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      • KCI등재


        유결 한국중문학회 2023 中國文學硏究 Vol.- No.90

        This paper discusses the synchronic causes and diachronic reasons for the expression of the words “wheeling bicycle” in chinese. First of all, we made a comparative analysis of the members and their semantic characteristics of the concept domain of “moving things horizontally with hands” in Chinese and Korean, so as to clearly understand the distribution of members in the concept domain of the two languages and the semantic characteristics of each conceptual structure, and based on this, we specifically analyzed the synchronic causes of the matching and combination expression of the concepts of “pushing a bicycle” in Chinese and “dragging (pulling) a bicycle” in Korean, And further comparative analysis of the cognitive differences between the two nations. Because the concepts of “push” and “drag (pull)” in the cognition of the two nations have different connotation of conceptual elements, the semantic structure and semantic characteristics of the two words are also different. After the emergence of “bicycle”, a new means of transportation, the observation and cognition viewpoints of the two nations are also different, so the two nations have chosen “words that conform to their respective cognitive viewpoints, can express the highlighted dimensional characteristics of the viewpoint, and have the semantic characteristics in the semantic structure” to match and combine to express the specific action behavior. In addition, this paper also examines the appearance and semantic characteristics of the members of the Chinese concept domain of “moving things horizontally with hands” from the diachronic level, and specifically analyzes the use of “push” in ancient Chinese literature and its semantic combination cases in historical documents, further investigating the semantic characteristics of the conceptual structure “push”. The emergence and use of semantic combinations such as “push hub” and “push the cart on both sides” provide us with a historical and cultural basis to further prove that the concept of “push” has the semantic feature of “the agent and the patient can be in parallel position” in the location relationship between the agent and the patient, and also provide clues and explanations for better understanding the diachronic causes of the expression of the word “wheeling the bicycle”.

      • KCI등재


        유결 중국문화연구학회 2022 중국문화연구 Vol.- No.55

        Based on personal teaching practice, this paper analyzes and investigates nearly 50000 words of Korean students’ writing corpus collected in Chinese writing class. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis, we find that “substitution” error and “omission” error are the two largest types of errors in the corpus. This paper mainly studies the errors of “omission”. According to the corpus, Korean Learners’ omission errors mainly include: subject omission, predicate and object omission, attribute, adverbial and complement omission, adverb, conjunction and auxiliary omission. Among them, “subject omission” and “auxiliary omission” are the two categories with the largest number of errors, especially “subject omission”. By further examining the subject omission errors, we find that the first person pronoun as the subject is the most likely subject omission for Korean learners of all different levels, while the omission of the subject in the whole sentence and the omission of the subject in the next clause in the case of the subject conversion are more likely to occur for Korean learners of lower level. Secondly, in the omission errors of adverbs, conjunctions and auxiliary words, we focus on the omission of “Le” and “de” in the omission errors of auxiliary words. Combined with the research of other scholars, we think that Korean learners tend to omit the dynamic auxiliary “le1”, on the contrary, the modal auxiliary “le2” tends to have redundant errors. For the omission of “de”, the structural auxiliary “de1” is more prone to omission errors, and the modal auxiliary “de2” is more prone to redundancy errors. Finally, we analyze the causes of Korean Learners’ omission errors and put forward corresponding teaching suggestions. 本文定量定性地整理分析了近五万字韩国学生写作语料中的“遗漏偏误”。根据语料情况,韩国学习者“遗漏”偏误出现的情况主要包括:“主语遗漏”偏误,谓语和宾语遗漏,定语、状语和补语部分成分的遗漏,副词、连词和助词的遗漏. 其中“主语遗漏”和“助词遗漏”是偏误数量最多的两类,而其中又尤以“主语遗漏”为最多。通过进一步具体考察“主语遗漏”偏误,我们发现第一人称代词做主语是不同水平韩国学习者都最易出现的遗漏偏误,而整个句子遗漏主语和前后小句主语转换情况下遗漏后一小句主语的情况则更多地发生在汉语水平相对来说较低的未留过学的韩国学习者身上。其次,在副词、连词和助词词语遗漏偏误中,我们着重考察了位居遗漏偏误数量第二位的助词“了”,“的”遗漏情况。结合其他学者的研究成果,我们认为韩国学习者汉语中介语体系里有遗漏动态助词“了1”,结构助词“的1”,冗余语气助词“了2”,“的2”的偏误规律。最后,我们分析了造成韩国学习者“遗漏”偏误产生的原因并提出了相应的教学建议。

      • KCI등재

        《齊民要術》中的"用"字 -兼試析"用"介進時間名詞用法的由來及消亡

        유결 한국중문학회 2011 中國文學硏究 Vol.45 No.-

        <Qi Min Yao Shu> is an important documentary in middle history, the words of it reflect the characteristics of Chinese``s development. The word "yong" is a very good example. In addition, we fully investigated its usage in <Qi Min Yao Shu>, and we found that it can be analyzed as a prep, and this is earlier than the examples in <The grand Chinese dictionary>. This article will concretely analyze the word "yong" ``s usage in <Qi Min Yao Shu> and try to explain the origin and the death of "yong" as a preposition.

      • KCI등재


        유결 중국문화연구학회 2019 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.43

        The quantifier has developed most notably in the period of the Wei, Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties. The nominal measure word, which represents the individual quantifier of the natural unit, is widely used on the basis of preliminary application and enters the stage of full maturity, the verbal measure word is rapidly developed from the bud and has the nature of gradual maturity. The category of quantifier use has been formed, But in the two classifiers, the verbal quantifiers is relatively late and is far less abundant than the noun quantifier, so there has always been a situation of weak study on verbal measure word in the study of measure word. The reason why we choose the verbal quantifiers in Qi Min Yao Shu is mainly because "Qi Min Yao Shu" is the most complete ancient agricultural science and technology monograph in ancient China, which has great influence. In terms of language style, the oral information is very valuable and rich, while the book is compared with the same period's document literature. At present, although there are some achievements in the study of the quantifier of Qi Min Yao Shu, all of these researches are related to noun quantifier in Qi Min Yao Shu. This paper, based on the traditional lexicology, modern linguistics and the theory of semantics, carries out the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the verbal quantifiers in Qi Min Yao Shu. From the types of verbal quantifiers in Qi Min Yao Shu, the representation of verbal quantifiers and the grammatical function of the verbal quantifiers, the article describes the appearance of the verbal quantifiers in Qi Min Yao Shu, and the development of the verbal quantifiers in Qi Min Yao Shu as far as possible in combination with the inheritance of verbal quantifiers. From the classification of verbal quantifiers, all kinds of verbal quantifiers of Qi Min Yao Shu appeared, including not only the special verbal quantifiers, but also the borrowed verbal quantifiers. From the inheritance of verbal quantifiers, there are both the verbal quantifiers in ancient times and the new verbal quantifiers in the middle ancient times. Verbal quantifiers in Qi Min Yao Shu are much richer than those literature of the same period. From the point of the expression of action quantity, the verbal quantifiers expression in Qi Min Yao Shu has "number+verb","verb+number+verbal quantifier","number+verbal quantifier+verb","number+verbal quantifier", "verb+number". In terms of data, the expression "verb+number+verbal quantifier","number+verbal quantifier+verb" are more flourishing than before. We hope to give a comprehensive description of the system of verbal quantifiers in Qi Min Yao Shu and provide some helps for the research of verbal quantifiers. 量詞在魏晉南北朝時期發展最爲顯著,以表示天然單位的個體量詞爲主要標誌的名量詞,在前期初步運用的基礎上得到廣泛使用,進入全面成熟的階段,動量詞則由萌芽狀態轉入迅速發展,?且呈現逐步成熟的性質。可以說,一個完整的量詞使用範疇已經形成。但量詞的兩大分類名量詞和動量詞中,由於動量詞相對於名量詞出現較?,且在數量上也遠不如名量詞?富,所以曆來對於量詞的?究就出現了重名量輕動量的局面,而本文之所以選擇『齊民要術』中的動量詞加以?究,主要是因爲『齊民要術』是中國現存最完整的一部古代農業科學技術專著,影響巨大,就語言風格來說,其中的口語資料,十分寶貴而?富,而該書相比同時期的『水經注』,『洛陽伽藍記』,『世說新語』,『?氏家訓』等文獻典籍,其中的動量詞更爲?富多樣。目前,雖然針對『齊民要術』量詞的?究無論是單篇文章還是碩博論文都有了一些成果,但都是有關『齊民要術』中的名量詞方面的?究,而針對其動量詞的專門?究?未引起足?重視和深入展開。故本文將以中古時期的農書『齊民要術』??究對象,對其中的動量詞,進行定量定性地窮盡性地整理分析。 文章從『齊民要術』中動量詞的類型,動量詞的數量表示法,以及動量詞的語法功能等方面詳細描寫了『齊民要術』中的動量詞的面貌,?結合動量詞的傳承情況,盡可能地觀察『齊民要術』中的動量詞的共?,??發展情況。從動量詞的分類上看,動量詞的各種類型『齊民要術』中都有出現,其中不僅有專用動量詞,也有借用的動量詞,從量詞的傳承情況來看,『齊民要術』中?有沿用上古的動量詞,也有中古時期新生的動量詞。相比而言,『齊民要術』中的動量詞比同時期的文獻『世說新語』,『洛陽伽藍記』等都要?富得多。從動作數量表示法方面來看,『齊民要術』中的動量詞表示法有“數+動”,“動+數+量”,“數+量+動”,“數+量”,“動+數”5種格式,以數據來看,魏晉南北朝時期動量表示仍然以“數+動”爲常,但與此同時,“動+數+量”和“數+量+動”表示法也在逐步繁榮。最後從動量結構以及數量結構所承擔的語法功能方面來看,動量結構主要承擔謂語的語法功能,但『齊民要術』中亦可做主語,謂語,定語。而數量結構和動詞的關系則是數量結構可以做狀語,補語,省略動詞時亦可做主語,謂語,後面接名詞時,亦可做定語。 綜上所述,我們希望能通過對『齊民要術』中的動量詞系統而全面地描寫,?動量詞的?究提供一點?助。

      • KCI등재

        表示“撇取”义词汇的历史演变——以 『齐民要术』中表“撇取”义的词汇为线索

        유결 한국중국언어문화연구회 2014 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.34

        Vocabulary is a system and so are their meanings. Taking conceptual field as a background, investigating the changes of the words and their distributions in different historical periods is an effective method to study the historical development of vocabulary system. In this article, we studied the vocabulary of “skim” in different historical periods and got a clear development hint of the changes of the word “skim”. We hope we can recognize the changes of the word of “skim” and give some help to the study of Chinese vocabulary.

      • KCI등재


        유결 한국중국언어문화연구회 2013 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.31

        The word ”shi” which is often used in Chinese as a verb to connect the subject and object to express different relations is very important, but it is frequently misused by Korean students while learning Chinese. On the basis of the inter - language corpus, the paper collects a great deal of sentences with errors made by Korean students while using“shi”and analyzes the acquisition condition of the different uses of ‘shi’. Through an adequate analysis of such data, the author attempts to explore the way of thinking in Korean students’ acquisition of Chinese and to reveal the features of their inter language system in order to improve the pertinent teaching strategies. By comparing the target language Chinese and the mother language Korean, the paper also explores reasons for the errors, and proposes the corresponding teaching strategies as well1.

      • KCI등재후보

        『齊民要術』 農業類詞彙研究

        유결 한국중국언어문화연구회 2018 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.47

        By taking <Qi Min Yao Shu> as its object, and traditional lexicology and modern linguistics and modern semantics as its method, this dissertation describes and analyzes the agriculture vocabulary of <Yao Shu> with a light to reveal the aspect of <Yao Shu>’s agriculture vocabulary and attempts at some lexical phenomenon, Through this, we can observe the development and change of agriculture words and the law of Chinese Language from synthesizing to analyz, we hope to provide some help to the study of the history of Chinese Language.

      • KCI등재

        유방성형술의 재수술에서의 보형물 만져짐 교정을 위한 피막피판

        유결,이백권 대한성형외과학회 2009 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.36 No.6

        Purpose: Among reasons for reoperations in augmentation mammoplasty, palpable implant, due to thin skin is relatively common, but not easy to correct, especially if thin skin area is wide. The capsule around the implant is a physiologic response to foreign body, naturally formed, and suitable for use as a flap because of its high vascularity. Authors report that capsular flap is very effective and successful method for correction of implant palpability in secondary breast augmentation. Methods: From September 2007 to September 2008, the capular flaps were performed on 5 patients having palpable and wrinkling breast implants due to very thin skin among the cases on whom secondary augmentation mammaplasty had been performed. After the capsular flap was elevated according to thin skin area, the capsular flap was turned down or over to cover the thin skin area and made the thin skin area thick. Results: Post - implant palpable breast wrinkling had been successfully corrected by capsular flaps and breast implants were not palpable any more during the follow - up period(average 9.2 months). All patients who suffered from deformed breast were satisfied. Conclusion: Authors suggest that the capsular flap is a ideal, effective and useful method in management of implant palpability.

      • KCI등재


        유결 한국중문학회 2019 中國文學硏究 Vol.0 No.74

        On the basis of the original study, with the method of description and interpretation, Through diachronic research, this paper investigates thoroughly the emergence and development of Chinese verbal quantifier “guo” in the different articles of qin dynasty, han dynasty and weijinnanbei dynasty, yuan dynasty ,ming dynasty and qing dynasty. “guo” is seen in han Dynasty. Our opinion is that “guo” grammaticalized from “numeral +verb”. The function of “guo” is adverbial and complement. The number of verbs modified by “guo” gradually increased in Southern and Northern Dynasties, so does “du”, they became generic verb quantifier. And Because of its own residual meaning, it was replaced by other words. As a word class, we think That Chinese verbal quantifier did not emerge together, there were different levels and that verbal quantifier already emerged in han dynasty. Including verbal quantifier guo(过). 如果個體動量詞的曆時共時發展演變研究能夠得到准確翔實而深入地展開,動量詞體系的整體發展演變面貌就能得到更全面而准確地考察和描寫。目前學界盡管對於動量詞“過”的產生存在不同觀點,但對“過”的發展演變有一般比較公認的看法,認爲至魏晉南北朝時期“過”已經成爲在各類文獻資料中最常見的“無色”通用動量詞,幾乎可以與各類動詞相結合,而經過了南北朝的興盛,唐代“過”的使用率大大降低,直到最終消亡。而就我們所檢索到的資料來看,動量詞“過”的產生發展還有待於進一步探討。 本文結合學界現有的研究成果,通過盡可能窮盡性地檢索不同時期,不同性質文獻典籍中動量詞“過”的使用分布用例,來進一步全面而准確,深入而翔實地描述動量詞“過”的產生發展演變。 關於動量詞“過”的產生,有“先秦說”,“漢代說”,“魏晉說”,我們通過檢索語料庫的資料發現在西漢《史記》文獻中,受到語法結構中經常出現的語法位置的影響,加之語義上的重新分析,“過”在西漢時期可以說已經產生了動量詞的用法。另外關於魏晉南北朝時期“過”和“度”的使用情況,學界普遍認爲“度”的用例不如“過”常見,且用法也不及“過”,但我們通過檢索不同性質的資料發現,二者的使用情況完全不同,道家道教文獻中,動量詞“過”獨霸天下,而在醫藥農業方面的文獻中,動量詞“度”明顯地占據優勢,我們認爲魏晉南北朝時期動量詞“過”和“度”幾乎勢均力敵,甚至“度”在某些文獻中更勝“過”一籌。而最後隨著時代的變化,到了隋唐五代時期,“度”的實力明顯地超過了“過”,加之動量詞“回”的競爭,“過”的用例越發少見。發展至宋代,雖然“過”的用例有所回升,但無法占據優勢,到了元明清時期,動量詞“次”的用法占據了優勢,但這時動量詞“過”並未消失不見,其所能結合的動詞義類往往限於閱讀吟誦類,翻檢質審類。至今現代漢語某些方言中“過”的動量詞用法仍在使用。考察動量詞“過”的产生发展演变,我們認爲这一現象的産生均和詞匯本身的語義特征有關,具有不同語義特征的動詞根據所需計量的特征,對具有不同语义特征的動量詞的細部分工要求選擇也越來越精細,加之语言词汇系統自身因語義能量要平衡和谐的要求和調整,从而最终形成了词汇之间的互相选择竞争以及兴替淘汰。我們認爲在個體案例的產生發展演變研究上,既要注重共時的發展,又注重曆時的演變,這就要求我們能夠盡可能有系統地,有針對性地占有,整理並考察不同性質的歷時文獻。

      • KCI등재

        누드 마우스에서 Poly(D,L-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) 지지체 내 인체 지방줄기세포의 골성분화

        유결,조성돈,변준희,이종원 대한성형외과학회 2007 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.34 No.2

        Purpose: The object of this study was to evaluate the development of continuous osteogenic differentiation and bone formation after the subcutaneous implantation of the tissue-engineered bone, in vitro.Methods: Human adipose-derived stem cells were obtained by proteolytic digestion of liposuction aspirates. Adipose-derived stem cells were seeded in PLGA scaffolds after being labeled with PKH26 and cultured in osteogenic differentiation media for 1 month. The PLGA scaffolds with osteogenic stimulated adipose-derived stem cells were implanted in subcutaneous layer of four nude mice. Osteogenesis was assessed by RT-PCR for mRNA of osteopontin and bone sialoprotein(BSP), and immunohistochemistry for osteocalcin, and von Kossa staining for calcification of extracellular matrix at 1 and 2 months. Results: Implanted PLGA scaffold with adipose- derived stem cells were well vascularized, and PLGA scaffolds degraded and were substituted by host tissues. The mRNA of osteopontin and BSP was detected by RT-PCR in both osteogenic stimulation group and also osteocalcin was detected by immunohistochemistry at osteogenic stimulation 1 and 2 months, but no calcified extracellular deposit in von Kossa stain was found in all groups. Conclusion: In vivo, it could also maintain the characteristics of osteogenic differentiation that adipose- derived stem cells within PLGA scaffold after stimulation of osteogenic differentiation in vitro, but there were not normal bone formation in subcutaneous area. Another important factor to consider is in vivo, heterologous environment would have negative effect on bone formation as.[p1]

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