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      • KCI등재

        김수영 시의 이동과 움직임, 그리고 장소적 의미

        여태천(Tae-Cheon Yeo) 국어문학회 2002 국어문학 Vol.37 No.-

        This writing inerpreted Kim Soo-Young's poetry of the spot and the place meaning through the movement. It is possible to understand Kim Soo-Young's poetry of the spot and the place meaning because of active thought which discover the distance of the object and do the difference oneself. We can confirm through the movement to appear in the poem. Kim Soo-Young understood the space of reality to empirical place through the movement. The movement detours not to go right to the goal on. The movement stops for a while and goes again. So that we can know the meaning of the place which hides itself. The movement escapes from the center with active thought and goes to the circumstance. We could ascertain a new fact through that movement which are not at center location. Concretely the love verificates which got the concern about estrangement from urban center and the fatigue from urban life. The center is lacking the sense of sight about oneself. Kim Soo-Young escaped from the location of the center to be exacted with the order to the setup and awoke the love in the place of the circumstance through the fatigue. Kim Soo-Young knows the peculiar and important meaning of the circumstance area through the movement. Kim Soo-Young experienced many enemies to hinder and breakdown the freedom. He stands in confronting location to show the truth and concealed reality. He became the enemy for himself for the purpose. It is difficult to understand in the space to be eliminated for the place meaning which the spot of the effort which Kim Soo-Young have maintained in difficult reality. His poetry which were excluded of the spot are able to be one position or an ideal, and a physical substance.

      • KCI등재

        현대시 교육에서 텍스트 해석의 문제

        여태천(Yeo Tae-Chon) 한국시학회 2005 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.14

        A poetic text is intertexuality holding structure with a semiotics. There is a purpose of this paper in order to grope for possibility of text interpretation in modern poetry education. Modern poetry education must widen a caution of interpretation to be correct with a base with a mold of primary interpretation gradually. Until now semiotics interpretation was not used actively in modern poetry education fields. The reason is because there were not understanding about communication structure and consideration. A poetic text is achieving communication structure one at the same time that is a text as a symbol. We present an interpretation model of a poetic text through semiotics interpretation in modern poetry education and can help interpretation of an educatee. Also various aesthetic experiences can let the horizon of new interpretation follow through intertexuality. The least poetic education is that to help an educatee to extract proper meaning through a structural analysis of text. Maximum poetic education is for an educatee to develop an interpretation model in person in a process of related a little meaning realization of a text. A semiotics interpretation model does not fix meaning of a text, and a way of education can work in various meaning interpretation having been possible.

      • KCI등재

        정지용 시어의 특성과 의미

        여태천(Yeo Taechon) 한국언어문학회 2006 한국언어문학 Vol.56 No.-

        Jeong, Ji-Yong got out of an impression and a general idea in 1930’s and was going to recognize things and the object sensuously. The sensible linguistic use that he showed proves enough this fact. Conspicuous sensible expressions depend mainly on a sight in initial Jeong, Ji-Yong’s Poetry. On the other hand, Jeong, Ji-Yong shows attitude to have been contrary to in order to keep a distance with things in the latter period. As for the sense of Jeong, Ji-Yong’s latter Poetry, contact senses are most. This writing looked into a difference of a sense through the use of poetic language and the subject of poem. Jeong, Ji-Yong was going to experience matter anger of strange things through a sense. Become intimate and can confirm unmanageable effort of Jeong, Ji-Yong with extinction of the subject of poem in order to overcome a language and the world. Chastity consciousness is different in the center of life with a keen confrontation to suffer from with the negation which he showed. Jeong, Ji-Yong want to be far-off from a scene of a keen confrontation and he keeps he’s lofty and shows the purity intention. His greed gave up even all senses finally in order not to be mixed with dirty thing and reached at a extinction. Jeong, Ji-Yong showed new field of modern Poetry through poetic language.

      • KCI등재

        임화의 언어의식과 시의 현실성

        여태천 ( Tae Chon Yeo ) 민족어문학회 2009 어문논집 Vol.- No.59

        이 글은 1930년대 조선어에 대한 위상과 이에 대한 임화의 태도를 구체적으로 그의 언어의식을 중심으로 살피면서 그가 동경했던 현실로서의 시의 모습이 어떻게 실현되었는가를 고찰하고 있다. 임화는 위기하의 조선어와 조선문학을 구하고자 했다. 그는 문학어로서의 조선어의 가능성을 근대어인 표준어에서 찾았다. 이와 함께 그는 문학을 완성하는 데 있어서 현실의 중요성을 누누이 강조했다. 그러나 현실이 구체적으로 어떤 언어를 통해 형상화 될 수 있는지에 대해서는 명확한 해답을 제시하지 못했다. 언어에 대한 임화의 태도는 매우 비균질적이었다. 그러한 사실은 그의 시에서도 분명하게 확인된다. 사실, 임화가 생각한 시의 현실성은 표준어의 세계에 편입되지 못한 생활어를 통해서 가능한 것이었다. 임화는 산문에서 이를 인정하기도 했지만 정작 그의 시는 삶의 진실을 현실화하는 데 성공하지 못했다. 다만, 그의 시에서는 표준어가 되지 못한 조선어에 대한 상실감이나 이를 지켜보는 자의 비극적 태도가 부각된다. 임화는 일상어와 시어가 지니는 차이를 명확하게 인식하지 못했던 것으로 보인다. 임화에게 문학어는 언어의 운용방식이 아니라 현실적 제조건으로부터 규정되고 확보되는 것이었다. 시인으로서의 성공여부와 관계없이 문학어에 대한 임화의 고민과 날카로운 언어의식은 1930년대 문학사에서 이례적인 현상으로 기록될 만하다. This essay is that the study for knowing Joseon-language`s phase in 1930`s and Lim Hwa`s attitude of that, through his recognizing on a language. And considered the features of Lim Hwa`s poems in all bearings. Lim Hwa hope to save Joseon-language and Joseon-literature at the critical moment. Lim Hwa find Joseon-language possibility as literary language in standard language which is modern language. Just as important, he repeatedly lay emphasis on reality in which complete literature. But he could not definitely make an answer to how configurate the reality by language. Extraordinarily Lim Hwa`s attitude to language is not uniform. We could find that in his poems. In fact, the reality of poems which Lim Hwa thought, is able to realized by everyday language are not included to standard language. Lim Hwa admitted it in his other writings, but his poems are not succeed to realize sincerity of life. Nothing but in his poems, the loss to Joseon-language which fails to standard language and tragic attitude of a poet have to see it, are embossed. In this respect, Lim Hwa does not recognize the different everyday language and poetic language. We come to the conclusion that literary language to Lim Hwa is not obtained and ruled by a application system of language but realistic elements.

      • KCI등재

        전후세대 시인들의 위치와 언어적 현실

        여태천 ( Tae Chon Yeo ) 민족어문학회 2016 어문논집 Vol.- No.76

        이 글은 전후세 시인들의 위치와 그들의 작품에서 드러나는 언어적 현실을 검토하고 있다. 전후세 시인들의 시에는 일본어의 흔적과 불필요한 한자어, 그 리고 어색한 통사구조가 빈번하게 등장한다. 뿐만 아니라 그들의 시에는 새로운 문화적 체험에 의해 만들어진 낯선 외래어가 불규칙적으로 발견된다. 이러한 사 실은 전후세 시인들에게 모국어로서의 한국어가 낯선 것이었음을 보여준다. 전 후세 시인들 시에 보이는 특별한 언어적 현실은 그들의 언어적 정체성 문제와 구별해서 생각할 수 없다. 언어적 정체성의 혼란은 전후세 시인들의 시를 이해 하는 데 매우 중요한 요소다. 전후세 시인들은 완전히 습득하지 못해 미숙한 한 국어와 해방을 통해 더 이상 불필요하게 된 일본어, 그리고 해방과 한국전쟁을 전 후로 유입된 외래어를 오가면서 주체로서의 자기를 인식하게 되었을 것이다. 전 후세 시인들은 시를 쓰기 위해서 익숙한 언어적 습관을 버리고 새로운 어법을 만들어내야만 했다. 전후세 시인들은 완벽한 성공을 거둔 것은 아니지만 그들 나름로 문학적 한국어의 발견이라는 임무를 수행했다고 할 수 있다. This article is to review the position of the postwar generation of poets and the linguistic reality revealed in their work. The postwar generation of poets work has appeared frequently Japanese traces, unnecessary Chinese character and awkward syntactic structure. As well as their work has a strange loanword created by the new cultural experiences that are found at irregular intervals. This fact shows that the Korean language as a native language unfamiliar to the postwar generation of poets. We can not think to separate the special linguistic reality and linguistic identity of the postwar generation of poets. The confusion of linguistic identity is very important to understand the work of the postwar generation poets. The postwar generation poets would have recognized him as a subject using alternating Korean language they failed to fully acquire inexperienced, Japanese language which became no longer necessary after the liberation, and loanword which were flowing before and after the liberation and Korea war. The postwar generation poets have abandoned habits of the language used to write their work, and had to have to create a new language. The postwar generation of poets are not fully successful, but they were on a mission of discovery of the literary Korean language.

      • KCI등재

        김수영의 시와 속도의 정치학

        여태천 ( Yeo Tae-chon ) 국제비교한국학회 2017 비교한국학 Comparative Korean Studies Vol.25 No.1

        이 글은 김수영이 근대기술문명과 속도에 대해 어떤 생각을 가지고 있었으며, 그의 시와 속도가 어떻게 연관되어 있는지를 세심하게 살펴보고 있다. 아울러 근대기술문명과 속도를 이해하고 과잉속도의 위험성을 제어하려고 했던 김수영의 태도를 여러 시편을 통해서 확인하고 있다. 한때 김수영은 근대기술문명의 속도를 따라잡으려고 했다. 하지만 그는 근대기술문명의 과잉속도가 정치권력과 연결되고 있으며, 우리의 일상을 지배하고 관리한다는 사실을 비판했다. 이 과정에서 속도의 질주성은 권력과 만나 소음의 형태로 드러나기도 했다. 그의 많은 시에서 속도주의가 지닌 위험성은 충분히 확인된다. 또 한편으로는 근대기술문명의 속도와 질주성을 제어할 수 있는 가능성도 그의 시에서 발견할 수 있다. 김수영은 근대기술문명의 속도주의에 저항하기 위해 “정지의 미”와 “중지”의 연습, “마음을 쉬”는 휴식을 강조했다. 김수영이 생각한 속도는 가속화를 추동하는 것이 아니라 정지와 함께 이해되는 개념이다. 그것은 자연의 움직임과 매우 유사하다. 김수영은 근대기술문명의 과잉속도에 대응하는 시간의 속도를 자연의 움직임에서 찾아냈으며, 더 나아가 자연의 움직임에서 사랑을 발견하고 있다. 김수영은 근대기술문명의 속도에 놀랐고, 거기에 분명 매료되었으며, 낙후된 현실에 낙담했다. 서구적 근대를 따라잡아야 한다는 초조함이 그에게 없지 않았으나, 근대기술문명과 속도주의가 지닌 위험성과 질주의 폭력성을 분명히 간파하고 있었다. “정지의 미”와 “중지”의 연습, “마음을 쉬”는 휴식으로 발견한 움직임과 사랑이 이를 증명한다. 이를 통해서 김수영은 근대기술문명의 지나친 속도주의를 극복하고자 했던 것이다. This article examines what Kim Su-young had thought about modern technology civilization and speed. Also this article takes a close look at how Kim`s poetry is related to speed. In addition, his article has confirmed Kim`s attitude of understanding the modern technology civilization and speed and to control the danger through various poems. Kim Su-young once tried to catch up with the pace of modern technology. But he criticized the fact that the excess speed of modern technological civilization is linked to political power, and that it dominates and manages our daily lives. In this process, the accelerating of speed was met with power and exposed in the form of noise. In many of his poems, the dangers of accelerating of speed are fully identified. On the other hand, the possibility of control of modern technological civilization`s speed and acceleration can be found in his poems. In order to resist the accelerating of speed of modern technological civilization, Kim Su-young emphasized “cessation beauty” and “halting” practice, and resting “relaxed mind”. The speed that Kim Su-young thinks is not a concept of accelerating, but a concept understood with cessation. It is very similar to the movement of nature. Kim Su-young has found the speed of time corresponding to the excess speed of modern technology civilization in the movement of nature, and furthermore finds love in the movement of nature. Kim Su-young was surprised at the speed of modern technological civilization, was definitely fascinated by it, and disappointed in the backward reality. He did not have the nervousness of catching up with Western modernity, but clearly understood the danger of excess speed and the violence of acceleration which modern technological civilization has. The movement and love discovered by “cessation beauty” and “halting” practice, and resting “relaxed mind” proves this. Through this, Kim Su-young tried to overcome the excess speed of modern technological civilization.

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 초기시의 수사와 감정

        여태천 ( Yeo Tae-chon ) 한국문학이론과 비평학회 2004 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.24 No.-

        In the early 1920s poetry cannot be explained only by enlightenment or romanticism. This is understood as the limits and characteritics of the early 1920s' literature. Thus, such limits and characteristics were recognized as a problem, and rhetorics of the poetry and hidden emotion behind them were dealt with in this thesis. First, such rhetorics played an important role as an aethetic sign in creating literary works and communicating through literary works. Second, even though destruction to deny reality was not based on historical recognition it valued awakening of life. Third, despite failure to realize the true emotion sensuous expression led to discovery of new language. In addiiton, it is necessary to understand that all of those rhetorics result from the same power of desire. Such emotions are embodied to other emotional expressions like tears, impressiveness, ruin, yearning, oblivion and longing. Thus, when it comes to the literature of the early 20s, rhetorics of emotion cannot be limited as a primary meaning. Writers at that time couldn't accept human emotions as an individual thing but as an unsubstantial, collective one. In fact, their emotions were fostered from outside. It was difficult to find one's inner self or self-confirmation until the early 1920s.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        교지의 글쓰기 양식과 문학적 반응

        여태천(Yeo Tae-chon) 고려대학교 한국학연구소 2009 한국학연구 Vol.31 No.-

        이 논문은 1930년대 학생 지식인들의 글쓰기 양식에 숨겨진 자의식과 문학적 반응의 양태에 주목한다. 우선, 1930년대 전문학교 교지에 실린 문학과 문예에 관련된 논문과 감상문 등을 살피고, 이를 중심으로 근대지식으로서의 글쓰기에 대한 자의식과 독서물을 통해 향유되는 문화적 실천, 그리고 문학적 반응으로서의 글쓰기 양식을 확인하는 것을 그 목적으로 한다. 전문학교 교지에 담긴 내용은 개별 학교사나 지역사에 제한되지 않는 근대 지식사적 가치를 지닌다. 교지는 당대 학생 지식인의 문화와 향유를 보여주는 대표적인 영역이다. 교지는 학생 지식인들이 문학과 문예를 통해 습득한 근대적 감각을 어떻게 주체화했으며 이를 어떻게 표현하였는가를 확인할 수 있는 귀중한 자료다. This article is the study on self-consciousness and literary response of intellectual student which are hidden in formation of writings in 1930’s. First of all, this article looks around special writings about literary column which had been published in 1930’s School-Magazines. And most importantly in this article trying to get self-consciousness on writing, cultural practice through reading texts, literary response of writing formation. School-Magazines published at the colonial period of Korea are important materials of the modern knowledge history which are different from the history of college. They are plentiful informative realm of showing lively the enjoyment and creation of modern literature as well as cultural field of intellectual student. Also School-Magazines are important informative resources of showing that many intellectual students how to express the modern literary experiences as a modern knowledge.

      • KCI등재

        1930년대 어문운동과 조선문학의 가능성

        여태천 ( Tae Chon Yeo ) 민족어문학회 2007 어문논집 Vol.- No.56

        1930년대 어문운동은 언어의 표준화를 통해 문명의 발달을 이루겠다는 중요한 목적을 가지고 있었다. 그들은 지리적?문화적 장애를 초월한 균질화된 언어를 통해서 민족과 국가의 공백을 메우려고 했다. 1933년에 공포된 ``한글마춤법통일안’은 조선어의 수준을 한 단계 높였으며, 이를 통해 조선문학의 질적 상승이 가능하였다. 1930년대 어문운동과 문학인들의 조선어에 대한 관심, 글쓰기에 대한 인식, 문학어로서의 가능성 등은 우리 문학사에서 본격적으로 다루어지지 않은 부분이다. 이 논문은 1930년대 어문운동이 보여준 민족주의적 성격과 운동의 중요한 성과로 인정되는 ‘한글마춤법통일안’의 실상을 살피고 있으며, 이에 대한 문학인들의 태도, 새로운 글쓰기에 대한 문학인들의 생각, 조선어의 한계와 문학어로서의 가능성, 조선문학의 미래를 검토하고 있다. 특히, 1930년대 문학인들의 다양한 문학적 노력이 어문운동의 한계를 극복하고 새로운 글쓰기 형식에 맞는 국문체를 형성하는 데 많은 역할을 하였다는 사실을 확인하였다. 개인의 발화가 순수한 랑그의 차원에서 설명될 수는 없으며, 구체적인 체험과 현실 역시 언어표준으로는 재현되기 어렵다. 개인적 지각과 경험에 충실한 언어에 대한 문학인들의 진지한 고민을 통해서 1930년대 조선문학의 새로운 가능성이 열렸다고 할 수 있으며, 이는 우리 문학사의 매우 소중한 자산이다. 1930`s Uh-mun Movement had an important object which will accomplish the advancement of civilization with standardization of language. They endeavored to fill up the blank of the nation and the state by medium of homogenized language which transcend geographical and cultural conditions. The draft for unified spelling system of Hangeul which promulgated in 1933, raised standard of Joseon language. And that made quality upward of Joseon-literature. This article observes 1930`s Uh-mun Movement which shows nationalistic character and the draft for unified spelling system of Hangeul. Besides, this article investigate the attitude of literary men for the draft for unified spelling system of Hangeul, and new Writing, and the limitation of Joseon language, the possibility of Joseon language as Literature language, and the future of Joseon-literature. Especially, we found that literary men in 1930``s overcame the limitation of Uh-mun Movement and they created a literary style suited to new Writing. Literary men who seriously mediated on Joseon language which is faithful to private consciousness and experience, opened the possibility of Joseon-literature in 1930`s. The biggest property our literary history have are those.

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