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        江華學派와 初期 基督敎 硏究

        이은용(Lee Eun-yong) 한국양명학회 2008 陽明學 Vol.0 No.20

        종교적 측면에서 강화역사는 우리민족의 국조신앙(國祖信仰) 단군(檀君) 신앙으로부터 시작된다. 고대시대부터 참성단의 제천(祭天)의식을 통하여 형성되는 하늘 숭배시장은 강화종교의 뿌리가 된다고 하겠다. 어느 지역보다도 융성하게 발달되었던 고려시대의 불교와 조선시대의 유교사상은 강화 지역 종교발전의 큰 줄기를 형성한다. 특히 조선후기 강화를 중심으로 발전한 양명학은 독특한 학풍과 학맥을 이루며 ‘강화학파’라는 업적을 남겼다. 19세기 말, 강화에 기독교가 들어오면서 급속히 전파되는 현상을 보였다. 이는 강화인의 유달리 깊은 영성이 있는 것으로 보이기는 하지만, 특히 바로 전부터 꽃을 피우고 있던 강화학파와 깊은 관련이 있을 것으로 보인다. 여러 가지 원인이 있겠지만 대표적으로 ‘실사구시’의 양명학이 기독교의 ‘신행일치(信行一致)의 실천적 신앙과 맥을 같이 하기 때문이다. 강화 최초의 기독교 전파의 주인공은 양사면 교산리의 이승환이란 농민이었다. 1892년 미국인 선교사 조원시(趙元時 G. H. Jones)가 강화 남문을 통하여 강화읍성에 들어와 기독교를 전파하려다 조선 관리의 거절로 실패한 직후의 일이다. 당시 강화의 사회상황이 중앙정부의 쇄국주의 정책이 강력한데다가 병인양요, 신미양요 등 서양과의 싸움으로 강화 사람들이 많은 시달림을 겪어 왔고, 봉건적 유학자들이 사회를 주도하고 있던 시기여서 조원시가 당당하게 강화도성에 입성할 수 없었기 때문이다. 그리하여 인천 내리교회에 다니던 이승환이 자기고향에 내려와 모친과 가족에게 성경을 읽어주며 복음을 전파하기 시작한 것이다. 곧 이어 한학 자 초시 김상임(金商霖)과 한학자 박능일(朴能一)이 기독교로 개종하면서 급속하게 지식인층으로 확산되었다. 지식인층으로의 확산은 곧 바로 전 강화로 신속하게 퍼져 나갔다. 이 결과 1893년 교항교회 설립 17년 후인 1910년에 39개 교회와 교인수 3,230명으로 성장하였다. 이렇게 짧은 기간 동안 급성장 할 수 있었던 데에는 기독교가 갖는 종교적 특성 즉, 강한 전파력과 적극적인 선교 방법 외에 특별한 요인이 있다. 당시 강화지역사회에서 상당한 영향력을 가지고 있던 진위대장 출신 이동휘(李東輝, 상해임시정부 초대 국무총리)를 비롯한 유경근, 윤명삼 등 지역의 지도자들이 민족운동의 방편으로 기독교로 개종하였던 점과 ‘강화 6군자’ 김용하 전병규 등 지식인들이 대거 기독교로 개종하였으며, 이들이 교회를 통하여 교육운동과 사회개혁에 앞장섰기 때문이다. 초기 기독교인들의 신앙양태의 특징 중 하나인 일지돌림 신앙은 강화에만 나타나는 독특한 현상에다. 기독교 교리적으로 중생(重生) ‘다시 태어남’과 신생(新生) ‘새로 태어남’의 의미와 ‘하나님 안에서 한 가족, 한 형제’라는 의미로 개명하였다. 그리고 교동지역 교인들의 신자돌림과 하와이 이민자들도 같은 의미에서 개명하였다. 또, 이름뿐만 아니라 교인들이 운영하는 학교도 ‘강화합일학교’, ‘흥천합일학교’, ‘집일학교’ 등 일자돌림으로 이름을 개명하였던 것이다. ‘합일(合一)’이란 뜻은 강화학파의 ‘지행합일(知行合一)’에서 나온 말로 같은 의미로 사용된다. 기독교인들의 의식 속에 이미 강화학파의 사상과 철학이 체득되어 있다는 사실을 증명하는 것이다. 강화 기독교의 개척자 김상임은 과거 시험에 합격하였지만 부패한 관리와 세태를 보고 관직에 나가지 않았다. 이는 그의 기독교 개종 이전의 일로 자신의 학문탐구와 사회관에 있어 강화학파의 ‘사회개혁 사상’에서 영향을 받았을 가능성이 있음을 설명한다. 홍천교회와 흥천합일학교 설립자 김용하와 전병규는 ‘도학자’, ‘군자’ 등으로 호칭될 정도로 강화를 대표하는 유학자이다. 학문적으로 ‘주자학’에 근접하였을 것이나 기독교로 개종한 이후 학교이름을 ‘흥천보창학교’에서 ‘흥천합일학교’로 개명하였던 점으로 미루어 강화학파 학풍에 호의적이었을 것으로 생각된다. 성재(城齋) 이동휘는 아호를 강화학파 학자들과의 같은 재(齋)자 돌림으로 지은 것으로 보아 강화학파 학자들과 많은 교류와 학문적 공감을 가졌을 것으로 보인다. 김종우 역시 아호를 하곡 정재두와 같은 곡(谷)자 돌림으로 지었고, 하곡 선생이 살던 마을과 이웃에서 출생한 점, 영재(寧齋) 이건창 선생의 묘소와 인근 마을에서 살았던 점 등으로 미루어 강화학파와 갚은 관련이 있을 것으로 생각된다. In the aspect of religion, the history of Ganghwa started from Dan-Gun(the founding father of Korea). From Goryeo Dynasty, Korean people paid a service to Heaven, which can be said Ganghwa religion was rooted from Heaven worship. In particular, Yang-myeong-hak was developed in Ganghwa district in the late period of Joseon Dynasty established academic features and tradition. In the late 19th century, Christianity was introduced and spreaded rapidly. One of the reason why Ganghwa could accept the Christianity was from Gang-hwa-hak faction. It seemed that Sil-Sa-Gu-si of Gang-hwa-hak faction was associated with Ji-Haeng-Hap-il, meaning knowledge and conduct are united. The first person who propagated Christianity was Lee, Seung-hwan who was a farmer. G. H. Jones carne to Ganghwa-eup through Gang hwa South Gate in 1892 and tried to spread christianity, but he was failed because Gang hwa public official strongly refused it. At that time, Korea took strong isolation policy due to Byeonginyangyo, Franch disturbance of 1866 and Sinmiyangyo, American disturbance of 1871. That’s why christianity could be accepted. Lee, Seung-hwan who was a person of Naeri church of Incheon carne back to his hometown and read the Bible to his family and later some of intellectuals convened to christianity and it started to spread rapidly. As a result, there were 39 churches established and 3,230 people went to church in 1910. It shows fast-growing christianity society. Except active missionary work, there was a panicular reason how christianity could widely spread in Korea. Lee, Dong-hwi who had a considerable power in Ganghwa and some leaders of Ganghwa convened to christianity as a pan of the campaign for liberation of the oppressed people. Additionally intellectuals such as Kim, Yong-ha and Jeon, Byeong-Gu also changed their religion to christianity and they tried to educated people and renovate the society. There are some characteristics shown for early Christian of christianity. First of all, they tried to show their faith in christianity by remaking their name. Their name usually meant “rebirth”, and “newborn” and one family under God. Second, they changed the school names that ran by to “Ganghwa Hapil School”, “Heung cheon Hapil school”, and “Jip Il school”. “Hapil” is the word that Gang hwa school stressed. It proven that christians already learned the philosophy of Gang-hwa-hak faction. Lee, Dong-hwi used his pen name that was same with Gang-hwa-hak faction and it seemed that he exchanged and sympathized a lot of things with Gang-hwa-hak faction. Kim, Jong-hu also used his pen name which was same with Jeong, jae-Doo, and he also was born in Jeong, Jae- Doo’s neighboring village.

      • 19세기 말~20세기 초 강화유학자들의 기독교 수용양태 연구

        이은용(Lee, Eun-yong) 한국양명학회 2015 한국양명학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2015 No.10

        19세기 말~20세기 초, 강화에 기독교가 처음 들어왔다. 기독교선교 초기의 강화 유학자들이 기독교를 수용하는 양태가 다양하다. 그 예로 흥천교회를 세운 김용하는 교회에서 공자를 만나는 ‘꿈 체험’을 하고 기독교를 수용하였으며, 강화의 최초교회 교산교회를 세운 초시(初試) 김상임은 한문성경을 읽고 아브라함의 아(亞)에서 십자가의 도[十字架之道]를 발견하고 기독교로 개종하였다. 그들이 기독교로 개종한 이후의 신앙생활의 양태도 역시 다양하다. 그들은 과거의 사상과 구습을 완전히 버렸으며, 생활이 완전히 변화되었다. 활동하는 모습이 다양하게 나타났는데, 구령운동, 교육운동, 민족운동, 사회운동 등의 분야에서 활동하였다. 이를 신학적 측면에서 바라보면, 기독교의 복음(福音)을 기본 바탕으로 나라와 민족을 위해 헌신하였으며, 인간의 삶을 본질적으로 개혁시킨 실천적 동력의 주체가 되었다. 따라서 유학자들의 기독교 수용은 유학적 지식위에 기독교적 영성(靈性)을 덧입힘으로 스러져가는 ‘한민족의 부활’을 꾀할 수 있는 토양을 만들었다는 의미가 있다. Christian church came first at the end of last 19C in Gang-hwa. The early days of Christian mission, Gang-hwa’s confucianists had many-sided appearance that they accepted the Christian. For example, Sang-rim, Kim who has established Gang-hwa’s the first christian church : Gyo-san church, he converted to Christianity after he had found the Holy Cross[十字架之道] from Abraham’s A[亞] in chinese written Bible. And, Yong-ha, Kim who has established the Heung-chun church, he accepted the Christian after he had experienced the dream that meet the Confucius at church. After they converted to Christian, many-sided appearance of a religious life too. They gave up their thought and custom of the past, and their life exchanged perfectly. Their exchanged life was many-sided appearance, they had active of a religious movement, a education movement, a racial movement and a social movement etc. Take a side view of theological about them, they devoted to a nation and a people on the base of Christian Gospels. They have became practical motive of the main group that got radical reform of people’s life. Accordingly, Confucianist’s accept of Christian put on the confucian knowledge to Christian spirituality, that means of making soil able to revival of nation.

      • KCI등재

        항통(項痛)을 주소(主訴)로 입원(入院) 치료(治療)한 환자(患者) 25례(例)에 대(對)한 임상적(臨床的) 고찰(考察)

        이은용,이병렬,Lee Eun-Yong,Lee Byung-Ryul 대한침구의학회 1998 대한침구의학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        Twenty five cases of the patient admission-treatment from chiefly complained of neck pain observed clinically from first January 1997 to thirty first December 1997 in the Dept. of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Oriental Hospital, Taejon University, Taejon, Korea. And the results were obtained as follows; 1. The distribution of sex was male 13(52%) cases, female 12(48%) cases and the male to female ratio was 1.1 : 1. The distribution of age was the most predominant as the fifties 6(24%) cases. 2. The contributing factors were the most predominant as the reason unknown 9(36%) cases, unstable position 5(20%) cases. 3. The distribution of duration was the most predominant of 9(36%) cases in a week. 4. The distribution of before admission-treatments were the most predominant as west-medication 13(32.5%) cases. 5. The distribution of patient's condition of first treatment was the most predominant as Gr.III 13(52%) cases. 6. The distribution of duration for admission was the most predominant as 13(52%) cases in a week. 7. The distribution of radiological studies were the nust predominant as the HIVD 26(63.4%) cases. 8. The distribution of clinical symptoms were the most predominant as neck pain 25(21.0%) cases, radiating pain to the upper extremities 23(19.3%) cases. 9. The distribution of located on clinical syrnptoms were the most predominant as neck-shoulder and back-upper extremities 11(44%) cases. 10. The distribution of clinical diagnosis was the most predominant as HIVD 16(45.7%) cases. 11. The distribution of methods of treatment were the most predominant as Acupuncture -­ Herb Medication - Electro Acupuncture treatment 8(32%) cases. 12. The effect of treatment by discharge was the most predominant of 11(44%) cases as Good result.

      • KCI등재

        육종용약침의 항암작용(抗癌作用) 및 면역효과(免疫效果)에 대(對)한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究)

        이은용,이병렬,Lee, Eun-Yong,Lee, Byung-Ryul 대한침구의학회 2000 대한침구의학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        To study the effects of anti-cancer, anti-metastasis and immune response improvement of aqua-acupuncture with Cistanches Herba infusion solution, we used Cistanches Herba infusion solution(taken by water-alcohol method) put into Chung-wan(CV12) and Chok-Samni(S36) of BALB/c or C57BL/6 which are corresponding to human body. We observed the cytotoxicity, the effect on the expression of MMP-9 gene, the ability to control cancer cell proliferation, change of body weight, surviving number, MST, ILS, changes in amount of WBC, RBC, PLT, total protein, creatinine, glucose and LDH, weight of spleen, number of pulmonary colony, histological analysis on tissue metastasis of lung and liver, splenic cell proliferation, the expression of cytokine gene, the number of $CD4^+$, $CD8^+$, $CD19^+$ and NK cell, and concluded like this. The results were obtained as follows : 1. The cytotoxicity about B16-F10 cell line of $2^0$, $2^{-1}$, $2^{-2}$, $2^{-5}$ diluent groups in Cistanches Herba infusion solution treatment was inhibited significantly, compared with control group. 2. The cytotoxicity about HT1080 cell line of $2^0$, $2^{-1}$, $2^{-2}$, $2^{-3}$, $2^{-5}$, $2^{-8}$ diluent groups in Cistanches Herba infusion solution treatment was inhibited significantly, compared with control group. 3. The effect on expression of MMP-9 gene was decreased in all the sample groups, compared with control group. 4. The effect on the control-ability on the cancer cell proliferation showed cytotooicity significantly in $2^0$, $2^{-1}$, $2^{-2}$, $2^{-3}$, $2^{-4}$, $2^{-5}$ diluent groups. 5. S-180 cancer cell line transplants in BALB/c mice were inhibited significantly in weight increase in all the sample groups, compared with control group. The surviving number increased in almost sample groups, except one group put into Chok-Samni(S36) with 20% Cistanches Herba infusion solution treatment group that showed same number of the control group. 6. S-180 cancer cell line transplants in BALB/c mice showed high MST and ILS significantly in almost sample groups, compared with control group. But one group put into Chok-Samni(S36) with 20% Cistanches Herba infusion solution treatment group showed low MST and ILS than control group. 7. The sample group injected in vein with B16-F10 cancer cell line in C57BL/6 mice showed increased ILS compared with control group significantly in anti-metastasis test. 8. The sample group injected in vein with B16-F10 cancer cell line in C57BL/6 mice were increased significantly in the number of WBC and glucose, and decreased significantly in the amount of LDH, compared with control group. However, there's no significant increase or decrease in number of RBC, PLT, total protein and creatinine. 9. We couldn't find any significant relation in spleen weight of the sample group. 10. In pulmonary colony, sample group was decreased significantly, compared with control group. 11. Histological analysis of sample group inhivited compared with that of control group in both of lung and liver. 12. In immune system, all the sample groups showed having more relevancy to the effect on splenic cell proliferation than normal group. 13. The effect on cytokine gene expression of all the sample groups were increased than control group. 14. In flow cytometry there's no significant relation in number of $CD8^+$, $CD19^+$ cell, however, the number of $CD4^+$ cell and NK cell in sample groups were increased than in control group. Above the results showed that aqua-acupuncture of Cistanches Herba infusion solution has effects of anti-cancer, anti-metastasis and immune response improvement.

      • KCI등재

        霞谷學의 행정학적 意味 찾기: 탐색적 접근

        이은용(Lee Eun-yong),서진완(Seo Jin-wan) 한국양명학회 2009 陽明學 Vol.0 No.24

        하곡학의 경세론(經世論)에 나타난 행정개혁 내용에 대해 현대 행정학적으로 의미를 분석했다. 조선중기 하곡학이 추구하였던 개혁안들을 행정학적으로 분류했다. 그 분류는 크게 행정조직, 인사행정, 재무행정, 지방행정 그리고 정책 등 5개 분야로 구분하였다. 행정조직 분야는 왕권 강화, 붕당타파, 언로개방, 어사(御使)파견 등이며, 인사행정분야는 과거(科擧)시험제도의 폐지, 탕평책(蕩平策)의 시행, 관직(官職)의 세습철폐, 천민(賤民)의 관리(官吏)등용 등이다. 재무행정분야는 전세(田稅)[토지세]의 개혁, 양전(量田)의 시행, 감주세 가관세(減主稅 加官稅)의 시행, 양민수(良民數)의 증가, 사창(社倉)제도 시행, 화폐(貨幣)사용억제 등이며, 지방행정분야는 군(郡)ㆍ현(縣)의 통폐합, 지방수령(地方守令)의 권한 강화, 이장(里長)의 기능 강화 등이다. 그리고 정책분야는 신분제(身分制)의 폐지정책, 사민평등(四民平等) 정책, 개방(改嫁)의 허용, 음보(蔭補)제도 폐지, 만민개로(萬民皆勞) 정책 등이다. 하곡학의 개혁 사상은 3~4세기가 지난 현대에 있어도 여전히 유효하며, 세계화 시대의 상황에 맞는 ‘개혁의 새 생명(Revitalization)’으로 새롭게 부활된다고 할 수 있다. 다음으로 하곡학과 현대 행정학의 관계성을 분석했다. 시간의 흐름에 따른 관계, 행정학 내용의 분화(分化), 행정의 방향성, 행정 내용의 크기 변화 등에 대하여 살펴보았다. 그 특징들을 들면 첫째, 하곡학이 갖는 특징, 정신, 지향점(指向點) 등은 시대를 초월(超越)하여 관통(貫通)하면서 발전하고 있다. 둘째, 행정 발전은 일정한 방향성(方向性)과 지향성(指向性)이 있다. 셋째, 하곡학의 행정학적 내용은 나이테[연륜(年輪)]를 그리면서 진화하며 발전한다. 넷째, 하곡학의 행정학적 내용의 용량(容量)은 시간이 갈수록 커진다. 결론적으로 말하면 하곡이 주장했던 한국식의 고유한 행정개혁안과 미국식 현대 행정학의 내용은 실제적으로 크게 다름이 없었으며 사실 새로운 것이 없었던 것으로 밝혀졌다. 오히려 어떤 분야에서는 하곡학이 더 혁신적인 것이 있었다. 또한 행정학적 관점에서 하곡학의 내용을 비추어 보면, 전통적 행정학에 도덕적 전제를 가미시킨 철학적 운동이라 할 수 있는 신행정학(new public administration)과 유사하다고 볼 수 있다. Administration reform in Gyeongse philosophy of Ha-gok Studies is analyzed in a way of the modern political science. Reform plan that Ha-gok Studies pursued is classified by political science. It is classified into five categories : adminstration structure, personnel, finance, local adminstration, and policy. Administrative structure includes strengthening of royal authority, the abolition of the faction, opening of discussion channel, and royal secret inspector displacement. Personnel adminstration is the abolition of the highest level state examination, enforcements of Tangpyeong-chaek, the abolition of transmission by heredity, and selection of fit personfrom lowest class of people for higher positions. Finance is reform of land tax and reform of other associating tax laws. Local adminstration deals with merges and abolition of local districts, strengthening of local governors, and town leaders’ function strengthening. Policy consists of the abolition of the status system, the equality of the four classes, acceptance of open-door policy and so on. We could make sure through this thesis that bold reform attempt required paradigm of social rules of the time changed. So in the current times passed almost 300 years, the reform idea of Ha-gok Studies School still be with us and it could be revived with revitalization of reform that goes well with globalization era. Next, I analyzed the relationship between Ha-gok Studies and current public administration. The characteristics of Ha-gok Studies are as follows ; First, its characteristics, sprit, and directing points have been developed taking no notice of time and space. Second, improvement of administration has steady direction and directivity. Third, as times goes by, the doctrines of Ha-gok Studies has been evolved and enhanced . Fourth, what doctrines of Ha-gok Studies means is getting bigger and bigger. In conclusion Korea’s traditional administrative reform that are discussed in Ha-gok Studies is almost same with America’s modern administration and even more innovative. From the administrative point of view, Ha-gok Studies is very similar to new public administration that added traditional political science to morality.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        脊椎結核에 對한 脊推前方 癒合術이 脊椎後彎症 矯正에 미치는 影響에 關하여

        李殷龍(Eun Yong Lee),韓文植(Moon Sik Hahn) 대한정형외과학회 1968 대한정형외과학회지 Vol.3 No.4

        The treatment of kyphosis, as a disgraceful sign of tuberculous spondylitis, has been down for discussion with the progression in the technic of radical operative treatment of main lesion. The intervertebral anterior fusion with strut bone graft has been accepted as not only the radical operative treatment for tuberculous spondylitis but also the method of correction for fixed deformity of spinal curvature by some authorities. It is the purpose of this study to figure out the correctability of kyphosis in tuberculous spondylitis which had been cured with the anterior intervertebral fusion for recent 5 years of duration from March 1963 to March 1968 in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery of Seoul National University Hospital. The randomly selected 90 cases were reviewed with roentgenographical findings of preoperative, postoperative and follow-up kyphosis and the following conclusions are obtained. 1. The prevalance of spinal lesion in tuberculous spondylitis was revealed high in lower thoracic and upper lumber vertebral level. The average number of involved vertebrae with tuberculous spondylitis is 2 vertebrae. 2. The correction of kyphosis, more or less in degree of it, was obtained in 92 2% at the immediate post operative stage and also 75. 8% on postoperative 3 months and 73. 3% on postoperative 6 months. 3. The difference in correctability of kyphosis among the vertebral levels seemed not to be remarked but a little prevalance in lumbar vertebral level. 4. In the growing children, the correctabilty of kyphosis had a tendency to be greater than in adult but the loss of correction of kyphosis also greater than in adult. 5. The remarkable maintenance of correction in kyphosis called out attenton to the possibility of the anterior intervertabral spinal fusion for the treatment of the fixed deformities of spinal curvature as well as in the tuberculous spondyitis itself, in spite of the tendency towards the progressively increasing loss of corrected curvature with the passage of time.

      • KCI등재

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