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        1904~1910년 대한제국 관비 일본유학생의 성격 변화

        이계형(Gye-Hyeong Lee) 독립기념관 한국독립운동연구소 2008 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.0 No.31

        19세기말 동아시아는 서구 제국주의의 침략에 부딪치자 서둘러 부국강병을 이루기 위해 서구에 유학생을 파견하여 문명을 배워오거나, 근대적인 개혁과 더불어 적극적으로 서양 문명을 받아들이고자 했다. 한국은 이웃한 일본이나 중국보다 늦게, 비록 일본에 국한되었지만, 개항이후부터 유학생을 파견하기 시작했다. 하지만 한국의 유학정책은 계획적이지 못하고 국내의 정치적인 부침에 따라, 그리고 재정 부족문제로 파견과 중단을 반복하며 파행적으로 이뤄졌다. 결국 1903년 이후 유학생 파견은 중단되고 말았다. 1904년 10월 러일전쟁이 발발하면서 일제의 한국 침략이 가속화 되자, 고종은 교육개혁을 단행하는 한편 칙임관?주임관들로부터 子孫???弟?姪 가운데 16세 이상 25세인 자를 대상으로 추천을 받아, 황실자금을 이용한 관비 일본유학생 50명을 선발, 파견하였다. 이에는 기존 관비유학생으로 유학 중인 4명도 포함되었다. 관비유학생 46명은 경성부립제일중학교에 입학하여 ‘特設 韓國委託生科’에서 일본어를 비롯하여 근대적인 교육을 받게 되었다. 엄격한 군대식 통제와 규율을 적응하지 못한 일부 학생들은 중도 포기하기도 하였다. 그런데 관비유학생들이 견뎌내기 가장 힘들었던 것은 한국이 일본에 외교권을 빼앗겨 보호 통치를 받아야 한다는 현실이었고, 경성부립제일중학교 교장의 한국 유학생 비하발언이었다. 관비유학생들은 동맹휴학으로 자기들의 억눌림과 분노를 표출시켰다. 동맹휴학은 4개월 동안 지속되었고 26명은 복교되었지만 이를 주도하였던 10명은 관비유학생 자격을 박탈당하였다. 을사늑약 이후 식민권력으로 등장한 통감부는 일본 외무성 관리를 통한 관비유학생의 관리 감독을 강화시켜가는 한편, 1907년 3월 ‘학부소관 일본국 유학생 규정’을 만들어 관비유학생 뿐만 아니라 급증하는 사비유학생까지 통제하고자 했다. 이러한 상황 속에서도 한국유학생들은 일본인들의 한국인에 대한 모멸을 감내하고 저항하면서 민족의식과 배일의식을 형성시켜 나갔다. 한편, 통감부는 관비유학생의 결원이 생기면 보결해야 함에도 불구하고 이를 이행하지 않았다. 동맹휴학으로 말미암아 퇴학 조치된 관비유학생의 결원을 메운 것이 전부였다. 1908년 당시 중등학교의 급증으로 학생들의 진학문제가 사회문제로 번지자, 유학생 규정을 개정하여 시험대상자를 고등보통학교 이상 동등의 학력을 인정받는 학교 출신자들만 지원토록 하였지만, 이를 제대로 실시하지도 않았다. 통감부는 한국을 식민체제로 전환시켜 가는 와중에 고등교육을 받은 한국인을 길러내고 싶지 않았던 것이다. 다만 1909년에 들어 식민체제를 가속화시켜 가는 와중에 관비유학생을 선발하여 고등실업교육을 시키는 정도였다. 1910년 경술국치를 전후로 7, 8년 동안의 유학생활을 마친 관비유학생이 귀국하였지만, 더러는 한국 독립운동에 투신하기도 했지만, 대부분은 식민권력의 하층 지배자로 전락하고 말았다. 결국 한국은 관비유학생을 통한 부국강병을 모색하였지만, 식민지로 전락하면서 스스로 문명화를 이룩하지 못한 채, 그 빛을 바래고 말았다. As East Asian countries faced the aggression of European imperialism, they sent the students to the European countries and learned Western civilization to enhance national prosperity and defense or tried to actively receive Western civilization together with modern reform. Although the country to send the students was limited to Japan, Korea started to send the students to a foreign country behind Japan or China after the opening of a port. But its policy was not deliberate and sending the students to Japan was performed creepingly according to the domestic political ups and downs and due to a financial crunch. In the end, sending the students abroad stopped after the year of 1903. As Japan's invasion of Korea accelerated with the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War in October, 1904, Gojing carried out the reform of the educational system and selected and sent 50 students among his descendants, niece's husbands, brothers and nephews with the age from 16 to 25 to Japan by the government taking advantage of funds of the Imperial Household. They were recommended by the senior officials. Four existing students sent to Japan by the government were included among them. 46 students by the government entered the First high school established by Kyeongseong Province and received an modern education including the Japanese language at the class for specially trusted Korean students. Some students who were not adapted to the strict regulation and rules of military way gave up studying there halfway. But the most difficult distress that the students couldn’t bear was the actual that Korea was robbed of its diplomatic rights by Japan and was under Japanese rule and the school principal's demeaning comments about Korean students. The students revealed their wrath through a strike. The strike lasted for 4 months and 26 students could return to school, however, 10 students who led the strike were deprived of their qualification. The Residency-General which appeared as colonization might after the second Korea-Japan Agreement in 1905 tightened control of the students studying abroad by the government by the management of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan, while it made the regulations on the students studying in Japan under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and tried to control the students sent abroad by the government as well as the students studying abroad at their own expense who increased rapidly in number. Korean students put up with and resisted disdain of the Japanese in such a situation, and formed their national and anti-Japanese consciousness. In the mean time, in spite that the Residency-General had to fill a vacancy, when a position of the students studying abroad was vacated, it didn't perform it. what it had done was to have filled up vacancies of the students studying in Japan who were expelled from school. As entering a school of higher grade due to the rapid increase of the number of students of a secondary school spread to a social problem, it revised the regulations on the students studying abroad, and therefore only the high school graduates or the higher school graduates as qualified persons can apply for studying abroad, however, it didn't perform the regulations satisfactorily because it didn't want to cultivate a highly educated person during its transforming Korea into a colonial system. During its accelerating the colonial system only in 1909 it selected the students to be sent abroad by government and made them receive industrial education. The students who were sent abroad by the government and finished their study returned home before and after the Japanese annexation of Korea in 1910. Some of them were engaged in an independence movement, however, most of them degenerated into lower government officials of colonization might. In the end, Korea groped for enhancing the national prosperity and defense, however, it degenerated into a colony and couldn't accomplish civilized one by its

      • KCI등재

        얼굴 비대칭 인지도와 정면 머리방사선사진 계측항목간의 관련성 연구

        이계형(Gye-Hyeong Lee),조홍규(Hong-Kyu Cho),황현식(Hyeon-Shik Hwang),김종철(Jong-Chul Kim) 대한체질인류학회 1998 해부·생물인류학 (Anat Biol Anthropol) Vol.11 No.1

        본 연구는 시각적으로 얼굴 비대칭 정도를 가장 잘 나타내는 정면 머리방사선 계측 항목을 찾기 위하여 시행되었다. 환자에게서 임상적으로 느끼는 비대칭 정도와 정면 머리방사선 사진 계측 항목간의 상관성을 알아보기 위하여 전남대학교병원 교정과에 내원한 환자 중 임상 경사시 얼굴 비대칭을 보인 16세 이상의 환자 54 명을 대상으로 채득한 정면 얼굴 사진과 정면 머리방사선 계측사진을 사용하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1 거리 계측 항목들 중 얼굴 비대칭 점수와 유의한 상관관계가 있는 항목은 Me (Menton) to MSR (Midsagittal reference line), Cd(Condylion) to Me Ag(Antegonion) to Me, Ag to MSR 로 나타났다. 2 각도 계측 항목들 중 얼굴 비대칭 점수와 유의한 상관관계가 있는 항목은 ∠Cg- Me plane to MSR, ∠ANS- Me plane to MSR,∠Cd-Ag-Me 이었으며, 이 중 ∠Cg- Me plane to MSR 와 ∠ANS- Me plane to MSR 가 높은 상관관계를 보였다. 3 면적 계측 항목을 중 영굴 비대칭 점수와 유의한 상관관계가 있는 항목은 Cg-Ag- Ag 와 Cd-Ag-Me-Cd 이 었다. 이상의 결과는 아래턱뼈의 menton Point 가 시각적인 얼굴 비대칭 인지도에 가장 큰 영향을 미침을 보여주었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        불안정한 과두 위치와 안면 비대칭을 동반한 골격성 III급 부정교합의 수술교정 치료

        이상미(Sang Mi Lee),문다날(Da Nal Moon),이계형(Gye Hyeong Lee) 대한치과교정학회 2022 대한치과교정학회 임상저널 Vol.12 No.2

        In the orthodontic treatment including orthognathic surgery, post-operative relapse has been the most distressing concerns for both orthognathic surgeons and orthodontists. The proximal segments of the mandible should be positioned properly in the articular fossae during the orthognathic surgery for post-operative stability. However, it is difficult for the orthognathic surgeons to control the positioning of proximal segments during the surgery due to muscle relaxation and the harsh intra-operative environment, especially if the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) structures are not stable in their functional area. Therefore, the mandible should be stabilized with a pre-surgical stabilization splint to provide proper stimulation that forms a pseudodisc and promotes stabilization of the surrounding TMJ structures before any active surgical procedures.

      • KCI등재후보

        교정치료에서 안정화 스플린트의 활용

        문다날(Danal Moon),박재현(Jae Hyun Park),이상미(Sang Mi Lee),최은아(Eunah Choi),손재도(Jae Do Sohn),이계형(Gye Hyeong Lee) 대한치과교정학회 2023 대한치과교정학회 임상저널 Vol.13 No.3

        Splint therapy can be a reliable way to stabilize temporomandibular joint structures before starting occlusal treatment. The use of a stabilization splint can promote formation of the pseudo disc on the posterior band of the disc where the mandibular condyle can be seated on. Once the condyles are seated in the most forward and uppermost position in the articular fossae with the help of a stabilization splint, it can be considered that the patient’s condyle is in a reproducible and reliable reference position for mandibular movement. A stabilization splint that reproduces an ideal functional occlusion can eliminate protec-tive co-contraction of the masticatory muscles and eventually lead to an orthopedically stable joint position of the mandible. Stabilization of the TMJ is a therapeutic process that allows clinicians to identify the true mandibular position and make an accurate diagnosis. It also allows clinicians to predict patient responses to future occlusal reconstruction with an orthodontic approach.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        3D Digital Data를 활용한 교합평가: 가상 교합기와 가상 하악위치 지시기

        문다날(Danal Moon),박재현(Jae Hyun Park),김현(Hyun Kim),이상미(Sangmi Lee),김은정(Eunjeong Kim),김종철(Jong Cheol Kim),이경민(Kyungmin C. Lee),이계형(Gye Hyeong Lee) 대한치과교정학회 2023 대한치과교정학회 임상저널 Vol.13 No.4

        The process of evaluating the position of the mandible and analyzing occlusion using traditional articulators involved com-plex and time-consuming laboratory procedures, such as facebow transfer and model mounting. These methods often faced challenges with reproducibility, leading to difficulties in accurately assessing a patient’s occlusion. This paper aims to present a technique for precise evaluation of the mandible position and the patient’s occlusion, achieved through the utilization of virtual articulators and virtual MPI (Mandibular Position Indicator), leveraging digital data to overcome these constraints. The use of virtual articulators allows for a convenient and accurate simulation in the program, entirely circumventing the need for intricate laboratory procedures. By leveraging digital data to create a virtual articulator and accurately evaluate a patient’s occlusion, it becomes feasible to formulate a treatment plan based on this evaluation, resulting in successful or-thodontic treatment. Digital transformation refers to the process of upgrading, enhancing, or replacing existing processes or systems with newer ones, facilitated by advancements in digital technology. The most crucial principle in the process of digital transformation is that it should be simpler and more accurate than the traditional analog methods. In the process of digitally transforming the occlusal evaluation, it is essential to first understand the principles of the procedures performed with the conventional analog articulators and then integrate them into the digital transformation. Therefore, this article aims to introduce how virtual articulators and virtual mandibular position indicators are utilized.

      • KCI등재

        한국인의 얼굴옆모습선호도

        김종철(Jong Chul Kim),조홍규(Hong Kyu Cho),김왕식(Wang Sik Kim),이계형(Gye Hyeong Lee) 대한체질인류학회 1998 대한체질인류학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        본 연구는 한국인의 영굴 옆모습 선호도를 조사하여 부정교합 환자의 교정지료 계획수립시 참고하고자 전 남대학교병원 교정과에 내원한 15 세에서 25 세 사이의 제I급, 제II급과 제III급 부정교항환자 남녀 각각 1 명씩 모 두 6명을 선택하여 컴퓨터 프로그램을 통해 아래턱을 교합면을 따라 전후방 4로 각 4mm 단위로 이동시킨 후 5장의 양성사진을 제작하여 환자, 보호자와 교정의사의 얼굴 옆모습 선호도를 조사한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. l 환자 보호자와 교정의사의 얼굴 옆모습선호도는 큰 차이가 없었다. 2 환자 보호자 교정의사는 남자보다 여자의 Sample 에서 더 돌출된 입술을 선호하였다. 3 교정의사가 환자와 보호자보다 더 돌출된 닥을 선호하였으나 그 유의성은 없었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        교정치료와 측두하악관절: 조절이 가능한 것과 불가능한 것

        최병택(Byungtaek Choi),박재현(Jae Hyun Park),최은아(Eunah Choi),손재도(Jae Do Sohn),이상미(Sang Mi Lee),문다날(Danal Moon),이계형(Gye Hyeong Lee) 대한치과교정학회 2024 대한치과교정학회 임상저널 Vol.14 No.1

        For successful orthodontic treatment, it is necessary to understand what is possible and what is impossible. Since orthodontic treatment is a type of occlusal treatment, the treatment goals of aesthetics, function, and stability must be achieved based on good occlusion. Good occlusion does not mean simply the interlocking of the upper and lower teeth. For good function, a healthy condition of the temporomandibular joint must be premised. In this paper, we considered the following questions about the points to consider during orthodontic treatment to maintain a healthy temporomandibular joint. I. Is it possible to grow the mandible? II. Is it possible to put the displaced joint disc back in place? III. What can be done to create a healthy temporomandibular joint? And, we came to the following conclusion. 1. The use of the mandibular anterior positioning device (functional appliance) may temporarily promote mandibular bone formation, but in the long run, significant growth of the mandibular bone cannot be obtained, and TMD symptoms may occur in the process of positioning the mandibular forward, so care should be taken. 2. Attempts to re-position the displaced disc are generally unsuccessful due to morphological change of the disk, and can only be tried in acute lock within a week. 3. In patients with displacement of the joint disc, using stabilizing splint to form a pseudo-disc is the right treatment direction to follow to maintain a healthy temporomandibular joint. (Clin J Korean Assoc Orthod 2024;14(1):70-79)

      • KCI등재후보

        성인 전치부 부분교정을 위한 새로운 교정장치 MTA의 이용

        황현식(Hyeon-Shik Hwang),전현란(Hyun-Ran Jeon),김석필(Seok-Pil Kim),김왕식(Wang-Sik Kim),이계형(Gye-Hyeong Lee) 대한치과의사협회 2011 대한치과의사협회지 Vol.49 No.7

        With an increase of public"s perception on “minimally invasive dentistry”, more patients are demanding orthodontic alignment of anterior teeth rather than restorative treatment which is more invasive. One draw back of orthodontic alignment has been that it takes long time. To overcome this limitation, a new orthodontic device named Mini-Tube Appliance (MTA), have been developed. With the combined use of light NiTi wire and inter-proximal stripping, rapid anterior alignment can be obtained efficiently. This article presents the use of MTA for rapid alignment of anterior teeth and its clinical guidelines with typical case samples.

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