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      • KCI등재

        Rupture of external iliac artery during microscopic lumbar disc surgery -A case report-

        이영재,최원준,김여정,목정민,김현수 대한마취통증의학회 2010 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.59 No.-

        Iatrogenic vascular injury during lumbar disc surgery is a rare but serious complication. This paper reports a patient who sustained an injury to the iliac artery while undergoing intervertebral disc surgery at the lumbar region. He suffered from massive bleeding and shock. An urgent laparatomy was performed under cardiopulmonary bypass, and the vascular injuries were repaired successfully. This case shows that a rapid diagnosis and immediate intervention can result in a favorable outcome.

      • KCI등재

        南慈賢의 독립운동 前史 -이주와 행적을 중심으로-

        이영재 한국독립운동사연구소 2019 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.0 No.68

        Nam Ja-hyun, born in the late 19th century and died in 1933, is an independent activist whose memorial was given to the President of the Medal of Reign and honor, and her actions teach many lessons to Koreans today. However, the main activities of Nam Jae-hyun are unclear until he left for Manchuria in 1919, including the place where he was born until now. The following results were found from the study of her family’s activities before 1919 through literature and field survey. In particular, Nam was born as the youngest daughter in the family of Confucian scholars in the turn of the 20th century and devoted herself to the independence movement as a widow and mother. So the research on her actions before 1919 is very important to the meaning of women’s independence movement in the history of independence movement in Korea in the early 20th century. Her family was counted for generations in Songri, Illgik-myeon, Andong-si, and in 1837, her grandfather lived in Heunggu-ri, Ibam-myeon, Yeongyang-gun, for a while to avoid the epidemic with her family and returned to his hometown. Then, around 1883, when Nam Ja-hyeon was 11 years old, her father moved to Jigyeong-ri, Sukbo-myeon, Yeongyang-gun to study, and lived until 1892. After that, She married Kim Young-joo eight years later here and lived for five years in Dapgok-rk, Seokbo-myeon, Yeongyang-gun, where his in-laws were. When her husband died during the military war in July 1896, she was left alone with her mother-in-law. So she went into a private house in Gye-ri, Subi-myeon, Yeongyang-gun to give birth and lived until the late 1900s. She had to raise her child alone, so it was difficult to live so that she could build a constriction and farming directly, and even after her son married, she did not improve due to the Japanese colonial period. So she decided to leave for Manchuria where her relatives moved, sent her son first in 1917 to look at him, and left Gye-ri in February 1919, following his son who wanted to participate in the independence movement. 19세기 말에 태어나 1933년 순국한 남자현은 건국훈장 대통령장이 추서된 독립운동가로서 오늘날 한국인에게 많은 교훈을 주고 있다. 그런데 남자현의 행적에 있어서 현재까지도 태어난 장소를 비롯하여 1919년 만주로 떠나기 전까지 주요 행적이 불명확해 논란이 되고 있다. 따라서 이 글은 다양한 문헌자료의 검토와 현지조사를 실시하여 1차적으로 1919년 이전까지 남자현의 이주 과정과 행적을 재구성함으로써 문제가 된 여러 가지 쟁점들을 해소하고, 이를 통하여 지역간 상호 협력을 이끌어 냄으로써 남자현의 삶을 바르게 이해 및 교육할 수 있는 기반을 마련하기 위해 시작되었다. 특히 남자현은 20세기 전환기에 유학자의 집안에서 막내딸로 태어나 의병운동에 참여했다가 전사한 남편을 둔 미망인이었고, 유복자를 홀로 키워 독립운동에 헌신하게 한 어머니이자 본인 또한 독립운동에 헌신하여 큰 공헌을 세운 독립운동가이므로 그녀의 행적에 대한 연구는 20세기 초 한국의 독립운동사에 있어서 여성의 독립운동이 가진 의미를 살펴보는데 매우 중요하다. 연구 결과 안동시 일직면 송리2리에서 대대로 세거했던 남자현의 집안은 1837년경에 조부가 어린 부친을 데리고 전염병을 피해 영양군 입암면 흥구리로 잠시 이주했다가 다시 고향으로 돌아갔으며, 이후 1883년경 중년이 된 부친 남정한이 영양군 석보면 지경리로 이주하여 10년 동안 좌해 이수영에게 학문을 배운 뒤 1892년에 청송군 안덕면으로 떠났다. 그러므로 1872년에 태어난 남자현은 자연스럽게 부친의 행적을 고려할 때 안동시 일직면 송리2리에서 태어났으며, 11세가 된 1883년경에 부친을 따라 석보면 지경리로 이주하여 혼인 전까지 8년을 살았음을 알 수 있다. 19세가 된 남자현은 1891년에 부친의 제자이자 의성김씨 집안의 2대 독자인 김영주와 혼인하여 시댁이 있는 영양군 석보면 답곡리로 이주했다. 김영주의 집안은 안동시 일직면 귀미리에서 세거하다가 18세기 중반에 답곡리로 이주했기에 안동지역의 친척들과 교류하고 있었으며, 이로 인해 김영주는 친척인 척암 김도화가 이끄는 안동의진에 참여했다가 1896년 7월 흥구리 전투 중에 전사했다. 당시 임신 5개월에 들어선 남자현은 홀로 된 시어머니와 함께 남편의 초상을 치른 어려운 상황으로 출산을 하기 위해서 영양군 수비면 계리에 있었던 친정으로 갔는데, 부친 남정한은 1892년 청송으로 이주했다가 1896년 이전에 형님이 살고 있었던 계리로 들어와 서당을 운영하고 있었기에 남자현은 시댁의 배려 속에 아이가 어느 정도 성장할 때까지 친정에서 머물며 보살핌을 받았다. 남자현은 친정에서 외아들인 김선달이 성장할 때까지 약 10년 정도 머물다가 1905년경에 분가했으나 손수 길쌈과 농사를 지어야 했을 정도로 생활이 어려웠다. 이러한 상황은 아들이 혼인한 1913년 이후에도 지속되어 장사에 나설 정도로 악화되자 부친과 시어머니가 사망한 이후 남자현은 새로운 삶을 찾아 친척들이 이주한 만주로 떠날 결심을 하게 된다. 이에 대한 준비로서 남자현은 1917년 아들을 먼저 만주로 보내 상황을 살펴보게 했는데, 이곳에서 김선달은 친척의 권유로 독립운동에 참여할 결심을 하고 돌아왔으며, 남자현은 1919년 2월 말 아들 내외를 따라서 영양을 떠나 서울에서 잠시 3·1운동에 참여한 뒤 만주로 갔다.

      • 同時的 統合 機能과 連續的 統合 機能의 逆相關性에 관한 硏究

        李榮宰 공주대학교 교육연구소 1984 교육연구 Vol.1 No.-

        본 연구는 Luria-Das로 발전되어 온 情報統合理論에 기초를 두고, 同時的 統合 機能과 連續的 統合 機能의 逆相關性을 검증하려 하였다. 公州師大 教育學課 學生 90명을 대상으로 두가지 機能을 측정하는 두개씩의 도구에 의해 수집된 자료를 部分相關係數를 산출, 분석한 결과 두 기능 사이에 獨立性은 나타났으나 逆相關性은 밝혀지지 않았다. 이러한 부정적인 결과로 부터 假說이 틀렸다는 結論을 내릴 수 있지만, 同時的(連續的) 統合 檢査에서 連續的(同時的) 統合 機能 개입되었다는 점을 고려한다면 逆相關性의 假說은 계속 연구되어야 할 것이다.

      • 시하호 미세-점착성 퇴적물의 침강 특성에 관한 연구

        이영재,이상화 東亞大學校 建設技術硏究所 2004 硏究論文集 Vol.27 No.2

        A series of settling tests and physico-chemical property tests on Sihwa lake fine-cohesive sediment has been conducted in order to investigate the correlation between settling properties and their physico-chemical properties which are represented as grain size distribution. mineralogical composition. and percentage of org anic contents. Experimental results of physico-chemical property tests show that Sihwa sediment are relatively large in average grain size, and contain very small organic materials( 6 %), and are dominantly composed of Quarts in mineralogical aspect which has relatively low cohesion. Thus, Sihwa lake sediment might be specified as the sediments whose settling properties are more influenced by the gravity than the cohesion. This characteristics of Sihwa lake sediment are found to lead to relatively small settling velocity in flocculated settling region in which increasing cohesion results in increasing settling velocity. which relatively large settling velocity in hindered settling region in which settling velocity decreases with increasing cohesion.

      • KCI등재

        Structure and Mechanical Properties of Regenerated Cellulose Fibers Wet-Spun from Ionic Liquid/Cosolvent Systems

        이영재,이성준,정상원,김현철,오태환,이세근 한국섬유공학회 2019 Fibers and polymers Vol.20 No.3

        Cellulose fibers were wet spun from cellulose/ionic liquid (IL)/cosolvent solutions. The cosolvent system wasconsisting of 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate (EmimAc), dimethylformamide (DMF), dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO),and water with various composition. Rheological properties of the cellulose/EmimAc with cosolvent solutions showed that dissolution rate can be increased by cosolvent addition, and the complex viscosity can be reduced. The solutions were stable over time at room temperature and could be converted to regenerated fibers with good properties via conventional wet spinning process. The increase in crystallinity of the regenerated cellulose fibers obtained from the EmimAc/cosolvent solution was ascribed to the ability of cosolvent to promote interaction between cellulose chains. The crystallinity of the fibers with only EmimAc as solvent is lower than that of the fibers with cosolvent, it seems that in this case the crystallinity dose reflects the difference in tensile properties. Also, a slight increase in tensile strain, by adding cosolvent to the cellulose/IL system under same wet spinning conditions was observed. The increase in the strain may be due to the crystal chain slip and plasticization effect by the cosolvent dispersed in the fiber, resulting in the increase the mobility of cellulose chain.

      • 民主主義의 人間主義的 基礎

        李永宰 漢陽大學校 1975 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        Democracy is not any fixed and established, but a historically growing notion, which is constantly coming to be formed, coping with conditions of time and place. So we have to grasp the concept democracy in terms of its contents and ideas rather than its forms and institutions. While a number of democratic institutions have got bickering and changing in history, the ideals of democracy continue to exist in constancy. In our time, the development of human intelligence has made us identify democracy as the ultimate supreme value to be attained. On the other hand, it has, however, the difficulties to be defined. As G. Orwell has once pointed out: "In the case of a word like 'democracy' not only is there no agreed definition but the attempt to make one is resisted from all sides. The defenders of any kind of regime claim that it is a democracy, and fear that they might have to stop using the word if it were tied down to any one meaning. "In sum, democracy is a belief-system or value-system that is enriched and evolved with developing human intelligence. And at the same time, it may be described as a concept of historical process that constantly proceeds to manifesting itself in any system, and being again prescribed by the system. In this context, we have to recognize that our Democracy in Korea, ie., the democratic system of Korean people living today under a specific historical and spatial situation, has its raison d'etre. As rightly estimated by John Dewey, the belief-system of democray is founded on human nature or humanity prior to any institution. In other words, democracy has a humanistic foundation. Then, what is humanism? It is also difficult to find any precise answer agreed on this question. But it is usually understood as an ideal or thinking oriented to the respect of humanity and the liberation of mankind from the restrictions and oppressions against humanity. In this sense, humanism is a resistance-ideal against realities. For inevitably any reality may have some inhuman aspect. When we conceive of reality as a situation, it must be historical. So we have to grasp humanism in context with history. The study has divided the historic evolvement of modern humanism into three steps: (1) the Renaissance humanism, (2) the modern civil humanism. and (3) humanistic currents in contemporary. With inquiry into every humanism in history, we could find out all the humanist ideals get through fundamintal ideas of democracy. For we could say that those democratic ideas-freedom or liberty, equality and human rights-have got arisen from the demands for respects of human personality and degnity, i.e., humanity or human nature.

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