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        李明子 경북대학교 학생생활연구소 1981 學生指導硏究 Vol.14 No.1

        Carear guidance has been given a new impetus in school. It is due to growing new professions, failure to educate adequate manpower by lack of educational opportunities, social changes, changes of women's role. Especially, with the adoption of the new examination system of college enterance, quota system, as one of the most remarkable policies of the education authorities in 1980, the college as well as the secondary education has been confronted a new challenging educational problems. In the past, career guidance was a reconized activity of most school guidance programs, but it received little curricular emphasis and, as a result, in many settings was less than effective. Now, however, schools recognize the inseparability of career education and career guidance. Because of the developmental characteristics of high school students and the forced situation to choose some kinds of occupation or college, career guidance is particularly important for them. This study was undertaken to analyze and grasp the general trends of the problems or issues on the career guidance in the schools. High schools seniors are forced to decide their career choice, though they are not yet prepared for it. The kinds of majors they choose are almost directly related to their future occupation. There are many errors in the high school career guidance. The main findings of this study suggest the importance of the new and comprehensive career guidance programs for the career development. In conclusion the followings can be important for effective career guidance: (1) Career guidance should be a continuous process from primary school to college. (2) To reinforce the students guidance services and counseling services in the secondary education. (3) To prepare the students for the correct occupational and educational informations. (4) The government should help the students, after graduating from their high schools, to get jobs. (5) The policy or system for career guidance must be settled in the governmental dimension. (6) Career guidance counselor must be educated.


        수종의 재생 술식 시행이 매식체 근원심부의 골재생에 미치는 영향

        이명자,임성빈,정진형,홍기석,Lee, Myung-Ja,Lim, Sung-Bin,Chung, Chin-Hyung,Hong, Ki-Seok 대한치주과학회 2005 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.35 No.2

        The successful implantation necessitate tissue regeneration m site of future implant placement, there being severe bone defect. Therapeutic approaches to tissue regeneration in the site have used bone grafts, root surface treatments, barrier membranes, and growth factors, the same way being applied to periodontal tissue regeneration. Great interest in periodontal tissue regeneration has lead to research in bone graft, guided-tissue regeneration, and the administration of growth factors as possible means of regenerating lost periodontal tissue. The blood component separated by centrifuging the blood is the platelet-rich plasma. There are growth factors, PDGF, $TGF{beta}1$, $TGF{beta}2$ and IGF in the platelet-rich plasma. The purpose of this study was to study the histopathological correlation between the use of platelet-rich plasma and the healing of bone defect around implant fixture site. Implant fixtures were inserted and graft materials were placed into the left femur of in the experimental group, while the control group received only implant fixtures. In the first experimental group, platelet-rich plasma and BBP xenograft were placed at the implant fixture site, and the second experimental group had platelet-rich plasma, BBP xenograft, and the e-PTFE membrane placed at the fixture site. The degree of bone regeneration adjacent to the implant fixture was observed and compared histopathologically at 2, 4, and 8 weeks after implant fixture insertion. The results of the experiment were as follows: 1. Bone remodeling in acid etched surface near the implant fixture of all experimental groups was found to be greater than new bone formation. 2. Bone remodeling in acid etched surface distant to the implant fixture of all experimental groups was decreased and new bone formation was not changed. 3. Significant new bone formation in machined surface near the implant fixture of bothl experimental groups was observed in 2 weeks. 4. New bone formation in machined surface distant to the implant fixture of both experimental groups was observed. Bone remodeling was significant in near the implant fixture and not in distant to the implant fixture. The results of the experiment suggested that the change of bone formation around implant. Remodeling in machined surface distant to the implant fixture of both experimental groups, and new bone formation and remodeling near the implant fixture were significant.

      • KCI등재
      • 기저 'yer' 규칙과 표기의 추상성 문제

        이명자 청주대학교 인문과학연구소 1998 人文科學論集 Vol.18 No.-

        Цель данной работы--исследовать русские беглые гласные с фоноло гической точки зрения. беглые гласные--гласные, появляющиеся в морфеме в определённой фонетической позиции. В фонологии предполагается, что слабо-верхние гла-сные ≪еры (i˘, u˘)≫занимают положение в глу бинной структуре. В поверхностей структуре еры появляются беглым гласным. Такие правила, как ≪ер-снижение(yer-lowering)≫ и ≪ер-вычёркивание(yer-deletion)≫ применяются, когда еры существуют в глубинной струкуре. В лексиконе такие фонологические правила, действующие в процессе применения к каждым морфологическим процессам, разделяются на циклические и пост-циклические. По применению циклическихправил и пост-циклических правил можно предусматривать генеративностр поверхноти в лексиконе. Правило≪ер-снижение≫--циклическоеправило, а ≪ер-вычёркивание≫-- пост-циклическое правило. В применении к таким правилам беглые гласные осуществляются. В данной работе появляются сущность ера, вес ера и примеры применения к правилам. Морфо-фонологисты критикуют абстрактность ера. Для решениятакой абстрактности используется признаковая геометрия(Feature Geometry) в данной работе. Зто предлагает синтетический и конкретный способ в анализе беглых гласных.

      • KCI등재
      • 러시아어 강세 할당에 관한 음운론적 연구

        이명자 청주대학교 인문과학연구소 1997 人文科學論集 Vol.17 No.-

        В лексиконе возникает назначение словоударения. Независимо от типа уда рение падает после морфологических действий, поэтому правило 《назначе ние уда рения》―пост-циклическое правило, применяемое в лексиконе. Фонологические пра вила разделяются на циклические и пост-циклические. Эта цикличность считается ограничением на абстрактности глубинных выражений, поэто му этот по терь обобщения и недостоверную предусмотрительность. Среди типов русских слов оударений субправила ударения действуют в глуби нном уровне. Ниже пост-циклические субправила, применяемые в зависимости от типа удар ения. ◁그림삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) Правило 《ер-ударение-регресс》является тем, что ударение регрессирует с ера, имеющего ударение на предществующий слог. Но это правило―цикличе ское п равило, применяемое перед циклическим правилом 《ер-снижение》. ◁그림삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) В данной работе исследованы правило 《назначение ударения》и глубинные су бправила, действующие в лексиконе. Это правило 《назначение ударения》― пос т - циклическое правило. Ударение словосложения тоже иост-циклическое правило. В глубинном структуре по применению циклических правил и пост-циклических прав ил можно предусматривать ударение поверхности и тоже объяснять исключения.

      • KCI등재

        해방공간에서 북한의 근대 경험의 매개체로서 소련영화의 수용 연구

        이명자 평화문제연구소 2010 統一問題硏究 Vol.22 No.2

        이 연구는 북한 대중들에게 1945년부터 1948년즉 소련 군정기 동안 상영된 소련 영화들의 수용과정과 그것이 북한의 사회주의 근대화 과정에서 갖는 의미는 무엇인지를 밝히려 했다.``민주개혁기``로 언급되는 해방공간에서 북한은 ``새 조선 건설``을 향해 힘을 모았다.``새 조선의 건설``은 일본 잔재의 청소,근대민족국가의 달성,봉건제도의 폐지 등당시 남한에서도 말해지던 해방기 과제는 물론이고 미군정이 실시되고 있던 남한과 달리 사회주의로 유도하는 개혁을 포함한 것이었다.``새 조선 건설``은 착취와 억압이 없는 ``진보적 민주주의``로 나아가는 것을 의미하는 것으로 이와 같은 목표를 획득하기 위해 제도적,정신적 개혁이 추진되었다. 정치,경제의 영역에서 뿐만 아니라 문화영역에서 소련문화는 해방기 북한의 문화구축에 커다란 영향을 주었다.방쏘문화인 사절단을 비롯하여 교육견학단이 소련을 방문하여 직접 소련문화를 견학하고 돌아와 전문분야에서 활동했으며 수차례에 걸쳐 학생들이 유학생으로 파견되어 소련문화를 배웠고 저명한 소련의 학자들이 초청되어 조선인학생들을 가르쳤다. 이러한 경향은 영화계에서도 반복되었다.3.8선으로 남북이 갈라지면서 북한일상생활,산업화의 방향성 그리고 ``사회주의적인``노동관계,공동체 문화를 배울 수 있었다. 남한에서 미군정기를 현대 한국의 기틀을 마련한시기라고 평가하는 것과 마찬가지로 소련군정기는 북한에서도 문화적 전환기에 해당한다는 점에서해방기 북한에서 소련영화의 상영을 분석하는 의의가 있을 것이다. 소련영화는 근대 제도와 문물을 전시하며 아직 사회주의 단계에 들어서지 않은 북한의 대중들에게 사회주의 체험을 추체험하게 하였고 새로운 제도 속에서 ``인민``으로서 정체성을 구축하도록 하였다. 주지하다시피 남북의 현대 문화의 이질적 요소는 남북을 점령했던 미국과 소련문화의 영향에서 출발해 오늘에 이르고 있다.남한의 경우 정치,경제,문화 등 전 영역에서 미국에 대한 의존도를 높이며 근대화와 미국화가 동시에 이루어진 반면 북한은 1950년대 종파투쟁을 거쳐 자주와 주체를 옹호하게 되었다.북한에서 소련군정기 문화구축과정을 들여다보는 것은 북한의 근대화 경험의 중요한 뿌리를 들춰내 남한과 달리 북한에서 이루어진 근대화의 경험을 밝히고 남한의 그것과 비교해볼 수 있는 관점을 제공해 남북 문화의 만남을 적으로 들어가는 영화의 배급로가 막혀버리자 북한에서는 관객에게 보여줄 영화 자체의 양적 부족현상에 시달렸다.북한의 극장을 점령한 것은 소련영화였다.북한의 관객들은 소련영화를 보며 전통적 생활양식과 달리 ``근대적``인 것으로 여겨지는 일과사랑, 극적으로 준비하는 한 과정이라고 평가할 수 있을것이다. This thesis is interested in the relation between modernity and the Sovietmovies showed a lotin North Korea between 1945-1948. There were confusion and disorder in Pyongyang after liberation. When Japan retreated from Korea, North korea didn`t have infrastructures such as supply electric powers, traffic offenders,communication facilities. There were a high unemployment ratio and high price index. Most Koreans hoped realization of modern national state, abolition of feudalism and the leftovers from Japanese colonial era and wished advent of modern culture. Even if they wanted the modern culture, the situation was poor so poor that the situationinmotionpictureworldwasalike. The spectators were satisfied through the movies imported from the Soviet. The Soviet movies showed in Pyongyang had been making the image in which many Koreans imagined the western and socialism. Most people were charmed and captivated the modernity represented in the Soviet movies. Thus many Koreans experienced the modernity through the movies and it was separated experiencesothatitentailedenvy,worshipandeager. The Soviet military government (1945-1948) established the foundation of modern North Korea. There are many important historical incidents which had been organizing modern Korea for example liberation from the Japanese colony, starting of divided country, and formation of anti-Japanese, anti-imperialism, pro-soviet. It had been repeated in the politics, economics, history and culture. In brief this thesis researched circumstances for accepting of the Soviet movies and analyzed the mediation and relocation of modern experience in Soviet military government (1945-1948).

      • KCI등재

        무용전공대학생의 성취목표성향 및 자기관리가 심리적 행복감에 미치는 영향

        이명자 한국사회체육학회 2019 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.77

        Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate the influence of dance major student’s achievement goal orientation and self-management on psychological happiness. Method: Participants for this study were 210 dance major students in Daegu Metropolitan City and Gyeongbuk province areas. For the statistical analyses, correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression analysis were used. Results: The correlations between the sub-factors of achievement goal orientations and the sub-factors of psychological happiness were positively statistically significant, which showed that students with high levels of achievement goal orientation generally had high levels of psychological happiness. The correlations between the sub-factors of self-management and the sub-factors of psychological happiness were also positively statistically significant which showed that students with high levels of self-management generally had high levels of psychological happiness. The task goal orientation sub-factor of achievement goal orientation had a statistically significant influence on all sub-factors(hedonic pleasure, flow, self-actualization & self-confidence) of psychological happiness. The mental management and training management sub-factors of self-management had a statistically significant influence on all sub-factors of psychological happiness. In addition, interpersonal management sub-factor of self-management also had a statistically significant influence on the self-confidence sub-factor of psychological happiness. Female students’ levels of psychological happiness were generally higher than those of male students. Female students also showed higher levels in mental-management and interpersonal management. On the contrary male students’ level of physical management was higher than female students’ level. Conclusion: The dance major student’s achievement goal orientation and self-management influence on psychological happiness.

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