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        한반도 동해안 석호의 관속식물상

        김중현,김선유,홍정기,남기흠,안지홍,이병윤,김진석,Kim, Jung-Hyun,Kim, Sun-Yu,Hong, Jeong-Ki,Nam, Gi-Heum,An, Ji-Hong,Lee, Byoung Yoon,Kim, Jin-Seok 한국식물분류학회 2017 식물 분류학회지 Vol.47 No.1

        동해안 석호는 해수와 담수가 섞인 독특한 형태의 기수호이며, 수변식생이 발달되어 생물다양성이 풍부한 지역이다. 본 연구는 국내에 분포하는 17개소의 석호에 대한 식물상과 식물 종조성 등의 조사를 통하여 석호 식생에 대한 안정적인 보전계획 수립을 위한 기초자료를 제시하고자 한다. 17개소의 석호에 대한 식물상 조사결과, 관속식물은 118과 378속 655종 13아종 46변종 6교잡종, 총 720분류군이 확인되었다. 이중에서 한반도 고유종이 11분류군, 멸종우려 식물이 18분류군, 식물구계학적 특정식물인 IV-V등급 식물이 23분류 군이었다. 남방계식물은 4분류군, 북방계식물은 8분류군으로 조사되었고, 특히 남한 내 희귀식물인 갯활량나물(Thermopsis lupinoides), 기름당귀(Ligusticum hultenii), 벼룩아재비(Mitrasacme alsinoides), 통발(Utricularia australis), 검정납작골풀(Juncus fauriei), 새방울사초(Carex vesicaria), 천도미꾸리광이(Puccinellia kurilensis) 등이 동해안 석호에서 생육하고 있었다. 외래식물은 96분류군이 발견되었다. 한반도 석호는 식물다양성이 풍부하고, 희귀식물 및 식물지리학적 중요한 식물이 관찰된다. 석호의 효과적인 관리와 생물다양성 보전을 위해 체계적인 사항들이 논의되었다. Eastern coastal lagoons are a particular type of estuarine systems where seawater mixes with fresh water from their catchments. With the development of aquatic vegetation, this area shows high level of biodiversity. The purpose of this study is to produce a strategy for the comprehensive conservation of the vegetation of coastal lagoons through studies of the floristics and plant species compositions in 17 eastern coastal lagoons in Korea. Vascular plants were collected 109 times, from June of 2010 to November of 2014. The results showed that there were 720 taxa in total, including 118 families, 378 genera, 655 species, 13 subspecies, 46 varieties, and 6 hybrids. Korean endemic species numbered 11 taxa, and vascular plants listed in the red list according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) numbered 18 taxa. Indicator species of fourth (IV) and fifth (V) degree, as specified by floristic subregions, numbered 23 taxa. Among the species investigated in this survey, there were 4 taxa of plants of southern origin and 8 taxa of plants of northern originin the Korean peninsula. Several rare plants, Thermopsis lupinoides, Ligusticum hultenii, Mitrasacme alsinoides, Utricularia australis, Juncus fauriei, Carex vesicaria, and Puccinellia kurilensis, were distributed in eastern coastal lagoons. In all, 96 alien plants were recorded in the investigated area. The coastal lagoons on the eastern coast of Korea showed high plant diversity with many rare plants and phytogeographically important plants. Conservation strategies to ensure biodiversity and effective management of coastal lagoons are discussed in detail.

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      • KCI등재

        한반도 난온대 상록활엽수의 분포변화 및 기후조건

        윤종학 ( Jong Hak Yun ),김중현 ( Jung Hyun Kim ),오경희 ( Kyoung Hee Oh ),이병윤 ( Byoung Yoon Lee ) 한국환경생태학회 2011 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        본 연구는 기후변화에 따른 한반도 난온대 상록활엽수의 분포변화와 CT분석을 이용하여 난온대 상록활엽수의 분포를 규정하는 기후요인과 분포적지를 밝히는 것을 목적으로 실시하였다. CT분석을 통해 구축된 한반도 난온대 상록활엽수 분포 모델(EG-model)에서 TMC(최한월최저기온)가 분포를 규정하는 주요 요인으로 작용하였으며, TMC(최한월최저기온)의 -5.95℃이상을 난온대 상록활엽수의 분포적지로 하고 있다. 이러한 TMC값을 CMT(최한월평균기온)으로 환산한 값인 -1.7℃는 동아시아 지역 상록활엽수림의 내성한계 온도인 최한월평균기온 -1℃보다 약간 낮은 것으로 분석되었다. 한반도의 난온대 상록활엽수는 최한월최저기온(TMC) -5.95℃이상의 따듯한 지역에서는 하계강수량 (PRS)이 826.5mm이상인 지역에서, 최한월최저기온(TMC) -5.95℃미만의 추운 지역에서는 하계강수량이 1219mm이상인 기후조건에서 높은 분포확률을 나타내었다. 이러한 분포경향은 일본의 난온대 상록활엽수의 분포경향과 비슷하였다. 또한, 난온대 상록활엽수는 한반도의 기온상승에 따라 고위도 및 남부내륙으로 분포를 확대하고 있으며 난온대 상록활엽수의 북방한계선 변화를 시사하고 있다. The research was conducted to find optimal habitats of warm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved trees, and to investigate climate factors to determine their distribution using classification tree (CT) analysis. The warm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved trees model (EG-model) constructed by CT analysis showed that Mean minimum temperature of the coldest month (TMC) is a major climate factor in determining distribution of warm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved trees. The areas above the -5.95℃ of TMC revealed the optimal habitats of the trees. The coldest month mean temperature (CMT) equitable to -5.95℃ of TMC is -1.7℃, which is lower than -1℃ of CMT of warm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved trees. Suitable habitats were defined for warm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved trees in Korea. These habitats were classified into two areas according to the value of TMC. One area with more than -5.95℃ of TMC was favorable to trees if the summer precipitation (PRS) is above 826.5mm; the other one with less than -5.95℃ of TMC was favorable if PRS is above 1219mm. These favorable conditions of habitats were similar to those of warm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved trees in Japan. We figured out from these results that distribution of warm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved trees were expanded to inland areas of southern parts of Korean peninsula, and ares with the higher latitude. Finally, the northern limits of warm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved trees might be adjusted accordingly.

      • KCI등재

        기후변화에 따른 한반도 난온대 상록활엽수의 잠재 생육지 변화 예측

        윤종학 ( Jong Hak Yun ),( Katsuhiro Nakao ),박찬호 ( Chan Ho Park ),이병윤 ( Byoung Yoon Lee ),오경희 ( Kyoung Hee Oh ) 한국환경생태학회 2011 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        본 연구는 기후변화에 따른 한반도 난온대 상록활엽수의 생육지 변화를 예측하기 위하여 CT-model을 이용하여 현재기후(1961~1990)와 3종류의 미래기후(2081~2100) 시나리오에서의 잠재 생육지를 예측하였다. 반응변수로서 난온대 상록활엽수의 실제 분포에서 추출한 유/무자료와 4가지 기후변수(온량지수, 최한월최저기온, 동경강수량, 하계강수량)를 예측변수로 사용하였다. 현재기후에서 잠재 생육지(PH)는 28,230km2로 예측되었으며, 3종류 미래기후 시나리오(CCCMA-A2, CSIRO-A2, HADCM3-A2)에서는 77,140~89,285km2로 예측되었다. 현재기후에서 토지 이용을 고려한 잠재 생육지(PHLU)는 8,274km2로 예측되었으며, 잠재 생육지의 29.3%를 차지하였다. 미래기후에서 토지 이용을 고려한 잠재 생육지는 35,177~45,170km2로 예측되었으며, 26.9~36.9% 증가하였다. 기후변화에 따른 난온대 상록활엽수의 분포 확대는 토지 이용에 제한되어 생육지 파편 형태로 진행되고 있다. 난온대 상록활엽수의 생육지 증가는 난온대 낙엽활엽수림과의 경쟁이 예상되며, 난온대 상록활엽수림대의 확대 및 북상을 시사하고 있다. The research was carried out for prediction of the potential habitats of warm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved trees under the current climate(1961~1990) and three climate change scenario(2081~2100) (CCCMA-A2, CSIRO-A2 and HADCM3-A2) using classification tree(CT) model. Presence/absence records of warm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved trees were extracted from actual distribution data as response variables, and four climatic variables (warmth index, WI; minimum temperature of the coldest month, TMC; summer precipitation, PRS; and winter precipitation, PRW) were used as predictor variables. Potential habitats(PH) was predicted 28,230㎢under the current climate and 77,140~89,285km2 under the three climate change scenarios. The PH masked by land use(PHLU) was predicted 8,274km2 and the proportion of PHLU within PH was 29.3% under the current climate. The PH masked by land use(PHLU) was predicted 35,177~45,170km2 and increased 26.9~36.9% under the three climate change scenarios. The expansion of warm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved trees by climate change progressed habitat fragmentation by restriction of land use. The habitats increase of warm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved trees had been expected competitive with warm-temperate deciduous broadleaf forest and suggested the expand and northward shift of warm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved forest zone.

      • KCI등재

        기후변화에 따른 한반도 후박나무의 잠재 생육지 및 변화예측

        윤종학 ( Jong Hak Yun ),中尾勝洋,박찬호 ( Chan Ho Park ),이병윤 ( Byoung Yoon Lee ) 한국환경생태학회 2011 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.25 No.6

        본 연구는 기후변화에 따른 한반도 후박나무의 분포를 규정하는 기후요인과 현재기후와 미래기후에서의 잠재 생육지를 CT모델을 이용하여 예측하였다. 모델 구축을 위한 4개 독립변수로는 최한월최저기온(TMC), 온량지수(WI), 하계강수량(PRS), 동계강수량(PRW)을 사용하였다. CT분석을 통해 구축된 후박나무 분포 모델(Mth-model)에서 TMC(최한월최저기온)가 분포를 규정하는 주요요인으로 작용하였으며, TMC(최한월최저기온) -3.3℃이상인 지역에서 후박나무의 높은 출현확률을 나타냈다. 현재기후에서 한반도 후박나무의 잠재 생육지(PH)는 9,326km²로 예측되었으며, 3종류 미래기후 시나리오(CCCMA-A2, CSIRO-A2, HADCM3-A2)에서 61,074~67,402km²(남한: 58,419~61,137km², 북한: 2,655~6,542km²)로 예측되었다. 미래기후에서 잠재 생육지는 49~51%(남한: 49~51%, 북한: 2~5%) 증가된 면적이예측되었다. 기후변화에 따라 한반도 후박나무의 잠재 생육지의 확대는 난온대 낙엽활엽수림과 경쟁이 예상된다. 후박나무는 한반도 기후변화 지표종으로 유효하다고 판단되며 잠재 생육지에 대한 지속적인 모니터링이 중요하다. The research was carried out in order to find climate factors which determine the distribution of Machilus thunbergii, and the potential habitats under the current climate and three climate change scenario by using classification tree (CT) model. Four climate factors; the minimum temperature of the coldest month (TMC), the warmth index (WI), summer precipitation (PRS), and winter precipition (PRW): were used as independent variables for the model. The model of distribution for Machilus thunbergii (Mth-model) constructed by CT analysis showed that minimum temperature of the coldest month (TMC) is a major climate factor in determining the distribution of M. thunbergii. The area above the -3.3℃ of TMC revealed high occurrence probability of the M. thunbergii. Potential habitats was predicted 9,326km² under the current climate and 61,074~67,402km²(South Korea: 58,419~61,137km², North Korea: 2,655~6,542km²) under the three climate change scenarios (CCCMA-A2, CSIRO-A2, HADCM3-A2). The Potential habitats was to predicted increase by 51~56%(South Korea: 49~51%, North Korea: 2~5%) under the three climate change scenarios. The potential expand of M. thunbergii habitats has been expected that it is competitive with warm-temperate deciduous broadleaf forest. M. thunbergii is evaluated as the indicator of climate change in Korea and it is necessary for M. thunbergii to monitor of potential habitats.

      • KCI등재

        강원도 동해시,삼척시 일대 고유생육지의 식물상

        김중현 ( Jung Hyun Kim ),김선유 ( Sun Yu Kim ),김진석 ( Jin Seok Kim ),이병윤 ( Byoung Yoon Lee ),윤종학 ( Jong Hak Yun ),남기흠 ( Gi Heum Nam ) 한국환경과학회 2014 한국환경과학회지 Vol.23 No.5

        This study was carried out to investigate the flora of indigenous habitat of Donghae-si and Samcheok-si in Gangwon-do, Korea. The vascular plants were collected 18 times (from March to October 2011), and were identified as 804 taxa; 127 families, 445 genera, 720 species, 8 subspecies, 69 varieties, 5 forms and 2 hybrids. In the flora of this area, the calcicolous plants were 55 taxa; Cheilanthes argentea, Clematis serratifoliam, Quercus variabilis. Epipactis papillosa, etc. The endangered plants designated and protected by the wildlife protection law, the Ministry of Environment, Korean were counted to one taxon; Cymbidium macrorhizum. The red list of vascular plants according to IUCN valuation basis were examined, endangered species (EN); Prunus yedoensis and Cymbidium macrorhizum, Vulnerable species (VU); Juniperus chinensis, Pulsatilla tongkangensis, Diarthron linifolium and Swertia wilfordii, Near Threatened species (NT); Paeonia japonica, Allium senescens, Epipactis papillosa and Pogonia minor, Least Concern species (LC); Asplenium ruta-muraria, Platycladus orientalis, Monotropa hypopithys and Eleutherococcus divaricatus var. chiisanensis, etc., Data Deficient species (DD); Paeonia lactiflora var. trichocarpa, and Not Evaluate species (NE); Prunus choreiana, Panax ginseng and Polygonatum infundiflorum etc. Korean endemic plants of this area were 26 taxa; Aconitum pseudolaeve, Corydalis hirtipes, Vicia chosenensis, Salvia chanroenica and Hemerocallis hakuunensis, etc. The floristic regional indicator plants found in this area were 130 taxa comprising 11 taxa of grade Ⅴ, 15 taxa of grade Ⅳ, 33 taxa of grade Ⅲ, 15 taxa of grade Ⅱ, 56 taxa of gradeⅠ. The naturalized plants were identified as 67 taxa and the percent of naturalized index (NI) was 8.3% of total 804 taxa vascular plants.

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