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        녹색성장 정책의 변화와 법제적 과제

        이광윤 ( Kwang Youn Lee ) 경상대학교 법학연구소 2014 法學硏究 Vol.22 No.3

        한국과 프랑스의 전 정권에서 녹색성장정책은 핵심 국정과제였다. 한국에서 이명박 정부는 녹색기술과 녹색산업의 창출, 녹색건축물 및 녹색생활의 정착 등 저탄소 녹색성장을 효율적·체계적으로 추진하기 위하여 2010년 1월 13일 저탄소 녹색성장 기본법을 제정하였다. 프랑스에서도 사르코지 정부는 생산에 대한 에너지 소비와 이산화탄소를 줄일 수 있는 기술과 저탄소 활동의 개발을 핵심 정책으로 삼았다. 이를 위해 과감한 미래지향적인 “환경 그르넬”을 통하여 다양한 목표를 설정하였다. 그러나 정권이 교체되면서 양국의 녹색성장정책은 핵심정책에서 밀려나는 모습을 보였다. 박근혜 대통령은 취임 후 창조경제만을 강조할 뿐 녹색성장이란 용어를 거의 사용하지 않았다. 실제 박근혜 정부 출범 1년차에 온실가스 정책들은 속도가 떨어졌다. 물론 박근혜 정부도 ‘녹색성장 정책이 ‘MB표`` 정책이라는 이미지가 너무 강해서 전면에 내세우지 않는 것일 뿐 완전히 폐기한 것은 아니다’고 한다. 실제 이상일 의원은 2014년 정부예산 중 창조경제 사업을 분석한 결과 이 중 33%가 이명박 정부의 ‘녹색사업’을 그대로 가져온 것이라고 지적하기도 하였다. 프랑스의 올랑드 대통령도 정권 초에는 ‘일자리 창출에만 골몰하고 있고, 녹색성장에 대해서는 신경조차 쓰지 않는다.’는 비판을 받기도 하였다. 하지만 결국은 대세에 따라 2013년 9월 2차 환경회의 이후 올랑드 대통령은 에너지전환 법제의 마련이 5개년 계획에 있어 가장 핵심적인 선결과제임을 강조하였다. 이처럼 녹색성장정책은 이제 더 이상 정권의 성격에 따라서 포기할 수 있는 정책이 아니다. ‘일자리 창출’도 중요하지만 ‘지구온난화에 따른 재난의 방지’도 강조돼야 하기 때문이다. 앞으로 녹색성장정책이 지속적일 수 있도록 녹색성장에 관한 법제를 법전화하는 것도 고려해 봐야 하겠다. La declaration du President de la Republique francaise marquee par un objectif : celui de la croissance verte Cette declaration etait attendue, alors que depuis son election, Francois Hollande n’a pas donne beaucoup de signes encourageants sur le terrain du developpement durable. Cela supposait de fixer un objectif - un cap - et les principaux moyens pour y arriver. Un cap pour passer du monde d’hier a celui de demain. Le plus important, de la declaration du Chef de l’Etat : A nous de faire que la lutte contre le rechauffement climatique soit non seulement une cause planetaire, europeenne, nationale, mais le levier d’un nouveau modele de croissance a la fois intelligent, durable et solidaire. La France, et j’en prends ici l’engagement, se mobilisera dans la transition energetique. Voila le cap, la transition. Le 19 decembre 2012, Park Geun-hye remporte l`election presidentielle. La transition entre presidents sud-coreens, tous deux conservateurs, se fait dans un climat tendu, marque par de nouvelles affaires qui ecornent l`image de la future dirigeante Park Geun-hye. Son predecesseur, Lee Myung-bak, avait joue la croissance verte pour relancer le pays. Park Geun-hye parie sur la modernite. Park Geun-hye lance un plan d`economie creative, associant etroitement industrie et culture. La reticence du gouvernement place pour assurer le suivi avec le "bas-carbonne de la croissance verte" politique promu par Lee. L`approche de Park n`est pas sans precedent. il a ete presque de routine dans l`histoire de la politique coreenne pour les nouveaux dirigeants nationaux a degrader leurs predecesseurs et presente l`ordre du jour de la politique differentielle. il a souvent ete le cas. La presidente Park Geun-hye a souligne qu’il y a une necessite de changer le paradigme de notre economie d’une maniere fondamentale par une economie creative afin de surmonter la crise de la croissance sans creation d’emplois. Afin de traverser cette periode de crise, nous avons besoin d’un changement radical de paradigme. La Presidente Park Geunhye, a declare qu’ Il est possible de concretiser le projet d’une economie creative en associant les technologies scientifiques aux TIC, de meme qu’en alliant l’industrie et la culture a la creativite et l’imagination. Malgre le changement du slogan des gouvernements, les perspectives majeurs de l’administration de nouveau gouvernement de Park Geunhye, ne sont pas contradictoires a la politique de la croissance verte concernant la convergence des technologies de l’administration de Lee Myung-bak. Alors que l`administration du president Park Geunhye preconise une economie creative, il a ete revele qu`un nombre important de projets proposes lies a l`economie creative sont identiques a projets de l`economie verte mis en œuvre par le gouvernement de Lee Myung-bak. Malgre les preoccupations qu`elle a affaibli son engagement, la Coree reste determinee a combattre le rechauffement climatique en poussant a travers des projets de reduction de carbone a la maison et le renforcement de la cooperation internationale. La croissance verte doit etre mise en place avec un accent mis sur l`economie creative destinee a creer de nouveaux marches et emplois a travers des idees innovantes et la convergence (des industries)( Le Premier ministre Chung Hong-won, le 21 oct. 2013)Le slogan de Park Geunhye economie creative englobe la croissance verte, et ce sommet et le devouement de GCF sont tous des signes que la croissance verte continue d`etre un enjeu important dans le gouvernement coreen actuel. La constitution et les statuts doivent etre rationalisees pour assurer la stabilite de la mise en œuvre des politiques de croissance verte. Modifications constitutionnelles devraient etre plus souples afin de renforcer la competitivite de la Coree comme un Etat contemporain. Recherche pratique et flexible des attitudes legislatives sont necessaires. Processus de legislation doit etre plus democratique, en permettant la participation des plusieures parties, les parties prenantes et les experts.

      • Rat적출심방 운동성에 대한 Prostaglandin $F_2$ alpha와 Ouabain작용의 비교

        이광윤,Lee Kwang-Youn 대한약리학회 1984 대한약리학잡지 Vol.20 No.1

        [$PGF_{2{\alpha}}$]의 rat적출심방에 대한 작용을 ouabain의 작용과 비교하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$의 양성변력성작용은 ouabain의 작용에 비해 potency가 강하고 efficacy는 낮았다. Ouabain은 $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$의 양성변시성작용과 유사한 양성변시성 경향을 나타내었는데 이 점에 대해 추후의 탐구가 요구된다. $PGF_{2{\alpha}}(3{\pm}10^{-8}M)$의 작용은 저칼슘농도(1.4mM)에서 ouabain$(3{\pm}10^{-3}M)$보다 현저히 $({\leq}0.05{\sim}p{\leq}0.00)$강하게 나타났고, medium내에 첨가되는 $Ca^{++}$에 대하여도 보다 예민하게 반응하였다. 저칼륨 medium(2.8mM) 또는 medium내 $K^+$첨가는 $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$보다 ouabain의 작용에 더 큰 영향을 미쳤다. $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$와 ouabain의 작용에 미치는 lidocaine ($1{\pm}10^{-5}M$이상의 고농도)의 영향은 매우 흡사하여 별다른 차이점을 볼 수 없었다. Propranolol $(3{\pm}10^{-6}M)$로써 전처치하여 아드레나린성 ${\beta}$수용체를 봉쇄한 적출심방에서 $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ 양성변력성 및 양성변시성 작용은 방해를 받지 않았다. 이상의 결과로 보아 $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$는 ouabain의 $Na^+$, $K^+$-ATPase 억제기전파는 달리 $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ 고유의 막수용체에 작용하여 $Ca^{++}$의 세포내 유입을 촉진시키는 기전으로 작용하는 것으로 추측되며, 그 수용체의 등정(identification)은 추후의 연구과제로 남는다. Comparative effects of $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ and ouabain on the isolated rat(Sprague-Dowley) atria were studied. The isolated rat atria were prepared for isometric myography in the isolated organ bath containing Feigen's solution perfused with 95% $O_2$ and 5% $CO_2$, and the pH of the medium was maintained at 7.4. The cumulative concentration-response relationship revealed the positive inotropic effects of both drugs with the higher potency of $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ and the higher efficacy of ouabain. $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ showed a positive chronotropic effect, but ouabain showed a tendency of increasing the contraction rate. In low-Ca(1.4 mM) medium, the positive inotropic and chronotropic effect of $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$(by $3{\times}10^{-8}M$) were preponderant $(p<0.05{\sim}p<0.005)$ over those of ouabain(by $3{\times}10^{-3}M$). $Ca^{++}$-addition(cumulative, to 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 7.0 mM) into the medium evoked the more sensitive response in the $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ group than in the ouabain group. In low-K(2.8 mM) medium, the $PGF_{2{\alpha}}a(3{\times}10^{-8}M)$ group and the ouabain$(3{\times}10^{-3}M)$ group showed similar tensions(DT and RT) and contraction rates. And both group showed significantly(p<0.05p<0.01) higher tensions and contraction rates than those of the control group. By the cumulative addition of the $K^+$(to 4.2, 5.6, 7.0 and 8.4 mM), only the DT of the $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ group was sustained at signifcantly$(p<0.05{\sim}p<0.01)$ higher level than the DT of the control group. The $K^+$-addition inhibited the positive inotropic effect of ouabain significantly (p<0.05). The cumulative addition of lidocaine in high concentrations $(1{\times}10^{-5}\;to\;1{\times}10^{-3}M)$ evoked no significant influence on the intropic activities of $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ and ouabain, but significant ${\beta}$-blockade with propranolol could not inhibit the positive intropic and chronotropic effect of $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$. In conclusion, it is presumed that $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ may have some more active mechanism of accelerating the influx of $Ca^{++}$ across the cell membrane of the isolated rat atria as compared with ouabain, and the action site may be located at the cell membrane. As a supposition which needs further investigations, it is presumed that $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ may have its specific membrane receptors on the atrial muscle or sinus node cells.

      • Effect of Peptide YY on Vascular Smooth Muscle Contractility

        이광윤,김원준,하정희,권오철,Lee, Kwang-Youn,Kim, Won-Joon,Ha, Jeoung-Hee,Kwon, Oh-Cheol The Korean Society of Pharmacology 1990 대한약리학잡지 Vol.26 No.1

        가토의 적출동맥평활근 절편에 대한 peptide YY(PYY)의 수축작용을 관찰하고, PYY의 수축기전상 동원되는 칼슘의 기원을 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 각 동맥의 나선형 절편은 PYY의 실험조내 첨가에 의하여 농도의존적인 수축반응을 보였다. 그중 대퇴동맥이 가장 강력하고 예민한 수축경향을 보였으며, 그 다음은 대뇌의 기저동맥, 총장골동맥, 상장간막동맥, 신동맥, 총경동맥의 순으로 예민하였다. PYY에 대한 반응성을 Norepinephrine(NE)에 대한 반응성과 비교해볼때, 총경동맥과 신동맥은 PYY보다 NE에 대해서 유의하게 $(p{\leqslant}0.05)$예민하였고, 기저동맥은 NE보다 PYY에 더 예민하였다$(p{\leqslant}0.05)$. 대퇴동맥 절편에서 칼슘통로봉쇄제인 verapamil과 세포내 저장칼슘유리를 억제하는 3,4,5-Trimethoxybenzoic acid 8-(diethylamino)octyl ester ${\ulcorner}TMB-8{\lrcorner}$는 각각 PYY에 의한 수축을 억제하였는데 $(p{\leqslant}0.05)$, verapamil과 TMB-8이 동시에 존재할 때는 PYY에 의한 수축은 거의 완전히 억제되었고, ethyleneglycol-bis-(beta-aminoethyl ether), N,N,N‘,N’-tetraacetic acid${\ulcorner}EGTA{\lrcorner}$0.5mM를 첨가한 칼슘배제용액 내에서도 PYY에 의한 수축은 거의 완전히 억압되었다. 이상의 결과를 종합하면, 혈중 PYY가 증가했을 때는 교감신경계흥분시보다 강한 뇌혈관의 수축이 일어날 수 있으며, 뇌동맥압은 교감신경계 흥분시보다 더 높을 수가 있으리라 추정된다. 또 PYY에 의한 혈관 평활근 수축에는 세포외액의 칼슘과 세포내저장칼슘의 이용이 공히 필수적이라고 생각된다. The responsiveness of various arterial smooth muscles isolated from rabbit to peptide YY (PYY) and the calcium source responsible for the muscles to contract were studied in vitro. PYY contracted the muscle strips of femoral, basilar and common iliac arteries more sensitively than renal, superior mesenteric and common carotid arteries. Common carotid and renal arteries were less sensitive to PYY $(p{\leqslant}0.05)$ than to NE; and basilar artery was more sensitive to PYY$(p{\leqslant}0.01)$ than to NE. A calcium channel blocker, verapamil and an inhibitor of intracellular calcium release, 3, 4, 5-Trime-thoxybenzoic arid 8-(diethylamino)octyl ester [TMB-8] significantly $(p{\leqslant}0.001)$ suppressed the concentration-response of the strips from femoral artery to PYY. When both verapamil and TMB-8 existed in normal PSS, the concentration-response to PYY was inhibited almost completely; and a similar suppression was observed when the muscle was incubated in calcium-free, ethyleneglycol-bis-(beta-aminoethyl ether)N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid [EGTA] containing PSS. The results of these experiments suggest that increased PYY activity in circulation may result in the more sensitive increase in the intracranial vascular resistance and the cerebral arterial pressure than the increased sympathetic activity and that both intra- and extracellular calcium are to be utilized for the PYY-induced contraction on arterial smooth muscle.

      • KCI등재

        行政調達契約의 性質에 대한 硏究

        이광윤(Lee Kwang Youn),김철우(Kim Chul Woo) 성균관대학교 법학연구소 2016 성균관법학 Vol.28 No.2

        行政契約은 과거 權威的인 警察國家에서는 그 허용가능성에 대하여는 논란이 많았으나, 오늘날 行政이 民主化되고 다양한 행정요구에 대한 協力이 중시됨에 따라 그 중요성이 강조되었다. 우리나라에서 行政契約이 주로 활용될 수 있는 영역은 行政調達契約과 공공서비스 特許가 있다. 이 중 공공서비스 特許에 대하여 학설은 전통적으로 一方的 行政行爲로 分類하여 왔으나, 「사회기반시설에 대한 민간투자법」에서는 公法上 契約인 行政契約으로 규율되고 있다. 반면에 行政調達契約의 경우 과거 獨逸의 國庫理論의 영향으로 우리나라 學說과 判例는 여전히 私法上 契約으로 보아 民事訴訟의 對象으로 이해하면서도, 不正當業者에 대한 制裁措置에 대하여는 處分性을 인정하여 抗告訴訟의 對象으로 보는 論理的인 矛盾이 존재한다. 國家의 管理行政 領域에서 當事者 一方이 모두 行政主體임에도, 法的手段의 選擇에 따른 根據法律이 무엇인가에 따라 契約의 性質을 달리 취급하는 것은 非論理的일 뿐만 아니라 단순히 ‘當事者 對等’을 표방하는 「국가를 당사자로 하는 계약에 관한 법률」의 문언에 얽매여 行政調達契約을 반드시 私法上 契約으로 이해할 필요는 없다. 왜냐하면 우리나라에서는 종래 獨逸의 國庫理論에 따라 公法上 契約을 ‘對等한 當事者’ 사이의 계약이라고 설명해 왔으므로 「국가를 당사자로 하는 계약에 관한 법률」 제5조(계약의 원칙)의 규정만으로는 公法上 契約인지 아니면 私法上의 契約인지 판별이 되지도 않을 뿐 아니라 동법 제5조의2(청렴계약), 제27조(부정당업자의 입찰 참가자격 제한), 제27조의2(과징금), 제28조(이의신청) 규정을 통해 公法上 契約으로 볼 여지가 많기 때문이다. 따라서 佛蘭西처럼 行政調達契約을 公法上 契約으로 보는 전제하에 落札者決定이나 不正當業者制裁措置와 같은 公權力 行使에 대하여 處分性을 인정하여 抗告訴訟을 허용하는 것이 훨씬 論理的이며, 行政訴訟法의 改正案 중 當事者訴訟의 對象으로 行政契約을 명시할 필요가 있다. 참고로 佛蘭西에서 법률에 규정이 없는 경우 判例에 따라 계약당사자 중 일방이 공법인이며, 계약의 목적이 공공서비스를 수행하는 경우와, 그렇지 않더라도 계약내용에 보통법에 대한 일탈조항을 포함하면 行政契約으로 보는데 이는 우리나라에서 公法上 契約인 行政契約을 판단하는 기준으로 참고할 수 있다. 나아가 立法論으로는 「조달사업에 관한 법률」과 「국가를 당사자로 하는 계약에 관한 법률」 및 「사회기반시설에 대한 민간투자법」 등을 포괄하는 行政契約에 관한 單一한 法典을 제정할 필요가 있으며, 私法上 契約의 原則은 行政의 公益性을 확보하는데 난점이 있을 뿐 아니라 플라이너(Fleiner) 교수가 경고한 ‘行政의 私法에로의 逃避(Flucht in das Privatrecht)’를 정당화할 위험이 있는 바, 궁극적으로는 公法上 原則을 수용하고, 글로벌 시대의 商去來法에 있어 世界法으로 통하는 유럽연합의 공공조달 지침과 동일하게 行政調達契約에서 발주기관의 범위를 정부기관 뿐 아니라 공법인과 공기업까지 확대하여 세계적인 조류에 동참해야 할 것이다. Les contrats administratifs, dont la nécessité était contestée à l’époque autoritaire, voient de nos jours considérablement augmenter leur importance avec la démocratisation du milieu administratif et la croissance de la coopération entre l’Etat et sa civil. En Corée du Sud, la concession de service public et la fourniture constituent deux domaines principaux de ces contrats. La première a été traditionnellement considérée comme un acte administratif unilatéral au sein de la doctrine du pays, mais elle est maintenant définie comme un contrat administratif qui appartient au droit public par la Loi relative aux investissements privés sur les infrastructures. Quant aux contrats de fourniture, il manque de cohérence : influencée autrefois par la théorie de Fiskus, la doctrine et les jurisprudences sud-coréennes veulent toujours voir ce contrat comme celui de droit privé qui fait partie de la jurisprudence judiciaire, tandis que, lors d’une faute d’un fournisseur, on laisse recourir au recours d’annulation qui appartient à la juridiction administrative. Il n’est d’ailleurs pas raisonnable de diviser les contrats conclus par l’Etat(y compris ses EP ainsi que les collectivités locales et leurs EP) en celui de droit public et celui de droit privé selon la loi à laquelle appartient chacun d’entre eux, et d’insister pour prendre les contrats de fourniture pour celui privé en s’attachant à la Loi relative aux contrats conclus par l’Etat : en fait, cette dernière accorde une position égale aux deux parties du contrat comme le font les contrats de droit privé. La doctrine sud-coréenne qui a suivi autrefois la théorie allemande, a longtemps considéré un contrat administratif comme un contrat signé entre deux parties égales. Il n’est donc pas correct de vouloir dire qu’un contrat conclu par l’Etat fait partie forcément du droit privé selon seulement la dite loi. Plusieurs clauses de cette dernière laissent, au contraire, entendre que les contrats conclus par l’Etat soient publics : il s’agit de al.2 de l’article 5(concernant les contrats honnêtes), de l’article 27(l’accès limité à l’appel d’offre pour les fournisseurs fautifs), de al.2 de l’article 27(amendes), de l’article 28(réclamation)...etc. Ainsi il serait plus raisonnable de qualifier les contrats de fourniture signés par l’Administration de publics, et de reconnaître que l’administration excerce du pouvoir public dans le choix du fournisseur ou les pénalités sur les fournisseurs fautifs, pour enfin ouvrir la voie d’annulation. Pour cela, il faudrait soumettre le contrat administratif au plein contentieux. En plus, il est nécessaire d’établir un code unique relatif aux marchés publics qui régira les marchés de fourniture, les contrats par l’Etat ainsi que les investissements privés sur les infrastructures. Il faudrait également soumettre les contrats administratifs au droit public plutôt qu’à celui privé : en effet, les contrats privés empêchent de réaliser des intérêts publics. Enfin, pour aller de pair avec les tendances internationales dont les directives de l’EU(2004/18/EC) et le code des marchés publics français, il serait aussi désirable de mettre les personnes morales de droit public et les entreprises publiques dans les pouvoirs adjudicateurs qui sont pour le moment limités aux seules organisations administratives.

      • KCI등재

        경관법 제정의 세계화와 한국의 과제

        이광윤(LEE, Kwang-Youn) 성균관대학교 법학연구소 2012 성균관법학 Vol.24 No.3

        Since the 1960s, the development of industry and commerce was attained at the expense of nature in Korea. Under these circumstances, the public authorities have not taken the necessary measure to preserve the environment, landscapes and traditional cultural heritage. Thus, the landscapes were more or less destroyed along with the land development. But the preservation of landscape has become a major public policy in recent days. Therefore, the land development projects that are germane to the landscape have increased, especially from local authorities. Recent legislation supported this movement: “The Act On the Plan and Use of Land”, which was passed in 2002, has made t h e protection and management of landscape in the planning policy. This act was the legal creation of landscape projects by the government and local authorities. Moreover, “The Landscape Act”, which is the first general act in the landscape protection, was adopted in 2007. In 2000, “The European Landscape Convention”, organized by the Council of Europe, was adopted by 18 member states of the Council of Europe in Florence. This convention aimed to promote European landscape protection, management and planning and to organize European co-operation. The principles of the Convention are as in the following: 1) The landscape is a common property regardless of value and location. 2) The landscape should be an object of special public policies. 3) The landscape must reflect the democratic spirit of citizenship. 4) The landscape is an object of European co-operation. The UNESCO recently prepared “The Project of Global Landscape Convention” to present at Rio+20(The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development). It aims to create networks of information centered on the landscape for the exchange of necessary information and establish the guidelines for international regions and member states of the convention. In connection with the principles of this convention, above all, the landscape rights are fundamental rights for all universal citizens, like the preamble. “The International Center of Comparative Environmental Law” recommended to consider at the convention: 1) The landscape is an element which is inseparable from the quality of life and the human rights to the environment. 2) The perception of landscape depends on cultures and their diversity. 3) There are various international legal texts on the topic landscape but their scope is limited either geographically or in contents.4) The UNESCO has begun a reflection on the opportunity and feasibility of a new world instrument on landscape. 5) Those landscapes undergo increasing degradation and should be preserved. In Korea, “The Landscape Act” aims to contribute to the composition of the environment for national and local level by displaying different views of the systematic conservation of land management and necessary resource management and deciding to form a beautiful area at the national and local level. Moreover, according to article 2 of the act, the landscape shows geographic natures, buildings and facilities and lifestyles of the inhabitants. Major contents of the act are composed of the landscape plan, the landscape work, the landscape agreement, the landscape committee, etc. Legal problems are as in the following on this act: 1) The concept of landscape is more objective than occidental concept. 2) The Act on the landscape is authoritarian because of the lack of public participation. 3) The Act does not consider the principles of environmental law, etc. There are movements of the act in revision recently by the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs. In this connection, most of all, it is important to include the landscape in environmental elements and recognize that landscape rights are a fundamental right of all citizens.

      • KCI등재

        온실가스 배출권의 법적 성격에 관한 문제

        이광윤(Lee, Kwang-Youn),황의관(Hwang, Ui-Kwan) 성균관대학교 법학연구소 2011 성균관법학 Vol.23 No.2

        The Kyoto Protocol introduced three new ‘flexible mechanisms’ to assist developed country parties in achieving their agreed emission limitation on commitments under the UNFCCC. Since the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol, a range of legislations relying on the concept of emission trading have been and are being developed and implemented at international, EU and domestic levels. The unit that are trade under these various system all represent one tonne of greenhouse gas equivalent. However, there are differences in the legal nature of emission right. Where tradable units are issued by States as part of an environmental regulatory scheme, they are in the nature of administrative license. However, once allocated to the operator of an installation for compliance purpose, or held or transferred to a private firm, they assume characteristics of property right. These conflicting aspect of the legal nature of emission right were reflected by the legislation at international and domestic level. For example, the Kyoto Protocol provides that it “has no created or bestowed any right, title or entitlement to emissions of any kind on Paties included in Annex Ⅰ. The EU ETS Directive at Article 3(a) defines an “allowance” as “... an allowance to emit one tonne of CO2 equivalent during a specified period...”. In the U.S. legislation, Section 403(f) of the Clean Air Act defines an “allowance” as a “limited authorization to emit SO2 in accordance with the provisions of this title” and expressly provides that “does not constitute a property right.” U.S. legislature’s view on the emission right is a same way in the GHG’s ETS Bill. Germany and U.K. provided the legal nature of emission right under it’s GHG’s ETS legislation as a same manner in the EU ETS Directive. In contrast to the approach adopted by EU, U.S., Germany and U.K., France, Spain, New Zealand, and Australia classified an emission alloeance in the property right category. The comparative analysis of the various regime of the legal nature of emission right has made it obvious that whether emission right constitutes property right is not the legal reasoning problem but the legislative policy choice issue. Therefore, considering market certainty, liquidity and function of the emission trading, legislation that provides the legal nature of emission right as property right is a resonable policy choice. On the basis of this viewpoint, we emphatically recommend that the proposed Korea ETS Bill provides emission right as property right.

      • KCI등재

        국토계획법체계의 개선방안 - 비교법적 고찰

        이광윤(Lee Kwang-Youn) 성균관대학교 법학연구소 2006 성균관법학 Vol.18 No.3

          The national land planning in Korea is based on the national land basic act and the national land planning and use act which are causing confusion because of the difference in terminology as well as the difference in space range between the broad boundary development planning on the basic act and the national land planning and use act. These kinds of problems are due to the lack of arrangment reflecting the form of the Nation and the type of local administrative system on the concepts and terminologies on the national land planning and city planning. Discussing the city planning in Korea, the concept of the "planning authority of the local government" which is found in the commune in Germany which dose not exist in Korea. When examining the models of the federal countries such as America or Germany, since they are not a unitary state like Korea, it should be studied the scope of the national land planning power. There hasn"t been, however, enough research on the national land planning process based on the forms of the nations. Consequently, this article is to inquiry the examples of Frane, a unitary country, the UK which is referred to as regional or unitary simultaneously and an obvious regional country, Spain in order to assist in establishing the fundamental system of the national land planning in Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        헌법재판기관의 구성원리와 우리 제도의 개선방향

        이광윤(Lee Kwang Youn),이봉한(Lee Bong Han) 성균관대학교 법학연구소 2004 성균관법학 Vol.16 No.3

        Our- constitutional Justice system has been introduced since the first Constitution of 1948, but it had achieved only several decisions before the present Constitutional Court inaugurated in 1988. After then, it has made many decisions in human rights. It has to be based on 3 principles for the composition, which are the independence, the specialty and democratic legitimacy. Our ruling system divides the power of the state into the Legislative, the Administration, the Judicature and the Constitutional Court equally. The Constitutional Court has the power of constitutional review of statutes upon request, impeachment, dissolution of political parties, competence dispute and constitutional complaint The Constitutional Court is composed of 9 justices, who are qualified judge and over 40 years old. Justices are appointed by National Assembly, President and Chief Justice that appoint 3 justices respectively. The system is reasonable for neutralization of the Court which has to decide the cases, basing on democratic legitimacy because of the constitutional review of statutes made by the Legislature which has democratic legitimacy and impeachment fired from the position elected by the people. Nevertheless it is the important fault that 3 justices were nominated by Chief Justice who has not democratic legitimacy but functional status. Including this, our Constitutional Court has many defects which have to be improved. First, all justices have to be elected by the National Assembly, otherwise Justices appointed by President and Chief Justice have to be agreed by the National Assembly after their nominations. Our justices have much workload, so it takes long time for them to scrutinize pending cases. The number of justices correlate with the number of cases and populations. By the regression equation based on the number of the decided cases of countries of OECD, which have constitutional justice organization of independent type, we are proper to have 15 justices. Present justice qualification in judge is very narrow, comparing with the fact which constitutional justices need to possess various qualifications and high philosophy of law, because they use deep knowledge of law and philosophy of law. At least, they have to be qualified for philosophy of law to solve the constitutional problems. So justice qualification should include law professor. Tenure of Justices needs long period because the Constitutional Court has to be stable. Tenure expands into 10 years. Reappointment may undermine the indepen-dence of the justice, so it ought not permitted. If many of constitutional justices are changed at the same time, the Constitutional Court may change its consistency of constitution interpretation. Power may be concentrated when President appoint many justices at the same time. So the separate appointment is effective for power diversification. In case of the amendment of constitution, the Court has 15 justices by the periods of 10 years. All justices shall be renewed by one fifths(3 justices) every 2 years. Not to be overlapped reciprocally, justices in law professor are nominated by the National Assembly and President, and Justices in Supreme Court Justice are nominated by President and Chief Justice alternatively every 2 years. To strengthen independence of the President of the Constitutional Court he may be elected by justices for themselves. Also, its tenure is not regulated, but it should be stipulated expressly in the our constitution. Our constitutional justice has many problems because we had not examined deeply Its system and studied comparative law. Nevertheless it has developed through many important decisions for constitution protection and human rights safeguard since its inauguration. Constitutional justice has become very important for our people's life, and so we must make every efforts to improve the above defects. Constitutional justice needs cooperation of the people, all state organs and regional gove

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        공무원의 집단행위 금지의 합헌성 여부 - 2005-10-27 선고, 2003헌바50, 2003헌바62, 2004헌바96, 2005헌바 (병합), 지방공무원법 제58조 제1항 등 위헌소원

        이광윤(Lee Kwang Youn) 한국토지공법학회 2005 土地公法硏究 Vol.29 No.-

        As to the judicial decision from the Constitutional Court over the public agents' collective action, after examining the cases of other countries, the followiing issues are to be considered. In many a country the right of labor union and the right to strike are invested to the public agents, with the exception of U.S and Germany where they are not generally granted with those rights. However in the most countries, even with the right to strike invested, public agents in the public service area are prohibited from general striking or obliged to maintain the minimun service under the request of the guarantee on the continuity of the public service. As is in the Article 33 Clause 2 of the Constitution, the right of labor union can be prohibited not generally or without variation, but only with the just cause and within the minimized extent. Considering that the domain of education is regarded as essential service, it is controvercial that teachers are to be invested with the right of organization and collective bargain, when the other public agents are not, considering many other cases of other countries where the reverse is the case. According to the article 52 clause 2, the local governments are authorized to rule the extent of the public labor who are to have the right of the collective action with the regulation of the local council. Several problems are, however, pointed out concerning this clause as follow. Firstly, the prohibition or limitation of fundamental rights are included in the ‘very important matters’ on which assemblies possess the exclusive legislative power. Secondly, the power to make regulation of the local council can not be a self-governing legislative power which can determine the national law, rather it is merely the power to make regulations to embody the laws under the realm of the laws.

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