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        양형개혁법률(안)의 합리적 운용방안

        吳英根 한양대학교 법학연구소 2007 법학논총 Vol.24 No.1

        For the Effective Enforcement of the Sentencing Reform Acts 하게 되면, 개정 법원조직법의 양형기준 설정ㆍ변경시의 고려사항들도 형법 제51조에 비해 특별예방 보다는 응보나 일반예방의 목적이 강조된 것이라고 할 수 있다.3) 양형기준의 설정방법양형기준을 설정하는 경우 영국식으로 개별범죄에 따라 각각 양형기준을 설정하는 방법攀 영국의 양형기준에 대해서는, 조국, “영국의 양형지침 개괄”, 저스티스, 제73호, 2003, 132면 이하; 김한균, “양형의 합리화와 양형기준의 제정 - 영국 양형기준위원회의 양형합리화 정책 -”, 형사정책연구소식, 제91호, 2005. 9., 36-40면; 영국식 양형기준제의 도입가능성에 대한 검토로, 박형관, “영국식 양형기준제의 특징 및 도입 가능성에 대한 소고”, 대검찰청 검찰미래기획단, 형사법의 신동향, 제2호, 2006, 97면 이하. 攀攀과 미국식으로 계량화된 양형기준표攀 미국의 양형기준에 대해서는, 오영근/최석윤, “미국의 양형개혁에 대한 고찰", 형사법학의 과제와 전망(계산 성시탁교수 화갑기념논문집), 1995, 577면 이하. 攀攀를 만드는 방법을 생각할 수 있다. 두 가지 방법 중에서는 후자의 방식이 더 낫다고 생각된다. 과거 컴퓨터기술이 발달하지 않았던 시기에는 계량화된 양형기준을 만들고 적용하는 것이 매우 어려운 작업이라고 할 수 있지만, 오늘날과 같이 컴퓨터기술이 발달한 상황에서는 모든 범죄들에 공통적 혹은 개별적으로 적용될 수 있는 양형인자들을 분석하고 이들을 양형기준표에 적용하는 것이 그다지 어려운 일이 아니기 때문이다. 따라서 양형위원회의 사무기구(개정 법원조직법 제81조의9)에는 반드시 양형에 관한 기본적인 지식이 있으면서 컴퓨터분석 및 작업을 전문적으로 할 수 있는 인력들이 확보되어야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        2012년 형법 중요 판례

        오영근 대한변호사협회 2013 人權과 正義 : 大韓辯護士協會誌 Vol.- No.432

        이 글에서는 먼저 2012. 1. 1.에서 2012. 12. 31.까지 선고된 대법원 형법판결 중 2건의 전원합의체 판결과 1건의 헌법재판소 결정에 대해 평석하였다. 2건의 전원합의체 판례 중 한 건은 위치추적전자장치 부착명령의 적용요건에 관한 것이고, 다른 하나는 전교조의 시국선언이 국가공무원법상 금지되는 ‘공무 외의 일을 위한 집단행위’에 해당하는가에 관한 것이다. 헌법재판소 결정은 전자장치 부착명령의 소급효를 인정한 규정이 위헌이 아니라고 한 것이다. 위 판결과 결정 이외에 기타 대법원이 선고한 중요판례를 총칙관련 판례와 각칙관련 판례로 나누어 평석하였다. 각 평석은 모두 (1) 사실관계, (2) 판결요지, (3) 평석의 순으로 이루어졌다. In the year of 2012, 181 criminal cases by the Korean Supreme Court(KSC) are registeredon the homepage of the court. 4 cases of which are decided by the Grand Panel. 2 cases of which arereviewed in this paper. In addition, the one decision of Korean Consitutional Court(KCC) is reviewed. All the reviews are constituted 1. Fact, 2. Summary of Decision and 3. Critical Note. The contents of this paper is as follows;Ⅰ. IntroductionⅡ. The Grand Panel of KSC’s Judgement and the Decision of KCC. 1. The Grand Panel of KSC’s Judgement 2012. 3. 22., 2011Do15057 In this case, the requirements of electric monitoring are disputed. 2. The Grand Panel of KSC’s Judgement 2012. 4. 19., 2010Do6388 In this case is disputed, whether the teachers’ announcement constitutes the crime ofcollective action, which is prohibited by the State Official Act. 3. The KCC’s Decision 2012. 12. 27., 2010Hunga82 In this case is disputed whether the provision, which permits the retroactive effect of theelectric monitering order, is unconstitutional or not. Ⅲ. The KSC’s Judgement concerning the General Provisions of Criminal LawIn this chapter, 3 cases are selected and reviewed. IV. The KSC’s Judgement concerning the Particular Provisons of Criminal LawIn this chapter, 6 cases are selected and reviewed.

      • KCI등재

        2011년 형법 중요 판례

        오영근 대한변호사협회 2012 人權과 正義 : 大韓辯護士協會誌 Vol.- No.424

        In the year of 2011, 232 criminal cases by the Korean Supreme Court(KSC) are registered on the homepage of the court. 5 cases of which are decided by the Grand Panel. 4 cases of which are reviewed in this paper. All the reviews are constituted 1. Fact, 2. Summary of Decision and 3. Critical Note. The contents of this paper is as follows;I. Introduction II. The Grand Panel of KSC’s Judgement 2011. 1. 20.2008Do10479. In this case, the criminal resposibility of the double selling of the movable assets is disputed. On the contrary to the double selling of the unmovable assests, the court decided that the accused is not guilty of Untreu(the breach of duty). III. The Grand Panel of KSC’s Judgement 2011. 3. 17 2006DO8839In this case, the criminal responsibility of the jouralist’s exposure of the illegally obtained recording by the Korean CIA is disputed. The court decided that the act of accused is illegal. IV. The Grand Panel of KSC’s Judgement 2011. 3. 17 2007DO482In this case, the criminal responsibility of the strike is disputed. KSC has changed it’s former position and decided that the strike in the limited situation could be guilty. V. The Grand Panel of KSC’s Judgement 2011. 6. 23 2008DO7562In this case, the validity of the criminal provision is debated, which the Korean Constuitutional Court has decided not in accord with the constitutional law, even if, not unconstitutional. KSC decided that the criminal provision is retroactively unvalid. 이 글에서는 2011. 1. 1.부터 2011. 12. 31.까지 선고된 대법원 형법 판결 중 4건의 전원합의체판결을 평석하였다. 대법원 2011. 1. 20. 선고 2008도10479 판결은 동산의 이중매매에 대한 판결이다. 대법원 2011. 3. 17. 선고 2006도8839 판결은 불법감청한 내용을 공개한 방송기자의 죄책에 관한 것이다. 대법원 2011. 3. 17. 선고 2007도482 판결은 파업이 업무방해죄의 위력에 해당되는가에 대한 것이다. 대법원 2011. 6. 23. 선고 2008도7562 판결은 헌법불합치결정을 받은 형벌법규가 개정되지 않은 경우 소급효에 관한 것이다. 각 평석은 모두 1. 사실관계 및 재판의 경과, 2. 판결요지, 3. 평석의 순으로 이루어졌다.

      • KCI등재
      • Chloramphenicol이 핵산합성에 미치는 영향에 관한 전자현미경 자기방사법적 연구

        오영근 최신의학사 1970 最新醫學 Vol.13 No.10

        The mechanism of bone marrow depression from the chloramphenicol administration remains unknown. Yunis and Harrington (1960) reported that in the experiment on patterns of inhibition by chloramphenicol of nucleic acid synthesis only at high concentrations of the drug was there a distinct inhibition effect on the uptake of labeled precursors into desoxyribose nucleic acid and ribose nucleic acid of normal bone marrow and leukemic leukocytes by means of biochemical analysis. The present study was undertaken to compare the H3-thymidine incorporation of bone marrow of bone marrow of rabbits by means of light and electron microscopic observations using autoradiography and to contribute to understand the depression mechanism caused by chloramphenicol. Chloramphenicol (250 mg/kg/day) was injected intramuscularly to the young. rabbits for fourrn days. Day after the last injection of the drug, H3-thymidine (1 pC/Gm. of body weight) was intradritoneally injected to the animals and one hour later the rabbits were killed and bone marrow was removed from the femur bead. Preparation of the light microscopic autoradiographs by dipping sections in fluid emulsion (Nuclear track emulsion, NTB-3) was carried out according to the techniques described by Messier and Leblond (1957) with minor modification. The electron microscope autoradiographic specimens were prepared by means of the technique using glass slides by Salpeter and Bachmann (1964). In the light and electron microscopic observations, chloramphenicol was found to affect hemopoietic tissues and there were remarkable cytoplasmic changes of the marrow cells in the rabbit as cytoplasic vacuolaization, changes of nuclei. In the light microscopic autoradiographs, the percentage of H3-labeled cells in the erythroid and myeloid groups was not altered from control values while there was an increase in the mean grain count per labeled cell of the erythroid cells. This indicates that active erythroid cells may be in need of larger pool size of H3-thymidine for reserve accumulation than those of the myeloid cells. Quantitatively it seems that a number of the silver grains are associated with nuclei of the erythroid and myeloid cells, and also associated with ergastoplasm including the surrounding cytoplasmic matrix. The intra-granular labeling of both the neutrophilic myelocyte and the eosinophilic myelocyte was also observed. The technical difficulties on the electron microscope autoradiography was discussed as well in view point of initial coupling autoradiography with electron microscopy.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        2011년도 대법원 형법판례 회고

        오영근 한국형사판례연구회 2012 刑事判例硏究 Vol.20 No.-

        In the year of 2010, 286 criminal cases by the Korean Supreme Court are registered on the homepage of that court. Four cases are decided by the counsel of all judge members, two cases of which were on the crimial procedure and the other two cases were on the criminal law. In this paper are reviewed some cases by the supreme court which seem to have theoretical or practical problems. The contents of this paper is as follows; I. Introduction II. The Cases relating to the General Provisions of Criminal Law In this chapter, following cases are reviewed. The Review is constituted as follows : (1) The fact of case, (2) The main point of case, (3) The note on case. But in many reviews the fact is omitted, because the main point of case concludes the fact of the case. 1. Supreme Court 2011. 4. 14. 2010Do5605 2. Supreme Court 2011. 1. 13. 2010Do9927 3. Supreme Court 2011. 9. 29. 2008Do9109 III. The Cases relating to Individual Provisions of Criminal Law In this chapter, following cases are reviewed. Every review is constituted as follows : (1)The fact of case, (2) The main point of case, (3) The note on case. But in many reviews the fact is omitted, because the main point of case concludes the fact of the case. 1. Supreme Court 2011. 6. 9. 선고 2010Do10677 2. Supreme Court 2011. 4. 14. 2011Do300 3. Supreme Court 2011. 10. 13. 2009Do13751 4. Supreme Court 2011. 7. 14. 2011Do3180 5. Supreme Court 2011. 4. 28. 2010Do15350 6. Supreme Court 2011. 7. 28. 2009Do14928

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

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