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        정답문서집합 자동 구축을 위한 속성 기반 분류 방법

        오효정(Hyo-Jung Oh),장문수(Moon-Su Chang),장명길(Myung-Gil Jang) 한국정보과학회 2003 정보과학회논문지 : 소프트웨어 및 응용 Vol.30 No.7·8

        본 논문에서는 사용자에게 보다 유용한 정보를 제공하기 위하여 개념의 활용분야에 따른 속성 분류 기법이라는 새로운 분류 기법을 제안하고, 이를 활용해 정답문서집합 지식베이스를 자동으로 구축하는 방안을 제시한다. 제안된 방법은 범주간의 구분이 유동적인 속성의 특성을 반영하기 위하여 속성 특징(clue)을 활용함으로써 분류 정확도를 높이고, 개념망에 정의된 개념들 사이의 관계를 참조함으로써 지식베이스를 구축하기 위한 노력과 비용을 최소화하여 점진적인 분류기 생성을 가능하게 한다. 실험을 통해 제안된 방법의 정확도와 효율성을 입증하였으며, 정답문서기반 정보검색 시스템을 위한 정답문서집합 구축 과정에 적용시킨 결과를 제시함으로써 방법의 실제 효용성을 보였다. The main thrust of our talk will be based on our experience in developing and applying an attribute-based classification technique in the context of an operationalanswer set drivenretrieval system. To alleviate the difficulty and reduce the cost of manually constructing and maintaining answer sets, i.e., knowledge base, we have devised a new method of automating the answer document selection process by using the notion of attribute-based classification, which is in and of itself novel. We attempt to explain through experiments how helpful the proposed method is for the knowledge base construction process.

      • KCI등재

        학생자치법정이 고등학생의 민주시민 의식에 미치는 영향 -경상남도 김해시 K 고등학교 사례를 중심으로

        오효정 ( Hyo Jung Oh ),이진석 ( Jin Seok Lee ) 한국법교육학회 2012 법교육연구 Vol.7 No.2

        본 연구는 학생자치법정이 고등학생들의 민주시민의식에 미치는 영향을 경상남도 김해시소재 고등학교를 사례로 살펴보았다. 본 연구를 위해 학생자치법정을 활용하는 학교와 그렇지 않은 학교로 구분하여, 학생자치법정 시행 학교의 학생 100명, 학생자치법정 미시행 학교의 학생 100명, 총 200명을 대상으로 학생자치법정 시행 전후로 구분하여 민주시민 의식을 조사하였다. 민주시민 의식을 인간의 존엄성, 합리적 의사결정, 사회참여 행동, 준법정신의 4개의 영역으로 나누어 살펴보았는데, 연구 결과 학생자법정은 이들 4개의 영역에 모두 긍정적인 영향을 끼친다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구는 민주시민 의식의 구성요소를 인간의 존엄성, 합리적 의사결정, 사회참여 행동, 준법정신으로 제시하고 있으나, 민주시민 의식의 구성요소를 다른 준거로 선정하였을 경우에는 결과가 다를 수 있으며, 두 집단은 학생자치법정 시행 여부를 두고 차이가 있으며 그 외의 가정 기타 환경요소는 학생들의 민주시민 의식에 거의 영향을 미치지 않는다고 본다는 점에서 연구의 한계를 갖는다. 이러한 연구의 제한점은 후속 연구를 통하여 보완될 필요가 있다고 본다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 본 연구를 통해 민주시민 의식의 함양에 학생자치 법정의 긍정적 결과는 의미 있다고 할 것이다. The purpose of this study is to verify the effect of teen courts on enhancing democratic citizenship of high school students. The research subjects of this study consist of two main groups. The first group consists of first-year students from a K academic high school in Gimhae which has a teen court program actively participated by its students. The second group consists of first-year students from a K academic high school in the same city but with the absence of an active teen court program. This study utilized a survey method to verify hypotheses. The measuring components of democratic citizenship of each subject consist of human dignity, reasonable decision-making, social participation action, law-abiding spirit. Seven questions were assigned to each component. A total of 200 questionnaires were utilized for the survey (K high school: 100 sheets, S high school: 100 sheets) with SPSS 18.0 for Windows. This study tried to answer the question that Do teen courts have an influence on improving high school students` democratic citizenship? The following four hypotheses were formulated to answer the question: Hypothesis 1 : Students from the school with a teen court program respect other people`s liberty and equality and also recognize a human being as a reasonable being compared to those from the school without teen courts (Human dignity) Hypothesis 2: Students from the school with a teen court program make an effort to collect information when they are faced with problems and are more careful about decision making compared to those from the school without teen courts. (Reasonable decision-making) Hypothesis 3: Students from the school with a teen court program actively participate in solving their problems and actively express their opinions compared to those from the school without teen courts (Social participation action) Hypothesis 4: Students from the school with a teen court program endeavor to observe their own rules and agreements. (Law-abiding spirit) As a result of verification, analysis of the above hypotheses is as follows: First, teen courts have a positive influence on students` human dignity. It improves the students` awareness of human dignity by providing an opportunity of self-reflection and human right guarantee simultaneously, instead of a teacher`s one-sided instruction. Second, teen courts have a positive effect on students` reasonable decision-making. Teen courts are a part of an autonomic activity. The students attending and observing the teen court can enhance a democratic decision-making ability in the process of imposing a proper punishment through discussion. Third, teen courts do not have a meaningful effect on students` social participation action. This caused these students to feel intimidated and the court had no influence on their social participation action. Fourth, teen courts have a positive effect on students` law-abiding spirit. The members of teen court appeared to think that they have to become a good model since it is the students themselves who lead the court and such efforts strengthened their law-abiding spirit. In conclusion, teen courts have a multilateral influence on students` law-abiding spirit. The above results show many educational implications on the way of counseling in high schools as follows: First, the reason that there is no meaningful difference in social participation action mainly attributes to teen court nonmember`s burden regarding participation in the court. Second, the effect on teen courts is to be maximized for students who participate in teen courts many times. Schools, therefore, need to pay attention to teen court operations and encourage many students to actively participate in teen courts. Third, in order to increase the effectiveness of teen courts, it is necessary to reflect on the results of teen courts through student records. To settle teen courts as an education course, it is essential to secure authority, justification and compulsory measures. The result of this study can be a ground to evaluate the educational effect of teen courts in high school. A teen court program utilized as an educational course instead of a meaningless law education program can be a good solution to youth problems such as school violence. In conclusion, we need to expand the teen court systems in schools and continuous attention from student, parents and teacher is required for successful introduction of the system. In addition, follow-up studies to examine various factors have to be carried out to improve the system.

      • KCI등재

        트위터(twitter)에서의 파라벤(parabens) 관련 대중의 인식 변화와 치약내 파라벤에 대한 연구 현황

        오효정 ( Hyo-jung Oh ),전재규 ( Jae-gyu Jeon ) 대한예방치과·구강보건학회 2017 大韓口腔保健學會誌 Vol.41 No.2

        Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in public recognition of parabens on Twitter and the research status of parabens related to toothpaste. Methods: Tweet information between 2010 and October 2016 was collected by an automatic web crawler and examined according to tweet frequency, key words (2012-October 2016), and issue tweet detection analyses to reveal changes in public recognition of parabens on Twitter. To investigate the research status of parabens related to toothpaste, queries such as “paraben,” “paraben and toxicity,” “paraben and (toothpastes or dentifrices),” and “paraben and (toothpastes or dentifrices) and toxicity” were used. Results: The number of tweets concerning parabens sharply increased when parabens in toothpaste emerged as a social issue (October 2014), and decreased from 2015 onward. However, toothpaste and its related terms were continuously included in the core key words extracted from tweets from 2015. They were not included in key words before 2014, indicating that the emergence of parabens in tooth-paste as a social issue plays an important role in public recognition of parabens in toothpaste. The issue tweet analysis also confirmed the change in public recognition of parabens in toothpaste. Despite the expansion of public recognition of parabens in toothpaste, there are only seven research articles on the topic in PubMed. Conclusions: The general public clearly recognized parabens in toothpaste after emergence of para-bens in toothpaste as a social issue. Nevertheless, the scientific information on parabens in toothpaste is very limited, suggesting that the efforts of dental scientists are required to expand scientific knowledge related to parabens in oral hygiene measures.

      • KCI등재

        트위터에 나타난 접두어 ‘개-’의 사용 양상

        오효정 ( Oh Hyo-jung ),김종혁 ( Kim Chonghyuck ) 대한언어학회 2021 언어학 Vol.29 No.1

        A few researchers have recently claimed that the prefix kay-, which literally means ‘dog’, has undergone a dramatic change over the past decade. Before the change, kaywas severely confined in terms of its syntax and semantics; it was restricted to combine with a handful of nouns, and semantically, it had the sole function of adding or boosting the negative sense of its host. Kay- is no longer used as such. It can virtually combine with a host of any category which has gradable meaning, as its semantics has acquired the function of an emphatic marker like very. A linguistic change is driven by the people who use it. As the number of people who adopt and use the new features of a linguistic item grows, the chance of its survival as a transformed linguistic entity increases. Thus, it is important to examine in a precise manner how kay- is used in order to track the course of change it has gone through in the past and to predict its survival in the future. No such effort, however, has been made so far. In this article, we show that we can obtain an extensive amount of data showing the real time usage of kay- over the past decade using techniques developed in informatics and that kay- has indeed undergone a dramatic change, as reported by other researchers. We also show, by analyzing the data extracted from tweets tweeted during the 48 hours, that kay- is much more frequently used in comtemporary Korean in the new pattern than in the old pattern, a concrete piece of evidence to back the claim that kay- is productively used.

      • KCI등재

        컴퓨터활용교육 : 소셜미디어에 나타난 연속성 이슈 이벤트 분석

        오효정 ( Hyo Jung Oh ),김현기 ( Hyun Ki Kim ),윤보현 ( Bo Hyun Yun ) 한국컴퓨터교육학회 2014 컴퓨터교육학회 논문지 Vol.17 No.2

        본 논문에서는 다양한 소셜미디어 채널을 통해 수집된 시시각각 발발하는 사건/사고들 중, 연관된 사건이 시간과 장소적으로 어떠한 연속성이 나타나는지를 분석하고자 한다. 특히 사회적으로 파급력이 큰 사건/사고를 ‘이슈 이벤트‘라고 정의, 도메인별로 발생하는 연속성 이벤트 유형과 특성을 규명한다. 또한, 소셜미디어 상에서 발생한 연속성 이벤트를 자동으로 탐지, 이를 추적하는 이슈 이벤트 연속성 분석 시스템에 대해 기술하며, 이를 통해 추출된 특정 도메인에 대한 이슈 이벤트들의 연속성을 시간 및 장소 축으로 도식화하여 분석하고, 나아가 이슈 이벤트의 전파 양상을 통해 소셜미디어 간의 상관관계를 파악한다. This paper reveals continuity of related events which are occurred and changing from moment to moment accident/events collected from various social media channels. Among them, we especially define the events which have big social influence as “issue event” and investigate the type and characteristics of continuous issue event for each domain. We also introduce a automatic issue detection system in social media text. Based on the extracted issue event results in a particular domain, we analyse the continuity of those events by illustrating in time and place-axis. Furthermore, we identify the relationship between social media in terms of issue events propagation.

      • KCI등재

        소셜빅데이터를 활용한 신조어 ‘개-’의 원형 연구

        오효정 ( Oh Hyo-jung ),김종혁 ( Kim Chonghyuck ) 대한언어학회 2021 언어학 Vol.29 No.3

        Traditionally, the word kay ‘dog’ had been used as a prefix in Korean boosting the negative sense of the noun that it attaches to, as in kay-kosayng ‘worthless extreme hardship’. Around 2010, however, a morpheme, which looks exactly the same as prefix kay-, began to be used among younger generations as an adverbial expression, freely combining with various sorts of categories which have gradable meanings. This new adverbial kay has thereafter been viewed as an evolved variant of prefix kay- in the Korean literature. Recently, however, Im (2015) rejects this standard view about the origin of adverbial kay, and argues that it has nothing to do with prefix kay- as it derives from khap ‘cap(tain)’ through the intermediate form khay. In this article, we probe the origin of adverbial kay using the data we collected from Twitter. Usage patterns that emerge from our analysis of the data containing khap and khay strongly indicate, contra Im (2015), (i) that khap cannot be the origin of adverbial kay and that khay can neither be its predecessor. Rather, the usage patterns match up to the expectations held by the standard view that adverbial kay originates from prefix kay.

      • KCI등재

        내담자의 눈물체험에 관한 존재론적 탐구: Ms. Sisyphus의 남성감옥 탈출기

        오효정 ( Hyo Jung Oh ),박세원 ( Seo Woen Park ) 한국교육인류학회 2015 교육인류학연구 Vol.18 No.3

        본 연구는 한 여성 내담자가 상담에서 자신의 눈물체험의 의미를 새롭게 자각해가면서 눈물흘림의 의미를 실존론적으로 구성해가는 변화과정을 탐구하였다. 내담자는 태생에서부터 자신의 신체를 지배한 남성 중심적 언어체계 안에 갇히고 식민화되었다. 그녀는 그 언어를 자신의 삶의 의미, 가치, 목적으로 믿고 살아내기 위해 한 평생 노력하는 삶을 살았는데, 그 노력이 실패로 귀결될 때마다 몸은 실패한 자신을 위로하기 위해 끊임없이 눈물을 토해냈다. 하지만 나와 이루어진 상담에서 자신의 삶을 실존적으로 탐구하면서 그녀는 그동안 지시적 기호언어들에 의해 억압된 몸이 토해내는 눈물의 의미들에 대해 순전하게 귀 기울이기 시작한다. 이러한 존재론적귀 기울임은 그녀로 하여금 신체가 발현시키는 언어(신체언어)에 기초해 그동안 자신을 지배했던 기호언어들을 실존의 언어(실존언어)로 재구성하게 도왔다. 이 과정에서 그녀는 실존적 삶을 향한 자각과 결단의 의미로 눈물을 새롭게 토해낸다. 연구의 마지막 단계에서 그녀는 신체언어와 기호언어를 스스로의 힘으로 조화시키면서 실존의 길을 열어낸다. 이 연구는 상담에서 내담자가 경험하는 눈물흘림과 삶의 관계적 의미를 실존적 삶의 구성이라는 관점에서 개념화함으로써 실존적 상담의 가치와 그것의 방법론적 지평을 넓힌 데 그 의의가 있다. This inquiry inquired into the tearful crying experiences of a female client who interpreted and constructed her tearful crying experiences existentially during the process of her counselling period. The consciousness, unconsciousness, and body of the client have been substantially colonized by the powerful system of male-dominated language almost for the whole her of life. While continuing to live up to the meanings, values, and purposes enforced by the prescriptive language, she relentlessly brought up tearful crying in order to console herself whenever her desperate tries resulted in failures. However, she started to listen to the voices that naturally continued to come out honestly inside somewhere in her body in the middle of her existential inquiry into her life during the counselling. This existential counselling experiences, however, helped her to reconceptualize the realities of the dominant symbolic languages that ruled over herself even before her birth based on her awareness of the voices as told by her body. The process naturally had her cry tears, which represented the desire or decision for another existential life for herself. At the final stage, she``s finally come to open her own existential way of living in which she could harmonize what her physical language has continued to tell her and the symbolic language she has been situated in her whole life. This inquiry has its significance in that it provided counsellors not only with the values but also the methodological breakthroughs of existential counselling by conceptualizing the relationships of a client``s tearful crying and life in terms of existential meaningful life.

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