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      • 현대문학 : 한 , 일 , 불문단 행동주의 작품양상의 비교연구 - 앙드레 말로에서 주교성일과 " 단층파 " 로의 변용 -

        이해년 ( Hae Nyeon Lee ) 문창어문학회 2000 문창어문논집 Vol.37 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to show that Korean Activism in Literature was influenced more by Japanese Activism in Literature than that of French. In order to prove this, Japanese Activism in Literature and French Activism in Literature were compared and analyzed. This was chosen to be the most appropriate way to prove the argument since Europe has strongly influences Japanese literature which then influenced Korean literature greatly. As a result of the study, the following conclusions were made. First, Korean and Japanese activism in literature works are very similar in their literary structures. However, French literature is different from Korean or Japanese literature. This difference is shown in the works of French writers Andre Malraux and Saint-Exupery in that they portrayed revolutional adventurism and active creativism but the Japanese and Korean writers showed activism in their writings. This study also proved that the Korean writer Koo, Yeon-Mook`s writing 'Ghost' and other works by the Korean writers associated with 'Dancheung' are very similar with the literary works of Japanese activism in the literature 'Diving'. Second, 'Dancheung' -centered Korean literary forums` activism was made possible by Ham, Dae-Hoon`s own unique creative methods. Therefore, the Korean literary forums which influenced strongly by the nationalism were different from Japanese literary forums that were influenced strongly by the nationalism were different from Japaneses literary forums that were influenced strongly by fascism. In this sense, Korean Activism is similar to the characteristics of French Activism, noted for its rebellious nationalism, and this served to form a basis for Korean`s unique literary forums.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        탈식민주의와 대중적 영상화 : < 무궁화꽃이 피었습니다 >

        이해년(Hae Nyeon Lee) 문학과영상학회 2001 문학과영상 Vol.2 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to analyze post-colonialism as shown in the movie Blooming of the Rose of Sharon and its original script, and the characteristics that became visible in the process of making a popular movie. The intentions of the author, Kim, Jin-Myung and the director Chung, Jin-Woo were the same in that both of their intentions started from nationalism. Kim and Chungs pure nationalism has served as the point from which the post-colonial movement of re-reading and re-writing history has started. In the movie and the script, the main character Kwon, Soon-Bum plays the role of a hero who leads the nation in its quest to re-establish a Korean identity. They also portray the dichotomous nature of Korean history: North and South Korea, the principle of freedom and Communism, a powerful nation and a weak nation, Korea and Japan, an aggressor and a victim, and nationalism and imperialism. The antagonism between the dichotomous concept and heroism demolishes the modern concept of dichotomy and its hierarchy relation creating a device for post-colonialism to overcome modernism. The movie and the script also present many heroic national leaders from Korean history to elevate the heroic nature of the main character; it also uses a narrative structure to present real stories. In the making of the movie, casting and screen writing were implemented according to the requirements a historical perspective and the business aspect. Therefore, the movie script was revised accordingly and the movie Blooming of the Rose of Sharon became a melodrama to attract moviegoers. The director Chung knew the difficulties in making a blockbuster movie based on a best-selling novel. However, Chung was determined to produce a popular movie due to his devotion to post-colonialism. It is meaningful that a heroic character overcomes the modern antagonism and realizes the theme of post-colonialism. Also, the strategies used such as connecting the plots through symbols, maximizing suspense and interest through compressing stories, and realizing the real stories are commendable, even though the movie has turned into a profit-oriented melodrama. The Image Generation that is used to computer games and Japanese style animation no longer favor reading paper books. Therefore, in the midst of complications of changing paper books to electronic books, the making of a post-colonialism novel Blooming of the Rose of Sharon into a movie is a significant event.

      • KCI등재

        韓·日 文壇 행동주의 문학론 전개의 비교연구

        이해년 국제비교한국학회 2000 비교한국학 Comparative Korean Studies Vol.7 No.-

        The purpose of this thesis is to establish a significant literary argument between the history of contemporary Korean literature and that of Japanese literature by examining the characteristics and the aspects of literary argument on Activism which was discussed in Korean literary forums from January of 1935 to early 1936. This study analyzes the movement of the activism of Korean literary forums in their three stages: first, pure literary writers accepted Progressivism, them the writers accepted proletarian literature, and lastly the writers took the positions between bourgeois and proletarian literature. The study also analyzes how Japanese literary forums were influenced by proletarian literature. Then the results of the two findings are compared. In order to find out how the activism structured in Europe has influenced Japanese literary forums which eventually affected Korean literary forums, it is most appropriate to examine the social background and the philosophy of the era. Furthermore, it is imperative to compare Korean Activism in literature to Japanese literature to distinguish the unique characteristics of each of the literary forums. As a result of the study, the following conclusion was found : First, the way French Activism Literature Theory was introduced to Korea and to Japan was very similar. In 1934, when NAPF was dismissed, Japan's literary forums searched for a way to revive the forums. At the same time, Korean literary forums were also struggling after the collapse of NAPF. It is important to note that the three stages which had occurred in the history of Korean literary forums are very similar to that of Japanese literary forums. Second, the core concept of French Activism's 'total recognition of human character' did not influence the content of Activism literature. However, proletarian literature had a big impact on the Activism literature, more on the theory than reflecting much on the literature. Third, the literary argument of Korean Activism is different than that of Japanese Fascism. Korean Activism is similar to the characteristics of French Activism (noted for its rebellious nationalism) which served as a basis for Korea's unique literary forums.

      • KCI등재

        A Study of Korea Fantasy Literature in the Age of Cyber-Culture : 환상소설의 전근대적 양식 수용과 포스트모더니즘적 다원성

        Lee, Hae Nyeon 국제비교한국학회 2001 비교한국학 Comparative Korean Studies Vol.8 No.-

        환상(fantastic)적인 요소는 이미 동서양을 막론하고 신화, 전설, 민담과 중세의 로맨스 문학, 전기(傳奇)와 몽유록 계통의 고전문학 등에서 있어 왔다. 그러나 영화와 애니메이션 등에서 점점 부상하여, 사이버 공간의 게임 시나리오나 하이퍼픽션 들에서 봄을 일으켜, 환상문학(Fantasy)이라는 장르로 부각되고 '환상소설'이 독자적인 장르로 정착된 것은 1990년대 후반부터이다. 이 논문의 목적은 사이버문화에 젖어있는 지금, 이 시대, 한국의 환상문학, 특히 독자적인 장르로 부각된 환상소설의 특징을 살펴보는 데 있다. 이것은 지금까지의 연구되어온, 환상의 정의나 용어설명, 환상의 종류나 원인규명 작업만큼이나 시급하다고 보기 때문이다. 그 결과 다음과 같은 사실을 밝혔다. 첫째, 90년대 후반부터 통신문학이나 게임시나리오 등을 통해 환상문학이 부각되고, 환상소설이 독자적인 중심장르로 정착된 것은, 게임과 애니매이션에 익숙한 신세대 넷티즌들의 감수성과 꿈과 욕망이 사이버공간을 통해 분출된 결과라고 보았다. 둘째, 환상소설의 특성은, 인물과 플롯, 주제와 배경 등 모든 면에서 동서양 설화(신화, 전설)나 고대소설, 중세 로맨스 양식과 같은 전근대적인 양식을 이어받고 있으며, 이러한 환상소설의 전근적인 양식적 특성은, 게임시나리오의 제반 특성에서 절대적인 영향을 받은 것이라고 밝혔다. 아울러 상동구조를 가진 이들 환상소설과 게임시나리오의 차이점은 제시형식의 차이일 뿐이라고 밝혔다. 셋째, 환상소설이 전근대적인 양식을 수용한 근본원인은, 포스트모더니즘의 다원성 때문이라고 밝혔다. 논리적 이성과 이분법적 대립구조로 특징되는 근대 모더니즘의 가치체계를 벗어나, 다양한 개성과 다원적 가치체계를 인정하는 포스트모더니즘의 수용적 태도는, 지금까지 전송되어온 동서양 설화(신화, 전설, 민담)와 고대소설과 중세 로맨스문학의 양식적 특성 뿐만 아니라, 여타의 주변 장르들 또는 하위양식들(괴기·공포물, 과학 공상물, 역사·무협물 등)의 제반 특성까지도 모든 수용함으로써, 환상소설이라는 '포괄적이고 거대한 담론'을 만들어 내었음을 밝혔다. 넷째, 환상소설이 전근대적인 서사방식을 택한 것은, 이들 전근대적인 양식이 내포하고 있는 전근대적 세계로의 탈출과 동경때문이라고 본다. 포스트모더니즘의 다원적 수용태도가 아울러 내포한 일회적 유희성과 즉흥성의 가벼움은, 포스트모던시대 개인에게 파편화된 삶과 불확실한 미래에 대한 불안감을 가져왔고, 이는 사이버세대에게 또 다른 현실적 업악이 되었다. 이에 따라 사이버시대의 개인은 사이버세계를 통하여 전근대적 세계로 탈출하여, 신과 인간의 혼연일체에서 오는 신비함과 집단적 안정감을 통하여 정체성을 회복하러 하였기 때문이라고 밝혔다. 앞으로 환상소설의 연구는, 환상문학의 story-telling구조를 가지고 있는 여타의 관련 양식들이나, 환상적 요소를 가지고 있는 타장르들과도 연계시켜 고찰될 필요가 있다고 본다. 이러한 지속적 연구를 통해서만, 사이버 문화의 한 양상인 환상문학의 정체성을 고찰할 수 있다고 보기 때문이다.

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