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      • 한국 가톨릭교회 사제들의 정의구현 활동에 대한 고찰 : 「천주교 정의구현전국사제단」의 활동을 중심으로

        연규영 광주가톨릭대학교 대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        무엇이 종교지도자들인 사제들로 하여금 사회의 한 복판에 서게 하는가? 그들은 무엇을 전망하는가? 본 논문의 출발점은 바로 이 문제 위에 있다. 특히 오늘날 신자유주의 정책 아래에서 열심히 일하는 사람들이 더욱더 고통을 당하는 사회, 그리고 심화되는 양극화 안에서 피폐해지는 삶을 살아갈 수밖에 없는 사회적 모순을 보면서 이러한 사회와 사람들에게 구원을 선포하는 사제들의 삶은 어디를 향하고 있어야 하며 그 삶이 지향하는 종점은 어디인가? 이것이 본 논문의 출발점이다. 이러한 문제의식을 바탕으로 본 논문에서는 ‘사회의 불의한 현실을 비판하며, 그의 근원적 쇄신, 개혁을 요구하는 가톨릭교회의 사제들’의 정의구현 활동의 -대표적인 조직인 「사제단」- 이념적 논의를 밝히고, 구체적인 사건을 통해 그들이 이념을 실천으로 옮기는 방식을 기술하였으며, 이념과 실천을 평가하고 이를 바탕으로 미래 활동에 대한 제언을 구성하였다. 「사제단」의 정의구현 활동은 제2차 바티칸공의회를 전·후로 해서 촉진된 ‘새로운 신학’의 하나의 ‘실천적 구현’이다. 이 새로운 신학은 구체적인 삶의 자리에서의 실천을 강조하는 흐름이며, 이러한 신학적 바탕 위에서 사제들은 자신들의 사명 중 ‘예언자적 사명’을 보다 더 강조함으로써 그들의 정의구현 활동에 대한 의지를 드러내고 있다. 「사제단」의 정의구현 활동은 변화된 교회 내적 요인과 함께 지극히 억압적이고 폭력적인 통치구조, 그리고 역설적으로 그러한 통치구조가 결과한 군부통치의 본질에 대한 인식의 심화와 대중화, 합법적인 사회개혁 운동의 공간이 거의 확보되지 못하고 있던 사회 구조적 상황, 그리고 덧붙여 그러한 변화에 ‘불을 놓은’ 하나의 사건, 즉 군사독재정권에 의한 지학순 주교의 구속사건이 맞물리면서 시작된 것이었다. 이러한 「사제단」의 정의구현 활동은 80년대에 접어들면서 새로운 국면에 직면하게 된다. 80년대는 「사제단」의 지향이 민주화의 소박한 요구에서 보다 넓어지고 깊어지는 과정이었으며, 그것은 한국 사회의 민주화 과정과 맞물리면서 진행되어 왔다. 또한 「사제단」은 ‘교회 내적인 쇄신’없이 사회정의구현이 있을 수 없다고 판단하고 교회 쇄신 작업을 펼치는 한편, 자신들의 활동의 이념적 논의와 전망에 대한 고민을 심화되게 된다. 이에 따라 「사제단」의 관심은 ‘인권문제’에 기초한 ‘제도적 폭력과 구조적 압제에 대한 항거’로부터 그 근본에 깔려 있는 ‘분단’이라는 민족 모순의 문제로 옮겨지고, 나아가서 교회와 사회의 ‘근원적 쇄신과 구조적 개혁’에 대한 지향을 확고히 하게 된다. 「사제단」의 대안적 전망은 라틴아메리카 해방신학의 그것과 비교하여 고찰하였으며, 본 논문은 먼저 라틴아메리카 해방신학의 경우 그 논의의 초점이 ‘자본주의 극복’에 우선적으로 놓여져 있었다는 점을 지적하였다. 그것은 그들의 비판적 인식이 ‘종속적 자본주의 체제 하에서의 억압과 착취에 대한 분노’로부터 시작되었기 때문이다. 그렇기 때문에 그들의 논의는 자연스럽게 ‘反자본주의’에서 ‘사회주의적 대안’을 모색하는 방향으로 옮아가게 된다. 그러나 한국 사회에서의 「사제단」의 정의구현 활동은 해방신학과 여러 가지 차이를 나타내며 진행되어 왔다. 「사제단」의 논리를 통해서 분명하게 보여지는 것 한 가지는 ‘자본주의의 근본적 수정’을 요구하고 있다는 점이다. 그런데 「사제단」의 사회의 근본적 변화에 대한 지향은 목적과 방법론에 있어 여타의 사회운동과는 차별성을 지닌다. 「사제단」은 ‘구조적 개혁’뿐만 아니라 ‘인간의 변화’를 동시에 주장하고 있다는 점이다. 결국 「사제단」은 근본적인 변화에 대한 요구를 그 지향으로 하지만 ‘체제 내 개혁’의 성격을 중심으로 하고 있으며, 결국 새로운 체제로서 분단에서 통일을 통한 가톨릭 사회주의를 그 지향점으로 하고 있는 것이다. 90년대 이후 「사제단」의 정의구현 활동이 정체되어 있는 것은 사실이다. 그러나 새로운 문제들이 다양하게 펼쳐지고 있는 오늘날 앞으로 더욱더 많은 활동이 요구되어지고 있다. 특히 신자유주의에 의해 심화되는 사회 양극화 안에서 고통당하는 많은 사람들에게 하느님의 정의와 해방을 선포하면서 새로운 사회를 위한 활동을 전개해야 할 것이다. 하느님의 기쁜 소식인 복음을 선포하고, 하느님 나라를 이 땅에 건설하도록 부름 받은 사제들이 부여받은 직무 안에서 끊임없는 자기 쇄신과 개혁을 통해 하느님의 정의가 구현될 수 있기를 이 논문에서 밝히고 있다. What makes priests, the religious leaders, stand in the center of society? What do they aim at? The study starts off with these two questions. Today, in particular, under the New Freedom's policy, the harder workers work, the worse their suffering is getting. They can't help but to live more impoverished lives under the social polarization. Considering these social contradictions, which direction should priests go who proclaim the Jesus' salvation to the world tend to? And where is the end of their life? On this ground, taking the example of the Catholic Priests' Association for Justice in Korea(CPAJ), the study is composed of four parts: First, it illuminates the ideological arguments of activities for realizing justice of the Catholic priests in Korea who criticize 'social unjust reality' and request the fundamental social reform. Second, it describes the practical ways of the association through certain activities. Third, it estimates its ideology and practices, and finally it suggests the CPAJ's prospects. The CPAJ's activity for realizing justice is 'the practical realization' of 'New Theology' promoted before and after the Second Vatican Council. This 'New Theology' is one of the flows emphasizing the practice on one's own position in life. On this theological ground, priests point up 'the prophetic mission' more than the others, which shows their will for activities of realizing justice. There are several reasons why the CPAJ's activities started: the changing factors within the Catholic church, the oppressing and violent ruling government, the deepening and popularization of recognition for the military regime paradoxically resulted from the ruling system, the social organizational situation in which the legal movement for social reform were rarely guaranteed, and the imprisonment of Bishop Daniel Tji Hak-soon by the military regime, which set fire to these changes. In the 1980's, the CPAJ's activities entered upon a new phase. During that time, its aim was being realized in the process of widening and deepening from simple democratization, which engaged with a pro-democracy movement in the Korean society. Moreover, judging that realizing social justice cannot be made without 'the internal reform of Catholic Church,' priests in the CPAJ started the reform works and discussed the ideological argument and prospects of their works. Therefore, the CPAJ's attention moved from the resistance against 'systematic violence and oppression ' for 'human right' to the root cause of 'the division of the Korea.' It made priests confirm their aim for 'the fundamental innovation and structural reform.' In this study, the CPAJ's alternative prospects are considered from the comparison of Latin America's Liberation Theology. It points out that the focus of Latin America's Liberation Theology is first set on 'overcoming the capitalism,' This is because Latin American's critical view started from 'the anger against oppression and exploitation under the subordinate capitalistic structure.' As a result, the CPAJ's priests discussion was naturally moved from 'anti-capitalism' to socialistic alternative.' However, the CPAJ's activities in Korean society have been progressed showing the several differences from Liberation Theology. The CPAJ's logic obviously shows its claims for 'a fundamental modification of capitalism.' Then, in the CPAJ's end and methodology, its aim for the fundamental changes of our society has some distinction from the others' social movements. The CPAJ insists on not only 'structural change' but also 'the change of human' at the same time. Ultimately, it puts the priority on 'reform within a system' though the CPAJ's intention is the request for the fundamental changes, which means that it aims at the Catholic socialism through reunification from the division of the Korea. Since the 1990's, it is the fact that the CPAJ's activities have been stagnated. However, more and more activities are demanded to solve them as the social problems are getting diverse. Priests should extend activities for the new society, proclaiming God's justice and liberation to people suffering heavily under the social polarization by New Freedom. This study confirms that priests who called to proclaim Good News and build the kingdom on earth should realize God's justice in the society through endless self-innovation and self-reform.

      • IP 기반 철도 열차 제어 시스템 망 구축에 관한 연구

        연규영 서울과학기술대학교 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In this thesis, it tried to identify the factors for constructing IP-based train control systems in railway systems and showed network model using the identified factors for exchanging status data and control data for saftey critical systems such that railway train control systems. The most train control systems computerized with IED(Intelligent Electronic Device) are required to connect IP network to increase its operational flexibility. To construct IP network connected train control systems has to provide network topology, subnetwork allocation and grouping, IED address allocation, data packet creation, operation scenario of network and so on... The constructing of IP-based railway control systems is similar to public network. Railway network topology is strongly dependent on geographic railway network. The geographical characteristics of train control systems are widely distributed on stations, railway line wayside geographic characteristics is train control systems. By the consideration of the characteristics, a network model is proposed with L2 switches and routers To connect IED systems in hared-wired, the required subjects are identified such that Ethernet communication, MAC address set-up and reviewed ARP table, routing table and forwarding and a solution provided the configuration of sub networks and LAN. UDP protocol is selected by comparison with TC and UDP. The data packet between the signal equipment is refered to “Commercialization for IP-based Interlocking Systems”conducted as government project. The data packet form for the train control systems requiring standardization also refers to the report. In this thesis, a network for the train control systems is provided and the wide scope of IP communication standards is tried to simplifed. As the result of this thesis, the train control systems can be realized into IP-based train control systems.

      • 理事會 制度의 問題點과 合理化 方案

        연규영 단국대학교 1986 국내석사

        RANK : 247615

        In our commercial law, the purpose of introduction of the Board of Directors system was to rationalize the management of the company according to the world's trend about the organization of business management of the board of directors. That is, the change from the past general meeting's collective principle into the board of directors' collective principle enabled the directors who were experts of management to show their abilities freely by strengthening the organization of business management and also expected to reach democratic and deliberate decision making through the conference system of the board of directors. However, in fact, the management of the board of directors has not been managed with the original purpose due to the inability of the board of directors and the representative of director's running alone at present. The reason is that we have accepted the Anglo-American the board of directors lsystern which was different from economical, social and cultural traditions without any criticizms. Accordingly, to settle the effective management of the board of directors system in our country's legislative system, we should study it in connection with all the organization which belong to mutual organic relations. As was pointed out earlier, the writer will examine the problems of the board of directors system and its rationalization devices in three view points. 1. The problems and the devices in organizing the aboard of directors. The most of board of directors in our country could not be protected the representative of director's running alone owing to the excessive inside directors and the lacking in directors who are representing minority shareholders and had not been accomplished the effective supervision of business by the board of directors. So, in solving such problems we should enact to have the outside directors more than half in organizing the board of directors. It is necessary that we should adapt the cumulative voting system to elect the boards who are able to represent the profit of minority shareholders. In addition, we should abolish the qualified shares regulation which represents the agreement between ownership and management in order to prepare the basis of outside directors systems. 2. The problems and the rationalization devices of the authority of the board of directors. In order to strengthen the authority of board of directors we ought to expand the legal resolutions of board directors and also limit the commitment of directors authority into the representative directors or the general meeting of stockholders. On the other hand, it needs to decide the authority of auditor`s participating in the board of directors and for the board of directors to have the right of election for the representative of directors exclusively. Because the board of directors actually can not supervise the representative of directors in the case of the representative`s election by the general meeting of stockholders. 3. The problems and the rationalization devices of the management of the board of directors. The board of directors, meeting's organ, should be operated rationally to utilize the authority of diciding the management of business smoothly and effectively. In the revised commercial law, the board of directors will be likely to destroy due to easing the resolutions by the board of directors without considering the importance of the cases. So it is proper that we should enact the requirement of resolution by the board of directors as the majority of the whole directors just like old commercial law and also we should adapt the writing resolution system for the speed of business management. In addition, for rationalization of operating of the board of directors the limitation of openness of the board of director's minutes and the obligation of the representative of director's business and of the report of property status and also the expectation of the board of director's right for call should be required. Finally, it is desirable that we should considerate the worker's business participating system in order to solve various social problems and democratize of management of business.

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