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      • KCI등재

        The Transformation of Kitsch Culture in Hungary: From the Pre­ and Post­Communist Era to EU Accession

        이상동 서강대학교 유로메나연구소 2023 통합유럽연구 Vol.14 No.2

        Kitsch culture is a type of popular culture. In Hungary, kitsch culture emerged in the late 19th century and became increasingly popular in the early 20th century. In Hungary, kitsch culture was especially popular among the working class and peasants. Kitsch culture offered a way to escape the drudgery of life and imagine a better world, and it provided a sense of community and belonging. Of course, kitsch culture was also popular among the bourgeoisie, but they saw it as a way to express their patriotism and loyalty to the Hungarian state. The period from the late 1950s to the early 1970s is considered the golden age of Hungarian kitsch culture. This was due to the rise of socialist realism, the official art style of the communist regime after World War II. Socialist realism is characterized by realism and a focus on social issues, and the Hungarian communist regime used art as a means of propaganda, encouraging artists to create works that promoted socialist ideals and values, such as collective farming and industrialization. As such, Hungarian kitsch art was often used to promote the ideology of the communist regime and glorify party leaders. Kitsch culture in Hungary began to decline after the fall of communism in 1989, as the country's political and social landscape changed: Hungary began to move away from Soviet influence, and the government became more open to Western ideas and culture. Kitsch culture became popular again in Hungary in the 2000s, partly because many Hungarians felt nostalgic for the communist era, and partly because kitsch culture provided a way to express individuality and creativity in a society still in transition. In other words, Hungarian kitsch culture was revived by a number of factors, including nostalgia, globalization, and Hungary's accession to the European Union, and it has continued to evolve and adapt to changing cultural and social trends. An important aspect of kitsch culture during this period was the rise of nostalgia for the communist era. This growing nostalgia for the past has led to a renewed interest in the socialist era, including kitsch culture. Therefore, this article examines the history and development of Hungarian kitsch culture and how it continues to shape the self-identity of Hungarians today after Hungary's accession to the European Union.

      • KCI등재

        종교개혁 500주년, 헝가리 개신교 450주년 - 역사적 고찰을 중심으로 -

        이상동 한국세계문화사학회 2019 세계 역사와 문화 연구 Vol.0 No.52

        The Reformation movement which follows Protestantism against Catholicism has been circulated in Hungary since the 1510s and spread widely despite the legal prohibition of the Reformation, and almost all of the Hungarians have converted to Protestantism. Calvinism traditionally consisted of Hungarian lower-class and ordinary people, mainly in the Middle East Hungary and Transylvania. Hungarians, historically anti-Habsburg and at the same time pursuing independence and independence of Hungarian kingdoms and peoples, and belonging to the hierarchy to break down feudal order and achieve social reform, greatly sympathized with this Calvinism. The Hungarian religious reforms that followed the Calvinism, not the Lutheran Churches, were further facilitated by the atmosphere of the time when the country was on its path to absolutism and early capitalism. The Hungarian secular monarch wanted to strengthen his power and finance through the church's vast land wealth. On top of that, feudal aristocrats and capitalists who were seeking capital investment joined the rally. The middle class, in particular, understood religious freedom in the context of freedom from taxes, freedom from economic activity and technology development and interest acquisition. It was Calvin 's Reformation that approached these Hungarians' demands. This article aims to understand the Calvin philosophy embodied in Hungary from a historical and humanistic point of view through a review of the process of the Reformation in Hungary and at the same time to reinterpret the Calvinist tradition which was a major religious culture idea in the modern history of Hungary. First of all, we will look at Hungary's Christianization process and look at the reasons why the religious reform movement was able to spread rapidly in Hungary and how the influence of religious reforms in Europe, including Calvin, has changed the course of Hungarian history.(Institute of International and Area Studies, Sogang University) 가톨릭에 반하여 신교를 추종하는 종교개혁 운동이 1510년대부터 헝가리에서도 유포되었으며, 종교개혁의 법적인 금지에도 불구하고 빠르고 폭넓게 확산되어 헝가리 인들의 거의 대부분이 신교로 개종하게 되었다. 16세기 말 헝가리 인구의 90%가 개신교도가 되었다. 그리고 개신교인들의 절반 이상이 칼뱅교 신도들 이었고 약 25%는 루터교 신자들 이었다. 칼뱅교는 전통적으로 중동부 헝가리와 트란실바니아 지역을 중심으로 헝가리 하위귀족과 일반 민중들이 신도의 주류를 이루고 있었다. 역사적으로 반 합스부르크적인 동시에 헝가리 왕국 및 민족의 자주성과 독립을 추구하며, 봉건질서를 타파하고 사회개혁을 이루려는 계층에 속한 헝가리 인들이 이 칼뱅교에 크게 공감했다. 그리고 루터교가 아닌 칼뱅교를 따르는 헝가리 종교개혁은 절대주의체제와 초기자본주의로의 길을 걷고 있던 당시의 분위기로 인해서 더욱 촉진되었다. 헝가리 세속군주는 자신의 권력을 강화하고자 했으며, 교회의 막대한 토지재산을 통하여 재정을 강화코자 했다. 여기에 몰락하던 봉건귀족과 자본투자를 모색하던 자본가들도 가세했다. 특히 중산층은 종교적 자유를 세금으로부터의 자유, 경제활동과 기술개발 및 이자획득의 자유와 같은 맥락으로 이해했다. 이러한 헝가리 인들의 요구에 보다 접근한 것이 칼뱅의 종교개혁이었다. 본 글은 헝가리에서 전개된 종교개혁 과정에 대한 고찰을 통해 역사적이며 인문학적인 관점으로 헝가리에 수용된 칼뱅사상을 이해하고, 동시에 헝가리 근대 역사상 주요한 종교문화의 이념이었던 칼뱅주의 전통을 재해석하는데 목적을 둔다. 우선 헝가리의 기독교화 과정을 살피고, 종교개혁운동이 헝가리에서 급속도록 확산될 수 있었던 이유와 칼뱅을 포함한 유럽의 종교개혁이 이룩한 영향이 헝가리 역사의 진로를 어떻게 바꾸어 놓았는지를 고찰해보려고 한다.

      • 고밀도 본딩와이어간의 혼신감소를 위한 차폐 본딩왕이어 및 광대역 해석

        이상동,이해영 대한전자공학회 1996 전자공학회논문지-A Vol.33 No.7

        parallel bonding wires separaated with a screeing bonding wire are proposed and characterized in order to redue mutual coupling and parasitics of high-speed and high-density device packaging. The mehtod of moments (MoM) with the incorporation of the ohmic loss has been used in a wide range of frequencies. From the calculated results, we have found that the screening bonding wire effectively reduces inductive and capacitive crostalk levels more than 3dB. the parasitic self inductance is also reduced more than 12% by the screening effect. Therefore, for a general VLSi package, the packaging density can be increased more than 30% using the screening bonding wire. This screeing bonding wire and the analysis can be effectively used to reduce crosstalk and increase packaging density of high density devices.

      • KCI등재

        즉위식 전통에 대한 비교사적 고찰— 게일 전통의 아일랜드와 비잔티움 제국의 경우 —

        이상동,양희민 수선사학회 2022 史林 Vol.- No.80

        This study examines the range of religious, cultural, and political circumstances that influenced the historical shaping of inauguration/ coronation ceremonies in different medieval societies. After the Carolingian dynasty of the Frankish Kingdom in the mid-eighth century, the so-called Latin-Catholic tradition heavily influenced the inauguration/coronation ceremony and its tradition in western Europe. However, different forms of ceremonial traditions were structured and embraced by the inhabitants of the outside world. To investigate this often overlooked issue further, this study examines the Gaelic Irish inauguration ceremony and the coronation of the Byzantine Empire. In the latter medieval world, Byzantium still retained and upheld its traditional identity as the cultural successor of the ancient Roman Empire and embraced the Eastern Orthodox faith, not Roman Catholicism. Thus, Gaelic Ireland and Byzantium still kept their pagan or Greco-Roman cultural tradition of the past; in other words, they stood on the margins of the mainstream hemisphere of the Latin-Catholic medieval European world. This study examines and analyzes these marginalized societies’ inauguration/coronation ceremonies as their historical development and embedded symbolic messages represent different religious, cultural, and political landscape of their home society.

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