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      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 이청준 소설에 나타나는 섬의 속성과 의미 고찰 - 「이어도」, 「섬」, 『당신들의 천국』, 『신화를 삼킨 섬』을 중심으로

        이성준 ( Sung Jun Yi ) 반교어문학회 2015 泮橋語文硏究 Vol.0 No.40

        이청준은 섬이라는 지리적 공간을 깊이 있게 통찰한 작가로 유명하다. 비교적 초기작이라 할 수 있는 「이어도」, 「섬」에서부터 『당신들의 천국』을 거쳐 말기작인 『신화를 삼킨 섬』에 이르기까지 섬을 통한 탐색을 계속했다. 그런데 이에 대한 관심과 연구가 부족한 실정이다. 이런 점을 감안하여 이청준 소설에 나타나는 섬의 속성과 의미, 현실대응 논리를 고찰하여 ‘이청준 바로읽기’에 일조하려 한다. 「이어도」와 「섬」의 공간은 구체성을 결여/소거한 알레고리적 공간임을 확인할 수 있다. 실제 공간인 홀섬이나 제주도가 작가의 의도에 맞게 표현 공간으로 변형되어 있다. 두 텍스트의 섬은 양가성을 가진 공간이면서 전도 내지는 전복, 역전의 공간이다. 『당신들의 천국』은 알레고리와 리얼리티가 혼합된 중간적 공간이다. 전체적으로는 알레고리적 공간이다. 지배와 피지배의 함수관계, 바람직한 운명 공동체, 자유와 사랑의 천국 실현 의지 등의 의미를 가진 공간이다. 그런 한편 지배자의 배반으로 인해 고통 받고 버려진 삶을 사는 소록도 원생들의 아픈 삶을 간직한 섬이고, ‘오마도 간척사업’이 이루어지는 리얼리티 공간이기도 하다. 『신화를 삼킨 섬』은 역사·사회적 공간이다. 중앙정부나 국가권력의 굿마당노릇을 해온 제주는 삼별초에서부터 현대사의 비극인 4·3에 이르기까지 편가르기 속에서 비극이 끝없이 되풀이된 곳이다. 신화를 삼킬 정도로 불행한 제주역사를 온몸으로 증명하는 ‘생활세계’요, 역사적 공간이다. 섬-텍스트를 통해 파악할 수 있듯이 이청준은 시대 상황에 대한 현실대응 논리로 서술방식을 선택했다고 볼 수 있다. 이를 통해 삶과 삶의 의미를 탐구하는 한편, 구체적 역사현실을 통한 역사의식까지 보여줌으로써 우리 소설의 지평을 넓히고 있다. Yi Cheong-jun is known for a writer of great insights into an island as a geographic space. This reputation stems from his continuous investigation on islands in from his relatively early works, ``이어도(Ieodo)`` and ``섬(The Island)``, passing "당신들의 천국(Heaven of Yours)" to "신화를 삼킨 섬(The Island Swallowed a Myth)" in the last years. However, there is a lack of an interest and research in this, and a misrealing on the texsts occurs, as well. Considering these points, this study intends to contribute to ‘proper reading of Yi Cheong-jun’ reviewing the feature and the meaning of the islands in his novels. The spaces in ``이어도(Ieodo)`` and ``섬(The Island)`` are identifiable as allegorical spaces lacking/erasing concreteness. Dokdo Island and Jejudo Island, the real spaces, are modified to representative spaces according to the writer’s intention. The two islands of texts are the spaces with ambivalence and, at the same time, those of inversion or overthrow, reversal. "당신들의 천국(Heaven of Yours)" is an intermediate space where allegory and reality are mixed together. It is an allegorical space overall. It is a space implying functional relations between dominance and subdominance, desirable groups sharing a common destiny, and realization will of heaven of freedom and love. It is also a space bearing heartbreaking lives of the patients (lepers) who suffer from the ruler’s betrayal and abandonment, and a reality space where omado-reclamation project is progressed. "신화를 삼킨 섬(The Island Swallowed a Myth)" is a historical and social space. Jejudo-Island, which has acted as a Gudmadang(where authority is spread) of the central government or the state power, is a space of repeating tragedies from Sambyeolcho to 4·3 Resistance, a tragedy in Korean modern history. It is a lived-world and a historical space proving unfortunate history of Jejudo-Island enough to swallow a myth. Like this, Yi Chung-jun kept trying and exploring from allegory to realism through islands. It is broadening the horizon of Korean novels by seeking lives and the meaning of life and showing historical consciousness through detailed historical realities.

      • KCI등재후보

        영화 <축제>에 나타나는 한국의 장례의식(葬禮儀式)과 의미 고찰

        이성준 ( Sung Jun Yi ) 영주어문학회 2012 영주어문 Vol.24 No.-

        Film "festivals" in Korea`s traditional funeral ceremony is clearly apparent. Subtitles by utilizing the name of the funeral and procedures, and disclosing the meaning, as well as Korea`s traditional funeral ceremony is to show the documentary technique. However, some rituals omitted results owing to the subject leads to a weakening, but a traditional funeral ceremony is faithfully reproduced. "Festivals" appears in the meaning of the funeral ceremony may be examined in three aspects. First, the Koreans` ideas about life and death, and filial piety is to reveal. Funeral rituals that make up the heart of filial piety as an element is inextricably bound to the example that there can be seen. Next, through funeral rituals to keep the community will be strengthened. This thing is fading in our society that increasingly makes sense in that it reproduces. Finally, through a funeral properties of the festive, and the chagrin of the explanation for the elimination of emotions, as well as the meaning of play is that ruminates. But these are things that take precedence over, through funeral rituals of Korea`s tradition and culture, ritual, and can see that may be revealed. It says about this subject and purpose of this study will do.

      • KCI등재후보

        영화 「축제」에 나타나는 다큐멘터리 속성과 기법 고찰

        이성준 ( Sung Jun Yi ) 영주어문학회 2011 영주어문 Vol.21 No.-

        Movie "Festival" with a novel study has been focused on intertextuality. But now, in terms of film study of the technique is needed. In "Festival", the documentary makes a variety of techniques have been used. Typical techniques include the voice-off, interview techniques, and include the use of subtitles. Through voice-off that is the truth of the story, the documentary will enhance the property. Audience stories of the characters talk more than the voice-off and tend to believe. Advantage of the fact that these are "Festival" will be called. Particularly difficult to present images to convey information effectively is very important when considering a strategy that will describe the technique is. In addition to novels, to convey the story effectively present information extracted Equally shall have the meaning. Interview techniques to highlight the concern of rising from the scene the audience is trying to secure the trust of. Intended to have last audience, rather than appointed incident happened at the scene of the events concerned, it is because you have a property trust. The flashback scenes, interview techniques available for use to maintain a fast tempo to convey the story effectively. In an interview technique to compress the story by presenting the story to give the elasticity of the device is being used as. Therefore, this technique "Festival" to give the elasticity of the main techniques of effective story telling can see that. "Festival" with a subtitle using the funeral customs of Korea are described in more detail. The reason is very simple. Korean-style funeral procession, and its meaning does not know the procedure and its people stand to tell the meaning. Therefore, the general director for the fictional film techniques to present and realistic information is presented through the written language. In this regard, "Festival" He took a new film making techniques and deserve respect as well, see assessment. Now the audience or viewers are tired of fictional movies and dramas seem to be. The popularity of this trend, enjoying the historical drama, with a real person fiction, peppered with a variety of materials that popular movies and drama that seems to be related to. The trend already noticed in 1996, "Festival" in the documentary, directed by Im Kwon-taek`s technique utilizing the ability to predict the future is a director can be assessed.

      • KCI등재

        특집논문 : 제주문화와 제주어 ; "제주어 문학"의 위상과 가능성 -양전형의 『허천바레당 푸더진다』를 중심으로

        이성준 ( Sung Jun Yi ) 제주대학교 탐라문화연구소 2013 탐라문화 Vol.0 No.43

        ``제 주어 시집``이 일곱 권이나 발간되었으나 이에 대한 관심이나 연구가 부족 한 실정이다. 제 주어 시집들이 얼마간 문제점을 내포하고 있기는 하지만 이에 대한 평가와 정리가 절실하다. 이런 문제의식에서 출발하여, ``제주 어 문학``의 위 상과 가능성을 양 전형의『허천바레당 푸더진다』에서 찾아봤다. 이 논문은 ``제주 어 문학``에 대한 필자의 두 번째 연구인 셈이다. 양 전형의 텍스트는 선행텍스트들과는 유다른 점을 가지고 있다. 선행텍스트 들이 1960년대나 그 이전의 제주·제주의 상황을 서술하고 있다면, 양 전형의 텍스트는 현재적 관점에서 현재적인 제주를 서술하고 있다. 이는 현재의 재현이라 는 관점에서나 독자와의 상호교통을 중시한다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 구술성과 문자성을 결합하여 제주어의 외연을 확장시키는 한편, 시각과 청 각·촉각 등을 활용하여 공감각적으로 표현하고자 하였다. 이는 구술 성이 강조되는 지역어의 특성을 살리는 한편 지역 어를 문자로 보전하려는 노력이라는 점에서 지역 어 문학에 자극제 역할을 한다. 구성방식과 서술기법의 독자성도 눈에 띈다. 이 텍스트에는 거시담론이 존재 하지는 않지만 텍스트 전반을 파악해보면 거시담론을 지향하고 있음이 드러난 다. 평범한 제주인의 삶과 의식을 모자이크식으로 처리하여 제주·제주인의 의식을 드러냄과 아울러 우리나라 농촌의 현재적 모습을 그려낸다는 점에서 거대담론을 지향한다. 또한 한시(漢詩)의 구성방식인 선경후정(先景後情)을 변형하여 반전과 지연, 긴장감을 확보하고 있다. 뿐만 아니라 정확한 제주어의 구사, 선행 텍스트의 억압으로부터 벗어나 자기만의 독창적인 시 세계를 확보했다는 점도 높이 평가할 만하다. 이런 특성들을 감안할 때 이 텍스트는 ``제주 어 문학``의 위상을 가늠할 수 있게 하고 그 가능성을 보여준다. 따라서 이 연구는 단순히 제주 어 시집에 대한 평가라는 차원을 넘어 세방화의 관점에서 지역문학에 대한 관심을 제고한다는 점에서도 의의가 있을 것이다. We have seen seven books of poetry written and published in Jeju dialect but little concern or studies have been made on them. While raising some questions, I have tried to evaluate and arrange some points in this essay. Starting from this point of view, I have studied one of them, "허천바레당 푸더진다(Look Out, Otherwise You Will Fall Down)" by Yang Jeon-hyung. This is my second study on the literature written in Jeju dialect. I have noticed that Yang has achieved a particular skill in writing his texts, compared to previous works done by other poets who used to depict the situations of Jeju of 1960s or before the period. However, Yang chose to see and depict Jeju in present point of view. It is meaningful to see that he revives the current topics helping readers understand his texts easily. He tried to employ as many oral expressions as possible, thus enabling readers to experience synesthesia covering senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. It is stimulating to find that his works revive the characteristics of dialects and put them into printed texts as well. We can hardly find a macro-discourse in his text. However, general text is found searching for it through micro-discourse. It is significant to see him revealing the Jeju people``s way of thinking through the plain life of them as well as describing the current features of Korean rural life in general It is noticeable that he employs the principle of ``first-scenery last-sentiment``, a common technique when writing Chinese poetry, to maintain tension through turns and delays of events. It is highly evaluated that he uses a perfect Jeju dialect and feels free from the pressure of precedent text leading him to create his own world of poetry.

      • KCI등재

        텍스트의 역동성과 재생산에 대한 시론(試論) ―다른 장르로의 재생산 과정(창작 경험)을 중심으로

        이성준 ( Sung Jun Yi ) 한민족문화학회 2012 한민족문화연구 Vol.41 No.-

        본고는 이저(W. Iser)가 구조화한 ‘문학텍스트의 소통 모델’을 보완하여, 문학텍스트의 소통과정을 구체화하고 새로운 텍스트로 재생산되는 메커니즘을 찾아보려는 시도다. 수용미학, 독자반응비평, 상호교통이론은 수용자적 측면을 부각시킨 것은 사실이지만, ‘적극적 소통’에 대해서는 소홀했고 재생산의 구체적인 메커니즘을 제시하지 못하고 있다고 생각한다. 해체와 탈장르가 보편화된 시대에 이저의 모델은 새로운 텍스트로 재생산되는 메커니즘을 구명하지 못한다. 그 점을 보완하여 ‘예술텍스트의 소통 모델’을 제시하려는 시론(試論)적인 성격이 강한 논문이다. 재생산의 메커니즘을 찾기 위해 필자의 창작 경험―소설을 시로 전환, 그림을 시로전환, 가요로 전환된 시를 다시 제3텍스트로 전환, 영화를 시로 전환―을 바탕으로 재생산 메커니즘을 살펴봄과 아울러 이저의 이론에서는 구체화되지 않은 사항들을 보완한다. 필자의 개인적 경험을 바탕으로 서술되는 만큼 주관적이고 자의적일 수 있다. 그러나 재생산 과정에서 발생하는 다양한 수용자의 심리적 반응이나 상황의 영향력 등을 살핌으로써 재생산의 메커니즘을 추적한다는 점에서, ‘문학텍스트의 소통 모델’을 ‘(전반적) 예술텍스트의 소통 모델’로 확장하여 예술간 장르 전환·변이에 대한 과정을 체계화한다는 점에서, 원-텍스트를 수용하여 새로운 텍스트로 재생산되는 과정의 메커니즘을 구체적으로 밝힌다는 점에서, 수용자가 제공자로 입장을 바꿔 새로운 텍스트를 재생산하는 과정을 추적한다는 점에서, 소통을 문학 차원에 한정하지 않고 다른 예술장르로까지 확대하여 고찰함으로써 예술간 변이·소통 양상을 살펴볼 수 있다는 점에서 의의를 가지리라 본다. This paper attempts to complement the laser structured ``literary text model of communication``, trying to find a mechanism to refine the process and the communication of a literary text are reproduced as text. That highlighted aspects of the transport theory inmates accommodate aesthetics, reader-response criticism, mutual, but in fact, draws attention to the ``active communication`` does not provide a specific mechanism of reproduction, and neglect the fact that Of the laser in the era of universal genre deconstruction and post the model to reproduce the new text does not clarify the mechanism. Paper is to complement the exam that discuss the nature of the strong. Complement my creative experience, in order to find the mechanism of reproduction of in W. Iser``s theory did not materialize. Had transformed poetry had transformed poetry, novels, picture to switch to popular songs from the poetry, and transformed back to the 3rd text based on the author``s experience, the film had transformed poetry. Is being described as based on my personal experience can be subjective and arbitrary. However, reproduction mechanism that tracks the influence of reproduction that may arise in the course of a variety of psychological reactions of audience or situation, such as the proportion of the ``communication model of the art text`` to extend ``literary text model of communication`` between the arts, genre switch systematize the process and variations on that, the mechanism of the process to reproduce a new text to accommodate the text specifically says that a prisoner providers to change and a new perspective to reproduce the text, in the process of tracking that dimension of communication literature other artistic genres, including but not limited to the point that you can look at the art among communication patterns by considering the point that you can look at the significance.

      • KCI등재

        제주어 문학의 가능성과 한계 -김광협의 『돌할으방 어디 감수광』을 중심으로-

        이성준 ( Sung Jun Yi ) 배달말학회 2012 배달말 Vol.51 No.-

        Literary language of Jeju, using examples from a small but full-fledged use the Kim Kwang-Hyeop`s ``Greetings to Dolhaleubang``. However, by highlighting only the ``first``, I investigated the piecemeal literary approach but this text seems to have been neglected. This paper, a comprehensive review of the text, while away from the tendency of these existing, and will examine the significance and limitations of the text planning. This text is published in the 1980s and foremost to forestall despite not assume that it was time to the 1960s, was equipped with a circle of Jeju. Also 1960s of jeju people`s lives, juju`s customs and shaping people`s consciousness. Multiple narrative techniques adopted this time to oversee the various customs and life of Jeju that are characteristic. However, ``first`` Despite pioneering in the 1960s, use inappropriate language of Jeju and Jeju situation does not fit into a statement Jeju situation did not express correctly points can be pointed out to the limit. This point can be connected and the life of the poet, who lived in Seoul for a long time to leave hometown, Jeju. Nevertheless, this text so far as the Preceding text Jeju language poetry on having a lot of impact. Trailing text of Jeju as a creative language most of the 1960s, described as the center of that, the current look, but in the past that shape the look of Jeju, Jeju`s indigenous emotions pursued by the consciousness of my residents drawing can see the text that affects the trailing text.

      • KCI등재

        『바리데기』의 분석심리학적 접근

        이성준 ( Sung Jun Yi ) 배달말학회 2011 배달말 Vol.48 No.-

        본고는 분석심리학적 차원에서 『바리데기』를 분석하여 텍스트의 속성을 밝힘을 목적으로 한다. 원-텍스트와 『바리데기』의 상호텍스트성을 검토하여 『바리데기』가 원-텍스트를 ``해석적 변형``을 하고 있음을 살펴본 뒤, 두 텍스트에 나타나는 샤먼의 의식, 심령관, 우주관이 크게 다르지 않음을 밝힌다. 다음으로, 무의식과의 대화·적극적 명상·꿈 해석 등의 방법을 활용하여 바리의 심리, 사고, 행동뿐만 아니라 바리의 특이한 능력(과거 투시, 미래 예견, 사람·동물과의 비언어적 대화 등)을 분석하여, 『바리데기』는 원-텍스트와 분석심리학을 바탕으로 형상화된 담론임을 밝힌다. 또한 『바리데기』는 원-텍스트의 속성상 엘리아데의 샤머니즘과 밀접한 관계를 맺고 있다고 보고, 텍스트에 나타나는 샤먼 관련 화소들을 엘리아데의 샤머니즘과 비교 분석한다. 유체이탈(幽體離脫)이란 신비체험 바탕으로 이루어진 바리의 ``지옥 여행``은 엘리아데가 체계화한 샤먼들의 접신술과 융의 무의식과의 적극적인 대화를 바탕으로 담론화되었음을 밝힌다. 끝으로, 꿈으로 반복되는 바리의 ``지옥 여행``을 분석심리학적 꿈 해석 방법으로 해석하여 자기실현(自己實現)과 밀접한 꿈임을 밝힌다. 바리는 이 꿈을 통해 ``생명수(生命水)``의 의미를 깨닫고 개성화(자기실현)의 길을 가게 되는데, 이 또한 융의 개성화과 깊은 관련이 있음도 구명한다. 이런 일련의 고찰을 통하여 『바리데기』는 분석심리학, 샤머니즘, 민담적 요소 등을 수용하여 원-텍스트를 현대적 관점에서 재해석한 ``현대판 영웅 담론``임을 밝혀낸다. Hwang Sukyung`s work ``Barydegi`` to understand the origin-text is that the ancestors of the shaman mythology ``Barydegi`` and C.G.Jung`s Analytical Psychology, M. Eliade`s Shamanism is necessary for understanding. This article first origin-text and ``Barydegi`` compared to examine the intertextuality. Medium through which the ancestors of modern reinterpretation of the myth that the text ``analytic transformation`` and said that, both the text that appears in the ritual of the shamans, Perspective on the soul, cosmology says that has not changed significantly. Next, Analytical Psychology major method of communication with the unconscious, aktive Imagination. using methods such as dream interpretation, psychology of Bari, accidents, unusual behaviors, as well as the ability of Bari(historica lperspective, predicting the future, and people·animals Nonverbal conversation, etc.) to analyze, ``Barydegi`` Analytical Psychology and the origin-text-based discourse reveal that manifestation. Also ``Barydegi`` nature of the origin-text M. Eliade`s Shamanism and the strong ties that the report, the text appears in the relevant pixel of Shaman M. Eliade`s Shamanism and the comparative analysis. Bari`s ``Hell Tour`` Out-of-body experience(OBE) a mystical experience, based on is done, the M. Eliade a structured set of Shaman`s ghosts and the connection between power and Jungian ``unconscious with the active dialogue`` based on the discourse Tues that says. In addition, recurring dreams of Bari`s ``Hell Tour`` Analytical Psychology and the Analysis of how to interpret dreams by performing in Individuation(Selbstverwirkli-chung) reveal that closely dream. Bari through this dream ``water of life`` to realize the meaning of being sent the way of Individuation, Jungian Individuation and it also reveals the deep might be related. Through the examination of this series, ``Barydegi`` Analytical Psychology, Shamanism, folklore elements and the origin-text to accommodate a modern reinterpretation in terms of ``modern-day hero story`` that reveals.

      • KCI등재

        이청준 소설에 나타나는 제주,제주민 의식 -「이어도」와 『신화를 삼킨 섬』을 중심으로-

        이성준 ( Sung Jun Yi ) 우리어문학회 2015 우리어문연구 Vol.53 No.-

        Yi Chung-jun is a special interest and affection for Jeju has had two novels and creative. Relatively early work can be called ‘이어도(Yieodo)’ and his later work in “신화를 삼킨 섬(Island swallowed Myths)” has a Jeju·Jeju residents are reflected in consciousness. ‘이어도(Yieodo)’ through the duality associated with the legendary island of Jeju Yieodo draw residents found the life and consciousness. In addition, “신화를 삼킨 섬(Island swallowed Myths)” through the wounds of the tragic recent history of Jeju 4·3 movement, the history of Jeju, Jeju residents found to draw consciousness. Two text that appears in the consciousness of the residents of Jeju, the first is a longing for the land. Trapped on the island, far from the land, must bear all the suffering and the pain came back to get away from the fate of parties expressed the desire of the residents of Jeju. Next, the reluctance of outsiders due to exclusivity. Historically, since the Goryeo Dynasty, occupied most of the outsiders have come to Jeju people, or the people who ruled Jeju residents, or those who suppressed the people of Jeju or Jeju residents was the exploitation of people. Thus, the resistance of the outsiders characteristics of Jeju residents can be called. Third, refusal·resistance against what is unjust. In particular, for the unfair denial of fate and destiny, and exposed to the resistance through out the text. As fate or destiny, but humans can not possibly avoid rejection and resistance because it is bound to have a limit. After all the frustration and resignation to fate, which is in compliance with this last drawn. This consciousness is the natural environment of Jeju residents, historical and socio-cultural situation and came to get it to be in inseparable, Jeju residents in the study of consciousness and there searchers pointed out that match the characteristics of the residents of Jeju. Thus, both the text, Jeju and Jeju residents as well as the background of consciousness and reason, which is relatively more drawn and, as the author``s love and concern for Jeju, Jeju residents through a variety of materials are the result of consciousness called to be identified be.

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