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      • 절수의 시기 및 방법의 차이가 수도생육 수량과 기타 실용형태질 미치는 영향

        이창구 한국농공학회 1968 韓國農工學會誌 : 전원과 자원 Vol.10 No.2

        본(本) 실험(實驗)은 관개방법(灌漑方法)을 합리화(合理化)시키고 관개수(灌漑水)를 절약(節約)하는 방법(方法)으로 절수(節水)의 정도(程度) 및 절수시기(節水時期)가 수도수량(水稻收量) 및 그 구성요소(構成要素)에 미치는 영향(影響)을 조사(調査)하였으며 그 시험결과(試驗結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 토양(土壤)의 이화학적(理化學的) 성질(性質)에 별차(別差)를 볼 수 없었으며 관개수질(灌漑水質) 기타(其他) 기온(氣溫) 강우(降雨) 등(等) 모든 값이 각처리구간(各處理區間) 동질(同質)이었다. 2. 벽간중(蘗稈重)은 절수정도(節水程度) 처리구간(處理區間)에만 유의성(有意性)을 보였으며 보통구(普通區)가 좋았다. 3. 밑다짐 효과는 토양(土壤)의 보수력(保水力)이 좋아 물이 절약(節約)되었으며 모든 생육(生育)은 물론(勿論) 수량(收量)에도 33.1%, 17.8%의 증수(增收)를 보였다. 더욱이 30cm의 경토(耕土) 밑에 6cm의 밑다짐을 하였던바 이것은 다수확(多收穫)에도 사질토양(砂質土壤)의 개량(改良)에도 좋은 방법(方法)이다. 4. 수량(收量)에 있어서 표(表) 10, 11에 나타난 바와 같이 밑다짐 절수구(節水區) 33.1%, 밑다짐 극절수구(極節水區) 17.8%, 밑다짐 보통구(普通區) 17.8%의 증수(增收)와 절수구(節水區) 17.2%, 극절수구(極節水區) 5.8%의 순서(順序)의 증수(增收)의 효과를 보였다. 5. 일주수수(一株穗數)와 일주입수(一株粒數)의 변이(變異)는 심(甚)하지 않았으나 절수(節水)의 정도(程度) 처리구(處理區)에서는 절수구(節水區), 극절수구(極節水區), 보통구(普通區)의 순서(順序)였으며 시기(時期)에 따른 효과는 초기(初期), 중기(中期), 후기(後期), 상시(常時)의 순서(順序)로 차이(差異)가 있어 수량(收量)에 미치는 효과의 차이(差異)가 있었다. 6. 적당(適當)히 절수(節水)를 하면 관개수량(灌漑水量)에 있어서 전량(全量)의 1/3이 절약(節約)되어 저수지(貯水池) 사용(使用)에 있어서는 동일저수량(同一貯水量)으로써 관개기간(灌漑期間)이 연장(延長)되어 어느 정도(程度)의 조발(早魃)에도 그 해(害)를 극복(克服)할 수 있고 양수(揚水機利用)에 있어서는 혼영비(渾營費)가 절약(節約)될 것이다. 수량(收量)에 있어서는 어느 것이나 10% 이상(以上)의 증수(增收)를 보이고 있다. 7. 만일(萬一) 답지대(沓地帶)가 삼투(渗透), 누수(漏水)가 (甚)심해서 보수력(保水力)이 판(板)히 낮으면 여기에다 점토(粘土)로써 밑다짐을 시행(施行)하면 그의 보수력(保水力)이 커지고 따라서 종래(從來)의 관개수량(灌漑水量)을 반감(半減)해도 족(足)할 것이며 (2 l/sec 이상(以上)을 1 l/sec로 함) 수량(收量)에 있어서 막대(莫大)한 증수(增收)를 얻게될 것이다. Higher yield in rice paddies is greatly dependent on adequately balanced and timely supply of water. A majority of rice paddy in Korea is generally irrigated by rainfall, but in many cases it has to be supplemented by artificial irrigation for optimum rice culture. Although the water requirement of rice plant is far higher than that of other crops, submerged condition of rice paddy is not necessarily required. The moisture requirement of rice plant varies with its growing stages, and it is possible to increase the irrigation efficiency through reduction of water loss due to percolation in rice paddies. An experiment was conducted on the effectiveness of economical use of water by different irrigation period and different method of cultivation. The experimental plots were set up by means of randomized block design with three duplications; (a) Alltime submerged (b) Economically controlled, and (c) Extremely controlled. Three different irrigation periods were (a) Initial stage (b) Inter-stage, and (c) last stage. The topsoil of the three plots were excavated to the depth of 30cm and then compacted with clay of 6 cm thickness. Thereafter, they were piled up with the excavated top soils, leveled and cored with clay of 6cm thickeness arround footpath in order to prevent leakage. The results obtained frome the experiments are as follows; (1) There is no difference among the three experiment plots in terms of physical and chemical contditions, soil properties, and other characteristics. (2) Colulm length and ear length are not affected by different irrigation methdos. (3) There is no difference in the mature rate and grain weight of rice for the three plots. (4) The control plot which was irrigated every three days shows an increased yield over the all the time submerged plot by 17 persent. (5) The clay lined plot whose water holding capacity was held days long, needs only to be irrigated every 7 days. (6) The clay lined plot showes an increased yield over the untreated plot; over all the time submerged plot by 18 percent, extremely controlled plot by 18 percent, and economically controled plot by 33 percent.

      • KCI등재
      • 절수의 시기 및 방법의 차이가 수도의 생육수량과 기타 실용형질에 미치는 영향

        이창구 한국기술사회 1968 技術士 Vol.1 No.1

        Higher yield in rice paddies is greatly dependent on adequately balanced and timely supply of water. A majority of rice paddy in Korea is generally irrigated by rainfall, but in many cases it has to be supplemented by artificial irrigation for optimum rice culture. Although the water requirement of rice plant is for higher Than that of athec crops, submerged condition of rice paddy is not Necessarily required. The moisture requirement of rice plant varies with its growing stages, and it is possible to increase the irrigation efficiency through reduction of water loss due to percolation in rice paddies. An experimental plots were set up by means of sandomized block design with three duplication; (a) All time submerged, (b) Economically controlled, and (c) Extremely controlled. Three different irrigation periods Were (a) Initial sage, (b) Inter-stage, and (c) Yast stage. The topsoil of the three plots were excavated to the depth of 30 cm and then compacted with clay of 6 cm thickness. There after, they were piled up with the excavated top soils, leveled and cored with clay of 6 cm thickness around footpath in order to prevent leakage. The results obtained from the experiments are as follows, 1. There is no difference among the three experiments plots in terms of physical and chemical conditions, soil properties, and other characteristics. 2. Culm length and ear length are not affected by different irrigation methods. 3. There is no difference in the mature rate and 1, 000 grain weight of rice for the three plots. 4. The control plot which was irrigated every three days shows an increased yield over the all the time submerged plot by 17.8 percent. 5. The clay lined plot whose water holding capacity was held 5 days long, needs only to be irrigated every 7 days. 6. The clay lined plot shows an increased yield over the untreated plot ; over all-the-time submerged plot by 18 percent ; extremely controlled plot by 18 percent, and economically controlled plot by 33 percent. 7. It may be saved in water requirement about one Thirds.

      • KCI등재
      • 누수유에 있어서 밑다짐 두께의 차이가 보수력 및 수호량에 미치는 영향

        이창구 한국농공학회 1969 韓國農工學會誌 : 전원과 자원 Vol.11 No.1

        본실험(本實驗) 관개방법(灌漑方法)을 합리화(合理化) 시켜서 관개용수(灌漑用水)를 절약(節約)하고 보수력(保水力)을 증대(增大)시키는 동시(同時)에 증수(增收)를 꾀하는 방법(方法)으로서 시험결과(試驗結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 토양(土壤)의 이화학적성질(理化學的性質)에는 별차이(別差異)가 없었으며 관개수질(灌漑水質) 기타(其他) 기온(氣溫) 강우량등(降雨量等) 모든 값이 각처리구(各處理區)에 모두 동질(同質)이었다. 2. 엽간중(葉稈重)은 각처리구간(各處理區間)에 유의성(有意性)이 없었다. 3. 밑다짐의 두께에 있어서는 9cm 두께구(區)가 다소(多少) 성적(成績)이 좋았으나 경제성(經濟性)으로 보아 3cm구(區)가 가장 적당(適當)한 것으로 생각된다. 4. 수량(收量)에 있어서는 밀집(區)가 우월(優越)하였으나 이것은 다비(多肥)의 효과(效果)가 발효(發效)된 것으로 보며 그내용한(耐用限)이 문제점(問題點)이며 $2{\sim}3$년(年)마다 반복작업(反復作業)을 해야 할것으로 보며 노력(勞力)이 많이 소요(所要) 될 것이다. 5. 금년도(今年度)에는 시험구작성관계(試驗區作成關係)로 인(因)하여 표토(表土)와 심토(心土)가 다소(多少) 이동혼합(移動混合) 되었을 것이므로 완성(完成)한 시험결과(試驗結果)인가 의문(疑問)되나 일주수수(一株穗數)와 일수입수(一穗粒數)의 변화(變化)에는 유의차(有意差)를 보였다. 6. 본시험(本試驗)은 밑다짐한 후(後) 보통재배법(普通栽培法)에 의(依)하여 관개(灌漑)하였는데 $5{\sim}6$일(日) 1회(回)의 관개(灌漑)로서 밑다짐90cm구(區)에서 44.9% 밑다짐6cm 구(區)에서 39.7% 밑다짐 3cm 구(區)에서 36.3%의 용수절약(用水節約)을 보았다. 7. 수량(收量)에 있어서 밀짚(區)가 23.8% 밑다짐 90cm 구(區)에서 20.1% 밑다짐3cm구(區)에서 12%의 증수(增收)를 보았고 비닐 $3cm/m^3$ 구멍구(區)에서 12.5%의 증수(增收)를 보았다. 8. 임실율(稔實率)이 양호(良好)하였으며 도정율(搗精率)이 75%로서 품질(品質)이 향상(向上)되었다. A field expeperiment has been conducted in order to explore possibilities of efficient and economical irrigation methods for the rice cultivation through which irrigation water may be saved and rice paddies may keep water for longer period of time, resulting in an increased yield of rice. Some of the major findings from the experimentation are summarized in the following. 1. There is slightly significant difference among experimental plots in the weight of rice straw. 2. The 9cm-lined plot proves to be the best in terms of the thickness. In this connection, however, it seems to by 3cm. 3. The wheat straw-lined plot is found superior in yield. However, this may be resulted in by the application of more fertilizer, and how long the plot could be durable may be problematic. Since every two or three years the straw-lining work has to be done, more labour may be required of the plot. 4. It would be inappropriate to expect any meaningful experimental results for the first year, since surface soil and deep soil are mixed up in the course of work. There is not observed any meaningful difference in the number of ears per stalk and in the number of grains per ear. However, in the lined plots, the number of tillers is slightly increased. 5. Irrigation has been applied by means of ordinary method after lining. When irrigation is applied at the interval of five to six days, irrigation water is saved by 44.9 per cent in the case of 9cm-lined plot, 39.7 per cent in the case of 6 cm-lined plot, and 36.3 percent in the case of 3 cm-lined plot. 6. An increased yields arenoted in the wheat straw-lined plot by 23.8 per cent, in the 9 cm-lined plot by 20.1 per cent, in the 3 cm-lined plot by 12 per cent. and in the case of vinyl-lined plot by 12.5 per cent. 7. The rate of maturity of grains is proved better, and the husking rate also found better(75%), that is, the quality of rice grains is improved.

      • KCI우수등재

        관개조절의 몇가지 방식이 수함의 생육 및 수량과 관개수절약에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        이창구 한국농공학회 1971 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.13 No.3

        관개용수(灌漑用水)의 부족(不足)과 한해(旱害)의 적응책(適應策)로서 절수(節水)를 피함과 동시(同時)에 수도수야(水稻收野) 증가(增加)시킬 수 있는 관개조절방법(灌漑調節方法)을 구명(究明)하기 위하여 $1968{\sim}1969$ 의 양년도(兩年度)에 걸처서 만생종(晩生種)인 농림(農林) 6호(號)를 공시(供試)하여 서울대학교(大學校) 농과대학(農科大學) 실험포장(實驗圃場)의 누수형답(漏水形畓)에서 밑다짐 간단관수(間斷灌水) 및 작토(作土)밑에 비닐깔기 등의 세가지 3방향(方向)으로 19처리(處理)를 하여 3반복(反覆)의 완전임의배치법(完全任意配置法)으로 시험(試驗)하였던 바 그 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 경토(耕土) 15cm 밑에 점토(粘土)를 $3{\sim}9cm$ 두께로 밑다짐한 것은 양년도(兩年度)에 각각(各各) $36{\sim}45%$ 및 $78{\sim}88%$ 의 관개용수(灌漑用水)가 절약(節約)되었다. 특히 밑다짐 9cm 구(區)는 양년도(兩年度)에 45% 및 88% 의 관개용수절약(灌漑用水節約)과 20% 및 12%의 수도증수(水稻增收)를 보였다. 2. 분얼기(分蘖期)와 등숙기(登熟期)에 $5{\sim}8$ 일(日) 간격(間隔)으로 40mm 식 간단관수(間斷灌水)한 것은 양년도(兩年度)에 각각(各各) $52{\sim}65%$ 및 $41{\sim}55%$ 의 관개용수절약(灌漑用水節約)과 $10{\sim}16%$ 의 수도증수(水稻增收)를 보였다. 3. 경토(耕土) 15cm 밑에 비닐을 깐 것은 비닐의 공극량(孔隙量)에 따라서 $75{\sim}88%$의 관개용수절약(灌漑用水節約)을 보였다. 비닐의 공극량(孔隙量) $3cm/m^2$의 경우에는 수도수량(水稻收量)이 표준구(標準區)와 비등(比等)하였으나 그 보다 공극(孔隙) 작으면 수도수량(水稻收量)은 저하(低下)하였다. 4. 처리구(處理區) 주위(周圍)에 깊이 57cm, 높이 6cm로 비닐을 삽입(揷入)하여 지수벽(止水壁)을 만들면 수분침투량(水分浸透量) $25{\sim}33%$ 정도 감소(減少)되었다. 5. 경토(耕土) 15cm 밑에 밑짚을 6cm 두께로 다저 넣은 것은 표준구(標準區)에 비(比)하여 1963, 년도(年度)에는 약(約) 30% 의 증수(增收)를 보였으나 1969년도(年度)에는 약(約) 7%의 감수(減收)를 보여 양년도(兩年度)의 성적(成績)이 극(極)히 대조적(對照的)이었다. 6. 전체적(全體的)으로 1969년도(年度)에는 전년도(前年度)보다 수량(收量)이나 주당수수(株當穗數) 및 수립수(穗粒數)가 적은데 이것은 1969도(度)의 기상(氣象)이 분얼성기(分蘖盛期)에 저온다우(低溫多雨)이고 등숙기(登熟期)에 일조(日照)가 적었기 때문일 것이다. 7. 생육상태(生育狀態)의 처리간(處理間) 변이(變異)는 다음과 같다. (1) 밑다짐과 간단관수(間斷灌水)에 의하여 초장신장(草長伸長)이 조장(助長)되었다. (2) 밑다짐 9cm 구(區)와 일간격(日間隔)의 간단관수구(間斷灌水區)는 고(高) 수량(收量)이며 간장(稈長)도 컸다. (3) 간단관수(間斷灌水)의 경우에 고수량(高收量)이며 주당수수(株當穗數)가 많은 경향(傾向)이 있었다. (4) 밑다짐 9cm 구(區)나 $5{\sim}8$ 일(日)의 간단관수구(間斷灌水區)에서 수립수(穗粒數)가 많었고 수량(數量)도 많었다. (5) 1000립중(粒重)에서도 1수립수(穗粒數)와 비슷한 경향(傾向)이 인정(認定)되었다. (6) 실임율(實稔率)은 밑다짐과 간단관수(間斷灌水)의 경우에 증대(增大)되었다. The studies were conducted to determine the methods of irrigation control which is not only able to save the irrigation water as a adaptable measures for the insufficient irrigation water and the drought but also increase the yields of rice, in the paddy field which shows over percolating tendency through the couple years of 1968 and 1969 at Suwon. These experiments were carried with late maturing rice variety, Norim No. 6 and the major treatments in this experiments were filling the clay under surface soil, periodic irrigation and lining the Vinyl under the surface soil and three replicated completely randomized design was employed. Results obtained will be summarzed as follows. 1. Through the couple years, the plots tilled the clay under 15cm of the surface soil saved the irrigation water by 364% to 45% and 78% to 88% respectively. Particulary, the plot of filling the clay with 9cm thick under 15cm of the surface soil, saved the amount of irrigation water by 45% to 88% and also increased yields by 12% to 20% through the couple years. 2. The plots in which amount of 40mm of irrigation water is irrigated periodically from 5 to 8 days at the stages of tillering and ripening, saved theamount of irrigation water by 41% to 55% and also increased yields by 10% to 16% respectively through the couple years. 3. The plot lined the Vinyl under 15cm of the surface soil, saved the amount of irrigation water by 75% to 88% in accordance with the size of hole. The plot of lining the Vinyl with $3cm/m^2$ hole yielded almost same as the check plot, but in the case of lesser hole than above yielded less. 4. The plots inserted the Vinyl paper in 57cm depth and with 6cm height from the soil surface around the plot to prevent the ridge percolation reduced the amount of percolation by 25% to 33%. 5. The plot filled the wheat straw with 6cm thick under 15cm of the surface soil increased yields by 30% in former year but opposite results were gained in later year. 6. Generally, yields and yield components such as number of spikes of spikes per hill and number of grains per spike were decreased in 1969. These faots are considered to depend upon the rainy and cold weather in the stages of vigorous tillering and less sunshine in the stages of ripening. 7. The variation of characters among the plots will be summarized as follows. (1) Tallerplant height was found in the plots of clay filling and irrigation control. (2) longer culm length and higher yields were founds in the plots filled the clay with 9cm thick and controled the irrigation periodically froir 7 to 8 days. (3) Length of spike increased generally with yields but opposite tendency was found also. (4) Number of spikes per hill increased with yields in the plots of irrigation control. (5) Number of grains per spike increased with yields in the plots filled the clay with 9cm thick and controled irrigation periodically from 5 to 8 days. (6) Tendency of variation of 1000 grain weight is similar to Number of grains per spike. (7) Percentage of complete grains increased in the plot of clay filling and irrigation control.

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