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      • 유학생의 일상 생활에서 인터넷이 갖는 문화적 의미 : 재한 중국 유학생을 중심으로

        왕매 전북대학교 일반대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        [Abstracts] The Cultural Meaning of the Internet for Foreign Students in their Daily Life -Focusing on the Chinese Students in Korea- Wang Mei Department of Journalism and Mass Communications The Graduate School of Chonbuk National University Supervised by Prof. Na, Mi Su In recent years, foreign students studying in Korea had been increasing. Among them, Chinese people almost took the largest proportion. The Internet played an important role in multimedia applications for Chinese students’ daily life in Korea, and had a great impact on the students living abroad. However, after searching some similar papers, we found that most of the articles only selected a small topic for research, some selected the SNS (which meaned social networking,Micro blogging, which was abbreviated as SNS). Some selected online shopping, online information access, network entertainment for the students studying abroad. Few paper could integrate and classify all aspects of network applications. The only few quantitative studies that used statistical probability simply just did not dig it deeper. And, most of the authors were not Chinese people, so, at the end of the article the author frequently expressed regret for the language barrier in communicating with Chinese students. There were also limited factors for communication, such as: multiple translations made it difficult to maintain the original meaning of the author’s views but tended to mix it up with the opinion of the translator. During communication, investigators might miss some good views and ideas due to the quizzers who were in tension or not proficient in Korean. So as Chinese students,interviewing in their own national language made it easier for them to understand each other, communicate smoothly, and dig out some deep meaning of using the network. This study used Chinese students in Korea as the research object, it focused on the different uses of the internet in different areas and its special value and cultural meaning in their daily lives. This paper adopted qualitative research method, and 22 Chinese students of Chonbuk National University were interviewed. After analyzing the roles and functions of internet and community that Chinese students used in Korea, we basically divided them into five kinds: economic activity, human relationship, academic research, information access, emotional adjustment. Economic activity: Convey information or start a business through Internet in order to gain benefit or return. In this way they could slightly reduce economic burden of studying abroad and enrich their social experience. Moreover, they could effectively utilize their resources abroad, come into contact with the society, and start their own enterprises. Human relationships: communication through the internet could be classified into two types. One was communicating with their parents or friends. Internet videos and other internet resources could help them save more money, Weibo, blogs helped them make on-time communication in their everyday lives. The other type was maintaining good relationship with other Chinese students in Korea. Academic Research: The utmost purpose for Chinese students to study in Korea was learning and getting a degree. So, the internet helped them most in academic research. That is to say, the internet not only provided literature materials but also brought psychological comfort, so it encouraged students to promote with each other. Furthermore, the study group and community on websites enabled students to actively get involved and get themselves promoted. Information access: confronted with an unfamiliar environment, foreign students had a sense of unease, the most direct and convenient way to quickly get information was the Internet. They could immediately solve many problems, improving the efficiency and accuracy. Also, they could have a knowledge of the surrounding environment and the cities in Korea through the internet. So, in the daily life of Chinese students living abroad , Information access was the most basic function of the internet and occupied an important role in network applications,which could not be ignored. Emotional adjustment: foreign students tended to be a little homesick owing to long distance from home. Discontent feelings during human relationships or frustration in language were likely to lead to sad emotions. Through the internet, they shared feelings with friends and parents at home, or encouraged each other with students in Korea by using the social tools on the internet. For foreign students who were busy studying and working, internet chatting had become very important when they could not see each other frequently. Keywords: Foreign students in Korea, Internet, Meaning of Culture, use of media.

      • 전래동화를 활용한 한국 문화 교육 방안 연구 : 고급 학습자의 상호 문화 능력 강화를 중심으로

        왕매 동국대학교 일반대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        本文選取中國和韓國具有相同點的傳統童話進行文化教育方案設計, 在課堂上通過中韓傳統故事對比提升中國大學裏韓國語專業學習者的相互文化能力。學生通過在課堂上學到的對自己文化和目標文化的認識為基礎,接觸到目標文化時可以進行成功的交流。學生們以開放的態度接觸目標文化,通過比較認識到文化的共同性和多樣性,在出現文化沖突的情況下可以很好的解決問題。特別是對於韓國語專業的學生來說,在教室裏學習這種相互文化能力是非常重要的。傳統童話不僅反映了一個民族的特性,還反映了人類文化的普遍性。因此,在本研究中以提高韓國語專業學生的相互文化能力為中心,活用傳統童話進行了韓國文化課程設計。二章分析了中國內韓國文化教育的現狀和內容以及問題,現在中國大學裏的韓國文化課大部分只是單方面的介紹韓國的文化知識。文化課中疏忽了培養學生的相互文化能力。接著分析了相互文化能力的概念,內容以及以提高學生的相互文化能力爲目的課程特征。本研究中的文化課中主要部分是學生之間的共有和討論。課程主要有四個階段,自身文化的認識,他文化的發現,兩文化比較和他文化受用。然後分析了傳統童話的概念,特質以及活用傳統童話的課程活動。通過分析傳統童話的特征可以看出通過兩個國家的傳統童話對比進行的課程,在提高學生的相互文化能力方面有很大的幫助。三章以中國大學韓國語專業的學習者為對象進行了問卷調查,首先開發了相互文化能力評價問卷,調查了學生的相文化能力。還對文化課程的滿足度,傳統童話的喜好度,在文化課中想實現的內容等進行了調查。通過調查可以得知學生們相互文化能力總體處於較低水平的事實。相互文化能力的構成要素中異質性的尊重和知識發現能力較低。為了解決這一問題並反應學生們的需求在四章中進行了韓國文化方案設計。四章分析了活用傳統童話的文化課程模型以及實際的教育方案,還分析了課程中可以活用的視頻,PPT材料等。課程目標主要有四個,一是促進學生們能動性的進行文化知識學習,二是學生們以自我認識為基礎理解文化的特殊性和普遍性。三是學生們可以對他文化進行解析和活用。課程主要有四個特征,一是利用相互文化學習的方法,在課堂中自身文化和韓國文化一起學習。二是在課程中學生們不僅可以理解中韓文化,還可以提升自身的相互文化能力。三這個課程主要部分是學生之間的認識共有和討論。四評價階段主要分為學生評價和教師評價。在本研究中利用中國和韓國具有相同敘事情節的傳統童話,通過比較來提升學生們的相互文化能力。本研究主要有以下幾點意義,一,活用傳統童話可以提高學生們的興趣和關心,以積極的態度進行文化學習。二,本研究考慮到相互文化教育的特征,在課堂上不僅對韓國特有的文化進行學習,對於文化的一般內容也進行了學習。三,活用傳統童話的對比,使學生進行韓國與中國文化的對比加深的對文化的理解與認識。四,通過此課程學生們可以擺脫以自我文化為中心,認識到文化的多樣性,在第一次接觸陌生文化時,可以擺脫偏見和沖擊。多文化時代中比起只理解自身的文化,重要的是要客觀的看待自身文化和他文化,互相理解關懷,進行圓滿的溝通。並且在本研究中調查了大學韓國語專業教授對此文化課程方案的評價。從教師·的評價來看,本探究有以上的長處不過也能看到短處。活用傳統童話的文化課程與之前的課程有些不同,可能會給教師帶來一些負擔。因為,此課程不僅是介紹韓國的文化和單純的中韓文化知識對比,而是要誘導學生的批判性省察。在中國大學裏基本沒有進行過這種課程,在相互文化課程進行前可能會給教師帶來一定的負擔。不過,這種負擔感和生疏感在反復進行授課之後可以逐漸的克服。以後中國大學裏的韓國語專業如果要開發這種文化課程,希望本研究可以起到一點小小的幫助。 중국의 한국 문화 교육은 지식을 일방적으로 제공하는 방식으로 이루어지고 있다. 즉, 학습자가 자문화와 목표 문화 사이에서 상호 작용하며 문화 지식을 주체적으로 구성하는 상호 문화 교육은 이루어지지 못하고 있다. 중국 내 한국어학과 학생들이 졸업 후에 한국에 가서 대학원을 진학하거나 한국과 관련된 회사에서 일할 때 상호 문화 능력이 필수라고 할 수 있다. 본 연구는 중국 내 대학의 한국어학과 3, 4학년 학습자들을 대상으로 한·중 전래동화의 비교를 활용하여 학습자들의 상호 문화 능력을 강화하는 데에 목적이 있다. 문화 수업에서 한·중 문화의 뿌리를 알 수 있는 전래동화를 선정하여 그 이야기 속에서 흐르고 있는 한·중 문화의 공통점과 차이점을 학습자들이 능동적으로 이해할 수 있도록 할 것이다. 이 수업을 통하여 한국어 학습자들은 자문화 중심을 벗어나 문화를 이해하고 받아들일 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 문화를 보는 시각을 넓히거나 목표어 문화에 대한 태도를 바꾸면서 상호 문화 능력을 향상시킬 수 있을 것이다.

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