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        술패랭이에서 화학돌연변이물질 처리에 따른 돌연변이 유기 및 변이 분석

        이광회,임정대,유창연 한국약용작물학회 2000 한국약용작물학회지 Vol.8 No.4

        술패랭이에서 식물체의 개발가치를 증대시키기 위하여 화학돌연변이원을 처리하여 변이체를 유기하고 RAPD 분석을 통해 유기된 돌연변이체에 대한 분자유전학적인 변이를 조사한 실험결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 술패랭이의 종자를 이용하여 변이 식물체를 유도하는 방법으로 화학 돌연변이원인 sodium azide를 사용하는 것이 효과적이라는 것을 알 수 있었으며 적정농도는 0.2mM 정도이고 그 이상의 농도에서는 발아하지 않아 술패랭이에서 Sodium azide(NaN3)는 매우 toxic한 돌연변이원으로 추정 할 수 있었다. 2. Sodium azide (NaN3)처리시에는 자엽이 펼쳐지지 않았고 생장에 있어서도 초장과 엽장이 control 식물체보다 짧은 형태를 나타내었다. Sodium azide(NaN3) 0.1mM 처리한 종자로부터 자란 식물체 중에서 잎이 색깔발현에 있어서 키메라인 식물체가 형성되었다. 3. EMS를 처리한 경우 0.05%에서 급격한 발아저하를 보였으며 발아시 배축이 나선형으로 한번 꼬여서 신장하였고 Colchicine의 경우 모든 농도에서 발아율은 양호하였지만 정상식물체로 자라나지 못했고 뿌리의 말단부가 비후하여 끝 쪽에서부터 갈변하는 것이 관찰되었다. MNU처리 시에는 뿌리가 매우 길게 신장하고 두껍게 나타났으며 MNU의 경우 0.2mM의 처리부터 발아저해를 보여 1mM이상이 되면 발아하지 않았다. 4. Sodium azide처리에 의해 유도된 엽록소결핍 돌연변이에서 잎의 색깔의 차이에 따른 RAPD분석을 수행한 결과 4개의 Primer에서 총 12개의 변이 band가 나타났으며 엽록소 결핍 변이에 관계된 band의 수도는 2개로 나타나 DNA수준에서 변이가 확인 되었다. 5. 변이 band 중 무처리 식물체와 같은 녹색을 나타내는 부분에서는 band가 관찰되는 반면 잎에 횐색 또는 노란색의 줄무되가 있는 부분과 백화된 부분에서는 band가 관찰되지 않거나 이러한 엽록소 변이가 형태적으로 나타나는 부분에서 새롭게 형성되는 band를 확인함으로서 이러한 band가 잎의 녹색발현에 관여하는 유전자 좌라는 것을 알 수 있었다. This study was conducted to determine the effects and optimum concentrantion of chemical mutagens, colchicine, EMS (ethyl methan sulfonate), MNU (1-methyl-3-1­-nitrosoguanidinenitro), sodium azide (NaN3) for induction of mutant plants. In order to induce the mutants of Dianthus superbus L, immature seed were pre-soaked in the warter adding each mutagens and concentration of EMS, colchicine, MNU, and sodium azide (NaN3). Comparision of morphological characteristic and seed germination in each mutant plants differed depending on mutagen sources and their concentrations. When 0.2% EMS were treated on seed, germination decreased to 12% while untreated control was germinated 76.6% for twenty days. Treatments of colchicine appeared higher germination than other mutagen but not survived. The survival rate was extremely decreased in MNU treatment at 0.5mM and chlorophyll-mutant plantlets were obtained by sodium azide treatment at 0.2mM. Chlorophyll mutants were produced by pre-soaking the immature seed of Dianthus superbus L. with mutagen, sodium azide. The control plants appeared normal green leaf color, while mutant plant after mutagenic treatment of immature seed results in yellow­-green stripes and albino in normal green leaf tissue. RAPD was carried out to check the genetic modification of regenerated plants by mutagen treatments at 0.2mM sodium azide. Three polymorphic DNA fragments out of thirty-seven obtained by RAPDs were observed in regenerated plants using five decamer primers.

      • KCI등재

        勤勞者 經營參如의 範圍에 관한 硏究

        李光會 한국기업경영학회 1994 기업경영연구 Vol.1 No.1

        With the improvement of labor-management relations, workers` demand for participation in management is increasing. In the meanwhile, workers and employers are showing a big opinion gap concerning the scope of workers` participation in management. The gap is becoming the biggest issue causing the conflicts between the labor and the management. Thereforce in this study I have tried to look into the theory and the present situation related to the scope of workers` participation and have studied on desirable relation between management right and workers` participation in management. The summary of this study is as follows : 1. Workers` participation in management is becoming more various and active. the labor-management relations are improving and the labor and manangement`s attitude toward workers` participation in management is affirmative and positive. In our country workers` participation is mainly being conducted through both the collective bargaining and labor-management council. 2. Since 1987, many other matters besides wages and working conditions have been found through collective agreement. Among them, the subjects of personnel and management are becoming the big controversial issue between the labor and the management. Employers hold that the scope of the subjects of collective bargaining should be confined strictly to working conditions, and matters related to the management right should be excluded from the subjects of collective bargaining and labor disputes. On the contrary, trade unions maintain that the scope of collective bargaining should be enlarged to include almost all subjects concerning the enterprise management. Confrontations of labor and management about the subjects of collective bargaining become great hindrances to the stability and the improvement of labor-management relations. 3. Workers` participation in management by labor-management council is mostly taken in terms of information-participation and its level of general participation in management is very low. In consideration of the relation between labor-management council and collective bargaining, there is the most found linking type running the two systems organically. We need to consider the viewpoints of both the labor and the management on the relation between labor-management council and collective bargaining as follows; the former holds that labor-management council should be conducted toward the complementation of collective bargaining. Whereas the latter holds that the two functions should be strictly differentiated. 4. In our country we have not yet reached theoretical agreement on the scope of the management right. Therefore, the Scope of collective bargaining should be decided from the viewpoint of thinking much of practical contents of the management right and the efficiency of management. It is considered as reasonable that matters on personnel and management should be a permissive bargaining subject and should be discussed by labor-management council. Paying regard to the reality our enterprises are confronted with, the relation between collective bargaining and labor-management council is required to develop toward a mutually complementary one from now on. And labor-management council needs to develop toward the enlargement of the function of participation in management. 5. In order to develop the labor-management relation from now on, the two parties need to assume more mature attitude to overcome antagonism between the scope of the management right and that of the labor right, and attempt to corporeality of the two parties through cooperation.

      • KCI등재

        여름철 휴경조건에서 잡초의 발생과 몇 가지 두과식물의 녹비로서의 이용성에 대한 비교

        이광회 한국작물학회 2007 Korean journal of crop science Vol.52 No.2

        본 실험은 강원도 영서지역에서 맥류 수확 후 가을채소 파종까지 휴경을 하게 될 경우의 여름 휴경지 관리방안으로 가을채소용 두과녹비작물의 도입에 필요한 기초 자료를 얻기 위하여 수행되었으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같았다. 1. 여름철 휴경을 할 경우 주요 잡초는 바랭이, 방동사니, 쇠비름 그리고 털비름 등 비두과 식물로, 자연적인 두과식물의 출현은 없었다. 2. 두과식물을 6월 중순 로타리 경운 후 파종할 경우 동부와 예팥은 출현율이 높았으나, 돌콩과 헤어리벳치는 출현율이 낮았으며, 동계일년생 두과녹비작물인 헤어리벳치는 하계잡초와의 경합에서 도태되는 경향이었다. 3. 만성형식물인 동부는 잡초의 생육을 가장 크게 억제하였으며, 만성 예팥이나 돌콩, 그리고 헤어리벳치보다 생육량이 많았다. 따라서 우리나라 기상조건에서 여름철 휴경을 할 경우 두과식물의 인위적인 파종이 필요하며, 동부는 여름철 휴경지의 녹비작물로서의 이용 가치가 높은 것으로 판단되었다. This experiment was carried out to compare weed occurrence and to evaluate the field performance of some leguminous plant species under no-weeding fallow condition during summer months from middle of June to middle of August. In 2005 and 2006, the first dominant weed species was Digitaria sanguinalis, and other major weed species, such as Cyperus amuricus, Portulaca oleracea, and Amaranthus retroflexus, were similar among treatments. In both years, total shoot dry weight of weeds was the highest In the control plot, and the lowest in the cowpea plot, indicating that cowpea most effectively suppressed the growth of weeds among treatments. When the growth of four different leguminous species were compared after seeding during middle of June in 2006, cowpea and rice bean grew vigorously under no-weeding condition during hot and humid summer months, while wild soybean and hairy vetch did not. Shoot dry weight was in the order of cowpea > rice bean > wild soybean > hairy vetch. In conclusion, cowpea is a leguminous species which can be used as a green manure cover crop during summer months under no-weeding and our climate condition. Further works are needed to use cowpea as a green cover crop during summer months for various cropping systems.

      • KCI등재

        혼파시기가 헤어리벳치와 가을무의 생육과 잡초 발생에 미치는 영향

        이광회 한국작물학회 2007 Korean journal of crop science Vol.52 No.2

        중부지방에서 월동 1년생 두과 녹비작물인 헤어리벳치를 이용한 유기재배를 확대하는데 필요한 기초 자료를 얻기 위하여 헤어리벳치-옥수수 작부체계의 후작물로서 가을무를 헤어리벳치와 혼파시기를 달리하여 생육을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같았다. 1. 혼파시기가 빠를수록 섭식성 해충에 의한 무의 생육저해가 증대하였다. 2. 혼파시기가 빠를수록 여름형 잡초의 종류와 생육량이 증대하였다. 3. 헤어리벳치는 8월 중순 이후의 파종시기가 빠를수록 월동 전 생육량이 증대하였다. 4. 가을무도 8월 중순 이후의 파종시기가 빠를수록 생육량 및 최종 수량이 증대하였다. 따라서 헤어리벳치와 가을무를 혼파 할 경우 혼파 시기는 관행의 파종적기인 8월 중순이 적절할 것으로 판단되었다. Under the conditions of the least inputs such as no-chemical fertilizer, no-chemical insecticide, and no-weeding, this experiment was carried out to examine the effect of mixed-seeding date on growth of hairy vetch and radish, and on the status of weed occurrence. Radish was severely damaged by insects during the whole growth period. Many summer annual weeds emerged and grew vigorously when the seeding date was August 14, but rarely emerged when the seeding date was August 28. Most growth parameters of hairy vetch and radish were higher when the seeding date was August 14, compared to those of the seeding dates of August 21 and August 28. For the mixed seeding of hairy vetch and radish under the conditions of the least inputs, the seeding date during the middle of August could be recommended.

      • KCI등재

        산성토양에서의 근류균 종자접종과 석회시용이 Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Luna)의 초기생장에 미치는 영향

        李光會,李浩鎭 韓國作物學會 1981 Korean journal of crop science Vol.26 No.2

        산성토양에서 Alfalfa에 대한 근류균의 접종효과를 밝혀 우리나라에서 Alfalfa의 재배에 필요한 기초자료를 얻고자 1980년 포장에서 Alfalfa 품종 Luna를 공시품종으로 국내에서 분리한 근류균(Rhizobium meliloti)을 공시균주로 하여 근류근 접종과 석회시용의 효과를 단보당 농용석회 100, 300, 600kg의 3가지 석회 수준에서 검토한 결과는 아래와 같다. 1. 근류균 접종구에서는 석회의 시용이 생육초기 근류형성량의 증가를 가져왔으며 위근류의 형성이 거의 없었으나 무접종구에서는 생육 초기부터 위근류가 형성되었다. 2. 석회시용 효과는 생육초기부터 나타났는데 석회시용량이 증가함에 따라서 토양 pH, 초장, 근장, 지상부 건물중, 뿌리의 건물중 등이 현저히 증가되었다. 3. 예취기별 건물수량은 근류균 접종 및 석회시용 의해 현저히 증가하였는데 특히 근류균 접종구에서 석회시용의 효과가 크게 나타났다. 연간 총수량은 무접종구가 약 83kg/10a, 접종구가 약 286ks/10a으로 근류균 접종에 의해 3배 정도의 수량증대를 보였다. 4. 식물체내 전질소함량은 근류균 접종에 의해 잎이 4.0~4.5%, 줄기가 1.5~l.8% 그리고 뿌리는 1.7~l.9%정도로 헌저히 증가되있으며 근류형성률이나 석회시용 수준에 따른 차이는 없었다. A field research was conducted to evaluate the effects of inoculation of Rhizobium meliloti and lime application on the early growth of alfalfa, var. Luna, in an acid soil. Alfalfa seeds were inoculated by lime-peat pelleting method with A3 strain isolated from alfalfa roots. Both inoculated and noninoculated seeds were sown in acid soil (pH 5.5) with three levels of lime application (1, 3, 6 ton/ha) on mid-April. Inoculated seeds produced many effective nodules in early stage and increased nitrogen and chlorophyll contents of leaf, consequently stimulating alfalfa growth. Pseudo nodules were found in noninoculated, while they were seldom formed in inoculated. Lime application increased soil pH, plant height, root length, and shoot and root weight. Liming effect on nodulation was significant at first cut, but no longer after then. Both inoculation and liming increased the forage yield of alfalfa. Inoculation and liming of 6 ton/ha together produced the highest yield. As compared to control plot of nitrogen application, the effect of seed inoculation only could be equal to about 120 kg/ha nitrogen application. The total nitrogen contents of forage were little affected by number or weight of nodules and amounts of lime application.

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