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      • KCI등재

        연극놀이를 활용한 신화 지도 방안 연구

        이상숙 한국초등국어교육학회 2013 한국초등국어교육 Vol.53 No.-

        Elementary school upper grades enter the adolescence and require experiences for internal growth to develop their identities. Is there a way to help children who spend much time in school for their internal growth?This study was conducted to find the solutions to current issues from Korea's oral mythologies and apply it to play to suggest a instructional model for mythologies. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of mythology classes using play on children's internal growth for identity. Chapter II discusses the educational value of mythologies and the educational effect of dramaplay, and examine the possibility of combining of instructing mythologies and dramaplay Chapter III discusses a mythology learning system developed based on the principles of instructing mythologies using dramaplay. the model which consists of three steps, was about to use step-by-step strategy. Chapter IV applies the six steps of instructional model of mythologies through play. In the result of applying this model, children’s interests increased in the mythology and showed The scene where main character of mythology overcame adversity truthful heart naturally motivated the virtue in the children. This study enabled the children to have interests in Korean mythologies and shows that the instructional model of mythology using dramaplay is appropriate for the internal growth of children who are about to enter the adolescence. 초등학교 고학년은 사춘기 초입에 해당하는 시기로, 자아 정체감 형성을 위한내적 성장 경험이 필수적으로 필요할 때이다. 많은 시간을 보내는 학교생활에서아이들의 내면적인 성장을 도울 방법이 없을까?본 연구는 우리 구비신화에서 그 해답을 찾고 연극놀이를 접목하여 신화교수학습 모형을 구안하였다. 이를 수업현장에 적용하여 아동의 자아 정체성 형성에어떠한 효과를 미치는지 알아보고자 한다. 2장에서는 신화의 교육적 가치와 교육 연극의 효과를 살펴보고 신화지도와 교육 연극의 접목 가능성을 알아보았다. 3장에서는 신화 지도의 원리를 바탕으로 신화 수업 모형을 구안하였다. 구안된모형은 3단계로 구성하였고 단계적으로 점진성 전략을 사용하고자한다. 4장에서는 연극놀이를 활용한 신화 교수 학습 모형으로 6차시를 적용하였다. 수업의 적용 결과 신화에 대한 관심이 증폭하였고, 신화의 주인공이 시련을 극복하고 진실하게 갈등을 해결하는 모습은 아동의 내면에 선한 삶의 가치관을 자연스럽게 습득하게 하는 계기가 되었다. 본 연구를 통해 우리나라 신화에 많은 아동이 관심을 갖게 되었고, 신화와 연극놀이의 접목이 신화를 이해하고 내면화하는 데 효과가 있었음을 시사하였다.

      • KCI등재

        국공내전 시기 북한의 중국공산당 지원에 대한 재검토: 경제사회적 원인을 중심으로

        이상숙 북한연구학회 2016 北韓硏究學會報 Vol.20 No.1

        This study focused on the origin of the relations between China and North Korea during Chinese Civil War. The purpose of this study is to review Korean in cooperation with Chinese Communist Party(CCP). These North Korean citizens of the China`s Northeast received land or guaranteed economic rights from the Chinese Northeast Bureau (CNB) and were resettled in Manchuria. Also, the CCP compensated the North Korean government for its assistance, consisting of transport costs and tariffs on foods and goods. The CNB was not only a liaison office but also the CCP trade representative between the Korean Worker`s Party (KWP) and the CCP. The CCP economic supports made the KWP attract much support from North Korean citizens. Therefore, CCP helped North Korea to build the nation. 이 글은 북중관계의 기원인 국공내전 시기 중국 동북지역 조선인들의 공산당 지원과 중국공산당의 대북한 정권의 경제적 지원을 재검토하였다. 이를 통해 국공내전 시기 중국공산당의 대북한 정권에 대한 물질적 지원이 북한 정권 수립에 경제적 토대를 마련하였음을 확인하였다. 일반 동북지역의 조선인들이 중국공산당을 지원하게 된 것은 중국 국민당의 차별정책과 경제적 원인이 크게 작용하였다. 중국 공산당은 지역 조선인들의 협력이 절실하다고 판단하였고, 조선인들에게 중국인들과 동등하게 토지를 분배해주었고 이중국적으로 허용하여 적극적 지지를 얻을 수 있었다. 국공내전이 치열한 당시 중국공산당은 ‘동북국판사처’라는 조직을 통해 현재 북한 지역을 후방기지로서 활용하였다. 중국공산당의 식량 지원을 비롯한 경제적 지원은 북한 정권 탄생의 물질적 기반을 조성하는 데에 기여하였다.

      • KCI등재

        북한소설 《형제》와 《전환》의 '민족적 특성' 연구 : '민족적 성격'을 중심으로 with reference to "National Characteristics

        이상숙 한국어문학회 2004 語文學 Vol.0 No.83

        This dissertation is about "the national specificity" in the "The Brothers (Hyongje)" and "A Turn(Chonhwan)". This dissertation was about the development of the "argument about national characteristics," which was the core point of the "argument about the national specificity." The actual application of the argument was revealed in the novels "The Brothers(Hyongje)" and "A Turn(Chonhwan)," The positive characteristics of a fictional character, which were presented diversely by the critics, were abstracted from classical literary works and the historical experiences of the revolution against the Japanese Imperialism. In the early time of North Korean literature, the KAPF tradition was given an attention and developed, especially centering the works of Lee Ki-young, and was called the "two main traditions" along with the tradition of the revolution against the Japanese Imperialism. However, in the field of the argument of national specificity, only the tradition of the revolution against the Japanese Imperialism was highly stressed. According to the above, I could have the conclusion that the argument about the national specificity was the important discussion which was converging diverse literary theories of the earlier period and transported them into "Juche'munye-i'ron," a literary theory of the subject. In addition, I hoped that my study could contribute to prove the possibility for North Korean criticism from the 1950s to 1960s to be included in the realm of a "national literature" of the same people speaking the same language in terms of the wide meaning of an argument about tradition, whereas the argument about the national specificity also has the possibility to be considered as an invented tradition, as E. Hobsbawm said, which collaborated in maintaining the political power of the North Korean regime. Although the argument about tradition in North Korea has some problem in its birth and in its ideology-centric limits, the result of the discussion about a literary theme and form in it could be a good standard for a comparison with South Korean literature.

      • KCI등재

        1980년대 한국시에 나타난 통일담론

        이상숙 한국시학회 2019 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.59

        This study aims to examine the “discourse of unification” found in the poetry of the 1980s. During that period, whose iconic moment was the May 18 Gwangju Democratic Uprising, strands of literature focused on the division of Korea, on the liberation of labor from dictatorship and on populist themes formed the literary mainstream in the wake of democratization, thereby constituting a contemporary national literature. However, in the field of poetry, deconstructive and other aesthetic experiments were also popular. It was a dynamic period which spurred great diversity in the literary field, but the literary discourse surrounding unification at that time could not be fully elaborated or developed in a thoughtful direction. In the wake of the May Gwangju Democratic Uprising and the liberation from dictatorship of workers and people, the unification of South and North Korea was widely seen as the ultimate national goal, but a practical discourse focused on the realization of this goal was not developed, and nor were the methods and practices necessary to achieve it, the Gwangju Uprising became an insurrection of the people as a whole in which workers, the public, and the nation itself were conceived of as victims suffering from the division of the nation, and unification was proposed as the final goal and ultimate solution to this problem. Ultimately, the project of unification at the time was not seen in a different light to that of the liberation of the people -who were the seen primarily as workers- and the realization of democratization. In this context, this study investigates the strengths and weaknesses of the discourse surrounding unification in the 1980s through the prism of poems by Namju Kim, Juntae Kim. This discourse was not sophisticated enough to reflect the thirst for democratization prevalent in society as a whole, a deficit which could be seen in literary work and activities ranging from magazines and workers’ literary gatherings to the democratization movement in colleges and religious circles. Neither could the debate on unification capture the historical, social, and personal anxieties and struggles of the time. 이 논문은 1980년대 시에 나타난 ‘통일담론’을 살펴보는 것을 목표로 한다. 5.18 광주항쟁으로 시작된 1980년대는 사회적으로는 민주화와 문학에서는 민족문학이라는 흐름 안에서 전개되었다. 분단문학, 노동해방문학, 민중문학이 주류를 형성하는 한편 해체시와 같은 미학적 실험도 시분야에서는 매우 활발했다. 다채롭고 역동적인 시기였지만 이때의 통일담론은 정교하거나 깊이있는 고민으로 전개되지 못했다. 5월 광주항쟁, 노동자해방, 민중해방을 아우르는 민주화운동의 흐름 안에서 궁극적인 목표로 제시되면서, 남북의 통일이라는 목표를 향한 인식, 방법, 실천에 대한 실질적 통일담론으로 제시되지 못했다. 농민은 노동자로 포괄되고 광주항쟁이 민중항쟁의 핵심으로 위상 정립되면서 노동, 민중, 민족은 분단으로 인해 고통받는 이들로 통일은 이를 해결할 최종의 목표로 제시되면서 절대적인 구호가 되었기 때문이다. 이때의 통일은 민중, 노동자의 확대된 이름인 민중의 해방과 민주화의 실현과 다르지 않았다. 이 논문은 김남주, 김정환, 김준태의 시를 통해 그 과정을 살피고 당시 통일담론의 공과(功過)를 살펴보았다. 무크지, 노동자문예 모임, 대학가가와 종교계에서 일어난 민주화 운동 등 문학을 넘어선 전 사회의 민주화 열풍과 그 안에서 치열했던 역사와 정치, 그리고 개인에 대한 고민과 같은 역사적, 사회적, 개인적 분투는 ‘통일담론’에서는 정교하지 못했다.

      • KCI등재

        김준태의 시에 나타난 ‘통일 담론’

        이상숙 우리문학회 2019 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.63

        김준태의 시에 드러난 통일의 의미를 살펴보는 것이 이 논문의 목적이다. 1969년 등단 이후 오늘에 이르기까지 우리 시사에서 김준태 시인만큼 꾸준히 ‘통일’을 주제로 하여 창작에 임한 시인은 많지 않다. 여러 권의 시집과 산문, 평론에서도 ‘통일’을 가장 큰 주제로 삼은 김준태의 시를 통해 우리 시에 나타난 통일 인식과 통일론의 일단(一端)을 살펴볼 수 있다. 김준태는 초기시에서 민중의 현실과 언어를 통해 육체성을 활용한 남북의 결합을 표현했고 5.18 광주민중항쟁 이후에는 진보진영의 통일담론과 흐름을 같이하여 ‘민주주의’, ‘해방’, ‘공동체의 아름다움’으로 이어지는 통일인식을 보여주었다. 활달한 민중의 언어와 육체를 통해 남북의 결합을 보여주는 그의 통일인식은 5.18 광주 시편들에서부터 최근의 시에까지 일관되는 특징이다. 그러나 그의 통일시는 여전히 혈연, 육체, 형제애의 주제를 반복하며 ‘민족동일성’과 ‘당위적 통일론’에서 벗어나지 못하고 있다. 김준태는 분단 체제의 부조리와 모순에 맞서 창작과 실천을 일치시킨 시인이며 그의 시가 세련되고 완결성 있는 활달한 시라는 것과는 별개로 민족 동일성과 당위적 통일론이라는 전형적 통일 담론을 반복하는 것은 반성적으로 살펴볼 부분이다. 분단, 탈분단, 평화와 공존으로서의 통일 등 ‘통일’이 새롭게 규정되는 오늘날 우리문학에는 이를 이해하고 통찰하는 시인의 혜안이 필요하다. 70년에 이르는 이격(離隔)의 시간과 남북한 주민들의 통일인식 변화, 체제 우위에 의해 극명해진 경제적 차이, 경제력으로 서열화되는 남북 주민 등 통일을 마주한 현실의 문제는 점점 더 복잡해지고 있기 때문이다. 같은 민족이므로 당연히 그리고 무작정 하나로 합쳐지는 통일이 아닌 탈분단, 평화정착, 공존과 번영이라는 통일 프로세스의 변화를 성찰하고 고민하는 통일문학, 통일시가 제시되어야 한다. 오늘날 우리 시사와 문학이 통일시의 시인 김준태에게 바라는 바도 같다. This study aims to examine the meaning of “unification” in Juntae Kim’s poems. Not many Korean poets have extensively dealt with unification as a recurring theme in their works. However, Juntae Kim has consistently written about this issue, from Soul Unification in 1986 to The Song of a Grandfather of Twins in 2018. Through an analysis of his poems, prose, and literary criticism, one can investigate the range of perceptions of unification in Korea. “Unification” in Kim’s works tends to mirror the context of issues at the time it was written. According to him, the national democratic discourse of the late 1980s led to the emergence of the unification movement and to widespread debate, but the extent to which this trajectory in national politics was linked to the May 18 Gwangju Pro-democracy Uprising was limited. In addition, the social implications of unification are so variable that they change depending on the political environment. The literary response to the politics surrounding unification has been weak. There have been many problematic approaches to unification in Korean society over the decades, including the romantic strand of thought that regards it as a necessary and emotional “wish”; the radical and simple idea that Korea’s partition is the basis of all social problems and contradictions, proposing unification as the ultimate solution; the instrumental approach that employs the project of unification as the logical basis for political parties to debate issues concerning nationality, democracy, and autonomy; the passive attitude towards unification, which arises from the instinct to avoid the plethora of concrete and complex issues involved in the project of unification; the selfish prioritization of only the economic effects that would be produced by combining capital and labor in the process of unification; and the sympathetic attitude towards the North Korean people, which is based on a sense of the South’s economic superiority. This range of attitudes may be problematic, but it embodies how South Korea views the issues of division and unification of the Korean peninsula. In this context, the strength of Juntae Kim’s work lies in how the complexity of unification, as well as its constantly changing meaning, is thermalized in his poems.

      • KCI등재

        Functional Characterization of NtCDPK1 in Tobacco

        이상숙,윤경미,노은정,문은표,배현숙 한국분자세포생물학회 2006 Molecules and cells Vol.21 No.1

        We previously showed that NtCDPK1, a tobacco calcium- dependent protein kinase, interacts with and phosphorylates the Rpn3 regulatory subunit of the 26S proteasome, and that both NtCDPK1 and Rpn3 are mainly expressed in rapidly proliferating tissues, including shoot and root meristem. In this study, we examined NtCDPK1 expression in roots using GUS expression in transgenic Arabidopsis plants, and investigated its function in root development by generating transgenic tobacco plants carrying a sense NtCDPK1 transgene. GUS activity was first detected in roots two days after sowing. In later stages, strong GUS expression was detected in the root meristem and elongation zone, as well as the initiation sites and branch points of lateral roots. Transgenic tobacco plants in which NtCDPK1 expression was suppressed were smaller, and their root development was abnormal, with reduced lateral root formation and less elongation. These results suggest that NtCDPK1 plays a role in a signaling pathway regulating root development in tobacco.

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