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      • KCI등재

        전남지역의 기상요인이 과맥의 생육 및 수량구성 요소에 미치는 영향

        이돈길,Don-Kil Lee 한국작물학회 1975 Korean journal of crop science Vol.- No.19

        To obtain basic information on the improvement of naked barley production. and to clarify the relation-ships between yield or yield components and some meteorogical factors for yield prediction were the objectives of this study. The basic data used in this study were obtained from the experiments carried out for 16 years from 1958 to 1974 at the Chon-nam Provincial Office of Rural development. The simple correlation coefficients and multiple regression coefficients among the yield or yield components and meteorogical factors were calculated for the study. Days to emergence ranged from 8 to 26 days were reduced under conditions of mean minimum air temperature were high. The early emergence contributed to increasing plant height and number of tillers as well as to earlier maximum tillering and heading date. The plant height before wintering showed positive correlations with the hours of sunshine. On the other hand, plant height measured on march 1st and March 20th showed positive correlation with the amount of precipitation and negative correlation with the hours of sunshine during the wintering or regrowth stage. Kernel weights were affected by the hours of sunshine and rainfall after heading, and kernel weights were less variable when the hours of sunshine were relatively long and rainfalls in May were around 80 to 10mm. It seemed that grain yields were mostly affected by the climatic condition in March. showing the negative correlation between yield and mean air temperature, minimum air temperature during the period. In the other hand, the yield was shown to have positive correlation with hours of sunshine. Some yield prediction equations were obtained from the data of mean air temperature, mean minimum temperature and accumulated air temperature in March. Yield prediction was also possible by using multiple regression equations, which were derived from yield data and the number of spikes and plant height as observed at May 20th.

      • KCI등재

        남부지방 단옥수수 재배체계 확립에 관한 연구

        李敦吉,羅鍾成,陳星桂 韓國作物學會 1979 한국작물학회지 Vol.24 No.4

        근래 경제작물로서 각광을 받고 있는 Sweet Corn에 대한 품종 선발과 파종기 및 재식 밀도 등 재배법 개발을 목적으로 연구한 결과를 요약하면 대요 다음과 같다. 1. 품종 선발에 있어서는 기성 품종인 Golden Cross Bantam에 비해서 Hybrid Sweet Corn-137이 조숙 단간이며 수장과 수폭이 비대하여 수량 및 품질면에서 우수한 품종으로 인정되었으며 특히 옥수수 재배의 문제점으로 태두한 흑조위축병과 호엽고병에도 매우 강한 품종으로 선발되었다. 2. 조식의 효과는 일반 과실의 단경기 출하로써 소득을 향상할 수 있는데 조식할수록 흑조위축병의 이병이 높아 수량이 저조한 경향이었으나 대체로 3월 25일 전후 30일 육묘로써 4월 25 일 정식하면 수확기가 7월 5일이 되어 수량이 높으나 시장성과 소득면에서는 조식하는 것이 유리하다. 3. 재식밀도는 편의상 휴폭을 60cm로 고정하여 주간밀도를 구명한 결과 60 X 30cm가 생육 및 수량성으로 보아 적합한 밀도로써 인정되었다. This study was conducted to determine the proper time of corn marketing by cultivating time movement and cultural practice system establish. The rate of development of corn from planting to anther is a function of temperature rather than of photosynthesis. The major yield components of sweet corn for yield increase are more ear heavier grain weight, greater of kernels and heavier 100 grain weight. Early sowing has show yield decrease because yield capacity decreased with the shorting of vegetative growth and it was relatively susceptible to maize black streaked dwarf virus.

      • 南部地方 資源植物 開發에 關한 硏究 : - Ⅰ. 島嶼地域에 있어서 개나리의 開花時期 및 發芽에 關한 生態學的 硏究- - Ⅰ. Ecological studies on the flowering time and bud burst of Forsythia Koreana NAKAI. as affected by different locality-

        鄭淳柱,朴華性,朴興燮,金光秀,李敦吉 全南大學校 農漁村開發硏究所 1981 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.16 No.2

        , The purpose of this study was carried out to know the responses to the climatic factors on the flowering time and bud burst of Forsythia Koreana NAKAI in the Southern island, Jindo, Wando, and Sinan. Monthly average air temperature, and precipitation were compared with the responses of flowering time and bud burst among islands so that the line of equal flowering time and bud burst were demonstrated on the map. The distribution of monthly average temperature and precipitation showed high in order of Wando, Jindo and Sinan island especially from Winter to Spring. Also the same trend were appeared in the flowering time and bud burst of Forsythia Koreana NAKAI.

      • KCI등재

        생장조절제처리가 고구마의 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향

        金台錫,李敦吉,金一海 韓國作物學會 1973 Korean journal of crop science Vol.- No.14

        Choline Chloride를 이용하여 고구마의 단작재배와 맥후작재배간에 어떤 수준의 농도에서 괴근의 비대촉진과 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위하여 시험하였든바 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 처리의 적정농도는 재배기에 따라 다소 차이가 있어 단작재배에서는 23.3ppm 그리고 맥후작 재배의 경우 31.1ppm이 적정농도이고 처리시간은 24시간이며 처리방법은 묘를 채취한 후묘의 기부만을 침지하면 좋다. 2) Choline Chloride는 지상부의 생육을 억제하여 만장을 단축케 하고 건물중을 저하케 하였다. 3) 지하부의 생육관계는 지상부의 동화산물을 지하부에 전류케 함으로써 괴근수를 많게 하는 동시에 수확기별 수량의 증가가 현저하였고 그 경향은 적기수학에서 보다도 조기수확에서 높았다. 4) 따라서 일반유기성분의 함유율 분석결과 당분전분등이 높은 편이고 그밖의 조섬유, 조단백질등은 낮은 편으로서 금후 더욱 연구할 필요가 있다고 느끼는 바이다. Effects of Choline Chloride on growth and yields of sweet-potato cultivated with the single crop and after-barley crop were summarized as follows. 1. The greatest effect was obtained when the sprout-bases of sweet potato were soaked in the solution of Choline Chloride for 24 hours, while the optimum concentration of Choline Chloride was 32.3ppm in case of single crop and 31.1ppm in after barley crop respectively. 2. Choline Chloride restrained the growth of stem; the length shortened and the dry weight decreased. 3. The number of tubers and yields were increased by treating choline chloride. It may be thought that the translocations of assimilation substance from leaves and stem to tubers, was stimulated by treating choline chloride. The tendancy of higher yielding was shown in the early harvesting than in the usual harvesting 4. Sugar and starch content were higher, crude fiber and crude protein content were lower as compared with the control.

      • KCI등재

        콩가루벌레(Aphanostigma iakusuiense)에 關한 研究

        尹柱敬,李敦吉 한국응용곤충학회 1974 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        1974년 4월부터 11월사이에 전남 나주 과수원지대에서 발생되고 있는 콩가루벌레의 생활습성과 방제시험을 하였던 바 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 월동란의 부위를 보면 지상 1.5-2.0m에다 이상을 산란하며 0.5m나 2.5m는 각각 내이 이었다. 2. 만삼길과 국수의 란괴와 부화율은 로 품종간에 큰 차이는 없었다. 3. 부화율을 보면 4월 6일까지는 전혀 부화하지 않았으나 4월 13일에 , 5월 4일에는 의 부화를 하였다. 4. 초춘부화시기를 전후하여 8종의 농약을 살포한바 C8514, Metasystox, Acar338, Parathion이 Sevin이나 Malix보다 우수하였다. 5. 8월 20일부터 9월 20일사이에 콩가루벌레가 가장 많이 발생하였는데 그때에 란이나 약충이 비슷하게 발생하고 있었다. 6. 봉지로 침입한 후 약제시험을 한 바 DDVP, Loxoun, C8514, Acar338, Sevin, Binapacryl이 EPN, Otran보다 우수하였다. 7. 천적으로는 포식성응애 (Protolaelaps pygmaeus Muller)와 애남생이 무당벌레를 채집하였다. 포식성응애의 기생율은 지역에 따라서 다른데 비아과원지대에서는 , 노안과원에서는 의 높은 기생율을 보인 반면 영산포과원에서는 거의 기생하지 않았다. 8. 품종간에 피해과를 보면 조생적>국수>만삼길>금촌추>장심랑순이었다. Life history and control methods of Aphanostigma iakusuiense Kishida were studied during April to November, 1974, in the Naju pear orchard area, Cholla Namdo. The results are summarized as follows: 1. More than of wintering eggs were found at the height of 1.5 to 2.0m from the soil surface, with approximately at 0.5 to 1.5m and 1.5 to 2.5m respectively. 2. There was little difference in the size of egg masses and hatching ratio between the varieties of host trees, Mansamkil and Kooksoo. 3. Hatching was not observed until April 6, but hatches of on April 13 and on May 4 were found. 4. During the hatching season in early spring, 8 chemicals were applied to test effectiveness of control. C8514, Metasystox, Acar 338, and Parathion were more effective than either Sevin or Malix for control of this insect. 5. Highest populations of pear phylloxera ocurred from August 20 to September 20 at which time levels of eggs and larvae were simillar in abundance. 6. In tests for control of this insect after in paper bags, DDVP, Loxon, C8514, Sevin, and Binapacryl were more effective than either EPN or Otran. 7. Predacious mite, Protolaelape pygmaeus Miller, and several species of lady beetles (Coccinellidae) preying on this insect as natural enemies were collected. The predation ratio of mites varied according to region: that is 0.77 to in Bia Orchard, in Noan Orchard and almost none in Youngsanoo Orchard. 8. The varietal difference in fruit damage by this insect was in the order of Choseng Chuck, Kooksoo, followed by Sin Ko, Mansamkil, Keumchon Choo, and Changsimrang

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