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      • 광주광역시 일대 하천 유역의 조류상

        이두표 湖南大學校 1996 호남대학교 학술논문집 Vol.17 No.2

        광주광역시 일대의 하천을 중심으로 1995 ~ 1996년 4계절에 걸쳐 조류상을 조사한 결과 총 38종 3,165개체가 관찰 기록되었다. 후조별로 보면 여름철새 15종, 텃새 11종, 겨울철새 8종, 나그네새 4종이었으며 겨울철에 26종 1,976개체가 관찰되어 종수나 개체수가 가장 많았다. 계절별 우점종을 보면 봄철에는 왜가리, 해오라기, 참새, 여름철에는 해오라기, 참새, 개개비, 가을철에는 중대백로, 제비, 참새, 그리고 겨울철에는 쇠오리, 참새, 붉은머리어목눈이로 나타났다. 종다양도(H')는 여름이 2.35로 가장 높았고 다음이 봄(2.17), 겨울(2.13), 가을(1.68)의 순을 나타냈다. 서식실태 조사결과 황룡강 유역의 어등산 일대에서 우리 나라 최대의 해오라기 집단 번식지가 확인되었고 영산가의 용산교 일대에서는 멧비둘기, 노랑턱멧새, 참새 등의 집단 월동지가 발견되어 이들에 대한 구체적인 생태조사와 아울러 보호대책이 시급한 것으로 나타났다. Bird census was conducted in Yongsan river basin of Kwangju city during four seasons 1995 ~ 1996. A total of 3,165 birds of 38 species was recorded. The birds were composed of 15 species of summer visitors, 11 species of residents, 8 species of winter visitors, and 4 species of passage migrants. The number of species and individuals were recorded the most in winter season. Dominant species were Ardea cinerea, Passer montanus, Nycticorax nycticorax in spring, N. nycticorax, P. montanus, Acrocephalus arundinaceus in summer, Egretta alba modesta, Hirundo rustica, P., montanus in fall, Anas crecca, P. montanus, Paradoxornis webbiana in winter. Species diversity was the highest in summer, 2.35, and the lowest in fall, 1.68. A brddeing ground of N. nycticorax was found in Hwangryong river basin and the number of individuls was over one thousand. A wintering ground of some passerines was also found in Yongsan riverside. The problems for preservation of these grounds were discussed.

      • 황룡강 하류 조류군집의 계절분포상

        이두표 호남대학교 산업기술연구소 2013 녹색산업연구 Vol.19 No.1

        본 연구는 황룡강 하류의 광주광역시 구간에 대하여 조류상의 계절별 분포특성을 파악하고자, 2008년 7월부터 2009년 3월 사이에 계절별로 1회씩 조류센서스를 실시하였다. 센서스 결과, 봄 42종 1,101개체, 여름 36종 953개체, 가을 36종 1,341개체, 겨울 49종 2,984개체로 총 80종 6,379개체가 관찰되었다. 종다양도와 종균등도 지수는 봄(각각 2.81, 0.76)이, 종풍부도 지수는 겨울(6.00)이 가장 높았다. 최우점종은 여름의 참새(Passer montanus; 14.8%)를 제외하면 봄, 가을, 겨울 모두 쇠오리(Anas crecca; 각각 20.5%, 31.6%, 32.0%)가 차지하였다. 분류군별 우점도는 봄과 여름에 산림성 조류(각각 41.6%, 38.7%)가, 가을과 겨울에는 오리류(각각 51.9%, 50.0%)가 가장 높았다. 본 연구는 황룡강이 겨울에는 오리류의 월동지로 이용될 뿐만 아니라 산림조류의 4계절 서식지로도 중요한 역할을 하고 있음을 보여주었다. 따라서 향후 황룡강 조류군집의 보전과 관리를 위해 주기적인 모니터링이 요구된다. This study was carried out to understand the seasonal distribution of bird community on the lower of Hwangryong river. Bird censuses were conducted once per season at Gwangju metropolitan city area of Hwangryong river between Jul. 2008 and Mar. 2009. A total of 6,379 birds belonging to 80 species were recorded and categorized based on different seasons, where 1,101(42 spp.) birds in spring, 953(36 spp.) birds in summer, 1,341(36 spp.) birds in fall and 2,984(49 spp.) birds in winter were recorded respectively. The species diversity and evenness were highest in spring while the species richness was highest in winter. The most dominant species was Anas crecca in spring(20.5%), fall(31.6%) and winter(32.0%), and was Passer montanus in summer. The abundance of forest species group was highest in spring(41.6%) and summer(39.7%) while duck species group was highest in fall(51.9%) and winter(50.0%). This study indicated that Hwangryong river is important as wintering ground for ducks and habitat during four seasons for forest birds. Detail study of bird population status with periodic monitoring in Hwangryong river ecosystem is recommended for their conservation and management.

      • 무등산의 조류상과 보호대책

        이두표 호남대학교 2000 호남대학교 학술논문집 Vol.21 No.2

        Bird censuses were carried out at Mt. Moodung in Gwangju metropolitan city during four seasons of 1997~1998. A total of 4,809 birds of 79 species was recorded during the census period. The number of species was the most in spring(65 species), and also species diversity was the highest in spring(H'=3.33). In seasonal distribution, the majority(77.2%) of species were residents and summer visitors. The dominant species was Parus major in spring, Hypsipetes amaurotis in summer, Paradoxornis webbiana in autumn and winter. The major nest sites of breeding species were summarized. Based on these results, the measures of protection and management were discussed.

      • 전라북도 장수군 일대의 산림 조류상

        이두표,김우열 호남대학교 2007 학술논문집 Vol.28 No.2

        To elucidate the present forest avifauna of Jangsoo county, bird censuses were conducted at Mt. Seongsu, Mt. Bonghwang, and Mt, Mabong from April to July, 2006. A total of 48 bird species was recorded. Among them, 36 species were estimated prospective breeding species. The most of dominant species in this area was Paradoxornis webbianus. The legal protected birds listed by Ministry of Environment were 2species : Falco peregrinus(endengerd species classⅠ) and Charadrius placidus(endengerd species classⅡ). And also, natural monuments designated by Cultural Heritage Administration were six species : Falco peregrinus, Accipiter soloensis, Falco tinnunculus, Ninox scutulata, Otus scops and Aix galericulata

      • 비금도의 서식환경에 따른 조류의 분포특성

        이두표 호남대학교 산업기술연구소 2014 녹색산업연구 Vol.20 No.1

        본 연구는 해안사구가 발달한 전라남도 신안군 비금도를 대상으로 조류의 서식환경별 분포특성을 파악하고자, 2011년 4월부터 10월 사이에 계절별로 1회씩 조류센서스를 실시하였다. 센서스 결과, 해빈지역 19종 152개체, 전사구지역 38종 534개체, 사구지역 45종 562개체, 비사구지역 59종 1,008개체로 총 77종 2,263개체가 관찰되었다. 종다양도, 종균등도, 종풍부도 지수는 모두 비사구지역(각각 11.8, 2.90, 8.39)에서 가장 높았다. 최우점종은 해빈지역에서는 청둥오리(Anas platyrhynchos, 17.6%), 전사구지역에서는 붉은머리오목눈이(Paradoxornis webbianus, 14.6%), 사구지역과 비사구지역에서는 참새(Passer montanus, 각각 13.2%, 18.8%)로 나타났다. 서식환경별 우점분류군은 해빈지역에서는 오리류(62.3%), 전사구지역과 사구지역 그리고 비사구지역에서는 모두 산림조류(각각 79.6%, 66.5%, 30.3%)로 조사되었다. To understand the characteristics of distribution by habitat type of birds, censuses were conducted once per season at Bigeumdo island with well-developed coastal dune, Sinangun county of Jeollanamdo province, between April and October 2011. A total of 2,263 birds belonging to 77 species were recorded and categorized based on different habitat types, where 152(19 spp.) birds at beach area, 534(38 spp.) birds at fore-dune area, 562(45 spp.) birds at coastal dune and 1,008(59 spp.) birds at non-coastal dune area were recorded respectively. The species diversity, evenness and richness were highest at non-coastal dune area with 11.8, 2.90, 8.39 respectively. The most dominant species was Anas platyrhynchos at beach(17.6%), Paradoxornis webbianus at fore-dune area(14.6%) and Passer montanus at coastal dune(13.2%) and non-coastal dune(18.8%). The abundance of forest species group was highest at fore-dune(79.6%), coastal dune(66.5%) and non-coastal dune(30.3%) while ducks species group was highest at beach(62.3%).

      • 영산호에 도래 월동하는 수조류 군집에 관한 연구

        이두표 호남대학교 1997 호남대학교 학술논문집 Vol.18 No.4

        The aim of this study was to investigate the community structure of wintering waterbirds in Yongsan lake, and to compare with previous study conducted in 1986. Waterbirds censuses were taken from February to April 1996 and from October 1996 to April 1997 in Yongsan lake. A total 39 species was observed and the maximum number of individuals per one count was about 24,000 individuals. The most dominant species was Anas platyrhynchos(21.7%), followed by Anser albifrons(7.83%), and then Anser fabalis(7.55%). The order of dominance was similar to previous study, but the number of bird species and individuals were 1.5 times and 4.4 times higher respectively. Geese and ducks amountd to 94.8% of total number of wintering birds. They were composed of dabbling ducks(62.4%), geese(18.5%) and diving ducks(13.9%). Monthly change of waterbirds during the wintering period made a slow ascent from October to Cecember, a rapid ascent from January to March, and then a rapid descent in April. The index of species diversity was lowest in October(0.60) ad was highest in March(2.22). Species diversity of 96/97 wintering period was two times higher than that of 85/86 years.

      • KCI등재후보

        순천만 갯벌에서 섭금류의 도래현황 및 도래시기에 관한 연구

        이두표,이승연,한승우 한국조류학회II 2012 한국조류학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        본 연구는 기후변화가 철새의 이동생태에 미치는 영향을 밝히기 위한 예비적 연구로 순천만을중간기착지로 이용하는 섭금류(도요 ․ 물떼새류)를 대상으로 2010년 4월부터 2011년 3월까지 총 35회에 걸쳐 센서스를 실시하고 도래현황 및 종별 도래기를 분석하였다. 센서스 결과 총 28종 32,822개체의 도요 ․ 물떼새가 관찰 기록되었으며, 그중에서 민물도요(Calidris alpina)가 51.0%로 최우점종으로 나타났고, 그 다음으로는 뒷부리도요(Xenus cinereus; 14.8%), 큰뒷부리도요(Limosa lapponica;9.40%), 청다리도요(Tringa nebularia; 5.27%)순으로 상위 5%이상을 차지하였다. 봄철 도래기는 4월 초에서 5월 말까지, 가을철 도래기는 7월 말에서 11월 초까지로 봄철 도래기가 가을철보다 짧은것으로 분석되었다. 봄철 도래기에는 총 20종 3,857개체가 기록되어 가을철의 24종 5,036개체보다종수 및 개체수 모두 적은 것으로 나타났다. 우점도 1%(300개체) 이상의 9종을 대상으로 분석해 본결과, 봄철 도착일은 4월 2일에서 5월 5일 사이, 출발일은 5월 16일에서 21일 사이, 최대도래일은5월 5일에서 16일 사이로 나타났다. 가을철 도착일은 7월 29일에서 8월 7일 사이, 출발일은 10월9일에서 11월 5일 사이, 최대도래일은 8월 7일에서 10월 9일 사이로 분석되었다. This is a preliminary study to investigate the effects of climate change on wader migration as a part of long-term ecological research (LTER). Wader censuses were conducted 35 times at intertidal mudflat of Suncheon bay between April 2010 and March 2011. A total of 32,822 waders belonging to 28 species was recorded. Among them, Calidris alpina (51.0%) was the most abundant,followed by Xenus cinereus (14.8%), Limosa lapponica (9.40%), Tringa nebularia (5.27%). From the arrival and departure dates of nine dominant species, we confirmed that the timing of spring migration was from early April to late May and that of autumn migration was from late July to early November. During the spring migration, waders of 20 species and 3,857 individuals counted,and those of 24 species and 5,036 individuals did in autumn migration. Arrival dates distributed between 2 April to 5 May, and between 29 July to 7 August in autumn. Departure date was between 16 May to 21 May in spring and between 9 October to 5 November in autumn. Peak timing of migration was from 5 May to 16 May in spring and from 7 August to 9 October in autumn.

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