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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        러일전쟁 직후 일본인 지주의 한국 진출 -『군산농사월보』의 검토를 중심으로-

        이규수 ( Gyu Soo Yi ) 수선사학회 2015 史林 Vol.0 No.54

        In this thesis, I examined the characteristics of Japanese landowner’s land accumulating process through inspecting the establishing process, concrete activities, and dissolution process of Kunsan agricultural union. Focusing on 『Kunsan’s Agriculture Monthly Report』 which Kunsan agricultural union published, I analyzed the land possessing practice of that period, the problem of double purchase, the sight Korean peasants looked at the Japanese land owner, Japanese land owner’s evaluation about Korean agricultural method, etc. Beyond traditional point of view like Japanese landowners’ illegal agricultural invasion, I would like to confirm the concrete procedure of Japanese landowner’s land accumulation and tenant land management based on rascal economic interest. Japanese landowner’s land accumulating process was carried out in a national, regional and civilian dimension and through illegal purchasing method to the cultivated land and uncultivated land. The landowners of cultivated lands organized Kunsan agricultural union for the purpose of preventing double purchase systematically and securing the rights of land possession and mortgages. To prevent the land double purchase, Kunsan agricultural union confirmed the investing capacity of union member before land purchase, decided the coverage of land purchase and showed the buyable land state to union member. Since land ownership restrictions have been abolished, Kunsan agricultural union was transformed the role of land registry office into the organization for information exchange of farm managing and for co-responding against tenant disputes. The whole process from the establishment to the dissipation of Kunsan agricultural union showed the land accumulating process of Japanese landowners and the transition of tenant farm management most clearly. In conclusion, Kunsan agricultural union was a desperate method to evade Koreans’ preventing action against land purchase, and to carry out stable and reasonable land purchase and farm management.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        재조일본인의 추이와 존재형태

        李圭洙(Yi, Gyu-Soo) 역사교육연구회 2013 역사교육 Vol.125 No.-

        In this paper, I examine the various demographical statistics in order to grasp the macroscopic existing forms of Japanese Residents in Chosun. While tracking the quantitative aspects of population change Japanese Residents in Chosun, I explain the characteristics of the population, such as different hometowns, industries, regions, and I examine the life and culture of Japanese Residents society. The presence of Japanese Residents in Chosun provides a clue to demonstrate that colonial aggression and deprivation was collide with the overall civilians who received the support of the state power and empirical power. Japanese colonial regime has beeb maintained and enhanced through the various social stratum of Japanese Residents. Japanese Residents in Chosun is a space which relates the Korea-Japan history. Japanese Residents in Chosun in opened ports worked as vanguards of the Empire. They were heterogeneous and had a great impact on the traditions and culture of Korea. In Korea, in order to ensure their own vested interests, they formed a political and economic autonomous organizations like the Chamber of Commerce. In the future, by clarifying various existing aspects of Japanese Residents, we must study the structure and the mechanism of the Korean society in Japanese colonial rule. Also taking into account the characteristics of immigration areas like “colonial” and “non-colonial block”, we need to typify the Japanese emigration. Through understanding the overall number of immigrants, settling regions and the birthplaces of Japanese immigrants, we must grasp clearly the whole picture of Japanese immigrants those who have occupied the Korea.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 전쟁책임문제와 네오내셔널리즘

        이규수(Yi, Gyu-soo) 가천대학교 아시아문화연구소 2013 아시아문화연구 Vol.29 No.-

        이 글에서는 전후 일본사회의 전쟁책임과 전후배상을 둘러싼 ‘과거극복’의 문제를 재조명하였다. 이 물음에 답하기 위해 이 글에서는 두 가지 흐름에 초점을 맞추었다. 하나는 국가주의적인 의식과 운동의 확대를 허용한 90년대 일본의 역사적 조건이고, 또 하나는 전후 일본사회가 지속적이고 은밀하게 확산시켜 온 독선적 내셔널리즘의 문제이다. 요컨대 일본의 침략전쟁과 식민지 지배의 기반이던 국가주의가 전후 일본에 그대로 이어진 배경을 면밀하게 살펴봄으로써 전쟁책임과 전후배상을 둘러싼 왜곡된 의식과 행동을 조망하지 않으면 안 된다는 문제의식이다. 일본과 독일의 전쟁책임과 전후책임 문제가 어떻게 논의되어 왔는지, 그 역사적 의미는 무엇인지 비교 분석하는 일은 ‘과거와 현재의 대화’라는 관점에서만이 아니라, 역사학의 본령인 ‘과거와 현재 그리고 미래와의 대화’라는 관점에서 여전히 시의성을 갖는다. 일본 정치지도자들의 반복되는 역사수정주의 발언과 ‘새 역사교과서를 만드는 모임’ 등의 국가주의적 교과서 채택의 움직임 등 90년대 중반 이후 노골적으로 표출된 일본의 국가주의 대두는 이러한 인식을 반증한다. 왜곡된 교과서의 이데올로기, 그것에 영향을 받은 대중의 감정적인 동의는 결국 일본의 보수화나 군사적 재구축화로 이어지리라는 사실은 명약관화하다. 최근 일본이 직면한 위기를 ‘비상식적’인 방식으로 회피하려는 움직임을 고려할 때, 전쟁책임문제를 둘러싼 올바른 역사인식의 중요성을 다시 한번 절감할 수밖에 없다. ‘과거극복’이 따르지 않는 동아시아의 공존과 평화의 길은 불가능하다. 현재 동아시아는 화해와 공존의 가능성을 열기 위해 아직도 해결되지 못한 갖가지 물음에 답해야 할 역사적 책무가 있다. In this thesis, I will deal with ‘the past clearance’ issue surrounding the Japanese Society's war responsibility and post-war compensation after the 2nd World War. I would like to examine two factors simultaneously. The one was 1990's Japanese historical condition which allowed to magnify the nation-centric consciousness and movement, and the other was the self-righteous nationalism which post-war Japan has diffused constantly and covertly.<br/> After the war, Japanese recognition on the East Asia, especially on the Korea has not changed. Rather, Japan has justified the colonial governing with oblivion and silence. Though Japan had to surrender to the ‘strong’ America, it has spread the distorted recognition which it has not been defeated against Korea and China largely. The Japanese nation-centricism which has emerged overtly after the 1990's such as Japanese political leaders' repeated historic-revisionist discourses and the nationalist movement of ‘Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform’ revealed these recognitions.<br/> In this these, we will look out upon the Japanese distorted consciousness and activity on the war responsibility and post-war compensation, examining closely the background of Japanese Nationalism which had set the basis of Japanese aggressive war and colonial rule.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 근대 학문과 국사 편찬

        이규수(Yi, Gyu-soo) 한국외국어대학교 역사문화연구소 2014 역사문화연구 Vol.50 No.-

        In this thesis, I examined methodological issue and national history's editing presented in the Japan's modern historical science establishing process on the basis of researching results. According to the ideal of 'The Regime Restoration', Meiji new government progressed a publishing project of The Great Japanese Chronological History in the succeeding feature of 'the history of six countries'ㆍThe Great Japan History. In that process, as scientific methodology of national history, 'the methodology of historical research=history positivism' was established. In the early Meiji period, one of arguing issues surrounding historiographic project was a conflict which is proper between chinese letters and japanese letters. chinese lettersㆍthe universality of East Asia and japanese lettersㆍunique cultural speciality, these two aspects were related with the issue of representing method for historical writing. In the Japanese modern history establishing, Meiji government had built a history publishing institute and many scholars played a great role. Most scholars achieved a text critic methodology as 'a history positivism' with the study of chinese classics. Shigeno Yaschugu who was involved in the project from the beginning had focused on data collecting and comparing examination, settling of historical facts by the methodology of historical research. The group those who involved in the history publishing project was basically composed of the chinese scholars. After 1875, Shigeno Yaschugu who was an executive of the Bureau of historiography emphasized the methodology of historical research, which had been succeeded positivistic tradition of the Chung dynasty. But surrounding this methodology, various debates turned up inside the Bureau of historiography. In 1892, because of the accident named 'Gume Gunitake's serious slip of the pen', Gume was deprived of a professor position. In 1893, Inoue Gowashi, as minister of Education, decided the stoppage of The Great Japanese Chronological History, the abolition of the history publishing department, and the dismissal of Shigeno, as publishing committee chairman. After that, the history publishing by the national agency was proceeded in the form of historic material, not national historiography. And the history publishing department of the Teikok University took the publishment of the Great Japan Historical Material as a main project. In 1930s, with the influence of the Nationality defining movement, the move of national historiography appeared up and the institute of national history publishment was built by the ministry of Education. In fact, the real project enabled in August of 1945, but in a half year, it was suspended by the GHQ. 이 글에서 필자는 기존의 연구 성과를 바탕으로 일본의 근대 역사학의 성립과정에서 나타난 방법상의 문제와 '국사 편집' 문제를 살펴보았다. 메이지 신정부는 '왕정복고'의 이념에 따라 '육국사(六國史)'ㆍ『대일본사(大日本史)』를 계승하는 형태로 『대일본편년사(大日本編年史)』의 편찬사업을 진행했다. 그 과정에서 '국사'의 학문방법론인 '고증사학=실증주의사학'도 형성되었다. 또한 메이지 전기의 수사 사업을 둘러싼 논쟁 가운데 하나는 한문과 일문 가운데 어느 쪽이 타당한지의 갈등이었다. 한문과 동아시아 세계의 보편성, 일본과 민족 고유의 문화적 특수성 논쟁은 역사서술을 위한 표현기법의 문제와 연결되었다. 일본 근대 역사학의 성립에는 메이지 신정부가 설립한 역사편찬기관에 종사하던 학자들이 커다란 역할을 수행했다. 그들의 대다수는 한학의 소양을 바탕으로 '고증학'이라는 본문비판(text critic)의 방법론을 습득했다. 수사 사업에 초기부터 관여한 시게노 야스츠구 등은 고증학의 방법론에 의거하면서 자료의 수집과 비교검토, 역사적 사실의 확정에 중점을 두었다. 수사사업에 관여한 그룹은 천황의 칙서 한문에 의한 정사 편찬을 표방한 것으로부터도 알 수 있듯이 기본적으로 한학자이고, 1875년 이후 수사국의 간부였던 시게노 야스츠구는 청대 고증학의 전통을 이어받는 실증적 방법론을 주장했다. 그러나 이러한 방법론을 둘러싸고 수사관 내부에도 의견의 차이가 노출되었다. 1892년 구메 구니타케의 필화사건으로 인해 구메가 제국대학 문과대학 교수직을 박탈당하자, 1893년 이노우에 고와시 문부대신은 『대일본편년사』 편찬사업의 중지와 사지편찬계의 폐지, 더욱이 편찬위원장 촉탁인 시게노의 파면을 결정했다. 이후 국가 기관에 의한 사서 편찬은 정사 편찬이 아니라 사료 편찬의 형태로 이루어졌다. 제국대학에 설치된 사료편찬계는 『대일본사료』의 간행을 중심적인 사업으로 삼았다. 1930년대에 국체명징운동의 영향을 받아 다시 정사편찬의 움직임이 높아졌고 문부성 주도로 국사편수원이 설치되었다. 그러나 실제로 사업이 이루어진 것은 1945년 8월 이후이고, 반년만에 GHQ에 의해 중지되었다.

      • KCI등재

        일본 언론의 유길준 인식

        이규수 ( Yi Gyu-soo ) 수선사학회 2017 史林 Vol.0 No.60

        This article reconstructed the actions of Yu Gil-joon, a thinker and politician of modern Korea, through the Japanese media. Focusing on Yu Gil-joon`s studying in Japan and the time of his exile, and introducing Yoo Gil-joon`s actions in the viewpoint of the Japanese media, I examined how Yu Gil-joon was portrayed in the gaze of the other. Yu Gil-joon pursued `modernization` and `civilization` across Korea, Japan, and the United States, from before and after opening ports in 1876 to the end of 1910, when Korea was forced to merge. Yu Gil-joon has tried to realize his dream world in real politics as an intellectual representing the rehabilitation ideology and a key brain of the Gap-o Reformation(1894-1896). His life was a process of searching for so-called `Korean modernity` in eastern and western, barbaric and civilization, traditional and modern confusion. Involving in directly or indirectly in the major events of modern history, I personally experienced the aspect of `hope and frustration` that Korean society have faced. The Japanese press paid attention to Yu Gil-joon`s actions. Yu Gil-joon, who had a `deep` relationship with the Japanese media, was extremely attractive. This perspective was related with Japan`s sense of superiority as the most advanced country in the flowering of Asian civilization. That is, Japan was the pioneer of the Asian crisis awareness and the leader who can ingest new knowledge of the West. Furthermore, this was also connected to the `aggression theory` that already civilized Japan civilized Korea. Especially, Japanese media paid attention to Yu Gil-joon in the process of the Gap-o reformation. A series of reformist politics was defined as `Yu Gil-joon politics.` This is probably due to the high interest in how Japan`s study would be unfolded in Korea. However, Yu Gil-joon politics was frustrated with the change of East Asian situation surrounding Korea. His exile to Japan was not a frustration of reform that Yoo Gil-joon sought, but a choice for contemplating concrete ways of promoting reform. At that time, Yu Gil-joon not only pursued unconditional follow-up to Japan, but also sought a possibility of independent modernization `by Korean people`. Yu Gil-joon`s consciousness system could not escape from `the category of Japan` basically. Yu Gil-joon`s human network was mainly concentrated on Japan. Japan also, like Yu Gil-joon, had no choice but to pursue the Chosun policy through people who had a `good feeling` for Japan. In short, Yu Gil-joon`s studying in Japan and his exile can be regarded as a reflection of the failure and success of Japan`s Chosun policy complexly.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        식민지 체험자의 기억 속의 ‘제국’과 ‘식민지’

        이규수(Yi Gyu-Soo) 부산경남사학회 2011 역사와 경계 Vol.79 No.-

        이 글에서는 전후 일본의 식민지 기억을 한일회담 전후에 결성된 후지카이 관련자들이 남긴 식민지 체험 기억을 담은 회고록과 수기를 바탕으로 귀환자의 식민지 체험에 대한 인식이 어떻게 전이되고 왜곡되었는지를 검토했다. 제국의 일반 서민이 식민지를 기억하는 회로는 다양하다. 식민지 기억은 ‘식민지 권역’과 ‘비식민지 권역’이라는 기억 대상에 따라, 또 본국으로의 귀환과 현지 억류 등 원체험의 차이에 따라 재편되었다. 제국 서민의 조선에 대한 기억은 식민자로 살아온 역사를 봉인한 채 ‘경계인’으로 살아갈 수밖에 없었지만, 제국과 식민지의 관계는 여타 식민지 권역과는 다른 양상으로 기억되었다. 후지카이를 비롯한 많은 식민지 귀환자들은 패전 이후 억눌려 왔던 기억을 한일회담을 계기로 ‘재생’시켰다. 전후 일본사회가 귀환자에게 던졌던 ‘싸늘한 시선’에 억눌려 살아온 자신들의 모습에 정당성을 부여하기 위한 시도였다. 한일회담을 통한 조약 체결은 식민지로부터의 귀환자들을 ‘식민지 개발 공로자’가 아니라 ‘침략자의 첨병’으로 인식하게 했지만, 후지카이를 비롯한 많은 귀환자들은 이에 반발하여 식민지에서의 자신들의 족적을 합리화하는 ‘언설의 공간’을 만들어 나갔다. 전후 일본사회의 귀환자에 대한 따가운 시선과 식민지에 대한 향수, 자기합리화의 감정은 새로운 제국의식으로 형태를 바꾸어 표출되었다. 그것은 단순히 자기합리화의 감정을 넘어 신생 한국에 대한 차별적인 고정관념의 고착화라는 ‘기억’의 역전으로 나타난다. 귀환자들은 식민지 체험에 대해 천황제 이데올로기로 상징되는 ‘사악한 국가권력’으로부터 외지로 밀려난 ‘선량한 서민’이라는 허울 좋은 도식으로 굴절시킨 심층의식을 형성했다. 식민지 시대를 언급한 수기의 공통성은 수기의 주인공인 자신이나 자기 육친은 하나같이 조선인에게 차별의식을 품지 않은 ‘착한 일본인’으로 형상화되었다. 한일 간의 ‘기억을 둘러싼 역사전쟁’은 아직 ‘휴전’ 상태이다. 완전한 ‘정전’ 상태를 맞이하기 위해 우리는 기억을 공동으로 재생시킬 수 있는 장치가 필요하다. 후지카이의 식민지 기억에 관한 검토는 해방 전후 연속과 단절의 문제와 관련하여 한국인의 식민지 기억과 비교 작업을 바탕으로 이루어져야 한다. In this thesis, I examined how the colony recognition of the japanese returned was transferred and distorted after the 2nd World War. on the center of the memoirs and manuscripts of the Fujikai related persons. The circuits in which the general japanese citizens remembered were various. The colony memories were reorganized according to the memory subject such as the colony district or the non-colony district, and the difference of original experiences like the return to the country or local detention. Though the empire citizens as the colonizers must have lived as ‘the bordered people’. their memory on the relation of the empire and the colony. Chosun was very different with on that of other colony districts. Many colony returned japanese have revived the suppressed memories after the war, with the talks of Korea and Japan as a momentum. It was the trial that the returned, who have been repressed in the cold gaze of the japan society, would have to justify their own attitudes. Though the agreement concluded through the talks of Korea and Japan recognized the returned as not ‘colony developers’, but ‘advance guard of the invasion’. they, resisting to this, have built ‘the justifying space of their traces’ in the colony of Chosun. In the Japan society after the war, the colony returned people’s homesick on the colony and the self-justifying feeing were changed as a new empire consciousness. In the manuscripts on the colony. the returned people and their family have been depicted as ‘a good people’ who have never had discriminatory consciousness to the korean. It was not simply the feeling of justification, but was ‘the reversal of the memories’. the adherence of the discriminated and fixed idea to the newly-born Korea. The historical war on the memory between Korea and Japan has been ‘a suspension state’ so far. To face with the complete ‘cease-fire’. we have to take the procedure in order to revive our common memories between Korea and Japan. The examination of Fujikai’s memories on the colony should be compared with that of the korean. And also I would go on inquiring into this problem.

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