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      • 白色 버블시트의 表面被覆 養生에 의한 콘크리트 龜裂低減 技法의 現場適用性 評價

        이정교 청주대학교 2018 국내박사

        RANK : 1871

        In this research, considering difficulty of the wet curing method for high-rising building construction, the surface covered curing method using white-colored single-layered bubble sheet, invented to be applied during spring, summer, and fall seasons, was applied on the slab of the actually constructed apartment building. As a goal of the research, a new curing method for concrete to improve the concrete quality was suggested by analyzing various temperature history and cracking behaviors depending on different curing conditions such as white-colored single-layered bubble sheet, polyethylene film, and surface exposed, and the results of the research can be summarized as follow: 1) As a result of temperature history at slab concrete, the concrete cured by the white-colored single-layered bubble sheet had a one to two degrees Celsius higher temperature than other curing conditions at surface, core, and bottom of the concrete, and an accumulated temperature was about 3 % higher than other curing conditions. However, it is considered that the high temperature by white-colored single-layered bubble sheet is not a significant difference in practical aspect. 2) Regarding the slab cracks, all cracks with the white-colored single-layered bubble sheet were settlement cracking occurred where the rebar located while the cracks on the slab concrete cured by polypropylene film were consisted with 27 % of settlement cracks, and 73 % of plastic and drying shrinkage cracks, and the cracks on the slab concrete cured without cover were consisted with 18 % of settlement cracks, and 82 % of plastic and drying shrinkage cracks. Specially, the crack length, maximum crack depth, and cracking area were the least on the slab concrete cured with the white-colored single-layered bubble sheet. 3) Regarding the polypropylene film on concrete curing, because of many vertical rebar and pipes, the applying quality was low while the suggested white-colored single-layered bubble sheet was easy to be applied and applying quality was favorable with its customized manufacturing process. The application speed was similar between the polypropylene file and the white-colored single-layered bubble sheet. 4) As an cost analysis, in the case of initial cost of the white-colored single-layered bubble sheet was higher than polypropylene film while the life cycle cost of the white-colored single-layered bubble sheet was 22 % lower than polypropylene film when the white-colored single-layered bubble sheet was used over than ten times. Additionally, including the labor, wasting cost, and recovering cost of plastic and drying shrinkage of concrete, the white-colored single-layered bubble sheet could save 27 % of entire cost comparing the polypropylene film. In summary, considering the cracking reduction effect economic aspect, construction easiness, and insulation effect of surface covered curing sheet for the concrete constructed during fall, curing method of covering the concrete surface with the white-colored single-layered bubble sheet is considered as a favorable method rather than a normal PE film in this research conditions. As a further study, it is necessary that the studies on the applicability on spring, summer conditions and multiple usage of the sheet.

      • 의사가운의 형태 및 색상과 관찰자특성이 착용자의 인상에 미치는 영향

        이정교 연세대학교 대학원 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        본 연구는 실생활에서 고정관념화 되어있는 의사가운을 대상으로 의사가운착용자에 대한 환자 또는 보호자의 인상차원을 규명하는 연구로 구체적인 연구목적은 1) 의사가운의 형태와 색상이 의사가운착용자에 대한 환자 또는 보호자의 인상형성에 미치는 영향을 규명하고 2) 관찰자특성이 새로운 형태와 색상의 의사가운착용자에 대한 환자 또는 보호자의 인상형성에 미치는 영향을 규명하는 것이다. 이상의 연구문제를 규명하기 위해 본 연구에서는 2회의 실험연구로 구성하여 진행하였다. 의사가운착용자 인상실험에서는 의복단서인 가운색상, 가운길이, 칼라유형의 조작을 통하여 의사가운착용자가 관찰자에게 주는 인상차원을 알아보고, 수련의가운착용자 인상실험에서는 의사가운착용자 인상실험의 결과를 토대로 기존의 의사가운과 형태와 색상이 다르게 디자인된 의사가운을 착용한 수련의가운착용자가 주는 인상이 관찰자의 특성인 성별, 연령, 학력에 따라 어떻게 달라지는가를 알아보기 위해 진행되었다. 자료분석은 빈도분석, 요인분석, 다변량분석, MCA, Tukey-test, T-test를 실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 의사가운착용자 인상실험에서의 가운색상, 가운길이, 칼라유형을 조작한 의사가운착용자의 인상에 대한 관찰자의 평가를 요인분석한 결과 전문성요인, 현대성요인, 보수성요인으로 3개의 인상요인이 도출되었다. 둘째, 의복단서가 의사가운착용자의 인상에 미치는 영향은 3개의 인상차원에서 부분적으로 나타나 가설 1은 부분적으로 지지되었다. 즉, 전문성인상에서는 가운색상, 가운길이, 칼라유형이 모두 영향을 나타내어 색상은 흰색, 길이는 기존가운길이, 칼라유형은 테일러드칼라인 의사가운착용자를 가장 전문적이고 신뢰할 수 있는 사람으로 지각하였다. 반면 녹색의 엉덩이길이인 스탠드칼라의 의사가운착용자는 가장 전문적이지 않고 신뢰할 수 없는 사람으로 지각되었다. 현대성인상에서는 가운길이만이 영향을 나타내어 허벅지길이의 의사가운착용자를 가장 현대적이고 융통성이 있는 사람으로 지각한 반면, 기존가운길이의 의사가운착용자는 가장 현대적이지 않고 융통성이 없는 사람으로 지각하였다. 보수성인상에서는 가운색상만이 영향을 나타내어 파란색의 의사가운착용자는 가장 보수적이고 차가운 사람으로 지각된 반면, 녹색의 의사가운착용자는 가장 보수적이지 않고 차갑지 않은 사람으로 지각되었다. 셋째, 수련의가운착용자 인상실험에서의 청회색, 허벅지길이, 테일러드 또는 스탠드칼라의 수련의가운착용자에 대한 관찰자의 평가를 요인분석한 결과 현대성요인, 품위성요인, 전문성요인, 보수성요인으로 4개의 인상요인이 도출되었다. 넷째, 관찰자의 특성인 성별, 연령, 학력이 수련의가운착용자의 인상에 미치는 영향은 품위성인상을 제외한 현대성, 전문성, 보수성 인상에서 부분적으로 나타나 가설 2는 부분적으로 지지되었다. 즉, 현대성인상에서는 학력만이 영향을 나타내어 대졸이상의 관찰자집단이 수련의가운착용자를 더 현대적이고 융통성이 있는 사람으로 지각하였다. 전문성인상에서는 연령만이 영향을 나타내어 40대의 관찰자집단이 수련의가운착용자를 가장 전문적이고 신뢰할 수 있는 사람으로 지각한 반면, 50대 이상의 관찰자집단은 수련의가운착용자를 가장 전문적이지 않고 신뢰할 수 없는 사람으로 지각하였다. 보수성인상에서는 성별만이 영향을 나타내어 남자관찰자집단이 수련의가운착용자를 더 보수적이고 차가운 사람으로 지각하였다. The purpose of this study were to investigate 1) the effects of clothing style and color of doctor's gown on impression formed doctor's gown wearer, and 2) the effects of perceiver variables on impression formation. This study proceeded in two-step experiments. The stimuli of Experiment I consisted of 20 drawings of a male model wearing doctor's gown which were manipulated in 4(white, blue, green, grey color)×3(knees, hips, thighs length)×2(tailored, stand collar) factorial design. The stimuli of Experiment II were real person wearing newly developed doctor's gown based on the results of Experiment I. Subjects were 183(Experiment I) and 98(Experiment II) male and female patients or guardians of a hospital in Seoul. Questionnaire used to measure perceiver's response to the stimuli were constructed in 20 seven-point semantic differential personal trait items. The data were analyzed by frequency, factor analysis, MANOVA, multiple classification analysis, Tukey's test and t-test. Three factors emerged to account for the dimensions of impression of the male figure wearing doctor's gown in Experiment I and these factors were titled as Professionalism, Modernity and Conservativeness. Three clothing cues of doctor's gown-color, length and types of collar-influenced the impression of Professionalism. The male figure wearing doctor's gown manipulated in white color, knee length, and tailored collar was perceived to be most professional and reliable. The impression of Modernity and Conservativeness were influenced by length and color of a doctor's gown respectively. A wearer of a doctor's gown of thigh length was perceived to be most modern and favorable, whereas a wearer of a doctor's gown of blue color was viewed as most conservative and rigid. Four factors emerged to account for the dimensions of impression of the real person wearing newly developed doctor's gown in Experiment II and these factors were titled as Modernity, Dignity, Professionalism and Conservativeness. Perceiver's educational background influenced the impression of Modernity. Perceiver with collegiate education perceived to be most modern and favorable. The impression of Professionalism was influenced by perceiver's age. Perceivers in their 40's perceived newly developed doctor's gown as more professional and reliable. The impression of was Conservativeness influenced by perceiver's gender. Perceivers in male viewed newly developed doctor's gown as more conservative.

      • 국내에 진출한 외국기업과 국내기업의 초과수익률 결정요인 비교분석

        이정교 서강대학교 대학원 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        국내에 진출한 외국계 기업들은 건실한 재무구조와 효율적 경영시스템, 철저한 수익위주의 경영으로 국내기업보다 양호한 성과를 기록하고 있으며 공격적 마케팅과 선진 경영기법을 바탕으로 빠르게 국내시장의 기반을 구축하고 있다. 이러한 이유로 본 연구에서는 다양한 산업분야에서 외국 기업들과 경쟁을 해야 할 상황에 놓이게 된 국내 기업들이 외국 기업들과의 경쟁에서 강화해야 할 부분을 제시하려는 시도를 하였다. 또한 기존 연구들이 외국인직접투자의 거시적인 경제효과를 분석한 것과는 달리 각각의 외국 기업들의 경영실태를 국내 대응기업과 비교 분석함으로써 외국 기업들의 전반적인 경영상의 특성 및 비교우위 요인을 파악하려 하였다. 본 연구에서는 우리나라에 투자한 외국 기업들과 국내 기업들의 이익창출요소에 대한 비교를 위해 다양한 관점에서 접근을 시도하였다. 국내 기업과 외국 기업의 비교우위를 살펴보기 위해 초과수익률과 재무지표를 비교하였고, 외국 기업들의 국적에 따른 초과수익률과 재무지표를 비교함으로써 국적에 따른 기업특성이 어떠한 차이를 보이는지 살펴 보았다. 또한 기업관련 요소들인 광고집약도, 연구개발집약도, 성장률 등이 외국 기업들과 국내 기업들의 초과수익률에 미치는 영향에 대해 알아 보았으며 기업관련 요소에 추가적으로 신규투자와 인수의 변수를 포함시켜 외국기업의 진입형태가 초과수익률에 미치는 영향을 추가적으로 분석하였다. 연구방법은 크게 네 가지로 나누어진다. 첫째, 외국기업과 국내기업의 비교에서는 두 집단간 우위 요소의 평균차이를 T-test를 통해 분석하였다. 둘째, 외국 기업의 국적에 따른 특성비교를 위해서는 기술적 통계량에 대한 비교를 실시하였다. 셋째, 초과수익률에 영향을 미치는 변수들간의 상대적 중요성을 파악하기 위해 광고집약도, 연구개발집약도, 성장성, 재무위험, 유동성, 규모가 독립변수로, 산업더미변수가 통제변수로, 초과수익률이 종속변수로 사용되었고, 다중회귀분석을 통해 종속변수에 미치는 독립 변수들의 상대적 중요성이 파악되었다. 넷째, 위의 분석에 진입형태에 관련된 변수를 추가하여 외국기업의 경우 진입형태가 초과수익률에 미치는 영향을 알아보았다. 가설검정의 결과, 외국기업과 국내기업의 재무비율 비교에서 수익률은 외국기업이 고정비율과 재무위험관련 비율들은 국내기업이 더 높았고 외국기업의 국적에 따른 재무비율 비교에서 미국기업과 유럽기업군의 평균은 외국기업의 평균과 비슷한 결과를 보였고 일본기업은 수익률면에서는 다른 국적의 기업들보다 높았으나 재무위험비율에서는 국내기업과 비슷한 형태를 보였다. 초과수익률에 영향을 미치는 기업관련변수에 대한 다중회귀분석에서는 외국기업은 유동성과 규모가 정(+)의 영향을, 국내기업은 부채비율이 부(-), 규모가 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 변수로 채택되었고, 진입형태를 추가한 분석에서는 외국기업의 초과수익률에 진입형태가 영향을 미치는 유의한 변수로 채택되지 못했다. 이상의 연구를 종합하여 볼 때, 국내에 진출한 외국기업들은 기업특유의 독점적 우위를 보유하여 국내에서 발생할 수 있는 외국인비용을 상쇄하고 국내기업들 보다 높은 수익성을 보이고 있으며, 국내기업들은 동일한 성장기회가 있음에도 불구하고 높은 고정비율과 부채비율로 인해 낮은 수익성을 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 결국 국내기업들은 지속적인 구조조정을 통해 재무구조를 개선하여야 하며 변화의 범위를 지배구조와 경영개선으로 확대하여야 할 것이다. Foreign companies in Korea have achieved more successful results than domestic companies do in past years through their sound financial structure, efficient business system and through profit-minded management. Aggressive marketing strategy and advanced business techniques have been the bases for quickly establishing their status in a Korean market. Thus, this paper presents the weak points for Korean companies in a situation where they are forced to compete with the foreign companies in various industrial areas. Also, general business characteristics and advantageous elements of the foreign companies have been investigated by comparing the business conditions of foreign companies with those of the corresponding domestic companies, whereas previous researches mainly focused on the macroeconomic effects of foreign direct investment. Various approaches have been introduced to study the profit-creating elements for the comparison of domestic companies and foreign companies which invested in a Korean market. The excess returns ratio and financial ratios of the domestic and foreign companies have been compared to study the relative advantages on each side. Also, business characteristics of a company were observed by comparing the excess returns ratio and financial ratios based on the nationality of the company. The effects of business-related elements such as advertising intensity, R&D intensity, and growth rate on the excess returns ratio of foreign and domestic companies were studied. Additionally, the effects of the market entry methods for foreign companies on the excess returns ratio were also studied based on the newly introduced variables of green-field investment and acquisition as well as the business-related elements. There are four main research methods: First, t-test analyzed the average differences in the advantageous elements between a domestic and a foreign company. Second, technical statistics were examined to compare the characteristics of a company based on its nationality. Third, several variables were introduced and analyzed to show the relative significance among the variables affecting the excess returns ratio: advertising intensity, R&D intensity, growth opportunity, financial risk, liquidity, size were independent variables, industrial dummy variables were a control variable and the excess returns ratio was a dependent variable. The relative significance among the independent variables was also studied by applying the multiple regression analysis method. Finally, for the case of a foreign company, the effects of its market entry method on the excess returns ratio were studied with the help of a variable related to the entry method along with the analysis result from the third method mentioned above. As a result, financial ratios between domestic and foreign companies were compared. A foreign company took advantage of the yield rate whereas a domestic company excelled in fixed ratio and leverage ratios. Financial ratios among foreign companies were compared based on their nationality. The average financial ratios for American and European companies showed similar trends to that for general foreign companies whereas Japanese companies revealed yield rate higher than that for the foreign companies with other nationalities, but had similar leverage ratios to that of Korean companies. In the multiple regression analysis study for business-related variables affecting the excess returns ratio, liquidity and size were elected to be positive variables for foreign companies whereas debt ratio was set to be a negative variable and size was taken to be a positive variable for domestic companies. The additional analysis incorporating the market entry methods, the methods were not considered to be a major variable in studying the excess returns ratio for the foreign companies. In conclusion, foreign companies in Korea have firm-specific advantages over domestic companies canceling out the predicted the cost of foreignness, thus show higher returns. Domestic companies, however, show lower returns despite the identical growth opportunities mainly due to the high fixed ratio and debt ratio. Consequently, the remedy for the domestic companies can be the improved financial structure achieved through continuous restructuring and the managerial structure and the improvement of the management should not be excluded from the wave of change.

      • 하악골에서의 안전한 임플란트 식립을 위한 하악골 내측면의 Cone-beam CT를 이용한 해부학적 연구

        이정교 경희대학교대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        Backgroud: Currently, the placement of dental implants involves minimally invasive oral surgical procedures that are normally without significant risk. In the mandible, however, some of the complications like perimandibular vessel bleeding can arise during host site preparation, in which the mandibular lingual compact bone can become severely perforated because of the unique morphology of the medial surface. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze and evaluate the anatomical morphology of the medial surface of the posterior mandible using 3D cone-beam computed tomography(CT) images for reducing complications in relation to dental implant placement. Materials and Methods: 50 patients were included in the study, thirty-one males and nineteen females(twenty-nine right first molars and twenty-one left first molars). Average age(±standard deviation) of the patients were 44.28±13.05. On the coronal views cone-beam CT of the first molars, the distance between the top of the canal and the alveolar crest(Vertical distance,VDX(X=0~7)), the horizontal distance between the top of the canal and the outer lingual cortical margin of the mandible(LD), the location of the starting point of VD for reducing from the vertical reference line(VD point), and the inclination of mandibular medial surface(Lingual inclination) were measured, and a statistical evaluation was done using SPSS for Windows 15.0(SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Results: The mean VD0 was 16.91±2.47mm (maximum 23.7mm, minimum 12.9mm) and VDx showed decreasing patterns as x value is increasing. The mean LD was 5.27±1.36mm(maximum 9.8mm, minimum 2.4mm). The VD started decreasing at the mean location of 6.12±0.96mm from the vertical reference line. The mean Lingual inclination was 1.52±0.72° Comparing male with female, significant differences were found in the VD. At the same time, when comparing the VD0 and Lingual inclination, moderate positive linear relationship were found. Conclusion: The results of this study will help accurate placement of the dental implant and reducing several complications such as lingual cortical bone perforating following life-threatening bleeding, particularly in case of pre-operative implant planning using only 2-dimensional imaging methods(ex. Panoramic radiography). Key words : panoramic radiography, cone-beam computed tomography, implant placement, complications, pre-operative implant planning

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