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      • 수치모사를 이용한 선택적 촉매환원 시스템의 믹서 형상에 따른 혼합특성 연구

        이규익 아주대학교 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        자동차의 대량 보급으로 인한 환경파괴가 심각한 사회문제로 대두됨에 따라 저공해·고효율 자동차에 대한 등장이 요구되고 있다. 고효율 자동차는 희박연소 엔진의 사용이 필수적이며 이에 따라 디젤 자동차가 주목받고 있다. 고효율 디젤 자동차의 저공해를 위한 규제기술은 엔진기술, 연료기술, 후처리 기술로 분류할 수 있다. 현재 엔진기술과 연료기술에 대한 연구가 활발히 진행 중에 있지만 배출가스규제수준이 단계적으로 높아짐에 따라 엔진기술과 연료기술만으로 규제치를 만족하기에는 어려움이 있다. 따라서 후처리시스템에 대한 기술개발이 요구되고 있으며, 많은 시도가 이루어지고 있다. 후처리시스템에서의 주요저감대상 배출가스는 입자상물질(PM)과 NOx로 나누어진다. 그 중 입자상물질(PM)은 DPF(Diesel Particulate Filter trap: 매연여과장치)기술의 발달로 약 90%의 저감수준까지 도달해 있다. 반면 NOx 저감 기술은 아직 개발 진행 중에 있고, 그 종류도 LNT(Lean NOx Traps), LNC(Lean NOx Catalysts), SCR(Selective Catalytic Reduction) 같은 여러 기술이 제시되고 있다. SCR 방식 중 Urea-SCR 방식은 향후 유력한 NOx 저감기술로 예상되고 있으며, 선진 각국에서 활발히 연구개발 되고 있다. 본 연구는 상용코드인 Fluent를 이용하여 자동차 배기부의 Urea-SCR 시스템의 유동을 해석하여 SCR 시스템내에서 분사되는 Urea의 혼합특성을 알아보는 것을 주목적으로 한다. Fluent내의 Discrete Phase Model을 사용하여 Urea와 비슷한 물성치를 갖는 물(Water)을 대신 분사하여 분사특성을 알아보고, 물과 공기의 혼합률에 영향을 주는 요인(혼합기의 날개 수와 각도)들을 파악하였다. As the environmental disruption caused by the mass supply of vehicles is emerged as one of the serious problems, new cars with low pollution problems and high efficiency is needed. Because the low combustion engine is essential for the high efficiency car, diesel cars has attained attention. The low pollution regulations of the high efficiency diesel cars are classified by engine technique, fuel technique and post treatment technique. Now the study of engine technique and fuel technique is actively proceeding but it is difficult to satisfy the regulative levels only with the engine technique and fuel technique, as the regulations on exhaust fumes have escalated. Accordingly, many attempts on post treatment system have been proceeding and more technical developments are required. With regard to the post treatment system, exhaust fumes which is the major reduction target, are divided into PM and NOx. Owing to the technical development of DPF, PM is successfully reduced about 90%. In contrast with PM, the reduction technique on NOx is still on developing and the various techniques, such as LNT, LNC, SCR, etc., are presented. Among SCR methods, many advanced countries are actively proceeding the R&D of Urea-SCR, which is expected to be a leading NOx reduction technique hereafter. This study is mainly purposed to investigate the mixed features of spurting urea in SCR system, through analysing the fluid of Urea-SCR system in the exhaust part of vehicles by Fluent, commercial code. Also, this study investigates the features in case of spurting Water which has similar material property to urea, using Discrete Phase Model in Fluent and defines the factors having influences on the mixing rates of water with air, such as the numbers of wings and angle in Mixer.

      • 비정형 건축물의 풍하중 산정을 위한 증감계수 도출 - Y자형 평면을 대상으로 -

        이규익 금오공과대학교 대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        최근 개성있는 외관 디자인, 일조권, 조망권 등의 이유로 인하여 다양한 평면을 가진 고층 건축물이 많이 건설되고 있다. 고층 건축물의 내풍설계 방법에는 풍동실험에 의한 방법과 건축구조기준(KDS 41 10 15 : 2019)에 의한 방법이 있다. KDS 41 10 15에서는 비정형 평면을 가진 건축물의 풍하중을 평가하는 경우, 동일한 대표폭과 대표길이의 정형적인 사각형 평면으로 가정하여 평가할 수 있다. 따라서 KDS 41 10 15의 방법으로는 비정형 건축물의 평면형상에 의한 바람의 특성이 제대로 반영되지 않는 문제점이 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 비정형적 건물에 대하여 풍동실험에 의한 방법과 KDS 41 10 15에 의한 방법으로 구한 풍하중이 얼마나 차이가 나는지 분석하고자 하였다. 최종적으로, 비정형 건축물의 풍동실험 풍하중과 KDS 41 10 15 풍하중의 비율을 증감계수로서 제안한다면, 비정형적 건물에 대하여 풍하중 산출시, 보다 합리적으로 KDS 41 10 15를 활용할 수 있을 것으로 보인다. 본 연구에서는 Y자형 평면 건축물을 대상으로, 세대 조합(3호, 4호, 5호)과 형상비(3, 4, 5)를 변수로 두어 0°∼350°까지 풍력실험을 진행하였다. 세대 조합, 형상비, 실험 풍향에 따른 풍력계수, 파워스펙트럼밀도, 설계용풍력계수, 변동풍하중을 비교·분석 하였으며, 풍동실험 풍하중과 KDS 41 10 15 풍하중의 비율을 증감계수로서 도출하여 제안하였다. Recently, many high-rise buildings with various shaped plans are being constructed for reasons such as unique exterior design, sunlight, and viewing rights. There are two methods for wind resistance design of high-rise buildings: the one is method by wind tunnel test and the other method by the Korean Design Standard 41 10 15 : 2019. In KDS 41 10 15, when evaluating the wind load of a building with an irregular plan surface, it can be evaluated assuming a regular rectangular plan surface as the same representative width and representative length. In this reason, the method of KDS 41 10 15 has a problem in that the characteristics of the wind due to the plan shape of the irregular building are not properly reflected. Therfore, in this study, we tried to analyze how different the wind load obtained by according to the wind tunnel test and the method according to KDS 41 10 15 for atypical buildings are different. Finally, if the ratio of wind load in wind tunnel test of an atypical building and in KDS 41 10 15 is proposed as an increasing and decreasing factor, it seems that KDS 41 10 15 can be used more rationally when calculating the wind load for atypical buildings. In this study, the wind force tests were conducted from 0° to 350° for Y-shaped buildings with the combination of dwelling unit (3, 4, 5) and aspect ratio (3, 4, 5) as variables. The wind coefficient, power spectrum density, design wind coefficient, and variable wind load were compared and analyzed according to those of variables such as dwelling unit, aspect ratios, and experimental wind direction. And the ratio of wind load by wind tunnel test and KDS 41 10 15 were derived the increasing and decreasing coefficient for estimating wind load of irregular shaped buildings were proposed. It is useful to estimate wind loads of the preliminary wind resistant design of Y-shaped buildings.

      • 지역교회의 효율적인 선교동원

        이규익 고신대학교 선교목회대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This paper was written for the understanding of concept of mission mobilization and to persuade the local church leaders and members to participate actively in mission.

      • 해양경찰 홍보실태 진단 및 강화방안

        이규익 한국해양대학교 글로벌물류대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        해양경찰이 바다에서 수행하는 임무는 매우 광범위 하다. 해양경찰은 바다에서의 구조(소방청), 재난관리(행안부), 치안유지(경찰청), 마약(식약처) 및 밀수·밀입 단속(관세청), 주변국 대응(외교부), 환경보전(환경부), 해양안보(국방부) 등 해양에서 일어나는 다양한 업무를 수행하는 국내 유일의 해양종합행정기관으로서 이러한 해양경찰의 역할과 임무를 국민에게 제대로 알리는 홍보활동 또한 매우 중요하다. 하지만 바다라는 물리적 특성으로 인해 해안가, 도서지역 주민들을 제외한 대부분의 국민들은 일상생활에서 해양경찰의 치안행정 서비스를 직접적 접하는 경우가 드물고, 이로 인해 해양경찰의 역할과 임무에 대한 국민들의 이해도는 낮다. 따라서 해양경찰의 역할과 임무를 국민에게 제대로 알리기 위해 해양경찰 홍보의 현주소를 진단하고 홍보 강화방안을 고찰하는 연구가 필요하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 해양경찰 재출범 3년차를 맞아 해양경찰 홍보 조직과 업무 현황을 고찰하고, 해양경찰의 홍보 실태를 일선 홍보담당자를 대상으로 설문조사하여 해양경찰 홍보 강화방안을 제시하였다. 설문조사는 홍보의 대상, 수단, 내용, 역량 제고방안 및 홍보수단의 필요성에 대해 등간척도를 활용한 리커트 7점 척도법으로 측정하였고, 홍보와 관련된 요인들의 비교평가는 AHP 분석을 위한 쌍대비교 문항으로 측정하여 분석했다. 각종 문헌조사와 설문조사를 통해 해양경찰 홍보실태를 진단·분석하여 도출한 홍보 강화방안을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 홍보 전담인력 증강 배치를 통한 홍보조직 내실화 둘째, 홍보대상에 따른 홍보 전략을 명확히 한 맞춤형 홍보 강화 셋째, 홍보 담당자를 대상으로 한 직무 교육 강화 넷째, 홍보 업무에 대한 지휘관 및 내부 구성원의 관심과 지원 필요

      • NOVA형 재심제도에 관한 연구

        이규익 경북대학교 대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The Retrial is an important part of a final judgment because that judgment could have been a mistake. Therefore, a retrial can help whomever received an unjust guilty verdict and ensure there is a system in place to remedy errors in judgement. If the reason for a retrial is the discovery of new evidence, which could change the original verdict, it is considered a Nova-type retrial. Subparagraph 5, 420 of the Criminal Procedure Law of Korea, highlights two classes of nova-type retrials, The first is when new evidence is found that clearly proves innocence and results in an acquittal for whomever received the guilty judgement. The second is when new evidence is found that clearly proves a lighter crime was committed, than that of the original judgment, and a penalty exemption is made. In order to be admitted, this new evidence must not have been part of the original court hearing and must be unmistakable. We can summarize that in the analysis of the core theory regarding new and unmistakable evidence, there must be a strict interpretation range to ensure legal stability, ease the operation of the retrial, and protect human rights by finding the truth. However, based on the judgment of the Supreme Court, "Proceedings of the final judgment has not been found or have been found in even the newly discovered evidence that could not be submitted or to be submitted until the time" and about the validity of the evidence, we regard as "beyond the level of a highly probable suspect, when we can admit high probability". In addition, if you have reasonable doubt about the believability or validity of the evidence, "when in doubt, to the benefit of the defendants" view cannot be applied. This is why the interpretation of the scope of the review is very strict; for legal stability to protect in favor of the defendant; and criminal litigation and retrial of the ideology contrary to the fundamental principles of the system. Therefore, the retrial system is not just a formality. It is important that the people understand and use this system. It will ensure that the judiciary system itself is one that can remedy it's own miscalculations. In terms of salvation as a reactive device, we will be opening its doors widely.

      • 교육자치제에 관한 교원의 인식 및 만족도 연구

        李圭익 동국대학교 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Purpose of this study is to explore an improved method of educational autonomy system, by analyzing the intention, object, status and problem of the system through a theoretical survey on the existing educational autonomy system, and gathering the teachers' degree of cognition and satisfaction about the educational autonomy system. In order to accomplish these purposes of study, survey was performed in detail, which consists of;1) analyzing intention, object, status and problem through theoretical research on educational autonomy system; 2) analyzing and gathering the teachers' degree of cognition about the local educational autonomy system; 3) analyzing and gathering the teachers' degree of satisfaction about the existing educational autonomy system; 4) exploring the improved method of educational autonomy system based on the analysis results of the teachers' degree of cognition and satisfaction. In this study, teachers, who can be deemed as the main body of education, were freely chosen and questioned, the result of which was analyzed by statistic technique. For the data analysis, SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science) for Windows program was used. As result of the procedure as above, it outlines as follow. First, overall degree of cognition about the existing educational autonomy system varied more or less by sexes, careers, positions, etc. However, it showed higher in male other than in female, higher in high career other than in low career, and higher in case of principals and vice principals comparatively. Second, regarding the degree of satisfaction on general educational matters such as educational independency and autonomy, and collection of opinion from local community residents, results of survey did not show any differences among the overall groups. In contrast, regarding the realistic matters such as the issue of restricted career for the superintendent of education and member of educational committee, it clearly showed differences by ages, careers and positions. Third, regarding the issue consciousness about the entrusted resolution institute of the educational committee was revealed to be of good difference between groups all over the entire area. That is, male teacher, teacher who once had experience to serve as committee member, further old aged man, man who has more educational career, and man whose position is higher, tended to recognize it more seriously as an issue. However, as an improved method, it did not show considerable difference among groups From the survey as above, the reason that the degree of cognition and satisfaction about the educational autonomy system shows at low level was, because not all of the teachers directly participated in the election of the superintendent of education and member of educational committee, they did not show a considerable cognition and satisfaction about the election method or role. Therefore, the election system should be somewhat improved so that they can participate in the election of the superintendent of education and member of educational committee in any way. Furthermore, the degree of satisfaction was shown lower about the operation of the educational autonomy system, the reason of which seems to be caused by low understanding and concerns about educational autonomy system. Accordingly it is believed that there must be an improvement of institution where the educational policy and system is actively advertised so as to reflect the public opinion. Additionally, it is required to continuously study on the method to solve the questions such as restrictive regulation of educational careers for the superintendent of education and member of educational committee, institutional mechanism which can reflect the opinion of residents in local community, maintenance of political neutrality in education, extended implementation of educational autonomy system, etc. so that those ideas can be operated appropriately to the intention and purpose of educational autonomy system.

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