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      • 잠사류(蠶絲類)의 균형(均衡) 가격모색(價格模索)

        이질현 ( Jil Hyun Lee ) 한국잠사학회 1970 한국잠사곤충학회지 Vol.12 No.-

        우리나라 잠업을 발전시킴에 있어 하나의 기본요소는 생산업자의 생산활동을 자극할 수 있는 가격수준이다. 본 분석에서는 잠업의 대외적 제한요인인 국제사가를 상한으로 하여 양잠과 제사부문을 균형적으로 발전시킬 수 있는 균형가격수준의 결정방법에 대한 대체안을 제시코자 하였다. 한국은행의 군민소득회계를 위한 중간집계자료를 주자료로 각종 잠사류 관계자료를 수집분석 하였으나 자료의 제한성이 컸다. 이와 같은 잠업시책연구를 위하여 과학적 표본계산에 입각한 자료수집활동의 강화가 절실히 요청된다. 제한된 자료의 범위 내에서 분석된 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 현재의 생산기술체제하에서 제사부문은 대규모 생산의 상대적 유리성이 인정되며 따라서 대규모의 자본집약적인 생산체제로 발전될 가능성이 클 것으로 예상된다. 2. 양잠부문에서는 대규모생산의 유리성이 인정되지 않으며 따라서 현재의 소규모 노동집약적 생산체제로 유지될 것이 예상된다. 새로운 기술체제가 도입되지 않는 한 우리나라 농업이 상업적 영농으로 발전됨에 따라 수익성이 높은 여지의 상품생산으로 전환될 가능성도 없지 않다. 3. 잠사류의 가격변동에 따라 생산에 미치는 영향력은 양잠부문이 제사부문보다 크며 따라서 가격인상에 따라 국민총생산에 미치는 영향은 양잠부문이 제사부문보다 클 것이 예상된다. 4. 우리나라 잠업의 균형적 발전을 위한 잠사류의 균형가격수준은 1963∼69년의 추세로 보아 잠견가격을 8∼16%로 조정인상 하던가 또는 기준가격수준을 6∼8%로 인상하는 것이 합리적이었을 것으로 분석되었다. 또한 생사제조 판매비와 잠견의 가격비가 28% 대 72%로 책정하는 것이 투입된 자원의 생산력을 일치시키는 균형가격비로 분석되었다. There are many factors affecting the development of sericultural industry in Korea. The setting of a rational pricing system for sericultural products is one of important activities of the Korean Government to improve the incentives to producers. The determination of the prices for many years were based on the production costs including a certain level of profits. Some of cost items are in conflict both in cocoon producers and silk-reeling industries. Government officials have to evaluate these conflicting problems and estimate the consequences of their decisions. In this situation the final decision often became political decisions. This analysis is aimed at providing an alternative method of setting the prices of sericultural products. The criteria of the equilibrium employed in this analysis are based on economic principle which equilibrium condition is determined by the relationships between the marginal productivity of input factors and factor prices. In order to obtain the related information Cobb-Douglas` functions were fitted using KIST computer and data were obtained mostly from the Bank of Korea and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestru, An important assumption is that "Opportunity Costs" of factors input in both cocoon production and silk-Peeling industries are same. The major finding s obtained are as followings. 1) The sum of coefficient of production elastisity in silk-reeling industries is greater than one. Silk-reeling industries are operating under the situation of increasing return to scale and it is, therefore, expected to develop the industries as the capital-intensive large scale. 2) The cocoon producing farmers are under the situations of the decreasing return to scale and it is expected to continue their cocoon farming as the labor-intensive small scale, assuming the present level of production technology. As the development of commercial farming, the resources input in cocoon production will be shifted to the production for higher profitable crops. 3) The price elastisity of production is higher in cocoon production than in silk-reeling industries. It is expected that the price changing effects on domestic production will be resulted from cocoon producers. 4) Based on analysis results of marginal productivities and the opportunity costs of resources, cocoon price for meeting equilibrium price condition is to be increased by 8-16 percent or standard price level of silk increased by 6-8 percent. There were the possibilities of over evaluation on opportunity cost of resources input in silk-reeling industries, or income transfered from the farmers to the industries. It is recommended that the prices for meeting equilibrium price conditions are to be determined by 72 percent for cocoon and 28 percent for silk-reeling costs, based on standard level of the exporting prices.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • Community and Agricultural Human Resources Development : Report on Baseline Survey

        Lee, Jil Hyun 서울大學校 農科大學 1978 서울대농학연구지 Vol.3 No.1

        가. 학생에 대한 영농 및 농업기술에 관한 이해도측정시험성적은 평균 43점이었으며 61점 이상 취득한 학생이 전체의 10% 미만이었고 40점 이하를 취득한 학생은 40%에 달하였다. 평균 60점을 예상하고 출제했던 성적에 비하여 낮은 수준이었다. 이러한 이해도수준을 감안할 때 농촌청소년에 대한 보다 실용적인 교육훈련사업의 필요성이 재인식되었으며 이 성적은 양평군에서 시범적으로 실시할 IHAP사업 실시 후 학생들의 지식수준이 얼마나 개선되었는가를 평가하는 기초자료로 활용되게될 것이다. 나. 학생 및 학부모의 진학성향조사결과를 보면 47%의 학생과 49%의 학부모가 고등학교 이상의 학교에 진학하기를 원하고 있었는데 남학생은 59%가 여학생은 34%가 진학을 원하고 있어 남녀학생간의 진학성향에 차이를 나타내고 있었다. 또한 15%의 학생과 8%의 학부모가 농업계 학교에 진학하기를 원하고 있을 뿐 대부분의 학생과 학부모는 상업, 공업 및 인문계학교에 보다 흥미를 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 다. 70% 학생이 4-H운동에 관하여 긍정적인 반응을 보이고 있으며 60%의 학생은 앞으로 4-H부원이 되기를 원하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 이러한 반응을 고려할 때 4-H부원자격연령을 현재보다 낮추어 참여할 수 있는 기회가 부여된다면 그들은 4-H부원으로서 활발한 4-H활동을 할 것으로 판단된다. 그들이 택하고자 하는 과제는 11%의 학생만이 식량작물과제이고 60% 학생은 축산, 원예 및 도의과제를 원하고 있었다. 이러한 성향은 앞으로 상업적 농업발전의 가능성을 암시해주는 경향이라고 할 수 있겠다. 라. 대부분의 학생은 새마을운동과 농촌생활에 관하여 긍정적 반응을 보이고 있는바 이는 그들의 마을에서 그동안 추진해온 새마을사업이 성공적이었기 때문에 나타난 반응이라고 사료되나 그동안까지의 대부분의 농촌개발활동은 성인 중심이었으나 앞으로 청소년이 관심을 갖고 참여할 수 있는 일거리를 청소년에게 부여하는 것이 바람직할 것이다. 마. 대부분의 지역사회의 지도급 인사들이 양평군에서 IHAP사업과 같은 후계농촌인력개발사업을 실시하는 것을 찬성하고 있었으며 이의 효율적 수행을 위한 특별훈련교재의 발간, 과외시간의 배정은 물론 이 사업을 위한 적극적인 협조자세인 것으로 판단된다.

      • 韓國農業政策의 科學的 分析 -1945~1970-

        李瓆鉉 서울大學校 農科大學 1976 서울대농학연구지 Vol.1 No.2

        This study aimed at the scientific evaluation on agricultural policies which were issued from 1945 to 1970. 15,032 policies were collected and analyzed by six alternative criteria. The evaluation criteria were included such as (1) systematic approaches of policy development, (2) sequence of policies from production to consumption, (3) policies fit for central to local levels, (4) gap between policy goals and implemented results, (5) rational combination of public and private resources, and (6) continuation and duration of policies. During the period 26 Ministers of Agriculture and Fishery were changed and average serving period was about less than 12 months. Among 26 ministers 19 were served less than one year and 18 ministers were resigned by the cause of food crises. These unstable situations of ministers were one of causes of mass policy issues. About 58 percent among total policies were related with food production and consumption and less than 10 percent were formulated with scientific facts. It is reflected that about 90 percent of agricultural policies were developed and implemented by "table ideas" of central officers without relevant facts. About 53 percent of policies at provincial level and 70 percent at county level should be treated within 7 days by the order of central offices. From such a rush process of policy implementation there are difficulties of local adjustments and efficient implementing of the policies. 49 percent out of total policies were implemented with government fund and resources and 12 percent were by private resources, and remains were implemented with the combination of government and private resources. Most of the policies with the government resources were lower level of effectiveness than that with private resources. Lack of scientific facts and rush process are the major causes of "trial and error" in formating and implementing agricultural policies and lead to lower level of effectiveness.

      • Survey on the Potentiality of Rural Community and Agricultural Human Resources Development

        Lee,jil Hyun 서울大學校 農科大學 1981 서울대농학연구지 Vol.6 No.1

        1. 學生에 대한 1年間의 農村및 農業에 관한 敎育訓練을 實施한 후에 營農 및 農業技術의 理解度測定成績은 訓練以前에 43.0點이였으나 以後에는 58.5點으로 向上되였으며 61點以上이 9.9%增加하였다. 2. 學生 및 學父母의 進學性向 調査結果는 訓鍊以前에 47%가 高等學校以上의 學校進學性向을 보였으나 訓練事業니후에는 이가 約 70%로 向上되었다. 이러한 訓練事業을 通하여 學生및 學父母에 대한 進學性向을 改善하는 契機가 될것으로 思料된다. 特히 農業學校에로의 性向調整도 可能할것이다. 3. 4-H運動에 관하여는 事業以前과 以後에 큰 差異가 없는것으로 調査되었으나 大部分의 學生이 4-H部員이 되기를 願하고 있음을 勘案할때 4-H部員 資格年齡을 現在보다 낮추어 調整하므로서 어려서부터 健全活動을 生活化하는것이 바람직 할 것으로 判斷된다. 4. 訓練事業以前에는 60%의 學生이 農村開發事業에 관하여 肯定的 反應을 보였으나 以後에는 이가 75%로 向上된것으로 調整되었다. 이는 이 事業을 通하여 學生들에게 새마을 運動 4-H運動 等에 관한 成人들의 指導와 關心을 기울인 때문으로 思料되며 앞으로 靑少年에게 農村開發事業에 대한 參與幅을 擴大하므로서 後繼開發人力 育成과 擴保側面에서 바람직할 것으로 判斷된다. 5. 大部分의 地域社會의 指導級人士들은 이러한 訓練事業이 後繼農村人力開發에 效果적이라는 反應이였으며 特히 地域實情에 맞는 訓練敎材發刊 및 活用의 重要性을 認識하고 있는 것으로 調査되었다. 또한 學校敎育에 追加하여 이러한 特別訓練事業을 實施하여 줄것을 願하고 있음을 勘案할때 學校單位 및 敎育區單位의 이러한 事業의 擴大가 바람직 할 것으로 判斷된다.

      • 韓國 小農의 社會·經濟的 特性과 發展方向

        鄭址雄,李瓆鉉,金在浩 연세대학교 교육대학원 1977 연세교육과학 Vol.11 No.-

        The small farmer development is highlighted in the 1970's as an imperative task of rural development. Prior to planning any development programs for the small farmers, the baseline survey is needed to investigate the economic and socio-psychological characteristics of them in comparison with the middle and big farmers in relative sense. Catering such a need, this study aims at indentifying the small farmers' economic and socio-psychological characteristics and drawing some implications for their development. In addition to the documentary analysis, 176 farm households and 22 landless farm laborers were interviewed and the data was analyzed by means of analysis of variance and chi-square and other simple descriptive statistics. The subjects were total villagers of typical four villages located at southern Yong In County about 70 kilo meters south of Seoul, and all the farm households were grouped into four in order of their annual household income: big farmers(Upper one fourth), middle farmers(second one fourth), marginal farmers(third 25 percent), and poor farmers (lowest 25 percent). The major findings of the study are : 1. The small farmers had smaller size of assets estimated by current cash in 1975 than those of bigger farmers, but their paddy-upland ratiov tenant land ratio, irrigated land ratio, and items component ratio (land item, farm machinery item, livestock itemof total assets estimated were not different significantly. 2. The input level for getting a unit farm roceipt of the small farmers was higher than that of bigger farmers, while labor and land efficiency of the small farmers was lower than the bigger ones. 3. The size of the farmers income was net related with their technical level, but related to their communication exposure. 4. The level of achievement motive of the farmers was very positively related with their income: the small farmers had lower motive to live hotter than bigger ones. Based on the foregoing results, the following implications can be drawn : 1. The limitation of capital resource is one of the major factor affecting farming efficiency, so that government agricultural loam system should be adjusted for solving capital rationing faced by small farmers. 2. The conditions of tenant farming are not reasonable to small farmers and it is needed to adjust land tenant system which is suitable for the development stages of Korean economy. 3. The land amelioration should be more emphasized for small farmers' land than the bigger ones. 4. Livestsock farming and off-farm activities should be strengthened for small farmers in order to raise their income. 5. Educational programs to develop the small farmers' achievement motive and their farm management skills should be offered by any institutions related to rural development. 6. An integrated agricultural and rural development program at central and local levels is needed for solving small farmers' problems which are interdisplinarily related.

      • 農業與件의 變化에 따른 農地題度改善에 관한 硏究

        閔炳敦,李瓆鉉 서울大學校 農科大學 1982 서울대농학연구지 Vol.7 No.1

        The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. The early 1980’s can be regarded a foundation under which external and internal conditions have matured so that agricultural land system can be improved. If an agricultural land system is established which promotes agricultural modernization, we must conclude that, parts of the 1949 Land Reform acts must be abolished and a new agricultural land act enacted to achieve balanced farm income and agricultural productivity improvement. 2. Promotion of farm mechanization is a necessity for improved working efficiency to cope with the decreasing trend of labor in agriculture. It is desirable that we extend the fluidity of farm land, enlarge farm size, and develop full-time farm households. For this, farmland ownership ceilings must be raised, keeping in mind the characteristics of traditional small farming, farm land conditions, and limits of non-agricultural employment. Accordingly maximum farmland ownership of four to five ha would be an appropiate level to be established. In anddition it is also necessary to regulate the following: land leased from resident landlords up to one or two ha, and like in Japan, farm rent, period of rental, etc. 3. To prevent farm land subdivision after establishing higher maximum farmland ownership ceilings, permitting farmland inheritance, and establishing a system of succession to one individual, ane both desirable. On the other hand, it is necessary to establish a land bank to finance farm households hoping to expand farm size, and farm successors with long-term low interest loans. 4. In order to promote coopertive group farming the following would be desirable: establishment of a group farming corporate body with farmers as its members, giving the organization the right to own farm land, and lifting limits of ownership on reclaimed and new polderland. 5. Increasing non-agricultural employment opportunities for poor small farmers and outmigrants, devising proper measures protecting them, and at the same time absorbing their labor by developmg rural industry are all highly desirable. 6. In order to prevent farm speculation by non-farmers, farmland regulation intensification of faithful farm land administration by strentheninfg the functions of Agricultural Land Committes are highly recommendable. 7. Taking the opportunity to improve the agricultural land system and enact a new agricultural land act, the positive implementation of mutually annexed land exchange, land rearrangement, and farm road rearrangement, etc. are most desirable.

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