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      • KCI등재

        白頭山定界碑 設置의 숨겨진 實相

        이일걸(Lee Eel gul) 백산학회 2016 白山學報 Vol.- No.105

        The boundary monument at Mount Baekdu, which was erected by Mok Kuk Dong(穆克登) under the edict of the Kangxi Emperor in 1712, failed to serve as a border. Rather, as many Koreans immigrated to areas near the Amnok and Duman Rivers by the end of the 19th century, the Joseon dynasty dispatched its officials, Sang-mu Seo and Beom-yun Lee, in order to protect Korean immigrants. Further, Jean-Baptiste Régis, a French missionary, said in his memoir, … to the East of this City [Fong hoang tching] is the Western Boundary of Corea under the now reigning Family. This border line is called Regis’s Line, to the north of which is situatedthe uninhabited region, the neutral area between the Qing dynasty and the Joseon dynasty. The Mount Baekdu surveys of the Qing dynasty started from Huanren(桓仁) and Tonghua(通化) regions in the first place by the end of the 17th century. The mountain Manchurians called Mount Changbai, or Jangbaek, is referred to as Jilin Hada Ridge in the upper area of Huifa He(輝勃河). This is evidenced by western ancient maps where Huifa He is written as Tumen He. The Tongga River, or the Hon River, which is the main stream of the Amnok River, flows across the Huanren region and beyond mountains Huifa He joinsthe Songhua River. Therefore, Manchurians forcedand intimidated the then representatives of the Joseon dynasty, Gown Park and Seon-bu Lee, into building the boundary monument at Mount Baekdu, although it was supposed to be erected in Jilin HadaRidge, andfurther started to call Wudaobai He(五道白河) the Tomun River. In western ancient maps, the border line between the Joseon dynasty and the Qing dynasty is not the Amnok and Duman Rivers line, but other three lines, i.e. Regis’s Line D’Anville’s Line and Bonne’s Line. Eventually, Manchurians, who became fully acquainted with the geographical features of Mount Baekdu and the Huanren and Tonghua regions after several rounds of surveys, deceived Joseon officials with no geographical knowledge of such areas into agreeing with the erection of the boundary monument at Mount Baekdu. During the Japanese rule, Imperial Japan and Qing China executed the Gando Convention in 1909, which determined that the Korea-China border line was the Amnok and Duman Rivers line. Since the Gando Convention is an invalid treaty by international laws, that decision is wrongful and ineffective. Nevertheless, the Korean government has not claimed the non-effectiveness of the Gando Convention. As a result, even as more than 70 years has passed after the independence from the Japanese colonialism, China still illegally occupies the Gando area, the territory of Korea, due to the incompetence of Korean government officials. 1712년 목극등이 세운 백두산정계비는 국경비로서의 역할을 하지 못하였다. 19세기 말부터 이주한 간도 한인들을 보호하기 위하여 정부에서 서상무, 이범윤을 관리사를 파견하였다. 심지어 레지(Regis)의 비망록에도 “봉황성의 동쪽에 조선국의 국경선이 있다”고 하였다. 17세기 말에 시작한 청의 백두산 일대 탐사는 처음부터 삼도구 지역인 환인~통화 일대에서 시작하였다. 청인들이 장백산이라는 부르는 산은 휘발하 상류의 계림합달령이다. 왜냐하면 휘발하를 서양 고지도에 ‘토문하’로 표기하고 있기 때문이다. 환인에는 압록강의 주류인 동가강이, 산 너며 휘발하는 송화강으로 흐른다. 따라서 그들은 계림합달령에 세워야 할 비를 조선의 대표인 박권·이선부를 강박하여 계림합달령과 비슷한 백두산에 세우고, 오도백하를 ‘토문강’으로 개칭하였다. 서양 고지도에는 조선의 국경선을 레지선, 당빌선, 본느선으로 세 종류로 구분하여 그려져 있다. 결국 당시 백두산과 삼도구 일대의 수차례 답사를 통해 지세를 익힌 그들은 영토 확장을 위해 지리정보에 어두운 조선의 관리들을 속여 백두산정계비를 세웠다. 이미 청의 강희제는 정계비 설치를 위해 성경지도 등을 변조하였으며, 심지어 서양신부들이 측량하여 만든 황여전람도마저 변조하였다. 결국 1909년 간도협약으로 인해 한 중의 국경선은 압록강~두만강선으로 결정되어 지금까지 표기되고 있지만 이는 잘못된 결정이었다. 간도협약이 국제법상 무효조약임에도 불구하고 우리 정부는 간도협약의 무효를 주장하지 않았다. 그 결과 광복 후 70년이 지나도록 중국이 간도지역을 불법점유한 상태다. 이는 우리 정부의 역대 위정자들의 무능으로 인해 초래한 결과이지만 애초 강희제의 영토 확장 전략으로 세운 백두산정계비에서 그 원인을 찾을 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        전두환ㆍ노태우ㆍ김영삼 정부의 대 간도정책 분석

        이일걸(Lee, Eel-Gul) 백산학회 2011 白山學報 Vol.- No.90

        More than one hundred years have passed since Japan and China made the Gando Agreement. The Gando Agreement, based on the 1905 Convention between Japan and Korea, may well be illegal. Korean politicians, however, were neither interested nor concerned with the Gando Agreement. Except for former President Park Jung-hee, the Chun Doo-hwan, Roh Tae-woo and Kim Yung-sam Governments had avoided the Gando problem. In particular, the Roh Tae-woo government totally ignored 1992 the debates on Gando in favor of improved diplomatic relations with China, and evaded discussing forced emigration issues of 1937, between Korea and the Soviet Union the amity in 1990. Previous Korean Governments wasted seventy years of possibilities, because they did not offer any resistance or protest at all, while China continued to occupy the Gando area. Unfortunately, for the 100 years there have been few Korean politicians or sensible government officials to publically and officially push back against the Chinese government on the invalidation in Gando Agreement over 100 years. Although many academic institutions insisted on invalidating and renegotiating the Gando Agreement, few Korean politicians had any concern or interest. Now, a chance has arrived to finally settle the Gando issues, as over 100 years have passed since Gando Agreement. The present Korean Government should push ahead with a diplomatic policy, based on the invalidness of Gando Agreement with China, which is occupying Gando illegally. The main purpose of this paper is to examine the political and academic aspects of Gando issue as they relate to previous presidential administrations.

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