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        아버지의 그림자 극복하기 : Fences를 중심으로

        왕영균(Wang Young Gyun) 한국현대영미드라마학회 2011 현대영미드라마 Vol.24 No.2

        This paper aims to investigate African-Americans’ experiences in a White-oriented society and their influences on the construction of black male masculinity for generations. Black male Americans suffer from difficulties in living as family providers and maintaining their own masculinity in a White-oriented hostile society. August Wilson’s Fences is focused on African-Americans’ oppressed masculinity and deprived history in the American society. Like his other plays, this play traces challenges and travails of living both as black males and as fathers. African-American males have burdens of being responsible for bread-winning as a patriarch and maintaining masculinity. In particular, sons succeed to their fathers’ masculinity; they cannot escape from the shadow of their fathers. Literally, “fences” play a role of social barriers that African-Americans cannot overcome. Troy urges Cory to get a good job instead of going to college with a football scholarship because he doesn’t want his son to experience the same frustration as he did when he could not be an athlete. Troy, as a responsible family-provider, gives a priority to supporting a family over maintaining masculinity. In this respect, fathers’ and male characters’ wandering and agony are deeply seated in the problems of masculinity. Keeping track of the thematic concerns, this paper investigates sociological and domestic factors, which have a great influence on the formation of the male characters’ masculinity. Among those factors, the father figures have the greatest influence on their sons’ masculinity. Fathers’ urging their sons to be masculine may lead to the conflict between fathers and sons, but the sons cannot evade from the shadow of their fathers’ masculinity. It means fathers’ masculinity can be repeated or transmitted to their sons. Furthermore, male characters in this play are experiencing some crises and disorientation in establishing their masculinity because their fathers stick to an outdated concept of masculinity which is not suitable to the reality of their times. As a result, they have no confidence in their masculinity, or they are caught in the shadow of the masculinity inherited from their fathers. This play leads us to challenge critical reception of masculinity in American plays and to open new discourses about gender as well as masculinity.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        중국인의 한국의료관광 만족과 재방문의도간의 관계 분석

        왕영균 ( Young Gyun Wang ),조용준 ( Yong Jun Cho ),한수정 ( Su Jung Han ) 한국호텔리조트학회(구 한국호텔리조트카지노산학학회) 2016 호텔리조트연구 Vol.15 No.2

        This study verified Chinese medical tourists`` interests on the service qualities of Korea``s medical tourism. And then, it attempted to make an empirical analysis on the effects of the service qualities on Chinese medical tourists`` satisfaction and hereafter their Revisit Intention. On the basis of theoretical investigation, research model and hypothesis was made, and then empirical analysis was conducted through the questionnaire. The subjects of this survey are Chinese medical tourists experiencing medical service in Seoul, Korea. Survey period spanned for about two months from August 10 to October 10. Data collected were analyzed by frequency analysis, reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and regression analysis for hypothesis verification using the SPSS Win version 20 computer program. Testing of hypothesis 1 revealed that the service quality of medical tourism and the customer satisfaction had statistically significant correlation. Therefore, we need to find a way to enhance the service quality of medical tourism for customer satisfaction. Affecting factors of service quality on customer satisfaction were in the order of empathy, reliability, assurance, responsiveness, and tangibles. Testing of hypothesis 2 revealed that customer satisfaction and revisit intention had statistically significant correlation. Consequently, this study showed that improvement of service quality led to customer satisfaction, which affected the revisit intention in the medical tourism. This study suggests that we should figure out ways to enhance the service quality and to improve customer satisfaction to attract much more medical tourists, followed by the sustainable development of Korea``s medical tourism.

      • KCI등재

        영화 이미지로 금융자본주의 읽기

        김수임(Kim, Soo-im),왕영균(Wang, Young-gyun) 건국대학교 스토리앤이미지텔링연구소 2016 스토리&이미지텔링 Vol.11 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 크로넨버그가 들릴로의 동명 소설을 각색해서 만든 <코스모폴리스>를 중심으로 오늘날 전 세계가 직면하고 있는 금융자본주의의 문제점에 초점을 맞추어 살펴보고자 한다. 들릴로의 소설은 발표된 지 10여 년이 지났음에도 2008년 리먼 브라더스의 파산으로 촉발된 금융위기라든지 혹은 2011년 발생한 월가를 점령하라 운동이 연상되는 장면들로 인하여 탁월한 현재적 적실성을 드러내며 ‘지금’ ‘여기’의 현실 문제를 대면케 한다. 영화의 중심 플롯은 2012년 세계 경제 공황이 불어 닥치면서 부자들을 타도하자는 시위대로 들끓는 뉴욕을 배경으로 28살의 거물 투자가 에릭 패커가 전용 리무진을 타고 어린 시절의 추억이 깃든 이발소를 찾아가는 하루 일과에 초점을 맞춘다. 금융자본주의는 특히 20세기 후반 금융에 대한 정부의 규제가 완화되고 주식과 채권을 넘어 선물, 옵션, 사모펀드, 헤지펀드 등 새로운 형태의 금융자본이 등장하면서 시장 규모는 더욱 복잡해지는 양상을 띠게 되었다. 이처럼 고도로 발전된 자본주의사회는 물건을 직접 사고파는 것이 아니라 돈에 투자해서 돈을 버는 파생상품으로 변모하여 수와 도표 그리고 정보와 분석 등으로 이뤄지고 화폐가 만들어낸 숫자만 남는다. 이는 결국 실체가 사라진 추상의 세계를 의미하는 것이고 크로넨버그는 잭슨 폴락과 마크 로스코의 그림을 영화의 시작과 끝에 각각 배치함으로써 자본주의의 추상성을 잘 드러내고 있다. 이러한 현실에서 에릭 패커는 수억 달러의 막대한 자금을 위안화 가치절하에 배팅했다가 파산직전의 상태에 놓이면서 금융위기의 주범으로 몰려 살해 위험에 처한다. 이를 반영하듯 영화는 중간 중간 월가점령운동의 시위자들이 ‘쥐가 화폐 단위가 되었다’는 구호를 외치고 에릭 패커에게 쥐를 던지며 비난하는 장면을 반복적으로 보여준다. 그리고 마지막 장면에서는 패커 회사의 실직 노동자인 베노 레빈을 등장시켜 자본가와 노동자를 대립시키고 이들 사이의 좁힐 수 없는 간극을 제시하며 긴장감을 고조시킨다. 그러나 영화는 특별한 대안을 제시하지 않고 두 사람 사이의 설전 끝에 베노 레빈이 에릭 패커에게 총을 겨누는 것으로 끝난다. 이는 금융자본주의의 문제점을 인정하면서도 그것을 대신할 대안 역시 없음을 드러내려는 상징적 장치로 읽을 수 있다. 이로서 크로넨버그는 영화라는 매체를 통하여 비판담론을 만들어냄으로써 개인이나 사회가 변할 수 있는 환경을 조성하는 방식으로 지식인의 임무를 수행하는 것이다. This paper is an attempt to examine some problems of financial capitalism in Cronenberg’s Cosmopolis based on DeLillo’s futuristic novel which now appears to have anticipated in recent financial crisis such as ‘the banking crisis of 2008’ and ‘the Occupy Wall Street movement’. Cosmopolis is about 24 hours in the life of a 28-year-old financial whizzkid, Eric Packer. He wants to get a haircut from his regular and longtime barber across midtown Manhattan but, because of anti-capitalist demonstrations, has to endure urban chaos. Cronenberg’s film shows the obsessive world of money and the currency market through a background of abstract-expressionist paintings by Jackson Pollack and Mark Rothko in the opening and closing credit sequences. It implies the abstraction of finance. Financial capitalism is characterized by a predominance of the pursuit of profit from the purchase and sale of, or investment in, currencies and financial products such as bonds, stocks, futures and other derivatives. Since the late 20th century, it has become the predominant force in the global economy. In a world of cyber-capital, Packer has made the worst gamble of his life by betting against the value of Chinese yuan. His financial empire crashes possibly taking the world economy down with it. As a result, anti-capitalist activists demonstrate on the street using dead rats as their symbol of protest. Packer learns that an assassin is out to kill him, but seems curiously uninterested in who the person might be. The final scene involves a nutty little man named Benno Levin who is Eric’s ex-employee and feels adrift in the capitalist system. The film ends with the potential murderer holding a gun to Eric"s head threatening to kill him, but does not show a final shot. In short, what Cronenberg describes in Cosmopolis is an enslavement to money markets, scrolling screens and virtual realities. Through this, he seems to tell us where we are heading. This is his duty as an intellectual.

      • 샘 세퍼드 희곡의 신화적 요소

        왕영균 동남보건대학 2003 論文集-東南保健大學 Vol.21 No.2

        Shepard recognizes modern America as a waste land, and thinks the American dreams, protestantism, and western mythology are no longer the ideals for Americans. He pursues to create new American cultural mythology through various activities relating as movies and theatres. Shepard shows that traditional American mythology collapsed entirely through characters in his plays. He makes his characters enact various roles to pursue new mythology. Shepard's characters from accepted American mythology are ruined by family collapse, disbelief in religion, and distaste of commercialism, which is the core matters of Shepard's plays. Shepard's characters surrounded with many anxieties and inauthencities are people who cannot find their appropriate roles and identities. They pursue their identities struggling with many American culture icons affected by media. They try to defend themselves from past burdens and anxieties by finding essential origins to pursue their authentic identities. They are compelled to be the consistent changing existences by their dreams, visions, and fears. They suffer from psychological splits. With the hope that Shepard and his characters may find the authentic identities substituted for the sterile ideals of modern American culture, Shepard continue to pursue the impossible.

      • Sam Shepard의 True West에서의 남성 정체성 탐구

        王榮均 동남보건대학 인문사회과학연구소 2001 東南保健大學論文集 人文社會硏究 Vol.2 No.-

        This study explores how the male identity is presented in the works of Sam Shepard, particularly of True. West. Shepard's family plays starting in the late 1970s focus on the issue of male identity. Shepard is much interested in the patriarchal inheritance of American frontier mythology. The frontier mythologies and images that Sam Shepard's ' male characters have inherited from their fathers underlie their male identity. In True West we can see how the idea of male identity becomes entangled in the familial relationships that .drive the family plays. With emphasis upon the family's role in defining and limiting men, Shepard explores the family, particularly the father-son relationships. Shepard's men lack for a real role model in their fathers. Failed father-son relationships are at the root of Shepard's troubled concepts of manhood and masculinity. By locating the duel within both fraternal and paternal relationships, True West addresses the question of origins and originality of male identity.

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