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      • 라비니아 폰타나의 자화상에 나타난 르네상스 미학과 도상

        여은희 유럽문화예술학회 2016 유럽문화예술학논집 Vol.7 No.2

        The purpose of this research is to show the correlation between aesthetics and iconology, and to begin with the inference that the aesthetics of Italian Renaissance appeared in the self-portrait of Lavinia Fontana as the iconology of universal symbolic form. To analyze the iconology of the self-portrait of Fontana, the methodology of Panofsky is applied. The methodology of Panofsky trying to understand the epistemic world view changed in the time moving from Medieval to Renaissance as the symbolic form of picture is due to corresponding with showing the relationship between aesthetics and iconology. The iconology is analyzed by applying the form theory of Panofsky that image shows the fundamental principle, concept, and symbol of certain culture to the self-portrait of Fontana, and through this process, the spirit of the age put in her art world is understood. The symbolic forms appearing in the self-portrait of Fontana are classified into ‘restructuring reproduction’, ‘symbol of social status’, and ‘reflection of ego’, and by using the methodology of Panofsky, the artwork is analyzed through the process of recognition and analysis. Fontana shows his image effectively by using perspective, light and shade, and the expression form of realistic description, which are universal art forms of Italian Renaissance. Penetrating perspective is the aesthetics starting from the thought of Cusanus that is universal and accepts diversity that objects remain each identity and achieve unity with vanishing point in infinite space. Thus, in the self-portrait of Fontana, not only visible motive but also the art theory like perspective and thought itself appeared as symbolic form. This iconology plays the key role to understand the artist and the spirit existing in the comtemporary deep consciousness. Like this, aesthetics and iconology form the inevitable relationship and can be clearly investigated as the symbolic form in the self-portrait of Fontana.

      • KCI등재

        케이 세이지 회화에서 무의식적 표상이 갖는 의미

        여은희,정금희 한국프랑스학회 2015 한국프랑스학논집 Vol.92 No.-

        L’objectif de cette étude est d’illustrer l’originalité des œuvres de Kay Sage qui, contrairement au courant dominant des artistes surréalistes de l’époque, a choisi des sujets atypiques tels que les structures architecturales, pour exprimer l’inquiétude de la civilisation moderne. En tant qu’artiste surréaliste, Kay Sage s’est bâti un style artistiqueunique en France jusqu’au déclenchement de la Seconde guerre mondiale. Elle est une femme peintre qui, en intégrant activement des idées surréalistes dans ses œuvres, a exposé l’univers de l’inconscient.Elle se démarque des autres artistes, faisantrecours aux objets inertes et des couleurs ternes, calmes et froides, au détrimentdes images fantastiques et des couleurs vives, les éléments favoris de la plupart des artistes du même mouvement. Ses œuvres nesontmalheureusement pas reconnues à l’époque en raisondu contexte historique et socialmisogyne, et elle ne devient célèbreque plus tard, grâce aux expositions internationales des peintres femmes et la propagation du mouvement féministe. Cependant, Kay Sage n’a jamais étéétudiée de façon approfondie en Corée du Sud, où ses œuvres restent encore largement méconnues. Dans un tel contexte, cette étude contribuera à une meilleure compréhension de l’art contemporain. Pour comprendre l’univers artistique de Kay Sage, je me suis intéressé sur la signification des représentations de l’inconscient dans ses œuvres. Pour atteindre cet objectif, j’ai examiné les œuvresd’un point de vue psychanalytique freudien,étant le fondement des idées surréalistes, pour analyser les images relevant de l’inconscient. J’ai pu y déduire les conclusions suivantes : premièrement, les dessins de Kay Sage sont constitués des ‘espaces métaphysiques’ surréalistes. Deuxièmement, Kay Sage a représentéson inconscient à travers ‘la compression et la transposition des objets’. Troisièmement, l’image du ‘paysage ravagé des structures architecturales’ est non seulement une illustration du paysage de son univers interne mais aussi une forme de poursuite des valeurs morales. Les peintures de Kay Sage manifestent pleinement diverses représentations de l’inconscient psychanalytique, recherché par le surréalisme. Elle a exprimé la peur et l’inquiétude de la civilisation moderne à travers des symboles qui s’assimilent fortement à l’artistetels que les paysages et les sculptures inertes, les tissusridés etles structures architecturales. KaySageauntalentrarequiluipermetdereprésenterlescontradictionsdelacivilisationabuséeparlascienceettechnologie,lematérialismeetlaguerre. Savieréel leétaitbriséeparsonuniversinterneinconscient,maiselles’enestserviepouren fairedesœuvresd’art. Kay Sage a ainsi suivi un parcours artistique unique en se consacrant à des sujets et des modes d’expression clairement différents des autres artistes surréalistes.

      • 막스 에른스트 회화에서의 ‘오이디푸스 콤플렉스’ 연구

        여은희 유럽문화예술학회 2015 유럽문화예술학논집 Vol.6 No.1

        ‘Oedipus Complex' has been studied by Sigmund Freud at first and debated to explore psychological region of human life. It has been researched by various ways in diverse field as well as 따ts and m어ical sClence. In this study indicated the Freud’s theories of a 'Oedipus Complex' which are define accurately on Max Emst’ s surrealism 따t works. Psychoanalysis ’Oedipus Complex’ is study that its roots in Sigmund Freud’s theories. Thus ’Oedipus Complex' within the context of Freud’s psychoanalysis and the meaning of sublimation in Max Emst’ s art theories was the premise when establishing logic and additional reasoning form opinions of other psychoanalysis. The main psychological status of modem day people is , subconscious ’ and the human history is a history of men denying anxiety and trying to get away from such a feeling. W orks that express anxiety are not ta1king about what people should do through the works. art pursuing artist’s intense and desperate reality is the result of the artist’ s personal critical mind and simultaneously it is also the reflection of the era. There are f버1 of images and metaphor in Emst' works which is childhood’ s experience, sexual suppression, anxiety and identity in his art. Especially like <Pietà or Revolution of Night>, <Oedipus Rex>, <The Virgin Spanking the Christ Child before Three Witnesses> theseworks shown on suppressions of subconscious with ’Oedipus Complex’s theorγ. Emst‘s unique style and methods make him a very distinct surrealist and allow his work to be imagine different world by the viewer. He had apply to intellect뻐1 way of Fred' s psychoanalysis in his art. Through Fred' s psychoanalysis theories, Emst sublimated suppression of subconscious and image of fantasy, shifting expression to symbolic images. It has a significance that shows relationship between subconscious and 따t psychologically.

      • KCI등재

        황금(黃芩)과 맥문동 추출물에 의한 화장품 방부 및 보습효과

        여은희(Yun Hui Yeo),박창호(Chang-Ho Park) 한국생물공학회 2014 KSBB Journal Vol.29 No.5

        Methanol extract (1.0 wt%) of Scutellaria baicalensis George satisfied preservation standard of CTFA (The Cosmetics, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association) against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans and Escherichia coli which were inoculated in skin lotion. Even at a low concentration (0.01 wt%) the extract showed high superoxide dismutase-like activity. The CTFA standard could also be satisfied for the above four strains when methanol extract of Liriope platyphylla were combined with the 1.0 wt% extract of S. baicalensis George. This result suggests that extract of L. platyphylla does not hinder the preservation activity of S. baicalensis George. Moreover, skin moisture content could be maintained for 6 hours after the application of a cream containing the extract of L. platyphylla.

      • 조르조 데 키리코의 형이상학적 회화와 초현실주의 무의식의 연관성 연구

        여은희 ( Eun Hee Yeou ) 전남대학교 예술연구소 2014 藝術論集 Vol.15 No.-

        본 연구는 조르조 데 키리코의 초기 형이상학적 회화를 중심으로 초현실주의의 무의식과의 상관관계를 분석한다. 현대미술사에서 데 키리코는 형이상학적 회화를 형성하였고, 초현실주의 선구자로 알려져 있다. 그러나 데 키리코의 작품들은 프로이트의 무의식 이론을 알지 못하는 상태에서 나온 것으로 그의 형이상학적 회화에서 무의식의 내면세계가 발견 된다. 이에 데 키리코 회화의 어떠한 특징들이 초현실주의에 영향을 미쳤는지 궁금증이 제기되었고, 형이상학적 회화가 초현실주의에 미친 구체적인 원인을 분석한다. 분석방법으로는 데 키리코 회화의 큰 특징인 형이상학적 세계의 꿈과 환상의 이미지, 기호와 상징, 데페이즈망으로 구분하여 조사하였다. 특히 초현실주의 작가들에게 영향을 준 데 키리코의 초기 형이상학적 이미지를 중심으로 분석함으로써, 초현실주의의 무의식 표현에 지대한 영향을 미쳤음을 확인 할 수 있었다. 데 키리코가 중심이 된 형이상학적 회화는 직관적인 표현에 의해 눈에 보이지 않는 세계, 그리고 내면의 세계에까지 파고 들어간 회화로서, 합리적인 사고만으로는 이해할 수 없는 인간의 신비에 대한 예리한 통찰이며 기억의 심층에 저장되어 있는 이미지를 정확하게 규정하기 어려운 일종의 신비적 또는 시(時)적 형식으로 회화에 표현했다. 데 키리코의 작품세계는 일상적이고 합리적인 논리를 초월한 방법론적 시도이며, 사물의 새로운 존재성을 인식하고 알 수 없는 미지의 세계를 재현하려는 것이었다. 데 키리코가 추구했던 형이상학 회화는 현실의 건너편에 있는 자신의 무의식의 감정의 표현이었다. 이러한 데 키리코의 형이상학적 회화의 영향은 초현실주의 미술로 이어졌고, 그의 독특한 표현수법은 초현실주의 화가들에 의해 계승되었다. 데 키리코는 그때까지 체계적으로 정리된 적인 없는 꿈과 환상의 무의식적인 신비의 세계를 열어 보여 주었으며 그가 작품에서 보여준 새로운 표현 방법들은 초현실주의 회화의 진로에 많은 영향을 끼쳤다. 데 키리코는 꿈과 잠재의식의 세계를 철학적인 사유를 통해 은유적 표현에서 상징이미지로 전환한 지성적인 미를 회화세계에 창조했다. 이것은 회화사적으로 초현실주의의 선구적인 회화를 전개했다는데 그 의미가 있다. De Chirico expressed the metaphysical and subconscious world, which give strange wonder by combining calssic and symbolic images. His unique artistry not only has a considerable impact on surrealism, but also founded one momentum of surrealism itself. De Chirico was an Italian artist from Greece who founded the school of metaphysics in art history in early 20th century. He made a great contribution to bridging romanticism, symbolism and dada to surrealism. His artistic world reflects the deep inner soul world of a human being and realizes dream and reality more absolutely, that is, in surreal domain. With liberated imaginations of human being, De Chirico materialized the stage of dream beyond intelligence on canvas, in metaphysical sense. Making intellectual beauty out of the world of dream and subconsciousness with his exellent sensitivity, he pioneered surreal painting world. Since he grew up as Italian in Greece, he created a very marvelous and mysterious painting world with classic landscapes embracing Italian buildings, squares and Greek sculptures as topic. Ideologically, he engrossed himself into the philosophies of Schopenhauer and Nietzche, on which he embodied metaphysical ideology in his surreal paintings. In terms of times, De Chirico sublimated his works in mental and intellectual art amidst the wars and social transition before and after WWI. With De Chirico in center, metaphysical painting had developed into one that can express invisible world to bare eyes and inner world by using intuitive expressions. Therefore, his metaphysical paintings were an sharp insight into the mysteries of man not understood only by rational thinking and thus expressed dormant images in the bottm of memory in sort of mysterious or poetic forms, which are hard to grasp and define accurately. The world of his art works is a meahodological attempt transcending ordinary and logical reasoning, cognizance of a new existence of thing and expression of unknown world. Metaphysical art works he pursued led to surrealistic paintings and his original techniques of expression were handed down to surrealist painters. De Chirico opened wide up the world of subconscious world full of dreams and fantasies which had never been arranged systematically. The expressions found in his works had greatyly influenced over the paths to surrealistic paintings. Ten years of his art works before and after World War I was metaphysical art world and attempt to recognize a new existence and represent unkonwn world like a puzzle. This paper looked into to De Chirico’ world of metaphysical art works from the perspective of unconscious and symbolic concept by three main characteristics: dream, image of fantasy, symbol and Deaysement. It was cleary known that those distincions expressed in his paintings had impact on the subconsciousnesss of surrealism. Surrealist painters and De Chirico’s works have one common point. It is that they are poetic paintings expressed with oneiric and metaphoric themes. They always unfolded the common images in unrestricted associations and dreams on canvas without reasoning. Therefore, both could mutually exchange their influence with each other. In his works, De Chirico used symbolic and metaphysical sings. The most of the signs appeared in those times form the foundation of esthetics like a puzzle. He composed space with the puzzles of ‘existence’ deeply laid inside inner mind. The examples are the expressions of ancient times like Torino Square, Italian buildings, ancient Greaek Status, fountains, arcades and hoops. Through philosophical contemplation, De Chirico created intellectual beauty in the world of dream and subconsciousness, shifting metaphoric expressions to symbolic images. It has a significance in that he pioneered surrealistic paiting in art history.

      • Cosmetics preservation by extract mixtures of Scutellaria baicalensis GEORGE and Liriope platyphylla

        박창호,여은희 한국공업화학회 2014 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2014 No.1

        Methanol extract (1.0 wt%) of Scutellaria baicalensis GEORGE satisfied preservation standard of CTFA (The Cosmetics, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association) against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans and Escherichia coli) which were inoculated in skin lotion. The extracts also showed high superoxide dismutase-like activity even at a low concentration (0.01 wt%). Extract of S. baicalensis GEORGE (5.0 wt%) combined with extract of Liriope platyphylla also satisfied the CTFA standard for the above four strains. A cream containing the extract of L. platyphylla maintained skin moisture content for 6 hours after application. The result suggests that extract of L. platyphylla does not hinder the preservation activity of S. baicalensis GEORGE, while supplementing moisture to the cosmetics.

      • KCI등재

        산림치유프로그램이 교사의 스트레스와 긍정·부정감정에 미치는 효과

        박석희,연평식,홍창원,여은희,한상미,이혜영,이효정,강재우,조현솔,김윤희 한국환경생태학회 2017 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.31 No.6

        This study analyzed the effect of forest therapy program on reduction of stress of teachers and their positive and negative emotions based on the survey of 221 teachers who participated in the overnight Happiness School Edu-healing Camp held for teachers by the National Center for Forest Healing. For data analysis, a paired sample t-test was conducted using the SPSS 24.0 program to examine the difference in the stress reaction index of teachers and their positive and negative emotions before and after their participation in the forest therapy program. The results indicated that teachers who participated in the program showed a significant decrease in the stress response index and the values of sub-domain such as physical symptoms, depression symptoms, and anger symptoms. Moreover, all teachers exhibited a significant decrease in stress. This result verifies that the forest therapy program is effective in reducing the stress of teachers and their negative emotions. These results are expected to be used to promote more active forest therapy programs for teachers exposed to a high level of stress. 본 연구는 국립산림치유원에서 교사를 대상으로 실시한 1박 2일형 행복학교 에듀힐링 캠프에 참가한 교사 221명을대상으로 하였다. 산림치유프로그램이 교사들의 스트레스 해소와 긍정・부정감정에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지 알아보기위하여 본 연구를 실시하였다. 자료분석은 SPSS 24.0 프로그램을 사용하여 대응표본 t-검정을 실시하였다. 산림치유프로그램 참가 전과 후의 스트레스 반응 지수, 긍정・부정감정의 차이를 살펴본 결과, 그 차이가 확인되었다. 연구결과산림치유프로그램에 참가한 교사들의 스트레스반응 지수와 하위 영역인 신체 증상, 우울 증상, 분노 증상이 유의하게낮아졌으며, 교사 직책별(비담임교사, 담임교사, 부장교사, 교장, 교감) 스트레스 감소효과에서도 모든 그룹에서 유의한결과를 보였다. 숲에서의 산림치유프로그램이 교사들의 스트레스 저감과 부정감정 해소에 효과적임을 보여주고 있다. 스트레스 위험에 노출된 교사들을 위하여 적극적인 산림치유 활동이 활성화되기를 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        배우자와 함께하는 숲태교프로그램이 임신부의 정서 안정과 삶의 행복에 미치는 영향

        박석희,신원섭,연평식,홍창원,이혜영,여은희,조현솔,이은정 한국산림휴양복지학회 2017 한국산림휴양학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        This study aimed to investigate the effects on pregnancy stress, emotional stability and sense of happiness in life delivered by the ‘Forest Prenatal Program for Couples,’ a program that is offered over 1 night and 2 days by the National Center for Forest Therapy, through a in-depth survey targeting 43 women who are between in 16 and 32 weeks of pregnancy. The findings from this study can be summarized as follows: First, following the completion of this program, it was found that pregnancy stress level was reduced; and from sub-factors for pregnancy stress, ‘fetus factor’ and ‘Herself factor’ were significantly decreased (p<.05). Second, emotional state was stabilized; and from sub-factors to evaluate emotional stability, ‘Confidence-optimism factor’ and ‘Satisfaction-quietness factor’ were increased while ‘Tension-anxiety factor’ and ‘Worry-fear factor’ were significantly decreased (p<.05). Third, a subjective well-being was improved whereas ‘negative emotion factor’ from sub-factors was significantly decreased (p<.05). Consequently, the Forest Prenatal Program for Couples’ can be deemed effective to reduce pregnancy stress, stabilize emotional state and improve the sense of happiness for pregnant women. For future reference, further efforts need to be made to develop various patterns of Forest Prenatal Program for both spouses to participate; and at the same time, it is highly anticipated for this study to make contributions to proliferation of the Forest Prenatal Program. 본 연구는 국립산림치유원에서 운영하는 배우자와 함께하는 숲태교프로그램에 참가한 임신 16주에서32주 사이의 임신부 43명을 대상으로 1박 2일의 숲태교프로그램이 임신 스트레스, 정서안정, 삶의 행복감에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 첫째, 숲태교프로그램 실시 후에 임신부의 임신스트레스가 감소하고, 임신스트레스의 하위 요인 중에서는 태아 요인과 임신부 요인이 유의하게 낮아졌다(p<.05). 둘째,임신부의 정서를 안정시키고, 정서안정 척도의 하위 요인에서는 자신감-낙관 요인, 만족-평온 요인은 유의하게 증가하였고, 근심-두려움 요인, 긴장-불안 요인은 유의하게 감소하였다(p<.05). 셋째, 임신부의 행복감을증진시키고, 하위요인 중에서는 부정적 정서 요인이 유의하게 감소하였다(p<.05). 따라서 숲태교프로그램은 임신부의 임신스트레스를 감소시키고 정서를 안정시키며, 행복감을 증진시키는 효과가 있다고 하겠다. 향후 배우자와 함께하는 다양한 형태의 숲태교프로그램 개발이 필요하고, 본 연구가 숲태교 프로그램의 확산에 기여하기를 기대한다.

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