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      • 공적방제의 개념과 식물병 관리 사례

        오창식 한국응용곤충학회 2013 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2013 No.04

        공적방제는 식물방역법과 농작물 병해충 예찰· 방제에 관한 규정에 따라 농촌진흥청장 및 시·도지사가 해당 병해충의 확산을 저지하기 위하여 국가차원에서 실시하는 방제를 말한다. 이러한 공적방제는 국내에 유입되었거나 이미 국내의 일부 지역에 분포하여 있는 병해충이 퍼져서 농·임산물에 중대한 피해를 끼칠 우려가 있는 경우나 병해충으로 인하여 농·임산물이나 그 밖의 물품의 수출이 지장을 받을 우려가 있는 경우에 해당 병해충의 박멸을 목표로 실시한다. 전 세계적으로 다양한 식물병에 대해 공적방제를 시행한 사례들이 있다. 본 발표에서는 공적방제의 개념, 공적방제 시행과 손실보상, 그리고 사과 화상병, 감귤 궤양병 등을 대상으로 한 대표적인 공적방제 시행 성공 및 실패 사례들을 소개하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        Rice Cell Wall Polysaccharides: Structure and Biosynthesis

        오창식,김훈,이찬희 한국식물학회 2013 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.56 No.5

        Rice is the most widely consumed staple food,and is cultivated worldwide to satisfy our daily caloric needs. Thus, extensive efforts on rice breeding and biotechnologyhave substantially focused on the development of elitecultivars with high yields and better grain quality, as well asenhanced resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses. Recently, it has been observed that rice is more than a justgrain-producing crop. Carbon-rich materials of the rice cellwall polysaccharides from post-harvest wastes, including thestraw and husk, have been converted into bioethanol andother invaluable, renewable materials. In order to maximizethe utilization of cell wall-derived resources, it is imperativeto understand cell wall chemistry and molecular mechanismunderlying cell wall biosynthesis in rice. In the last decade,several approaches, including mutational genetics and thefunctional characterization of candidate genes, have beensuccessful in isolating some of cell wall biosynthetic genes inrice, marking the first step forward in obtaining a completeunderstanding of rice cell wall biosynthesis, although theexact biochemical functions have not been conclusive. In thispaper, we focus on integrating old and new information toprovide an updated perspective in the cell wall formation ofrice, highlighting the chemical structures and biosynthesis ofrice cell wall polysaccharides.

      • KCI등재

        Rice Cell Wall Polysaccharides: Structure and Biosynthesis

        오창식,김훈,이찬희 한국식물학회 2013 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.56 No.6

        Rice is the most widely consumed staple food, and is cultivated worldwide to satisfy our daily caloric needs. Thus, extensive efforts on rice breeding and biotechnology have substantially focused on the development of elite cultivars with high yields and better grain quality, as well as enhanced resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses. Recently, it has been observed that rice is more than a just grain-producing crop. Carbon-rich materials of the rice cell wall polysaccharides from post-harvest wastes, including the straw and husk, have been converted into bioethanol and other invaluable, renewable materials. In order to maximize the utilization of cell wall-derived resources, it is imperative to understand cell wall chemistry and molecular mechanism underlying cell wall biosynthesis in rice. In the last decade, several approaches, including mutational genetics and the functional characterization of candidate genes, have been successful in isolating some of cell wall biosynthetic genes in rice, marking the first step forward in obtaining a complete understanding of rice cell wall biosynthesis, although the exact biochemical functions have not been conclusive. In this paper, we focus on integrating old and new information to provide an updated perspective in the cell wall formation of rice, highlighting the chemical structures and biosynthesis of rice cell wall polysaccharides.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국형법의 사법해석(司法解釋)

        오창식 동국대학교 비교법문화연구소 2018 比較法硏究 Vol.18 No.1

        Evaluating the history of Mao regime, Ex-chairperson Deng xiao ping has ever urged general approach than detailed one that has criticized policies of Mao regime in 1978. “General rather than detailed” principle has prevailed around the country and the legislation foundations of 1979 criminal code has been influenced by it which has included many abstract and general regulations. therefore, the criminal code has provided criminal justice professionals with legal foundations and they could carry out official and crime-preventing works. but, due to lack of detailed regulations, criminal justice professionals based on their own judgement mixed the guilty and innocent action, also changed misdemeanor and felony. as the legislation problems occurred, chinese supreme judicial authorities decided to distribute judicial interpretations which helped the solve the problem of criminal code of 1979. The birth of law is about to be accompanied by interpretation and the application of interpretation that is based on some legal related foundation. The countries of continental criminal law were likely to have bases on detailed regulations and severe prosecutions and jurisdiction interpretations which surpass the limits and were opposite to the purpose of law were severely restricted. The judge based on their legal knowledges and regulations related the specific cases with detailed concepts. Trough revision of regulations, The powers of legislation solved vagueness of regulation and ambiguity of legislation interpretation. Discretionary interpretation of the judge and court that would be applied to specific cases was confined to reasonable deduction range, and This interpretation could not influence other court and cases. with contrast to duration of civil cases, as far as criminal cases that will capture the evidence with quick process are concerned, judicial interpretations upgraded justness and quick process of judicial system. Due to different level of legal knowledges and abilities of interpretation, similar cases leaded to different results, even in the same court would occur different results of similar cases. Mechanical applications and analogical interpretation aroused fair prosecution and The possibility of prediction. Even though there were requests about institutional complementarity, sometimes the judicial interpretations that have legal influence on lower grade court and prosecutor’s office even have priority privilege over real regulations, also gradually became the standards of verdict and prosecutor’s work. Though the judicial interpretations have ever attributed that they have the same influence with law, they also applied some older regulations which were unfavorable to the person directly involved, that would violated principle banning retroactive punishment 등소평은 역사에 대한 개괄적인 접근을 강조, 세부적이고 지엽적인과오에 대한 평가에만 함몰되어 마오쩌둥에 대한 부정적, 비판적인 논조에만 갇히지 말 것을 요청하면서 강조한 “개괄적인 것이 적합하며, 세부적인 것은 적합하지 않다”원칙은 사회전반으로 확산되었으며, 79 년 형법전의 입법근간에도 영향을 미쳐 당시의 법률은 추상적이고 개괄적인 규정을 다수 포함하였으며, 죄행위에 대한 적극적이고 유효한수단으로 활용되었던 형법전은 사법종사자들에게 법적 근거를 제공, 한층 법에 근거한 법의 집행과 범죄예방을 가능케 하였다. 법률의 탄생은 필연적으로 해석과 그 해석에 기반을 둔 해석적 적용을 수반한다. 성문법 전통의 대륙법계 국가에서는 법률의 세밀한 규정과 엄격한 적용을 바탕으로 입법부에서 제정하는 법률의 취지에 반하거나 범위를 유월하는 사법부의 해석은 금지되며, 개별 사건을 담당하는 법관은법규범과 법률적 소양을 바탕으로 해석적 내용과 구체적 사건을 결합시켜 판결한다. 빠른 처리방식으로 증거의 확보 및 실체적 진실을 밝히는형사사법영역에서의 사법해석은 애매하고 추상적인 조문의 해석과 적용에 있어 공정하고 신속한 사법의 운용을 제고하였다. 다만 지역별 사법종사자들의 법적 소양과 해석능력의 차이로 인해 유사한 안건에 대한 상이한 처벌이 양산되고 심지어 같은 지역의 법원에서도 법관들이 적용하는사법해석과 근거의 상이성으로 인해 차별되는 결론이 도출되었다. 필자는 본고에서 중국의 사법종사자들의 업무지침이자 학술계의 중요한 연구 대상인 사법해석의 개념과 법률해석의 정의에서 출발하여시대의 요청을 반영하였던 형법사법해석의 발전과 특징적인 모습을 살펴보고, 모호하고 개괄적인 방식을 채택하였던 사법해석으로 인해 발생되었던 문제점들을 알아보는 방식을 통해 중국 형사법적 특징이 농후한 사법해석에 대한 이해를 제고하며 한중 양국의 학문적 교류에 미력한 힘을 보태고자 한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        ASME BPVC Section XI Appendix L의 결함허용평가에 따른 허용운전주기 민감도 분석

        오창식,조두호,정명조 한국압력기기공학회 2021 한국압력기기공학회 논문집 Vol.17 No.2

        During operation of nuclear power plants, the fatigue assessment should be conducted repeatedly, considering changes of operating environments. For the case that cumulative usage factors (CUFs) may exceed the acceptance limit, flaw tolerance evaluation can be an alternative method to meet the regulatory requirements. In this respect, this paper analyzes the effects of the input variables for flaw tolerance evaluation based on ASME BPVC Section XI Appendix L. The reference analysis is performed for the example problem in NUREG/CR-6934. Then effects of the crack orientation, stress intensity factor solutions, thermal stress profiles, fatigue stress decomposition and fatigue crack growth curves are considered for the sensitivity analysis. The results show that the stress analysis considering the actual environment plays a crucial role in flaw tolerance evaluation.

      • KCI등재

        Genetic Diversity of avrBs-like Genes in Three Different Xanthomonas Species Isolated in Korea

        오창식,이승돈,허성기 한국식물병리학회 2011 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.27 No.1

        Plant-pathogenic bacteria including Xanthomonas spp. carry genetic diversity in composition of avirulence genes for interaction with their host plants. Previously,we reported genetic diversity of avirulence genes in X. axonopodis pv. glycines. In this study, we determined genetic diversity of five avirulence genes, avrBs1, avrBs2,avrBs3, avrBs4, and avrRxv, in three other Xanthomonas species isolated in Korea by genomic southern hybridization. Although Korean races of X. campestris pv. vesicatoria that were isolated from year 1995 to 2002had the same avirulence gene patterns as those that already reported, there was race shift from race 3 to race 1 by acquisition of avrBs3 genes. X. campestris pv. campestris isolated from Chinese cabbage, but not from cabbage or radish, carried two avrBs3 genes, and one of them affected HR-eliciting ability of this bacterium in broccoli. X. oryzae pv. oryzae carried eight to thirteen avrBs3 gene homologs, and this bacterium showed dynamic changes of resistance patterns in rice probably by losing or obtaining avrBs3 genes. These results indicate that avrBs3 gene is more diverse in Xanthomonas spp. than other four avirulence genes and also host ranges of these bacteria can be easily changed by loss or acquisition of avrBs3 genes.

      • KCI등재

        국내 수집 벼흰잎마름병균의 유전적 다양성 및 병원형

        오창식,허성기,노은정,이승돈,나동수 한국식물병리학회 2010 식물병연구 Vol.16 No.3

        Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, causal agent of bacterial leaf blight (BLB) of rice, had been collected and identified using Biolog and fatty acid analysis. Epidemics of BLB had been occurred all the times at several rice cultivating areas in Korea in 1999-2004. Most X. oryzae pv. oryzae isolated in 1999 and 2002 belonged to Korean race K1, but more than 50% of the pathogen isolated in 2003 belonged to Korean race K3. Especially,most pathogens isolated in Jeonnam and Joenbuk provinces belonged to Korean race K3. Inoculation test of near isogenic lines (NIL) of rice carrying single resistance genes against BLB showed that many isolates belonging to Korean race 1 reacted differently to diverse resistant monogenic lines of rice. Southern blot analysis also showed that the bacterial pathogens belonged to the same race had different numbers of avirulence genes. This results suggested that each Korean race type may respond to many resistance genes of rice. All the K3 races isolated in Jeonnam and Joenbuk provinces were able to cause disease on Xa3monogenic lines of rice. Since most rice cultivars cultivated in Jeonnam and Jeonbuk were carrying Xa3resistance genes, the bacterial pathogens isolated in Jeonnam and Jeonbuk were likely to develop to adapt to Xa3 resistance gene. Together with avirulence gene patterns of the bacterial isolates and the results of disease reaction of monogenic lines of rice to them, Korean X. oryzae pv. oryzae was classified into 19 pathotypes. This newly classified pathotypes should help the breeding of new resistance rice cultivars in Korea. 1999년부터 2004년 사이에 벼흰잎마름병의 원인균인 Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae를 전국적으로 분리하여 Biolog와 지방산 분석법을 이용하여 동정하였다. 한국의 벼 판별품종을 기준으로 분류한 결과 1999년도와 2002에 각각 분리된 벼흰잎마름병균은 모두 K1 레이스에 속하였다. 2003년도에 분리된 벼흰잎마름병균의 경우는 50% 이상이 K3 레이스에 속하였으며 대부분 전라도 지역에서 분리된 균주였다. 분리 년도 별로 단인자 벼 저항성 품종에 대한 균들의 반응을 보았을 때 많은 K1 레이스로 분류된 균주들이 단인자 저항성 품종에 대해 달리 반응을 보였다. Southern bolt 결과, 동일한 레이스에서도 다양한 비병원성 유전자들을 가지고 있었다. 이러한 결과들은 하나의 레이스가 여러 개의 벼 저항성 유전자와 반응한다는 것을 제시한다. 전남과 전북에서 분리된 모든 K3 레이스들은 Xa3 단인자 저항성 품종을 침해하였는데 이러한 결과는 전남과 전북에 Xa3 저항성원을 지닌 벼 품종의 과다한 재배로 인하여 Xa3 침해 균주의 선별적 증식이 유도된 것으로 추측된다. 이러한 다양한 비병원성 유전자 패턴 및 단인자 저항성 유전자에 대한 반응을 고려하여 국내 분리된 벼흰잎마름병균들을 19개의 병원형으로 분류하였다. 새롭게 분류된 병원형들은 국내의 새로운 저항성 품종을 육종하는데 도움이 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        QTLs for Domestication-related and Agronomic Traits in Temperate Japonica Weedy Rice

        오창식,이승준,윤동범,서정필,안상낙 한국육종학회 2004 한국육종학회지 Vol.36 No.1

        This study was conducted to identify the genetic basis of the domestication-related traits in weedy rice. An RIL population consisting of 80 lines was developed from a cross between the japonica weedy rice, Hapcheonaengmi 3 and the Tongil-type cultivar Milyang 23. The population was genotyped with 132 DNA markers, providing an average interval size of 11.0cM, and also evaluated for 20 traits related to domestication and agricultural performance. A total of 48 QTLs and two loci associated with qualitative variation for pericarp and base coloration were identified using single point and interval analysis. The number of QTLs per trait ranged from one to six. These 48 QTLs were located in27 intervals distributed on 11 chromosomes except for chromosome 12. The results indicated that most domestication-related traits clustered in chromosomal blocks, and the positions of many of these clusters were consistent with those reported in previous studies. Phenotypic variation associated with each QTL ranged from 7.5 to 31.9%. For 10 (40%) of the QTLs identified for agricultural performance in this study, the Hapcheonaengmi 3-derived allele contributed a desirable agronomic effect despite the overall undesirable characteristics of the weedy phenotype. Favorable wild alleles were detected for days to heading, panicle exsertion, primary branch number, and leaf discoloration related with cold tolerance. When compared with previous studies involving interspecific crosses, it can be concluded that weedy rice is useful as a source of valuable alleles for rice improvement.

      • KCI등재

        Analytical Method to Estimate Cross-Section Stress Profiles for Reactor Vessel Nozzle Corners under Internal Pressure

        오창식,이상민,정명조 한국원자력학회 2022 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.54 No.1

        This paper provides a simple method by which to estimate the cross-section stress profiles for nozzlesdesigned according to ASME Code Section III. Further, this method validates the effectiveness of earlierwork performed by the authors on standard nozzles. The method requires only the geometric informationof the pressure vessel and the attached nozzle. A PWR direct vessel injection nozzle, a PWR outletnozzle, a PWR inlet nozzle and a BWR recirculation outlet nozzle are selected based on their correspondingspecific designs, e.g., a varying nozzle radius, a varying nozzle thickness and an outlet nozzleboss. A cross-section stress profile comparison shows that the estimates are in good agreement with thefinite element analysis results. Differences in stress intensity factors calculated in accordance with ASMEBPVC Section XI Appendix G are discussed. In addition, a change in the dimensions of an alternate nozzledesign relative to the standard values is discussed, focusing on the stress concentration factors of thenozzle inside corner.

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