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      • KCI등재

        외식업체 조직구성원이 지각하는 조직공정성, 신뢰, 조직시민행동의 관계성에 관한 연구

        원혜영 한국외식경영학회 2006 외식경영연구 Vol.9 No.3

        The purpose of this study is completed on the concept of organizational justice, trust, organizational citizenship behavior through approaching empirically to the present state by searching various mutual relations with organizational justice, trust, organizational citizenship behavior. It is focused on providing a theoretical basis and strategic alternative ideas for Food-service industry.For the study, research data was collected from 30 Food-service outlets in Seoul. Each variable is measured by Likert’s 5-point scale. The data are analyzed by such factor analysis, Chronbach’s alpha, the Pearson correlation, path analysis. The major finding and implication can be summarized as follow: Firstly, distributive justice haven’t significant effect on trust on organization and supervisory trust but procedural justice have on positive effect on trust on organization and interactional have on trust of organization and supervisory trust. Secondly, trust on organization and supervisory trust haven’t significant effect on oganizational citizenship behavior.

      • KCI등재후보

        붓다와 전륜성왕에게 행한 유해 방식은 닮았는가_초기 열반경을 중심으로

        원혜영 인도철학회 2007 印度哲學 Vol.0 No.23

        The Relation of Buddha and Cakkavatti Kings in Funeral CeremonyWith a special focus on the early Mahparinirvaasuttanta 붓다 장례법을 통해 공동체의 와해가 아니라 통합의 역사적 의례행위를 살펴볼 수 있는 이 에피소드는 ‘붓다와 전륜성왕에게 행한 유해방식이 닮아 있다’라는 초기 열반경 텍스트를 근거로 한다. 6종의 텍스트를 비교함으로써 문헌학적 관점에 초점을 맞추려고 한다. 여러 가지 의례 행위들은 6종의 초기 열반경 텍스트에서 거론된 것으로 사리공양, 장례행렬, 장례의식으로 크게 구분된다. 이와 같은 의례 행위들은 출가자뿐만 아니라 재가자들의 참여, 그리고 나아가서 신들의 참여로 일반적으로 생각되는 폐쇄적인 공동체 의식이 아니었다.붓다 장례 연출은 고대 이미지의 체계방식을 이해하는 것으로 고대 공동체의 성향이 화합에 맥을 같이 한다는 점과 권위의 종교의식이 공동체의 확산에 기여하고 있다는 사실에서 고대 텍스트의 서술방식을 그대로 살펴보는 것에 의의가 있다고 하겠다.

      • KCI등재후보

        오분율 10사(事)

        원혜영 사단법인한국교수불자연합회 2017 한국교수불자연합학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        This paper explains why the ten points received interpretations which varied according to the sources. One hundred years after the Buddha's Nirvana, bhiksus of Vaisali promulgated ten practices as being licit, 1. salt in a horn, 2. two finger, 3. another village, 4. dwelling in the same district. 5. approbation, 6. rule of conduct. 7. sour milk. 8. new palm-wine 9. mats with fringes, 10. gold and silver. In the choice of their interpretations, the various Vinayas were not guided by mere fantasy. They took the trouble to find in their rules, which had already been codified. passages dealing with the points and enabling them to be condemned. In the Mahisasaka Vinaya, it is an extension of that matter to deal with the problem of the ten points. 이 논문은 10사(事)에 자료에 따른 여러 가지 해석을 설명한다. 붓다열반 100년후 바이샬리 비구들이 10사를 합법적으로 발표했다. 1. 염정, 2. 이지정, 3. 취락간정, 4. 취처정, 5. 수의정, 6. 구주정, 7. 생화합정, 8. 수정, 9. 불익루니사단정, 10. 금은정 등 이다. 각각의 율장들은 자신들이 원하는 해석을 선택하는 데 있어 상상력에 좌우되지 않았다. 각 율장들은 이미 편찬된 그들의 계율 가운데 논쟁점들을 찾았고 그것들을 유죄로 선고할 수 있는 구절들을 찾는데 고심했다. 오분율에서 10사 문제를 다루는 것은 그것의 연장선상에 있다.

      • 돈황문헌에서 「金光明經」과 「合部金光明經」 一部 사본 조사-사본의 특이사항을 중심으로-

        원혜영 사단법인한국교수불자연합회 2013 한국교수불자연합학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the difference in the characteristics of the manuscripts associated with the Sūtra of Golden Light(金光明經) from the Dunhuang Manuscripts. The manuscripts were completed from approximately the 4th to the 5th century when royal authority was strengthened in India. Also, it was during this period that the contents of the scriptures were accepted by the Chinese, and different version so fit seemed to appear. As both the Sūtra of Golden Light (金光明經) and the Overall Compilation of the Sūtra of Golden Light (合部金光明經) focused on patriotism, their translation was planned studiously and revised, complemented, and added to in China for a long time. In parts of the Sūtra of Golden Light (金光明經), it is possible to distinguish parts equivalent to, deleted from, and repetitive to the Korean Canon and the Dunhuang Manuscripts. Moreover, the intentions of the maunuscriptor also can be inferred from comparison to the latter two texts. There are 64 manuscripts of Beijing version, 12 of Russian version, 44 of Stein version, and 11 of Pelliot versions of the Sūtra of Golden Light (K.1465, T.0663); thus, 49% are from Beijing, 9% are from Russia, and Stein and Pelliot make up 34% and 8% respectively. In parts of the Overall Compilation of the Sūtra of Golden Light (合部金光明經), there are 13 manuscripts of Beijing version, 26 of Russian version, 33 of Stein version, and 1 of Pelliot versions of the Sūtra of Golden Light (K.0128, T.0664); thus, 17% are from Beijing, 33% are from Russia, and Stein and Pelliot make up 49% and 1% respectively. The manuscripts of Dunhuang show that widespread distribution related with different versions of Dunhuang developed. In addition, a comparison with the Korean Canon(高麗大藏經) and Taishō Canon(新脩大藏經) provides evidence of how diverse the names of titles were and what kinds of scriptures were transcribed in those days. 돈황 문헌(Dunhuang Manuscripts)에서 金光明經(Sūtra of Golden light)류 관련된 사본들의 특징을 조사한다. 경전의 완성 시기는 인도에서 왕권강화가 일어나는 4-5세기 전후로 보며, 중국인들이 경전의 내용을 수용한 이후로 異譯본들이 출현한 것으로 보인다. 호국적인 성향이 강한 「金光明經」과 「合部金光明經」은 중국에서부터 번역에 고심하여 수정하고 보완하여 증장되어 온 역사를 소유하고 있다. 「金光明經」 일부에서는 고려대장경과 돈황문헌에서 일치하는 부분, 삭제된 부분, 중복된 부분 등을 구별해 낼 수도 있다. 고려대장경과 돈황 문헌의 비교에 따라 필사한 사람의 의도를 추정할 수도 있다. 돈황 사본에서 「金光明經」은 북경본이 64개, 러시아(俄藏)본 12개, 스타인(Stein)본 44개, 펠리오(Pelliot)본 11개가 있다. 북경본이 49%, 俄藏9%, 스타인34%, 펠리오 8%가 있다. 돈황사본에서 「合部金光明經」 북경본이 13개, 러시아본 33개, 스타인본 26개, 펠리오본 2개가 있다. 북경본이 17%, 俄藏 33%, 스타인49%, 펠리오 1%가 있다. 돈황사본에서는 이역본들에 관련된 광범위한 유통이 진행된 것으로 보이며, 경전들이 품명의 다양성, 그리고 어떠한 경전들이 당시에 필사되었는가를 고려대장경 및 신수대장경과 대조비교를 통해 알 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        師朱堂 李氏의 開新 철학의 문명사적 흐름 (부제 : 『胎敎新記』에 나타난 생명의 신비한 본원에 관련하여 )

        원혜영 한국민족사상학회 2021 민족사상 Vol.15 No.4

        Sajudang(師朱堂) Lee(李) writes Tegyoshingi (胎敎新記) about the fetus, which will be the subject of the future, through theory and his own experience. She reinterprets the critical tendencies of abuse and violence against the backdrop of self-disciplinary thinking in the 18th century in the diversity of the Silsim(實心) and Silhak(實學). The Silsim and Silhak are the "natural and sincere minds in which falsehood, pretense, and selfishness have been completely removed," which stems from the perception that blind and cultivist paradigms cannot solve the problems of the times. Her writings, Tegyoshingi, contain future-oriented elements, providing an opportunity to express rational, emotional, and feminist thinking in authoritative, rational, and patriarchal societies. The future community that lives together has an idea of recognizing diversity based on respect for life. From her perspective, which noted that the value center of human life is an alternative to future generations, we look at what kind of civilization historical flow and background she innovates with. 사주당 이씨(師朱堂 李氏)는 미래의 주체가 될 태아에 관련한 『태교신기(胎敎新記)』를 이론과 자신의 경험을 통해 저술한다. 그녀는 18세기 주자학적 사고를 배경으로 한 남용과 폭력성에 대한 비판적 성향을 실심실학(實心實學)의 다양성 속에 재해석한다. 실심실학은 우리가 가진 “허위와 가식, 이기심이 완전히 제거된 천부적이고 진실한 마음”으로, 맹목적이고 교조주의적인 패러다임으로 시대의 문제를 해결할 수 없다는 인식에서 비롯된다. 사주당의 저술 『태교신기』는 미래지향적인 요소를 함유하고 있어서 권위적, 이성적, 가부장 사회에서 합리적, 감성적, 여성주의적 사고를 표출할 수 있는 계기를 가진다. 더불어 사는 미래 공동체는 생명 존중을 기반으로 한 다양성을 인정하는 사고를 지닌다. 인류의 생명에 대한 가치 중심이 미래 세대의 대안임을 주지시킨 그녀의 안목에서, 우리는 그녀가 어떠한 문명사적 흐름과 배경을 가지고 개신(開新) 하는 가를 살펴본다.

      • KCI등재

        Standpoint of Nyāya-Vaiśeska on Universal Essentialism and Counter Argument of Buddhism

        원혜영 한국불교학회 2010 韓國佛敎學 Vol.57 No.-

        Philosophers who advocate either essentialism and nominalism or conceptualism in both Eastern and Western societies have constantly argued about whether Sāmānya exists or not, and how that question is related with the phenomenal world. This paper aims at examining theories on the substantiality of sāmānya and investigates the counter argument and answers of Buddhism on this matter. Sāmānya for Buddhists is subjective not in superficial terms such as dreams, illusion and imagination but in more profound terms such as the natural or innate form of human reason. In other words, sāmānya is not a random form of individual reason but a product of natural tendencies of the essential concept. Therefore, sāmānya is called saṃvṛtisat. Also, sāmānya is separated from ultimate svalakṣanas. In this ultimate perspective, sāmānya is not there are absolute specifics that do not have universality or similarity, without this assumption, they cannot explain common recognition through language and ideas. It is said that sāmānya is separated through the abstraction of individual beings in humans’ thoughts, but this does not mean that sāmānya is given to the actual existence of beings. Essentialists assume that sāmānya has its own being as the object of the same recognition because it is separated from other objects of recognition uncritically. However, this assumption is not supported by either experience or logic. Sāmānya and individual beings are not recognized as different concepts such as cows or horses and the former is not recognized without the latter. It is unnecessary to assume sāmānya as another existence to explain the same recognition on individual beings because they are explained based on the universal attributes that appear in each individual being. Philosophers who advocate either essentialism and nominalism or conceptualism in both Eastern and Western societies have constantly argued about whether Sāmānya exists or not, and how that question is related with the phenomenal world. This paper aims at examining theories on the substantiality of sāmānya and investigates the counter argument and answers of Buddhism on this matter. Sāmānya for Buddhists is subjective not in superficial terms such as dreams, illusion and imagination but in more profound terms such as the natural or innate form of human reason. In other words, sāmānya is not a random form of individual reason but a product of natural tendencies of the essential concept. Therefore, sāmānya is called saṃvṛtisat. Also, sāmānya is separated from ultimate svalakṣanas. In this ultimate perspective, sāmānya is not there are absolute specifics that do not have universality or similarity, without this assumption, they cannot explain common recognition through language and ideas. It is said that sāmānya is separated through the abstraction of individual beings in humans’ thoughts, but this does not mean that sāmānya is given to the actual existence of beings. Essentialists assume that sāmānya has its own being as the object of the same recognition because it is separated from other objects of recognition uncritically. However, this assumption is not supported by either experience or logic. Sāmānya and individual beings are not recognized as different concepts such as cows or horses and the former is not recognized without the latter. It is unnecessary to assume sāmānya as another existence to explain the same recognition on individual beings because they are explained based on the universal attributes that appear in each individual being.

      • KCI등재

        왜 벽지불로 인해 공덕을 얻으려하는가— 벽지불에 대한 새로운 이해를 위해 —

        원혜영 동양철학연구회 2013 東洋哲學硏究 Vol.75 No.-

        There is a need to establish a new concept we generally know as pratyekabuddha. “Self-enlightenment (or realization by self alone)” in the early Buddhist tradition is not uncommon. Just look at the mystical and performance arts of the pratyekabuddha in respect to the public as the audience. The literal meaning of “eka (or alone),” is to enter into religious life symbolically. Hae-Young, Won This is special because in pratyekabuddha, there is no teacher and the enlightenment comes to the self without guidance from a teacher. This is the reason to give blessing and benefit to the people born in the heaves in respect to pratyekabuddha. Building merits as offerings were a clearly professed practice in pratyekabuddha. As recorded in the Buddhist text, Hsuan-tsang, he visited India during the seventh century and visited numerous pratyekabuddha stūpas. Pratyekabuddha and Buddha cannot exist simultaneously in a single era. Many scholars believe that the emergence of pratyekabuddha was during the period where ‘Non-Buddha’ phenomenon prevailed. The magical powers of pratyekabuddha were noted in the early Buddhist texts. The merit gained in one’s previous life is important to the future life. The magical powers that are taught by pratyekabuddha are a distinct characteristic of the practice. Stock images are fundamentally about pratyekabuddha and tend to be conservative. In this manner, his images can be newly reestablished. And this is possible through the careful historical research of the past and even present. 일반적으로 알고 있는 벽지불의 개념을 새롭게 정립할 필요가 있음은 초기불교 전통에서 벽지불이 ‘홀로 깨달았다’란 어원적 이미지가 전혀 낯설지 않게 작용하여, 벽지불이 행한 행적들과 수행하는 모습은 대중들에게 신비적이고 존경의 대상이었다는 점을 간과하고 있기 때문이다. “홀로(eka)”는 문자적 의미가 아니라 상징적으로 종교적 삶 속으로 들어간다는 의미이다. 벽지불은 스승 없이 깨달아서 사람들에게 복과 이익을 주고 천상에 태어나게 하게 하는 이유로 존경의 대상이다. 벽지불에게 공양해서 공덕을 쌓는 에피소드는 보시와 공덕의 관계를 새로운 시각으로 바라볼 수 있게 한다. 텍스트에서 벽지불의 위상은 역사적 건축물 속에서도 실행되었기에 잊혀져가고 있는 존재를 떠올리게 한다. 현장은 인도를 방문한 7세기 동안, 많은 스뚜빠가 벽지불을 기념하여 세워진 것을 발견한다. 벽지불의 위상은 스뚜빠로 이행되어 존재감을 이어갔다. 붓다와 벽지불은 동시에 함께 존재할 수 없다. 다른 대다수의 학자들은 벽지불의 출현이 무불시대의 현상이라고 믿는다. 붓다와 아라한, 그리고 벽지불이 가진 성격들로 인해 그들 사이에 차이는 있다. 벽지불의 신통력은 텍스트에서 주목되어 그에게 공양하여 전생에 쌓은 공덕이 중요한 미래 삶을 좌우한다. 벽지불의 신통력은 붓다만큼이나 그의 위상을 대변한다. 벽지불이 가진 근본적이고 보수적 이미지를 재고하고 탈피하게끔 만들 수 있는 치밀한 고증들이 존재하기에 ‘벽지불에 대한 새로운 이해’에 관련된 논의가 가능하리라 본다.

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