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      • KCI등재

        아까시나무 ( Robinia pseudoacacia L. ) 조림지에서 천이의 예측과 조림학적 제어

        충원(Chung Weon Yun),오승환(Seung Hwan Oh),이준혁(Joon Hyouk Lee),주성현(Sung Hyun Joo),홍성천(Sung Cheon Hong) 한국산림과학회 1999 한국산림과학회지 Vol.88 No.2

        To get ecological information necessary for the prediction on succession and the silvicultural control of the black locust(R. pseudoacacia) plantation, classification of vegetation unit. competition of major species, and succession were analyzed. The results were as follows. Vegetation units classified in R. pseudoacacia forest were Quercus variabilis community, Persicaria perfoliata community, Styrax japonica community, Acalypha australis community, Typical community. Species diversity indices showed significant difference among the vegetation units. As a result of stand ordination by CCA method, arrangement of stands on Axis Ⅰ was correlated significantly with altitude, sand, silt and available phosphorus contents, and that on Axis Ⅱ was with total nitrogen, exchangeable calcium and kalium contents. It was judged that R. pseudoacacia plantation would be replaced by the mixed forest including Quercus spp., Acer spp., and Prunus spp. etc., native to Korea with the progression of succession as the results of analyses on competition of major species and successional tendency in R. pseudoacacia plantation.

      • KCI등재

        인접 임분의 종류 , 계층 구조 및 식생단위에 따른 아까시나무의 이입에 관한 연구

        충원(Chung Weon Yun),오승환(Seung Hwan Oh),이영근(Young Geun Lee),홍성천(Sung Cheon Hong),김재헌(Jae Heun Kim) 한국산림과학회 2001 한국산림과학회지 Vol.90 No.3

        This study was conducted to investigate the effects of adjacent stand on the invasion of Robinia pseudoacacia plantations. The results were as follows. 1) Robinia pseudoacacia tended to invade into all directions regardless of the kinds of adjacent stands. But it was estimated that the invasion of Robinia pseudoacacia into adjacent stands could be very difficult, if the layer structure of adjacent stands were well developed. Whereas, it was estimated that Robinia pseudoacacia more rapidly intruded into adjacent stands, if adjacent stands were opened and bared. 2) Robinia pseudoacacia tended to invade into all aspects regardless of the kinds of vegetation units in the adjacent stands. But the dominance class of Robinia pseudoacacia in the adjacent stands showed a little differences among the vegetation units. The dominance class of Robinia pseudoacacia in Quercus aliena community and Quercus serrata community showed low level as +∼2, while the dominance class of Pinus densiflora community, Pinus rigida community, Quercus variabilis community and Quercus acutissima community represented high level as 1∼4. Also the dominance class of Isodon inflexus subgroup among three subgroups of Pinus densiflora community showed the lowest level as + ∼2.

      • KCI등재

        청옥산 삼림식생에 관한 연구 - 식물사회학적 분석방법으로 -

        오승환,충원,배관호,홍성천 ( Seung Hwan Oh,Chung Weon Yun,Kwan Ho Bae,Sung Cheon Hong ) 한국산림과학회 1998 한국산림과학회지 Vol.87 No.1

        The Mt. Cheongok is located at the northern part of Kyungsangpookdo from 37°00` 00`` to 37°05` 00`` latitude and from 128°55` 00`` to 129°00` 00`` longitude. The altitude of the summit is 1,276.5m. This study was carried out to classify forest communities by the methods of Zurich-Montepellier schools. And, it also might be useful for selection of plant species, forest conservation, and prompting vegetation succession. The forest vegetation in Mt. Cheongok was classified into 12 communities, 4 groups, and 4 subgroups. Rhododendron micranthum subgroup of Pinus densiflora for. erecta community and Fraxinus mandshurica community were not found in cool temperate forest, southern zone yet. According to the coincidence method, Pines densiflora for. erecta community was mainly distributed from altitude 450m to 1,100m and from upper slope to ridge, and Quercus mongolica community was dominanced in the range of over altitude 700m. Pinus densiflora for. erecta community, distributed in upper slope and ridge, is judged to be maintained in the future. But Pinus densiflora for. erecta community, distributed in below middle slope, is judged to be changed into deciduous hardwood forest.

      • KCI등재후보

        코로나19 팬데믹(Pandemic) 상황에서 시각장애인의 경험과 서비스 욕구에 대한 질적연구

        김지혜(Kim, Ji-Hae),오충원(Oh, Chung-Weon),남이해(Nam, Yi-Hae) 사회복지정책실천회 2021 사회복지정책과 실천 Vol.7 No.1

        본 연구는 코로나19 팬데믹 상황에서 시각장애인의 생활경험을 탐색함으로써 사회적 재난 속에서 시각장애인이 겪고 있는 어려움과 욕구를 확인하고, 이를 해결하기 위해 제공되어야 하는 서비스와 정책을 제안하고자 하였다. 코로나19 상황에서 시각장애인들의 경험을 밝혀내기 위하여 시각장애인3집단을 대상으로 초점집단인터뷰(FGI)를 실시하였으며, 주제분석방법을 활용하여 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 시각장애인은 코로나19 상황에서 감염에 대한 두려움과 불안, 정서적 어려움을 경험하였고, 정보접근의 어려움과 경제적 어려움을 경험하였다. 코로나19라는 사회적 재난 속에서 시각장애인들은맞춤형 재난 지원 서비스가 제공되고, 정보접근성이 강화되기를 바라고 있었다. 이러한 연구 결과에 근거하여 감염병과 재난상황에서 장애인 권리보장의원칙과 방향이 재정립되어야 하며, 장애유형별 특징에 따른 감염병 대응에대한 구체적 지침과 서비스가 필요하다는 것과 장애인들의 감염병 정보접근성이 강화되어야 한다는 것에 대해 제언하였다. This study aims to identify the difficulties that the visually impaired suffers amid social disasters, by exploring the life experiences of the visually impaired under the COVID-19 pandemic circumstances, and proposes services and policies that must be provided to resolve them. In order to figure out the experiences of the visually impaired under the COVID-19 circumstances, a focus group interview (FGI) was conducted, targeting 3 groups of the visually impaired, and the subject analysis method was used for analysis. The visually impaired has experienced fear, anxiety, and emotional difficulties regarding infection under the COVID-19 circumstances, in addition to the difficulties in accessing information and financial difficulties. Amid the social disaster of COVID-19, the visually impaired were hoping that the customized disaster support services would be provided and their access to information would be enhanced. Based on this, this study suggest the principles and directions of securing the rights of persons with disabilities in regard to the infectious diseases and disastrous circumstances should be re-established, and specific guidelines and services for responding to infectious diseases according to the characteristics of each type of disability are in need. Moreover, access to information on infectious diseases should be reinforced for the disabled.

      • KCI등재

        시각장애인의 독립보행 경험에 대한 질적 연구

        김지혜(Kim, Ji-Hae),오충원(Oh, Chung-Weon),남이해(Nam, Yi-Hae) 한국시각장애교육재활학회 2021 시각장애연구 Vol.37 No.1

        연구목적: 본 연구는 시각장애인이 독립보행을 하면서 경험하는 어려움은 무엇인지를 확인하여 안전한 독립보행을 위해 필요한 정책과 서비스를 제안하고자 시도되었다. 연구방법: 시각장애인의 독립보행 경험을 탐색하기 위해 시각장애인 3집단을 대상으로 포커스그룹 인터뷰를 실시하였으며, 주제분석 방법을 활용하여 분석하였다. 연구결과: 시각장애인의 독립보행경험 분석결과, ‘헤매는 길-익숙한 곳에서 경험하는 낯섦’, ‘위험한 길-곤두서는 신경, 다치고 또 다치고’, ‘두려운 길-한 걸음 나아갈 용기가 생기지 않음’이라는 주제를 발견하였다. 결론: 시각장애인의 독립보행을 지원하기 위해 장애인의 편리성을 고려한 장애인 친화적인 정책과 서비스가 제공되어야 한다. 도로공사 안내문자나 긴급구조 요청 앱이 개발될 필요가 있으며, 신호등 음향신호기나 점자블록 장애물 등 시각장애인을 위한 시설물에 대해 정기적인 점검을 실시할 필요가 있다. 또한, 비장애인에 대한 인식개선 교육이 실시될 필요가 있다. Purpose: This study aims to suggest policies and services necessary for safe independent walking by identifying the difficulties that the visually disabled people experience while walking independently. Method: In order to explore the independent walking experience of the people with visual impairments, focus group interviews were carried out with 3 groups of the people with visual impairments, and analyzed by using the subject analysis method. Results: As a result of analyzing independent walking experience of the people with visual impairments, the following subjects were found: ‘the road one wanders about-unfamiliarity experienced in familiar places’, ‘dangerous road-nervousness on the edge, injured and injured again’, and ‘the road one fears-no courage to take a step forward’. Conclusion: In order to support the independent walking of the people with visual impairments, the disabled-friendly policies and services considering the convenience of the disabled should be provided. It is also necessary to develop the application for text messaging information on road construction or requesting an emergency rescue and to conduct regular inspections on facilities for the people with visual impairments, such as sound signals of the traffic lights and obstacles on braille block. Furthermore, there is a need to provide education to improve awareness of the people without disabilities.

      • KCI등재

        독거 시각장애인의 주거지 내 안전사고에 대한 인식과 경험 연구: 서울시 내 임대아파트를 중심으로

        남지현 ( Nam Ji Hyun ),전지혜 ( Jeon Ji Hye ),오충원 ( Oh Chung Weon ) 한국사회복지연구회 2020 사회복지연구 Vol.51 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 독거 시각장애인을 대상으로 주거지에서의 안전사고에 대한 인식과 경험을 살펴보고 탐색하는 것에 있다. 이를 위하여 총 8명의 시각장애인을 모집하여 일대일 심층면접을 통해 자료를 수집하였으며 사례 내 분석과 사례 간 분석을 통해 독거 시각장애인의 주거지 내 안전문제를 심층적으로 분석하였다. 분석 결과 (1) 매일을 불안 속에서 살아감, (2) 안전한 삶을 포기하도록 강요하는 사회, (3) 독립적 삶이 아닌 고립된 삶, (4) 공공임대아파트에서의 삶, (5) 나 스스로 주체적인 안전의 쟁취로 총 5개의 범주가 도출되었고, 15개의 하위범주가 도출되었다. 연구를 통해 독거 시각장애인의 안전사고 예방 및 대처를 위한 사회복지 정책적 실천적 노력이 필요함을 확인하였으며, 시각장애인의 주체적인 안전한 생활을 보장하기 위한 방안으로 ‘누구에게나 평등한 주거 환경, 실용성있는 재난 대피훈련, 지역사회 중심의 대처 방안’ 등이 논의되었다. 연구 결과, 시각장애인의 주거지 내 안전사고의 발생원인은 단순히 시각장애에 기인한 것이 아닌 것으로 나타났다. 안전사고의 발생원인은 위험하고 노후한 공공임대아파트의 환경, 독립보행의 어려움, 미비한 대피 훈련 등 다양한 환경적 요인들의 상호작용의 결과인 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구 결과를 바탕으로 독거 시각장애인들의 안전한 공공임대아파트 주거 환경을 위한 실천적, 정책적 제언을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study is to examine and explore the perception and experience of safety accidents in residential areas for the visually impaired living alone. For this purpose, a total of eight blind people were recruited to collect data through one-on-one in-depth interviews, and through in-case analysis and between-case analysis, in-depth analysis of safety problems in residential areas of the blind person living alone was conducted. According to the analysis, a total of five categories were derived from (1) living in anxiety every day, (2) society forcing people to give up a safe life, (3) life isolated instead of an independent life, (4) life in a public rental apartment, and (5) the acquisition of self-reliant safety by myself, and 15 subcategories were derived. Research confirmed the need for social welfare policy practical efforts to prevent and cope with safety accidents for the blind, and “equal residential environment for anyone, practical disaster evacuation drills, and community-oriented countermeasures” were discussed as measures to ensure the self-reliant safe life of the blind. Studies have shown that the cause of safety accidents in residential areas of blind people is not simply due to blindness. The causes of safety accidents have been found to be the result of the interaction of various environmental factors, including the environment of dangerous and aging public rental apartments, difficulties in independent walking and poor evacuation drills. Based on these findings, practical and policy suggestions were made for a safe public rental apartment housing environment for the blind.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 지도집의 구성 요소에 관한 연구

        오충원 남서울대학교 2007 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.13 No.4

        Abstract : The aim of this paper per is to investigate Elements of map for National Atlas which authoritatively represent geographic information. Firstly, It is need to produce National Atlas using computer cartographic technology, Secondly, It must consist of thematic maps supplemented with commentary,table and graphic data. Thirdly, contents of Atlas will be territory, geomorphology, climate, environment, population, industry, traffic, and so on. Key Words: Atlas, National Atlas, Geographic Information, Elements of Map 요 약 : 이 연구는 국가적인 차원에서 한 나라의 지리정보를 시각화하는 지도집의 지도구성 요소를 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 첫째, 국가지도집은 기존 국가지도집의 장점을 취합하여 최신의 컴퓨터 지도 제작기술을 활용하여 만들어져야 한다.둘째, 지도집의 형태로는 주제도를 중심으로 관련 설명, 도표 및 사진 등의 보조자료로 구성되어야 한다. 셋째, 지도집에 포함되어야 할 컨텐츠는 영토, 지형, 기후, 환경, 인구, 산업, 교통 등의 다양한 주제를 포함하여야 한다. 주요어: 지도집, 국가지도집, 지리정보, 지도 구성 요소

      • NSDI를 구성하는 지리정보의 구성요소에 대한 연구

        오충원 남서울대학교 2010 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.16 No.1-1

        The needs of Geographic Information for National Spatial Data Infrastructure are increasing. Geographic Information is one of the key features of Geographic Information Science and Spatial Information Industry. This paper explores Elements of Geographic Information for National Spatial Data Infrastructure. Firstly, Geographic Information is a key database to manage and visualize real geograhic world. Secondly, Geographic Information is advanced attribute data of Geographic Inforamtion System in National Spatial Data Infrastructure. Thirdly, Fusion and Integration of Human Geographic Information is more useful in NSDI environment. Key Words : Geographic Information, Geographic Informaion Science, National Spatial Data Infrastructure, GIS

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