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        Perceptions of Prophylactic Mastectomy in Korea

        윤한영,심정수,이종원 대한성형외과학회 2016 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.43 No.1

        Background Increasingly, prophylactic mastectomy has been evaluated as a treatment of breast cancer. Hereditary breast cancer now accounts for approximately 5%–10% of all cases of breast cancer, meaning that the widespread implementation of prophylactic mastectomy may significantly reduce the occurrence of breast cancer. However, prophylactic mastectomy is rarely performed in Korea. Therefore, in this study, we assessed Koreans’ attitudes toward and awareness of preventive mastectomy. Methods This was a prospective study of a cohort of patients attending outpatient clinics and their relatives. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires assessing sex, age, educational level, knowledge of breast cancer, understanding of prophylactic mastectomy, attitudes toward prophylactic mastectomy, and reasons for choosing prophylactic mastectomy. Results Sixty-five patients were included. Most patients (36.9%) were between 40 and 49 years of age and 58.4% were college graduates. Only six respondents (9%) understood prophylactic mastectomy, and 17 respondents (27%) stated that they would agree to undergo prophylactic mastectomy if necessary. Reasons given for refusing prophylactic mastectomy included aesthetic concerns (38%), the perception that it would not cure the disease (26%), possible surgical complications (24%), and financial cost (6%). Conclusions In this study, most of the respondents showed a poor knowledge of prophylactic mastectomy. Ultimately, it will be necessary to establish medical guidelines for patients with a high risk of breast cancer, with the objective of providing accurate information and proper treatment at hospitals.

      • KCI등재

        공항 면세점 위치와 판매품목별 매출액 간 관계성 연구: 인천국제공항 출국장 및 입국장 면세점 사례를 중심으로

        윤한영,조성환 한국산학기술학회 2020 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.21 No.2

        On-arrival duty free will prevent Korean outbound passengers from keeping the duty free items they purchased at the departure during their travel. Most Korean tourists have requested the airport authority to install on-arrival duty free since the grand-opening of Incheon int'l airport. Considering the fierce hub airport competition in the North East Asian region, the Korean government's decision to install on-arrival duty free is regarded as a well-timed intervention. The purpose of the research was to analyze sales correlation based on a comparison of sales of both departure and on-arrival duty free and to propose an administrative implication. Compared to business conglomerates running departure duty free, on-arrival duty free operators, who are small or medium companies, have weakness in product composition, marketing, and merchandising capabilities. According to the analysis, outbound passengers, who purchased fashion accessories and leather products at the departure duty free, tended to purchase cosmetics/perfume or liquor on the arrival duty free. Such complementary purchasing behavior of passengers showed there is barely a negative correlation between departure and on-arrival duty free. 입국장 면세점은 내국인 여객들이 출국장 면세점에서 구매한 물품을 여행 기간 내내 휴대해야 했던 불편함이 해소해 준다. 공항 입국장 면세점 설치는 많은 내국인 여객들이 오래 전부터 요구해 온 사안으로 최근 해외여행이 보편화되고 동북아 주변국 공항들이 허브공항 경쟁을 강화하면서 이번 정부의 결정은 매우 시의 적절했다는 평가를 받고 있다. 본 연구는 출국장 면세점 및 입국장 면세점의 일별 매출 자료를 토대로 판매품목 별 매출 액 간 관계성을 분석하고자 하였다. 이러한 관계성 분석을 토대로 인천국제공항 입국장 면세점 개장이 기존 출국장 면세점 매출에 긍정적 또는 부정적 영향을 미쳤는지 실증적으로 분석하고 이를 토대로 정책적 시사점을 제시하고자 하였다. 중소기업이 입국장 면세점 사업자로 선정되고 판매품목이 제한되어 가격경쟁력과 상품구성 및 기획력 등에서 대기업 위주의 출국장 면세점 사업자와 대등한 경쟁이 될 수 없는 취약점을 내포하고 있다. 향후 현재와 동일한 여건이라면 출국장 면세점에서 고관여 제품(패션악세사리, 가죽피혁 등)을 구매한 출국여객과 이외의 상품을 구매한 경우 출입국시 상호 보완적인 구매행태를 보이고, 매출에 있어 자기잠식이 발생하지 않고 있어 사업초기에 전개하는 상품기획과 마케팅 활동을 더욱 활성화할 때 매출증대와 인지도를 강화할 수 있겠다는 시사점을 도출하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Recent Improvements in the CUPID Code for a Multi-Dimensional Two-Phase Flow Analysis of Nuclear Reactor Components

        윤한영,이재룡,김형래,박익규,송철화,조형규,정재준 한국원자력학회 2014 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.46 No.5

        The CUPID code has been developed at KAERI for a transient, three-dimensional analysis of a two-phase flow in lightwater nuclear reactor components. It can provide both a component-scale and a CFD-scale simulation by using a porousmedia or an open media model for a two-phase flow. In this paper, recent advances in the CUPID code are presented inthree sections. First, the domain decomposition parallel method implemented in the CUPID code is described with theparallel efficiency test for multiple processors. Then, the coupling of CUPID-MARS via heat structure is introduced,where CUPID has been coupled with a system-scale thermal-hydraulics code, MARS, through the heat structure. Thecoupled code has been applied to a multi-scale thermal-hydraulic analysis of a pool mixing test. Finally, CUPID-SG isdeveloped for analyzing two-phase flows in PWR steam generators. Physical models and validation results of CUPID-SGare discussed.

      • KCI등재후보

        Delayed Reduction of Nasal Bone Fractures

        윤한영,한동길 대한두개안면성형외과학회 2016 Archives of Craniofacial Surgery Vol.17 No.2

        Background: Nasal bone fractures are managed by closed reduction within the 2-week period, and are managed by secondary correction after this time. There is little literature on the delayed reduction for nasal bone fractures beyond the 2-week duration. We report our experience with nasal fractures, which were reduced beyond this period. Methods: A retrospective review was performed for all patients who had undergone closed reduction of isolated nasal bone fracture. Patients were included for having undergone reduction of nasal bone fractures at or more than 2 weeks after the injury. Medical records were reviewed for demographic information, injury mechanism, fracture type, delay in treatment, and cause for delay. Postoperative outcomes were evaluated using computed tomography images. Results: The review identified 10 patients. The average reduction time was 22.1 days. Five of patients underwent reduction between days 15 and 20, and the remaining five patients underwent reduction between days 21 and 41. The postoperative outcomes were excellent in 8 patients and good in 2 patients. Conclusion: Outcomes were superior for nasal fractures with displaced end plates and multiple fracture segments. Our study results appears to support delayed reduction of isolated nasal fractures in the presence of factors that delay bony reunion.

      • KCI등재

        온실가스 배출권거래제(ETS)가 국내 항공사에 미치는 영향 및 항공사들의 전략적 대응방안 연구

        윤한영(Han-Young Yoon),임종빈(Jong-Bin Lim),박강성(Kang-Sung Park),박완규(Wan-Kyu Park),박성식(Sung-Sik Park) 한국산학기술학회 2019 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.20 No.3

        파리협정 및 ICAO CORSIA 시행으로 우리나라의 온실가스 의무감축목표가 강화된 만큼 국내선과 국제선의 항공기에서 배출되는 배출량 감축을 위한 항공사들의 전략적 대응은 절실해 보인다. 본 논문은 국내 항공운송산업에서 항공사들이 온실가스 배출량 감축을 위하여 다양한 노력을 기울임에도 불구하고 어떠한 제도적 문제점을 갖고 있는지 살펴보고, 향후 어떠한 방향으로 나아가야 하는지에 대해 논의하였다. 분석결과 첫째, 국내항공사들은 지난 3년간 배출량은 약 551만 KAU였던 반면 할당량은 약 485만 KAU에 불과하여 실제 할당량 대비 약 116% 온실가스가 배출되었고 이로 인해 국내 항공사들에는 약 107억 원의 추가 비용 부담이 발생하는 결과가 초래되었다. 둘째, 항공사들은 국내선뿐만 아니라 국제선 노선에서도 할당량 과부족에 따라 초과 배출량을 상쇄시키기 위해 초과할당량 유상 구매가 증가하게 되어 항공사의 추가비용 부담이 불가피한 전망이다. 셋째, 항공사들은 배출권거래제에 따른 전략적 대응으로 대규모 투자를 통한 친환경 고효율 항공기의 조기도입을 검토 중이나 천문학적인 비용이 투입되기 때문에 장기투자의 관점에서 점진적으로 추진할 수밖에 없다. 또한 항공사들은 엔진 세척, ULD 및 카트 경량화, 플랩 사용 확대 및 APU 사용 억제 등의 전략적 대응방안들을 적극 시행하고 있지만 단기적으로는 감축 여력이 극히 제한적인 것으로 나타났다. Airlines need to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions because of the Paris Climate Agreement and ICAO CORSIA. This examined the degree of the strategic responses to which the airlines have made and the problems in the emission trading system (ETS). According to the analysis, the total amount of emission all the airlines made in the last three years was 116% more than the emission allowance imposed by the central government resulting in 10.7 billion KRW additional emission expense. Airlines would also face an increased carbon cost due to the implementation of ICAO CORSIA by purchasing an additional paid-in emission allowance in international routes. Although it is effective to retire the old aircraft early and induce the brand-new fuel-efficient aircraft to reduce GHG emissions, it is impractical in the short-term due to the tremendous amount of investment. To reduce the emission, airlines are washing engines, using ultra-light ULD and carts in the cabin, increasing the use of flaps and preventing the use of APU. On the other hand, these are very limited measures for reducing emissions according to the ICAO"s mandatory emission target.

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