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      • 자율주행자동차 운용에 대한 법제 검토

        오인선 서울대학교 기술과법센터 2019 Law & technology Vol.15 No.4

        자율주행자동차의 발전은 자동차 자체뿐만 아니라, 사람들의 삶을 지금까지와는 다른 차원으로 변화시켜줄 것이다. 운전자의 운전 관여가 축소되거나 배제되는 고도자율주행기술이 현실화되면 이에 대한 새로운 법제를 구축하는 일이 중요하다. 이와 함께 스스로 상황에 맞는 판단을 하고 목적지까지 주행하는 자율주행자동차의 등장으로 기존의 인적요소에 의해 발생하던 사고는 대폭 감소할 것으로 예상되나, 자율주행에 의한 운행 중 사고가 발생하는 경우 운전자와 제조업자의 책임 소재, 손해배상 등 기존에 존재하지 않은 새로운 유형의 사고 처리와 관련된 다양한 법적 문제가 발생할 가능성이 커졌다. 이 글에서는 현행 법체계 하에서 자율주행자동차의 운행이 허용되는지, 관련 서비스의 제공이 제도적으로 뒷받침되는지 살펴보았다. 또한, 주요 국가의 자율주행자동차 운용에 관한 입법례와 우리나라의 제도적 현황을 검토하고, 자율주행자동차로 인한 사고 및 책임 소재에 대한 고찰을 통해, 우리 현행 법규에 대한 개선방안을 모색하였다. The development of self-driving cars will not only change the car itself, but also change people’s lives to a different level. When high-level self-driving technology, which reduces or excludes drivers’ involvement in driving, becomes a reality, it is important to establish new legislation on it. At the same time, the appearance of self-driving cars that make appropriate decisions on their own and drive to their destination is expected to significantly reduce accidents caused by existing human factors. However, it is highly likely that various legal problems related to handling new types of accidents, such as responsibilities of drivers, manufacturers, and damages, will arise if accidents occur during self-driving operations. In this article, it is examined whether self-driving cars are allowed to operate under the current legal system and whether the provision of related services is supported by the system. The Acts on the operation of self-driving cars in major countries and the institutional situation in the Republic of Korea were reviewed and the improvement proposals with regards to the current regulations were explored through the consideration of accident and responsibility caused by self-driving cars.

      • KCI등재

        Local crystallization and enhanced thermoelectric performance of glassy carbon induced by the electron beam irradiation

        오인선,조준현,박정민,Jongmin Lee,Heungjoo Shin,유정우 한국물리학회 2016 Current Applied Physics Vol.16 No.11

        Glassy carbon can be used in a variety of harsh environments because it exhibits low electrical resistance, high thermal stability, chemically impermeability and hardness. In this work, we studied the potential application of the pyrolized glassy carbon as a thermoelectric material by electron beam irradiation. Irradiation with electron beam energy of 1.4 MeV and 0.2 MeV triggered local crystallization of glassy carbon, which was determined by a Raman spectroscopy. As the irradiation time was increased, the number of sp2 hybridized carbons was gradually increased while the number of disordered carbons was decreased. This electron beam induced local crystallization caused a synergetic effect on a thermoelectric power factor of the studied glassy carbon films. Although the electrical conductivity was decreased by the e-beam irradiation, the Seebeck coefficient was significantly enhanced resulting in an improved power factor. The optimal power factor we obtained for the irradiated glassy carbon was ~50% higher than that of the non-irradiated sample.

      • 주요국 간접침해 규정의 비교⋅분석을 통한 국내 간접침해 기준에 관한 검토

        오인선 서울대학교 기술과법센터 2018 Law & technology Vol.14 No.5

        각국은 직접침해에 해당되지는 않으나 장래에 특허권의 침해로 이어질 가능성이 큰 예비적 행위를 간접침해로 규정하고 있다. 특허권의 효력을 확장하기보다는 특허권을 효과적이고 실질적으로 보호하기 위하여 세계 각국이 채택하고 있는 간접침 해 규정은 그 세부적인 내용에서 상당한 차이를 보인다. 1973년 특허법 개정 시에 도입되어 현재에 이른 우리 특허법 제127조 규정은 주요국 입법례와 비교할 때 간접침해의 인정 범위가 협소하다. 최근 대법원은 2015. 7. 23. 선고 2014다 42110 판결에서 속지주의를 근거로 하여, 반제품을 생산하여 수출한 행위가 특허권의 간접침해 행위에 해당하지 않는다고 판시하였다. 직접침해에 대해 종속설을 바탕으로 판시한 것은 타당하나, 반제품의 ‘수출’은 현행법상 제127조의 실시 태양에 해당하지 않는다고 판시하거나, 생산행위는 수출을 위한 부수적 행위로서 궁극적으로는 수출행위를 한 것이므로 간접침해가 성립하지 않는다고 판단하였어야 했다고 생각한다. 한편, 3D 프린팅 산업의 발달과 함께 특허권자의 허락없이 3D 데이터를 제작하거나 이를 전송하는 경우 특허권자의 보호가 현실적으로 어렵다. 침해품 자체를 생산하는 것은 아니므로 직접침해에 해당하지 않고, 현행법상 무체물인 3D 데이터 에 대한 간접침해의 적용 역시 어렵기 때문이다. 이에 대한 해결방안으로 미국, 독일과 일본의 입법례를 참고하여 간접침해 규정을 입법적으로 보완할 필요가 있다. 제3자 직접침해의 상당한 가능성이 있을 것을 간접침해 성립요건으로 명문화하고, 제127조의 실시 범위를 확대하여 간접침해의 포섭 범위를 넓히고, 비전용물적 간접침해 법리를 도입하여 간접침해의 적용 대상을 확대하는 입법적 개정이 필요하다. 그렇게 되면 반제품의 수출행위 뿐만 아니라 3D 데이터의 작성 및 온라인 유통에 대해서도 간접침해 법리를 적용할 수 있어 특허권자를 실효적으로 보호할 수 있으리라 생각한다. Each country defines indirect infringement as a preliminary act that is not direct infringement but is likely to lead to infringement of patent rights in the future. The indirect infringement regulations adopted by countries around the world in order to effectively and practically protect patents rather than expanding the scope of patents show considerable differences in detail. The Article 127 of the Korean Patent Law, which was introduced at the time of the amendment of the Patent Law in 1973, has a narrow scope of indirect infringement. Recently, the Supreme Court ruled in its ruling on July 23, 2015 that the act of producing and exporting semi-finished products does not constitute an indirect infringement of patent rights based on the territorial principle. It was reasonable to rule on the basis of the theory that direct infringement is necessary, however, the judgment should have been made that the ‘export’ of semi-finished products is not fall within the scope of Article 127 of the current law, or indirect infringement did not hold because the production is an incidental act for export. Meanwhile, with the development of the 3D printing industry, the protection of patentee is practically difficult if someone produces or transmits 3D data without permission of the patentee. It is not a direct infringement because it does not produce the infringing product itself, and it is also difficult to apply indirect infringement to the 3D data, which is an intangible goods in the current law. As a solution to this problem, the indirect infringement regulation need to be supplemented legally by referring to the rules of the United States, Germany and Japan. The indirect infringement requirement shall be stipulated by supplement of the possibility of third party’s direct infringement. It is necessary to expand the scope of the implementation in Article 127 and to introduce non-exclusive indirect infringement to the law, in order to broaden the scope of indirect infringement. Then, the patentee will be effectively protected by applying the indirect patent infringement law for the preparation and online distribution of 3D data as well as the export of semi-finished products.

      • 의약품 허가-특허연계제도 - 미국법과의 비교를 중심으로 -

        오인선 서울대학교 기술과법센터 2021 Law & technology Vol.17 No.6

        의약품 허가-특허연계제도는 의약품의 허가 심사 절차에서 오리지널 의약품에 대한 특허권 침해 여부를 고려하는 단계를 둠으로써 특허권을 보다 적극적으로 보호하려는 제도이다. 신약 특허 권자에 대한 강력한 보호를 통해 신약의 연구 개발을 장려하고, 제네릭 의약품 제조사는 특허 존속기간 중 신약의 안전성⋅유효성 자료를 자유롭게 이용하도록 함으로써 특허 만료 후 제네릭의 약품의 신속한 도입을 유인하는 친경쟁적 효과를 기대하며 도입되었다. 본 논문은 의약품 허가-특허연계제도가 본래의 목적에 맞게 운용되는지 여부를 평가하고, 현 제도의 한계를 살펴본 후 개선방안을 강구하기 위한 것이다. 이를 위하여 우선 한국 의약품 허가 -특허연계제도의 기조가 된 미국의 Hatch-Waxman법(해치-왁스만법)의 도입 배경과 제정 및 개정 연혁을 살펴본 후, 바이오의약품에 대해 적용되는 BPCIA(바이오의약품 가격 경쟁 및 혁신법)의 주요 규정과 특징을 검토하였다. 이후 한국의 의약품 허가-특허연계제도가 도입된 배경과 도입 시 논란 등을 살펴보고, 약사법에 규정된 본 제도의 주요 조항과 특징을 파악하였다. 이어 의약품 허가-특허연계제도와 관련 있는 미국의 Hatch-Waxman법에 따른 소송, BPCIA 해석에 대한 대법원 판례와 이하 주요 규정과 관련한 소송 등을 살펴본 후, 한국의 특허침 해소송 및 심판을 검토하였다. 마지막으로, 현재 운영되고 있는 우리 의약품 허가-특허연계제도가 도입된 약사법 규정의 한계를 살펴보고 부족한 점을 보완할 개선방안을 강구하고자 하였다. 구체적으로, 바이오의약품에 대한 예외 적용과 판 매금지 및 우선판매품목허가 규정에 대한 개선안을 제안하였다. 제네릭 제약사와 바이오시밀러 제약사가 주를 이루는 국내 제약업계 상황을 고려할 때, 의약품 허가-특허연계제도의 장점을 충분히 살려 신약 의 연구 개발 및 기술 혁신을 장려하면서도, 후발 의약품 신청자가 적극적으로 신약의 특허에 도전 하게 하고, 후발의약품의 시장 진입을 앞당겨, 환자에 대한 의약품 접근성을 높이고 의료비 절감을 추진할 수 있도록 약사법의 관련 조항들을 수정 및 보완하여야 할 것이다. The Drug Approval-Patent Linkage System is a system that seeks to protect patent rights more actively by taking steps to consider whether patents are infringed on an original drug(new drug) in the drug approval review process. It was introduced in hopes of encouraging research and development of new drugs through strong protection of new drug patent holders and allowing generic drug manufacturers to freely use data on the safety and efficacy of new drugs during the patent term, thereby creating a pro-competitive effect that induces rapid introduction of generic drugs after patent expiry. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate whether the Drug Approval-Patent Linkage System operates according to its original purpose, and to devise ways to improve it after examining the limitations of the current system. To this end, I reviewed the background, enactment, and revision of the U.S. Hatch-Waxman Act, which became the basis of the Korean Drug Approval-Patent Linkage System historically. The main regulations and features of BPCIA(the Biosimilars Price Competition and Innovation Act), which is applied for biologics, was also reviewed. Since then, the background of the introduction of Korea’s Drug Approval-Patent Linkage System, issues and controversy when was introduced, and the main provisions and characteristics of this system stipulated in the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act were identified. Next, by examining the lawsuits and trials related to the Drug Approval-Patent Linkage System, the litigation under the Hatch-Waxman Act in the United States, the Supreme Court’s precedent on BPCIA interpretation, and Korea’s patent infringement litigation and judgements were reviewed. Finally, I tried to examine the limitations of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act that introduced the current Drug Approval-Patent Linkage System and devise improvements to compensate for the deficiencies. Specifically, an improvement suggestion was proposed in relation to the application of exceptions to biologics, prohibition of sales, and permission for priority sales items. Given the situation in the domestic pharmaceutical industry, where generic/biosimilar pharmaceutical companies are dominant, the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act should be revised and supplemented to encourage research and development and technological innovation of new drugs, while encouraging latecomer drugs applicants to actively fight against new drug patents and accelerating the market entry of late-stage drugs, to increase drug access to patients and to reduce medical costs.

      • KCI등재

        스핀열전의 실험적 측정과 에너지 변환 효율에 대한 고찰

        오인선(Inseon Oh),정현정(Hyeonjung Jeong),유정우(Jung-Woo Yoo) 한국자기학회 2020 韓國磁氣學會誌 Vol.30 No.5

        In this work, we showed the experimental methodology for the precise characterization of the spin thermoelectric device of longitudinal spin Seebeck geometry, including heater design, temperature calibration, and the estimation of the spin-thermoelectric energy conversion. In particular, the developed on-chip heater design allows nominal heat dissipation due to direct contact between the device and heat source, and its simultaneous use for temperature sensor based-on temperature dependent resistance provides precise calibration for the thermal gradient applied on thin magnetic layer.

      • KCI등재

        전자빔 조사에 의한 유리상 탄소에서의 구조적 변화와 열전 성능의 상관관계

        오인선 ( Inseon Oh ),조준현 ( Junhyeon Jo ),안기석 ( Ki-seok An ),유정우 ( Jung-woo Yoo ) 한국복합재료학회 2016 Composites research Vol.29 No.4

        유리상 탄소는 열적으로 안정하고, 화학적 반응성이 매우 낮으며, 다양한 크기로 제작이 가능하고, 전기적 저항 또한 낮아서 다양한 극한 환경에서 사용 가능하다. 이 논문에서는 전자빔 조사가 유리상 탄소 박막의 구조 변화에 미치는 영향과 그에 따른 열전효과 변화에 대해 연구하였다. 라만 분광 특성 분석을 바탕으로 유리상 탄소 박막에 전자빔 조사에 따라 결정화 또는 비정질화가 일어나는 것을 확인하였다. 또한, 이러한 결정변화가 유리상 탄소 박막의 자유전자 도핑 농도의 변화시키며 그에 따른 제백 상수나 전기적 전도도의 변화도 확인하였다. 전자빔 조사로 인하여 유리상 탄소의 열전파워 펙터가 최대 200%까지 향상되는 것을 보여 주었다. Glassy carbon can be utilized in a variety of harsh environment due to exceptional thermal stability and chemically impermeability along with scalability and low electrical resistance. In this work, we studied effects of electron(e)-beam irradiation on thermoelectric properties of the glassy carbon film. E-beam irradiation triggered local crystallization and/or amorphization of glassy carbon thin films, which was determined by a Raman spectroscopy. The structural change by e-beam irradiation leads to the change in the doping level of the glassy carbon, which can be inferred from the change of a Seebeck coefficient and an electric conductivity. The optimal power factor we obtained for the irradiated glassy carbon film was ~200% higher than that of the non-irradiated sample.

      • Rib이 설치된 나선형 코일에서의 열전달 증진

        오인선(Inseon Oh),박준수(Joonsoo Park),김일권(Ilgwon Kim),강창우(Changwoo Kang) 대한기계학회 2021 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2021 No.11

        The heat transfer in a helical coil with ribs of triangular cross-section periodically mounted on the wall in the streamwise direction is examined by numerical simulations. The pitch ratio and curvature of the helical coil is fixed, while the distance of neighboring ribs is varied to investigate the effect of the mounted ribs on the flow and heat transfer. The heat transfer and friction coefficients are evaluated for various values of pitch between neighboring ribs. It turns out that the periodic ribs enhance the heat transport in the core of the helical coil.

      • KCI등재

        청소년의 정보불평등 환경구조에 관한 탐색적 연구

        오인선(In Sun Oh),이소희(So Hee Lee) 한국아동가족복지학회 1997 한국가족복지학 Vol.2 No.1

        A qualitive approach was attempted to find out that youth`s information inequality would happen under what structure and what environment differently from adults using a group discussion method according to the subject and cultural technological magazine. The reason of youth`s information inequality can be largely divided into an economical factor and a social factor, and in case of the former, the children of low classes have been prevented from accessing to PC from the first, and the children of middle or upper classes have been limited to use PC telecommunication owing to the heavy maintenance cost. In addition, in case of the latter, they have been suffering pressure to use PC in accordance with informationalized society and control not to use PC by their parents for fear that PC may prevent their children from passing exams or studying, which is occurring in all kinds of sections such as school, family, and society owing to school life and studying. With this conception in mind, the children who don`t have PCs have suffered serious divested feelings and stresses compared with the children who have PCs, and the children who have PCs but can`t use PC telecommunication have showed a critical view and envied the children who use PC telecommunication. Also some children who use PC telecommunication have expressed their concrete dissatisfactions about PC telecommunication services and some have taken a positive viewpoint about informationalization. Thus firstly impartial information environment must be presented to various classes of children according to this unequally informative environmental structure for children, secondly a new educational paradigm, educational informationalization, must be received and realized, and finally the cognition of children`s rights to access to informationalization is required.

      • KCI등재

        국내 소재 글로벌 제약사의 연구개발 규모 및 현황 : 2016~2020년 5년 간 설문조사

        오인선(In-Sun Oh),조혜원(Hye Won Cho),이현주(Hyun Joo Lee),송혜원(Hye Won Song),한나래(Na Rae Han),김초롱(Cho Rong Kim),임혜인(Hye In Lim),신주영(Ju-Young Shin) 대한약학회 2021 약학회지 Vol.65 No.6

        While the importance of the global pharmaceutical industry is growing owing to continued new drug developments and R&D investments, the scale of global pharmaceutical companies in Korea remains unclear. We therefore investigated the R&D status of global pharmaceutical companies in Korea through an annual survey from 2016 to 2020. We assessed five factors annually and their trend over the 5-year period: costs, personnel, number of clinical trials, number of clinical trial subjects, and others. We then examined the correlation among factors and further compared the trend between each factor and the gross domestic product (GDP). Of 35 companies that responded, 25 responded for five consecutive years and showed a steady increase in the cost, personnel, and the number of clinical trials. While costs and personnel increased more than the GDP over the 5-year period, the number of clinical trials remained similar; number of clinical trial subjects highly fluctuated year-by-year. Moreover, a high correlation was found for cost and personnel (r>0.8852), and cost and the number of clinical trials (r>0.8452). In conclusion, costs, personnel, and the number of clinical trials of global pharmaceutical companies in Korea steadily increased from 2016 to 2020 and thus, have continuously contributed to the domestic economy.

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