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        한국전쟁기 유엔민간원조사령부(UNCACK)의 만성 전염병 관리

        이임하 ( Im Ha Lee ) 수선사학회 2014 史林 Vol.0 No.49

        This paper examined the chronic communicable disease control of the UNCACK during the Korean War. The Korean War broke out, Public Health and Welfare, GHQ, SCAP with an able public health officer of preventive medicine section arrived in Pusan and began immediately to take on the problem of public health. By September 1950, Typhus, Typhoid, Cholera and Smallpox Vaccine had arrived and immunization program was begun amongst the refugees in the Masan and Pusan. This immunization program was practically concluded in July with following total immunization accomplished. The Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Veneral are the chronic communicable disease. The chronic communicable disease control of the UNCACK were different from the acute communicable disease. Tuberculosis is extremely wider spread in Korea. The program and campaign has been accomplished, it was planned in cooperation with UNCACK during the period from Jan. 6 to July 8, 1952. The results have obtained that 115,394(49.3%) were positive out of 234,040 population of selected groups. And 337 of Medical personal has been trained in BCG technique. The material available on leprosy in the files of the UNCACK were reviewed to determine, if possible, the status of leprosy. But UNCACK could not get accurate information. Veneral disease, research and treatment done at the same time.

      • KCI등재

        1950년대 여성 전문 인력으로서의 조산사의 양성

        이임하 ( Lee Im-ha ) 한국사회사학회 2016 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.111

        서양의학의 도입과 함께 자리 잡게 된 조산사라는 직업은 여성의 재생산이 멈추지 않는 한 지속될 것이라는 기대는 한국 사회에서 점점 희박해지고 있다. 이런 문제의식에 따라 여기에서는 1950년대 조산사 양성 과정을 다루었다. 해방 뒤 조산사가 가장 증가한 때는 1950년대로 전염병 관리를 포함한 기초적 보건 관리와 한국전쟁 동안 인구의 이동과 사망·출생 등을 포함한 인구동태조사의 필요성이 제기되면서 늘어났다. 조산사 인원 증가와 함께 가장 논란이 된 것은 조산사들이 임상 실습을 받지 못했다는 점이다. 이 문제를 해결하기 위해 보건사회부는 원조기관에 조산사 재교육을 요구했으며 1955-1957년까지 총 773명에 대한 조산사 재교육이 이루어졌다. 조산사 재교육은 서울을 비롯한 부산, 광주, 대구, 대전, 전주, 청주에서 진행되었다. 대한조산원회는 각 지역에서 재교육이 진행되는 동안 협력했으며 조산사 교육과 관련해 국립 조산학교와 모자병원의 설립을 요구했지만 1950년대뿐만 아니라 그 뒤에도 실현되지 않았다. 따라서 1950년대 유일하게 조산교육이 이루어진 곳은 일신부인병원이었다. 일신부인병원은 1950년대 독자적으로 조산 교육 6개월간의 정규과정을 개설했다. 그런 일신부인병원도 2009년에는 조산 수습교육이 폐지되었다. 이 논문은 1950년대 조산사 교육의 현황과 보건사회부, 조산원회, OEC(경제조정관실) 간의 국립조산학교 설립에 둘러싼 이해를 중심으로 1950년대 조산사 양성에 대해 살펴보고자 했다. 조산사 재생산의 문제는 여성인력이 한국사회에서 어떤 위치를 점하는지 가늠할 수 있는 주제이다. 즉 조산사는 전문 의료인이었지만 그 전문성을 인정받지 못했고 한국 사회에서는 전쟁동원과 노동력 동원의 대상으로 간주될 때만 관심을 받았다. 노동력 동원의 대상으로만 그 필요를 인정받는다는 것은 동원이 필요 없을 때에 언제든지 철회 가능한 한시적이고 일회성에 그친다는 의미이다. 이런 측면에서 전문직 조산사의 소멸은 여타의 직종의 변천과 맞물려 고려할 필요가 있다. During 1950s, the number of midwives increased to its highest level since its survey of the population movement, which included figures for mobility, death and birth. The most controversial issue was the rapid increase of midwives lacking sufficient clinical training. To solve this problem, the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs demanded that assistance organizations “Re-education” of midwives, landing to 738 midwives` duty education between 1955 and 1957. The Korean Midwives Association cooperated with this “Re-education” policy at its local sites, and demanded the construction of a national midwife school and mother-child hospital. However, these demands were not accepted in the 1950s. In modern society, the rise and fall of each profession depends on the flow of capital. In terms of female labor, this tendency is much more apparent and the case of midwives in not exception. Even midwives who are member of professional medical staffs must fight for, Korean society`s recognition of their expertise, that is, except only such workers were used as labor mobilization during war. As a result, midwives training centers are few in South Korea.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁기 부역자 처벌

        이임하 ( Im Ha Lee ) 수선사학회 2010 史林 Vol.0 No.36

        This paper examined the Execution of Communist Collaboration (so-called BUYEAKJA) during the Korean War through tracing the `No Gun Ri`s File`. The main points and arguments of this paper are as following. The Press reports Korea Government mass executions follows. LONDON TIMES, Oct. 25, Story concludes from observation that compaints various abuses against North Korea Government could be levelled as well against ROK, only difference between two governments being that “at present men and women accused of being communists or of collaborating are being killed or imprisoned under UN flag”. DALLY WORK Oct. 26, under headline “Truth from the TIMES” printed facsimile portion above story describing police station. Associate Press, Dec. 18, President Rhee said today “in view military situation and lack prison facilities” he ordering speed up Red trials and executions. United Press, Dec.17, South Koreans hauled another batch prisoners execution hill and shot them. The Press Reports were so embarrassing for USA and UNCURK(United Nations Commission for the Unification and the Rehabilitation of Korea). Specially called `execution hill`, execution of prisoners by shooting in the Hong Jai Ri was internationally known. The Minister of Justice(ROK), Kim Joon Yun has issued the following statement. “Some persons have been under the misapprehension that these persons were executed causally and illegally, that they were merely Communist synpathizers and hence were executed for th mere holding of beliefs contrary ROK such was not the case.” Korea Government punished the Communist Collaboration(so-called BUYEAKJA) by the Martial Law. Hong Jai Ri accident became know the press reports, Korea Government punished the Communist Collaboration(so-called BUYEAKJA) by the Emergency Law Number One. 31 Dec. 1950, total taken into custody 162,763. Punishment of Communist Collaboration(so-called BUYEAKJA) influenced in postwar Korea.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁, 서울역 세브란스의 재건

        이임하 ( Lee Im-ha ) 연세대학교 의학사연구소 2021 연세의사학 Vol.24 No.1

        The departments and expert groups that achieved the greatest growth and results through the Korean war were medical ones. Thus, we could say that the roots of Korean medical history are the Korean War and the process of reconstruction. We investigate the reconstruction and restoration progress of Severance Medical College and Hospital, focusing on the interrelationship between the Korean War and medicine through this article. All medical colleges in Korea were expanded by UNCACK aid and support. In other words, they were supported by the 8th United States Army, which was the higher command of UNCACK. The path of Severance Hospital, which was private, and its college were outstanding during the Korean war. It included the following actions: returning to administrative capital more rapidly than the central administration, establishing the only hospital in Seoul for a time, and operating the college on Geoje Island. Severance Hospital and College returned to Seoul from Geoje Island in February 1952. After their return, some of Korean Service Corps (KSC) were admitted to the hospital in March. Afterward, as the hospital treated war orphans and reopened in April 1952, the classes of the medical college were resumed in June. The outpatient department had around one hundred patients, and about sixty war orphans occupied wards for treatment there. The Severance Medical College returned rapidly to prewar status or even better, while other universities in Pusan were maintained as united universities in a wartime status. The United Nations Command understood that Japan’s medical system was inferior to a modern one. The Korean War caused a change in the Japanese-style medical colleges, hospital administration, and teaching methods previously used in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁기 유엔민간원조사령부(UNCACK)의 보건,위생 정책

        이임하 ( Im-ha Lee ) 한국사회사학회 2013 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.100

        한국전쟁이 터지자 유엔군사령부의 공중보건복지부는 한국에서 작업을 수행하기 위해 유엔보건복지부파견대를 조직했고 민간인에게도 의료 구호를 제공하도록 지시했다. 보건복지부파견대는 ‘8201부대, 유엔민간원조사령부((8201st Army Unit, United Nations Civil Assistance Command, Korea; UNCACK)’로 새롭게 바뀌었다. UNCACK은 한국에서 전염병 예방을 위한 즉각적인 행동을 취했다. UNCACK의 접종과 살포로 두창, 발진티푸스, 장티푸스가 급격하게 감소해 급성전염병에 대한 대책이 성공했음을 보고서에서 밝히고 있다. 실제로 두창은 4만6천명에서 1천2백 명으로, 장티푸스는 9만 명에서 3천 3백 명으로, 발진티푸스는3만8천 명에서 8백 명으로 감소했다. 그 효과는 놀라울 정도이다. 보건진료소는 이들 작업을 수행하는 장소였다. 보건진료소를 통해 UNCACK는 전염병 예방뿐만 아니라 질병에 대한 정확한 보고와 통계, 위생에 대한 훈련, 위생 담론을 전개해나갔다. This paper examined the public health and sanitation of the UNCACK during the Korean War. The Korean War broke out, Public Health and Welfare, GHQ, SCAP with an able public health officer of preventive medicine section arrived in Pusan and began immediately to take on the problem of public health. By September 1950, Typhus, Typhoid, Cholera and Smallpox Vaccine had arrived and immunization program was begun amongst the refugees in the Masan and Pusan. This immunization program was practically concluded in July with following total immunization accomplished. Typhus 14,299,023(66% of population), Typhoid 18,366,484(84%of population), Cholera 1,561,752(80% of population, port cities only) and Smallpox Vaccine 14,755,610(67%of population). October 1951, health conditions relatively good. Now, The immunization was instrumental in keeping the body.

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