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        윤기옥 인천교육대학교 학생생활연구소 1995 대학생활연구 Vol.9 No.-

        나의 유학생활을 한마디로 요약한다면 '뜻이 있는 곳에 길이 있다(Where there is a will, there is a way)'라고 할 수 있다. 유학을 권한 사람도 없었고, 내가 뜻을 세우고 노력했기 때문에 가능했던 것이다. 중학교 다닐 때부터 사회 변동으로 기울기 시작한 가세는 내가 대학 다닐 때에는 몹시 어려운 상태였지만, 나는 대학 때 부터 계속 공부를 하겠다는 생각을 가지고 있었다. 서울 사대를 졸업하면 교직에 종사할 것이고, 가르친다고 하는 것은 끊임없이 배워야한다는 것을 의미한다는 생각에서, 대학을 졸업하자 마자 대학원에 들어갔고, 계속 유학 준비를 했다. 대학원을 졸업하고 중학교에 근무할 때, 호주 유학생 선발에 대한 문교부의 공문을 보고, 응시하여, 3명의 대학교수와 중학교에 근무하던 내가 호주 정부 장학생(Colombo Paln)으로 선발되어, 호주의 명문 대학인 University of Sidney에서 Teaching English to the Speakers of Other Languages(TELSOL)대학원 과정을 공부하게 되었다.

      • 교육실습에 대한 새로운 방향탐색

        윤기옥 仁川敎育大學校 1992 論文集 Vol.26 No.1

        In this study in the contexts of education reform, teacher education, and field experiences in America, the present and future of field experiences in teacher education in Korea were explored. In America since A Nation at Risk was released in 1983, there has been a substantial effort to upgrade education in almost every state. State mandates about structure and goals were followed by localism and teacherism, involving parents and students. In teacher education the establishment of Professional Development Schools, linking preservice and inservice teacher education, training cooperating teachers are a few of the examples that intend to co-reform preservice and inservice education. The momentum of field experinences continues in spite of the lack of a firm research support. I used Schwab`s four commonplaces of curriculum as a conceptual framwork for thinking and making decisions about field experiences. Then field experiences programs of Eastern Michigan University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Inchon National Teachers College were presented. Finally the following suggestions were made for the field experiences in teacher education in Korea. 1) A separate office in charge of the field experiences should be established. 2) The role of the college supervisors shoul be reconceptualized and their active participation should be encouraged. 3) Seminar sessions should be designed to broaded the students` perspectives on teaching. 4) Based on the discussion and consensus about the purpose of teacher education and field experience, inquiry-oriented field experiences programs should be developed. 5) In the field experiences curriculum teaching skills and general pedagogical knowledge should be emphasized as well as subject matter knowledge. 6) The knowledge base of teacher education should be properly applied in the field experiences curriculum. 7) Teacher education institutions and cooperating schools should link more closely in teacher preparation 8) Cooperating teacher trainging programs should be developed.

      • KCI등재

        교내장학의 동향과 발전방향 탐색

        윤기옥 인천교육대학교 초등교육연구소 2001 교육논총 Vol.18 No.-

        교육의 질, 수업의 질의 향상은 모든 사람들의 관심사가 되어 왔고, 이와 함께 장학, 특히 수업장학도 시대?사회의 변화에 따라 발전하여 왔다. 수업장학은 다양한 수준에서 다양한 형태로 이루어질 수 있으나, 최근에 급속히 이루어지고 있는 시대?사회적인 변화 속에서 학교중심 경영과 함께 강조되는 것이 교내장학이다. 교내장학은 사회에 따라 다양한 문제점을 나타내는 가운데 변화하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 일반적으로 나타내고 있는 교내장학의 변화 동향, 문제점, 앞으로의 장학연구의 방향을 살펴보며, 장학의 발전방향을 교육의 도덕적?윤리적 기초인 민주주의와 관련하여 탐색해 본다. Trends and Development Directions of School Supervision Kiok Yoon. Based on the concern for quality education and quality learning, supervision, specifically speaking, instructional supervision has been developing, reflecring the characteristics of the times and society. Recently due to the rapid change of the society, the school-based management and school supervision has been emphasized. Even though supervision develops unfolding the problems the society faces, general trends and development directions can be elicited. The general trends of supervision are (1) shift form individual to group focus, (2) shift from preoccupation with inspection and evaluation toward a function of facilitating growth, (3) shift from a micro to a macroconceptualization of supervisory context, (4) emphasis on creating community, both within the school and with the larger community which the school serves. The issues in supervision are (1) simplistic solution to dilemmas, (2) reintegration with curriculum, (3) recognition as a profession, (4) methodological rigor, (5) moral foundation. Traditional persistent questions such as the effect of supervision on student achievement, the factors related to supervisory efficacy, comparison of supervision models, and innovative research questions such as the use of new inquiry methods, historical examination of issues if diversity the effect of the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the supervisee on supervision, the effect of the managerial/organizational theories from the field of business on supervision and so forth should be explored using not only qualitative method but also qualitative method. But most of all a moral and ethical center as a foundation for assessing roles, responsibilities, programs, and achievements of school supervision is urgently needed. Without moral foundation of education, little guidance exists for determining what supervisors and supervision programs should be doing or accomplishing. And democracy as educative hope can be the moral foundation for supervision. The field of supervision must dedicate itself to the incessant struggle of making schools the center of democratic inquiry.

      • 교사 교육의 패러다임

        윤기옥 仁川敎育大學校 1993 論文集 Vol.27 No.2

        In this study the problems and paradigms of teacher education in America in the 20C were explored to understand the present condition and explore the future orientation of the teacher education in Korea better. Four commom criticisms of professional education in America is focused on the vapidity, impracticality, segmentation, and directionlessness of education courses. In Korea, especially in elementary education, due to the characteristics of the teacher education system as well as those of the organization of the teacher education institution, vapidity and directionlessness could be regarded as somewhat problematic. As for the paradigms of teacher education, Shubert explored hermeneutic and critical paradigms and delineates questions raised for the critique of the dominant empirical-analytic paradigm He encouraged teacher educators to reflect on the powerful differences inherent in different paradigms, and to think how fundamental the differences between the empirical-analytic, the hermeneutic, and the critical forms of inquiry are, and if they are wholly separate and incompatible or taken together they complement one another, providing broader and deeper perspectives on the complex phenomenon known as teacher education. Zeichner proposed 4 paradigms of teacher education-behavioristic, personalistic, traditional-craft, inquiry-oriented teacher education based on the basic assumptions that distinguishes the basic goal of one approach from another. Zeichner and Liston argues the lack of historical consciousness in teacher education and deals with the problems ans future orientation of teacher education, while proposing 4 paradigms or traditions of reform the academic traditon, the social efficiency tradition, the developmentalist tradition, and the social reconstructionist tradition. Goodlad, in his collaboration model which is a procedural rather than a substantive approach to reform of teacher education, proposed center of pedagogy, a form of collaboration as the centerpiece of teacher education reforms. He stronly recommands the creation of school -university partnership to provide a supportive infrastructure for such centers, and he further endorses the collaborative development of professional development schools. The analysis of paradigms and model of teacher education seems to have less to do with which reflects the best way to restructure teacher education than it does with helping to understand they had so little impact on teacher education curriculum. They frequently focuse on very different issues, and advocates of each paradigm and model tend not even to engage one another's arguments, let alone come to points of resolution. Even when a commom concern is addressed. the answers often are mutually exclusive. In the future debate among the advocates of these paradigms and model should be carried out, and teacher education should be more than searching for the effective procedures and systems without exploring the goal, as it is prevalent these days. In fact the teacher education paradigm is the basis of a teacher education program, and frequently more than two paradigms are incorporated in a teacher education program, though the main paradigm can be discerned. The main program is often influenced by outside power. In Korea the cooperative approach emphasizing close relationship between university and school may contrebute to renewing teacher education and schooling. Therefore intensive study on the center of pedagogy, professional development schools, and their applicability which is followed by small scale experiment is required.

      • 초ㆍ중등 학교의 발전 방향

        윤기옥 仁川敎育大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.29 No.2

        Direcyion of development in the elementary and secendary school is explored, comparing the education in Korea with that of America with a view that change is inevitable to prepare for the 21st centiry. Education change and the shift of mind diversifying the school and the right to choose a school, site-based management, The necessaity to building the community of learners and University-school partnership for co-reform examind. The eight basic lesson of the new paradiign of change that we need to know for education dhange are that you can't mandate what matters, changes is a journy not a blueprint, problem are our freinds. vision and stregic planning come later, individualism and collectivism must have equal poqer, neither centralization nor decentralzation works, connection with thw wider environment is critical for sucess, every person is a change agent. The necessity of diversifying the school in order to make the right to choose a school meaningful is examined comparing the schools in korea and america with a focus on several school districts. Site-based management which is a political reform initiated to broaden the decision-making process achivement is reviewed in terms of curriculum, instruction, and site council. The importante of building the community of learners for systematic school reforem is examined centering on the school-university od partnership and the businessk-education partnership. As important change agents teachers and principals should know their own strengths and weakness principals to fiind out thier weak points and merit. So a systematic study on the standards of evaluation, the way to evaluate, as well as preservice and inservice education for the evaluation in needed. With these ideases in mind, the evaluate instruments used in America for principals and teachers is examined and compared with those in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        임상장학 : 그 다양한 모형과 학습사회 형성 It's Various Models and Becoming a Learning Society

        윤기옥 仁川敎育大學校 初等敎育硏究所 2000 교육논총 Vol.17 No.-

        Clinical supervision which first appeared in MAT program of Harvard university in the middle of 1950s has become the heart of modern supervision. It has been widely used for preservice and inservice teacher education, and as the society and curriculum changes various models have been developed and used. Original clinical models which emerged between 1960s and early 1970s emphasize collegiality and mutual discovery of meaning. Humanistic and artistic models which emerged between 1970s and early 1980s emphasize positive and productive interpersonal relations with holistic understanding of classroom events. Technical and didactic models which emerged between early to mid 1980s emphasize effective teaching strategies, techniques, and organizational expectations. Developmental and reflective models which emerged between mid 1980s and early 1990s emphasize teacher cognitive development, introspection and discovery of context-specific principles of practice. The most successful organizations are the "learning organizations" that are capable of adapting quickly in a diverse and rapidly changing environment. Although the maximally adaptive organization is still an ideal, many schools are moving toward less bureaucratic, decentralized structures and are using problem-focused teams to improve the performance, which is similar to peer supervision. One issue supervision faces involves creating the conditions under which the existing rich craft knowledge of teaching can be shared and made part of an ongoing professional discussion. As for this the original models seem to be especially well-suited. Second issue facing supervision with respect to building learning communities involves creating conditions by which new knowledge about teaching can be introduced and incorporated into classrooms and schools. Many of clinical models seem to be well-suited for it. A third issue facing supervision is the need to invent and act upon new knowledge about teaching and teaming, and models by Glickman, Costa and Garmston, as well as reflective models seem to be well-suited for it. Clinical supervision is an umbrella term which involves various models, and it can help teachers become continuous learners and schools become learning societies. It is not a specific type of supervision which is needed by beginning teachers and experienced teachers with problems.

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