggression, self-reflection could disappear. The Chines National Party may have erased self-reflection while restoring old ethics and morals, and the leftist idea combined with nationalism may also have erased self-reflection by throwing away old ethics and morals. So, in the end, I doubt that only the stage of history assumed in the abstract is different, but they just were trapped in China, which is self-containedly surviving in the space of the world.

      • KCI등재
      • 수필문학의 현실과 미래문학으로서의 전망

        이현복 仁川敎育大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.29 No.2

        Essay literature is being established as an appropriate genre in the industrial society. Copies of essays are increasingly published, enlarging the area and population of literature. Despite its great popularity, the essay literature is still lift in the peripheral boundary of literature. Accordingly, the essay literature is treated as the literature of hobby and open sea. The question of "Can literature ever survive?" has been raised since pure literature was pushed away by popular literature. However, the essay literature is the only genre that did not give away to the popular literature in the late industrial society. This is the outlook of the essay literature. 1. ensuring the independence of the essay literature 2. producing the eaasys as literature works 3. establishing its literature genre suitable for the post-modern era. The essay literature is highly regarded as its arrributes correspond much with the thoughts of industrial and late industrial society.

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