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      • KCI등재

        작업치료사의 임파워먼트, 소진 및 직무만족도에 관한 연구

        윤설희,오혜원,박보라,조승현 대한통합의학회 2024 대한통합의학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        Purpose : This study investigated the empowerment, burnout, and job satisfaction levels among occupational therapists, and to ascertained the effects of empowerment and burnout on job satisfaction. The study aimed to provide foundational data to help increase job satisfaction among occupational therapists. Methods : We surveyed 180 occupational therapists working in the Jeollabuk-do. The survey included 49 questions covering general characteristics, empowerment, burnout, and job satisfaction. Differences in empowerment, burnout, and job satisfaction levels based on general characteristics were analyzed using independent sample t-tests and one-way ANOVA. We performed multiple regression analyses to ascertain the effects of empowerment and burnout on job satisfaction. Results : The average scores for job satisfaction, burnout, and empowerment were 40.32, 58.40, 41.82, respectively. Job satisfaction according to general characteristics showed statistically significant differences based on the annual income and the most difficult treatment. We found that empowerment factors such as perceived importance of the job confidence in one's abilities, and independence and autonomy in job performance, significantly affected job satisfaction. However, the most significant factor influencing job satisfaction was daily fatigue and stress. Conclusion : Job empowerment and burnout of significantly affected job satisfaction among occupational therapists. Occupational therapists have a effect on the daily lives of their clients through interventions, playing a crucial role for each individual client. Thus, increasing the empowerment and job satisfaction levels of occupational therapists and reducing their burnout levels can help improve the quality of life of the clients and enable occupational therapists to provide high-quality services.

      • KCI등재

        R-CHOP 요법으로 치료한 장기이식 후 림프증식 질환 2예

        윤설희,김수정,이혜원,황도유,김진석,정준원,민유홍 대한혈액학회 2008 Blood Research Vol.43 No.2

        Posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) is a group of heterogeneous lymphoid diseases that cause serious complications after organ or stem cell transplantation. The onset of PTLD is mostly due to EBV infection-induced B-cell proliferation and a defect in cytotoxic T cell function that occurs with immunosuppression. The usual treatment strategy for PTLD is reduction or withdrawal of immunosuppressive drugs with or without the administration of antiviral agents. Recently, various studies on the efficacy of rituximab or chemotherapy have been reported. We report two cases of rapidly progressing and complicated PTLDs after kidney transplantation that were successfully treated with a combination regimen consisting of rituximab, cyclophosphamide, adriamycin, vincristine and prednisolone (R-CHOP).

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        특집 : 육당 최남선의 시조정리사업과 그 의미 -『가곡선』과 『시조유취』를 중심으로

        윤설희 ( Seol Hee Youn ) 한국시가학회 2012 韓國 詩歌硏究 Vol.32 No.-

        본고는 육당 최남선의 시조정리사업, 그 중에서도 그의 문학담론의 문화적 실천행위로구상된 가집인 『가곡선』과 『시조유취』의 편찬 과정에서 이루어진 육당의 시조 인식의 변화와 문화적 담론체로서의 시조의 재생산 과정을 살피고, 그 과정에서 드러나는 육당의시조정리사업이 지니는 의미를 살피는 데 목적을 둔다. 육당이 구래(舊來)의 시조 텍스트들을 선별, 수용하여 새로운 가집으로 재생산하는 과정은 ``축적적 문학담론``의 소산이었다. 그는 전대(18~19세기)에 축적된 가곡향유 문화의 다양한 ``결``들을 계승하는 한편, 당대(20세기 초)의 새로운 가치를 부여하여 이들을 해체,집적함으로써 재문맥화한 과정의 결과물로 『가곡선』과 『시조유취』를 편찬하였던 것이다. 『가곡선』이 노래로서의 시조, 즉 ``가곡``을 통해 조선 국민문학을 이루어낼 수 있는 토대를 발견함으로써 조선의 민족적 정체성을 담아낸 국민문학의 전범을 세우려 했던 작업이었다면, 『시조유취』는 언어 텍스트로서의 시조를 조선 국민문학의 한 장르로 재편하는 과정이었다. 『가곡선』을 거쳐 『시조유취』에 이르기까지 그가 수행한 일련의 작업들은 20세기 초, 전통과 근대가 맞물리는 시기에 시조가 직면한 장르전변의 과정을 보여준다. 연창(演唱)을 위한 가집에 필사된 가창텍스트, 즉 ``노래``로 인식되었던 ``시조``는 점차 음악과멀어지며, 언어체로서의 시적담론을 모색하게 되었고 문학 텍스트로서의 완성된 시형을 갖춘 ``시``로서의 면모를 갖추어 나가기 시작했던 것이다. 육당의 이러한 노력은 문학 장르로서 시조가 조선문학사에 자리매김하는 데 매우 결정적인 역할을 하였다. 이는 그가 미완의 과제로 남겨두었던 시조의 내용과 형식에 대한 후대 학자들의 이론적 연구를 촉발시키는 계기와 토대를 마련하게 되었고, 가창(음악적 담론)에서 분리되기 시작한 시조는 문학 텍스트로서의 시적 형식을 갖추어 나가며 ``문학으로의 시조, 詩로서의 시조``의 존립기반을 형성해 나가기 시작했던 것이다. This report investigates the reproduction process of Sijo as literary discourse method and Yookdang(also named Choi Nam Seon)`s change in perception of Sijo upon publication of "Gagokseon" and "Sijo Youchui", which were designed from Yookdang Choi Nam Seon`s cultural practice of his own literary discourse, like his other Sijo-rearrangement projects. In addition, the meaning of Yookdang`s Sijo-rearrangement project itself is also dealt as major purpose of this report. The process of Yookdang`s selection and reception of Sijo-text handed down from the previous period were product of cumulative literary discourse. He had made succession of variety aspects from shared and enjoyed culture of Gagok which are accumulated from the prior periods(18~19th Century), as well as taking these work pieces apart and re-arranging them with adding new values from his present time period. Through this disorganization and re-integration, he has published "Gagokseon" and "Sijo-Youchui" as a result of re-context process. "Gagokseon" was a project to set up a standardized model of national literature holding national identity of Chosun dynasty by founding the basis to develop national literature of Chosun through "Gagok"-Sijo as a song, within boundary of music, while "Sijo-Youchui" was a process of reorganizing Sijo as a linguistic text, into a Genre of national literature of Chosun. His projects and works from "Gagokseon" to "Sijo-Youchui" shows the constant change in Genre Sijo was facing during the early 20th century, where traditions and modern period was in the verge of change. Sijo, originally being a written Gachang text for acting and singing performance, had came to be more apart from its purpose, and led to searching for poetic discourse as a linguistic method, and at last got fixed poetic style as a literary text. These Efforts of Yookdang had done a conclusive and important role for Sijo as a literary genre to be set in its place within Korean literature. Such work has provided the basis for scholars after age to start theoretical studies of Sijo`s contents and format, which are left untouched. And from his works Sijo was detached from Gachang(Musical discourse), started having poetic format as literary text, thus developed basis of " Sijo as literature, Sijo as poem".

      • KCI등재

        1910년대 조선-서양 근대 지식인의 고시조 담론

        윤설희(Youn, Seol-Hee) 부산대학교 인문학연구소 2017 코기토 Vol.- No.81

        The main objective of this report is to study the activities related to Si-jo by scholars of Choseon and the West during the 1910s. Through this enables searching the meanings of Si-jo being discussed based on Modern Scholastic discourse. Studies on such are done by focusing on a Christian missionary James Scarth Gales(1863∼1937) who were first to introduce Si-jo into Western network of literature studies, and on Choi Nam Seon, who brought the interest on Si-jo to Writers and field of Literature. Gale and Choi Nam Seon has been recognizing Si-jo at their own literature discourse, one a foreigner christian missionary and the other as Korean scholar. In accordance, their discussions on Si-jo may appear to be similar im general, but has many differences in details. 1910s were the turning point on recognition on Si-jo. From then Gale and Choi nam Seon had applied perspective where their study object Si-jo are represented as comparatively old to the up to date lierature then. Si-jo before 1910s were called “Go-Si-jo”, and its discourse has also changed from text sang in musical format into written literature. However while Gales’s recognition on Si-jo was based on its nature seeking both text and the musical phases, Choi Nam Seon saw Si-jo as part of poetry and seeked more meaning as a written lierature than musical phase. During the time both foreign and Korean(Choseon) scholars in general neglected literary value of S-ijo considering that the Chinese culrue and literature has had major affect to Si-jo. Gale and Choi Nam Seon saw different. Gale understood the Chinese letters found in Si-jo as literary vocabulary, as well as recognizing the similar characteristics of Si-jo with Chinese literature as distictive character of Si-jo its own. Majority of scholars of the time has seen Si-jo as imitated copy of Chinese poems - however, Choi Nam Seon claimed that Si-jo is most distict Choseon Literature with originality, matching all conditions and format to be seen as perfect Choseon Literture. Choi Nam Seon had negative perspectives on Chinese literature affecting on Si-jo in many ways, but did not make conclusions in this regards, his claim was focusing on Si-jo’s literary value as Choseon culture and written literature. This difference is due to the different basics of the two scholars knowledge and approach on literature. Gale had already been familiar with the modern concept of literature, so he could study Choseon literature and Si-jo as 3rd party under very objective perspective. Choi Nam Seon, on the other hand, had to apply the modern literature concept that wah relatively new to him at the time, as such concept was taken into Choseon from the west. In this regards Choi Nam Seon had to seek for Choseon Literature and its value as national literature, which is different from Gale’s perspectives. Si-jo was recognized by Gale as Choseon Literature, for Choi Nam Seon it was recognized as the national literature.

      • KCI등재

        근대초기 잡지에 수록된 고시조의 담론특성 연구

        윤설희 ( Seolhee Youn ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2021 인문사회 21 Vol.12 No.3

        본 연구는 근대지식의 조직과 제도화에 목적을 둔 근대초기 잡지에 수록된 고시조의 담론 특성을 살피는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 최남선의 『소년』과 『청춘』에 수록된 고시조 작품을 중심으로 그 수록 양상의 특징과 담론 특성을 살펴보았다. 연구 결과 『소년』은 과거의 고시조를 당대의 새로운 매체인 잡지에 소환하는 한편, 민족의식의 고취를 가능케 하는 내용의 고시조 작품을 정기적으로 수록함으로써, 고시조를 민족적 지식의 일부로 구상하고 있음을 살필 수 있었다. 그리고 이후 『청춘』에서는 조직화된 과학적 지식으로서의 문학 개념을 정립하고 그 일부로 고시조를 자리매김 하는 작업이 다양한 차원에서 이루어졌음을 살필 수 있었다. 근대지식의 구성과 조직에 깊이 관여한 잡지를 통해 고시조를 소환, 재편한 최남선의 노력은 고시조가 조선의 문학으로 근대지식 담론 위에서 학술적으로 소통되는 데 크게 기여한 것이었다는 점에서 문학사적 의의가 있다. The purpose of this study is to observe characteristics of Gosijo discourse for those Gosijo published in early modern magazines, whose objective was to organize and institutionalization of modern knowledge. To do this characteristics of publication format and discourse has been observed focusing on Gosijo works published in Sonyeon and Cheongchun. As result, Sonyeon summons Gosijo in to a modern media called magazine, and by regularly publishing Gosijo which inspires national awareness, embodys Gosijo as part of National knowledge. In Cheongchun, thesis has been set on concept of literature as part of organized scientific knowledge- part of such work has been applied on Gosijo in various aspects. Efforts of Choinamseon to summon and reorganize Gosijo into magazine, which has deeply been involved in structuring and organization of modern knowledge, hold literatry historic importance on the point that his works provided Gosijo as Josun literature to be shared upon modern knwoledge discourse.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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