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      • KCI등재

        한국어 학습자의 인용문 양상 연구 -기사문 텍스트를 중심으로-

        엄진숙 국제한국어교육학회 2023 한국어 교육 Vol.34 No.1

        In written language, quotations are used by the writer to convey events and stories that have been told by the original speaker. Quotations are crucial for successful explanations and persuasions for academic students to write a report. In this respect, this paper presents that Korean learners used indirect quotation more than direct quotation and used declarative sentences and quotation verb ‘hada’ most often in the quotation by analyzing quotations from 134 newspaper articles throughout the Korean learners’ corpus. Also, they used double and single quotation marks separately according to the type of quotation. However, they used the indirect quotation particle ‘-go’ mainly according to the sentence’s final-ending form. This is because they changed the form of the direct quotation final-ending to the same form as the final-ending of the ‘hala’ style of the indirect quotation. Also, this paper presents that Korean learners could change the final-ending of sentences in all of the indirect quotations by analyzing Korean learners’ language collected by performing tasks(SCT, MST and FCT). But they could not adjust elements of person/reference terms, honorific/modesty, demonstrative, and time as much as changing the final-ending of sentences to the point of view of the person who quotes. Moreover, they showed a remarkable result of changing the final-ending of sentences that were unnecessary to change in the direct quotation.

      • KCI등재

        외국어로서의 한국어 교육을 위한‘싶다’ 구문표현의 유형 확장 - 한국인의 일상 대화 말뭉치 분석을 통해 -

        엄진숙 한민족어문학회 2022 韓民族語文學 Vol.- No.97

        The purpose of this paper was to present contents of education of auxiliary adjective 'sipda' expression so that Korean learners use 'sipda' expression much more in a variety of situations. This study presents several proposals for this diversification of 'sipda' expression type, by analyzing conversational corpus by Koreans compared with Korean language textbooks and learners' language. First, only six types of 'sipda' were presented, and the lexical meaning was not presented explicitly in textbooks in comparison with many types used by Koreans. On that basis, this paper suggests the explicit presentation of lexical meaning of 'sipda' which means 'want' in the type of followed connective ending, 'be thought' in the type of followed sentence-closing ending, and 'guess' in the type of followed transformative ending. This study also provides many different teaching contents of 'sipda' expressions, associated with learning difficulty of word final-ending of preceding predicate like language of Korean native speakers. 본 연구에서는 한국인의 실제 언어 사용에 나타난 ‘싶다’ 구문표현의 양상을 반영하여 외국어로서의 한국어 교육에서 ‘싶다’ 구문표현 유형을 확장해 제시할 필요가 있다고 제언하였다. 이를 뒷받침하기 위해 한국어 교재를 살펴본 결과 ‘싶다’ 구문표현의 선행 어미가 초중급에서 대부분 선수 학습되어 형태적 복잡성의 문제가 아니었음에도 ‘-고 싶다’ 이외의 구문표현 유형은 주로 고급에서 제한적으로 제시되고 ‘싶다’의 의미 또한 명시적으로 제시되지 않음을 알 수 있었다. 이는 한국인의 일상 대화 말뭉치의 ‘싶다’ 구문표현 유형에 비해 다양한 ‘싶다’ 구문표현의 실제 사용 양상을 반영하지 못한 것이었다. 실제로 한국어 학습자 언어에서도 다양한 유형이 나타나지 않고 ‘-고 싶다’ 사용에 치우쳐 있었다. 따라서 본고에서는 한국어 학습자가 다양한 ‘싶다’ 구문표현을 사용할 수 있도록 한국어 교육에서 보조 용언 ‘싶다’ 자체의 어휘 범주의 의미 특성을 고려하여 명시적으로 제시하되 구문표현으로서의 결합 형태별 의미적 공통성을 강조해 교수할 것을 제안하였다. 보조 형용사 ‘싶다’의 의미를 연결 어미 결합 유형의 ‘(-고, -었으면) 싶다① 바라다, 희망하다’와 종결 어미 결합 유형의 ‘(-ㄴ가/나, -ㄹ까, -다, -구나, -지, -자 …) 싶다② 생각되다, 생각하다’와 전성 어미 결합 유형의 ‘(-ㄴ/는/ㄹ 듯싶다/성싶다) 싶다③ 추측하다’로 명시적으로 제시할 것을 강조하였다.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 학습자의 높임 선어말어미 ‘-시-’ 사용 양상 연구

        엄진숙 한민족어문학회 2019 韓民族語文學 Vol.0 No.84

        The use of the Korean honorific suffix ‘-si-’ can be explained as a grammatical form of expressing politeness towards the subject of the sentence. The objective of this study was to investigate how learners of Korean use the honorific suffix ‘-si-’ in spoken language. This study presented six findings by analyzing the results of spoken corpus by learners of Korean opposed to Korean native speakers. First, ‘-si-’ was used in verbs to express politeness more than in adjectives and a predicative particle(‘-ida’). Secondly, ‘-si-’ was used in a direct honorific sentence the most and ‘-si-’ appeared in all word categories. However, this was different from the use of ‘-si-’ in the indirect honorific sentences with adjectives and a predicative particle in the case of Korean native speakers. Furthermore, the learners of Korean used a very high percentsge of ‘-si-’ with adjectives in the indirect honorific sentences however the kind of vocabulary was very limited. Learners of Korean also used ‘-si-’ in a final-ending at a high rate due to the high rate of using ‘-seyo’ as a final-ending, but with few word types. As a result of analysis, excluding ‘-seyo’, ‘-si-’ was used the most in a connective ending in both groups. In addition, learners of Korean rarely spoke ‘-si-’ for extension use compared to Korean native speakers. Lastly, ‘-si-’ was more commonly used to address a listener directly as opposed to a third party in both groups. The percentage was relatively low in the cases of learners of Korean than in the Korean native speakers. Through this results, this study showed a necessity to present ‘-si-’ in various endings as well as to express politeness to a second person in Korean textbooks. 선어말어미 ‘-시-’는 서술어에 결합하여 주로 문장의 주어를 높이는 데에 사용되는 문법 범주로 인식되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 한국어 학습자가 구어 담화에서 선어말어미 ‘-시-’를 사용하는 양상이 실제로 어떠한지 살펴보기 위해 모국어 화자의 사용 양상과 비교 분석하였다. 한국어 학습자와 모국어 화자의 구어 말뭉치 자료를 분석한 결과 두 집단 모두 동사 의미에 ‘-시-’를 결합해 높임 의미를 실현하는 양상이 두드러지게 나타났다. 그리고 직접 높임 유형을 실현하는 양상이 크게 나타났으며 모든 품사에 직접 높임 유형을 더 많이 사용하는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 모국어 화자가 형용사와 서술격 조사 결합의 경우 간접 높임 유형을 더 많이 사용하는 것과 차이가 있었다. 한국어 학습자는 간접 높임 유형의 경우 형용사 결합 비율이 높았으나 어휘 종류가 매우 제한적으로 나타났다. 또 ‘-시-’를 종결어미에 결합하는 비율이 높았는데 이는 ‘-세요’ 유형의 한정된 어휘를 결합한 문장 비율이 매우 높았기 때문이다. 따라서 ‘-세요’를 제외한 분석 결과에서는 두 집단 모두 ‘-시-’를 연결어미에 결합하여 사용하는 비율이 더 높게 나타났다. 또한 ‘-시-’ 높임의 확대와 관련해 한국어 학습자는 모국어 화자에 비해 과잉 높임 양상이 거의 나타나지 않았다. 그리고 한국어 학습자와 모국어 화자 모두 ‘-시-’를 대화에서 직접 대면하고 있는 청자를 높이는 데에 더 많이 사용하는 양상을 나타냈다. 그러나 두 집단을 비교했을 때 한국어 학습자의 경우 청자 높임의 비율이 매우 낮았다. 이 결과를 통해 본 연구에서는 외국어로서의 한국어교육에서 ‘-시-’ 교육과 관련해 ‘-세요’ 종결어미의 제시와 함께 ‘-시-’를 다양한 품사 및 어말어미에 결합한 양상을 명시적으로 제시할 필요가 있으며, 실제 언어 사용에서와 같이 화자가 직접 대화에 참여하고 있는 청자를 높이는 데 사용되는 ‘-시-’의 용례를 더욱 명확하게 제시할 필요가 있다고 제안했다.

      • KCI등재

        고급 한국어 학습자 문어에 나타난 문맥 지시 양상 연구

        엄진숙 국제한국어교육학회 2020 한국어 교육 Vol.31 No.4

        This paper aims to examine how the advanced Korean learners substantialize an anaphoric function of contextual reference using ‘i’ and ‘geu’. The analysis of the written language showed some aspect. First, Korean learners use reference items both ‘i’ and ‘geu’ series all very selectively but they use ‘geu’ more generally. Second, they use the reference item to determine other sentence components at high frequency. The reference item is an inessential modifier to make syntactic complexity that is intimately related with advanced language competence. Third, Korean learners use the reference item dissimilarly depending on the semantical feature. They use the reference item ‘i’ series more than ‘geu’ series when the property of the reference object is specific and concrete and psychological distance is close to the reference object. In case of the property of the reference object related with nowness and new information, they use also ‘i’ series reference items more than ‘geu’.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 학습자의 다의어 사용 양상 연구 - 형용사 ‘좋다’를 중심으로 -

        엄진숙 한민족어문학회 2017 韓民族語文學 Vol.0 No.78

        언어 사용자가 어휘의 다의적 용법을 파악하여 머릿속 어휘사전을 활용하는 양상은 한국인 모국어 화자(KNS)뿐만 아니라 한국어를 제2 언어로 하는 외국인 한국어 학습자(KSL)의 언어 사용에서도 동일하게 나타난다. 본고에서는 KSL이 어휘의 다의적 용법을 사용하는 데 있어 어떠한 특성을 나타내는지 알아보기 위하여 KNS의 사용 양상과 비교 분석하였다. 그 결과 첫째, KSL은 KNS와 동일하게 ‘좋다’의 기본의미 사용 빈도가 가장 높았고, 기본의미에서 2차, 3차 연쇄된 확장의미의 사용 빈도가 낮았으며, 7가지 용법별 사용 빈도 순위가 유사하게 나타났다. 어휘의 의미 확장은 인간의 인지적 보편성으로 인해 L1과 L2 사용에서 유사한 양상을 나타냈다. 둘째, KSL은 KNS보다 어휘의 다의적 용법을 언어적으로 더 활발하게 활용하였다. 그러나 KSL은 확장의미의 사용에서 기본의미의 선행 문법 요소와 동일한 형태를 선호하는 단순화 현상이 나타났으며, 형태적 오류가 나타나기도 하여 결합 형태의 습득이 완전히 이루어졌다고 보기는 어려웠다. 또한 KSL의 숙달도에 관계없이 ‘좋다’의 용법별 사용 빈도 순위가 동일하게 나타났으나, 고급은 중급보다 ‘좋다’의 기본의미의 사용 비율이 낮은 반면 2차, 3차의 확장의미를 사용하는 비율이 높았다. 즉, 숙달도가 높을수록 기본의미와 확장의미의 사용 비율이 KNS의 사용 양상과 유사해지는 중간언어 양상을 나타냈다. The purpose of this paper was to investigate how KSL utilized polysemous word in comparison to KNS through analysis their writing data. First of all, for KSL, the frequency of using basic meaning was the highest while the use of secondary and third extended meanings was infrequent. This was the same with KNS. Frequency rankings of seven usages of ‘johta’ by KSL were the same with KNS. This shows that the use of polysemous word of L2 speakers is similar to native speakers because of the cognitive universality of human. Secondly, KSL used usages of polysemous word ‘johta’ lin guistically more than KNS. However, KSL preferred a grammatical form of preceding a basic meaning to marked forms that could lead to simplification of sentences. There were frequent forms of grammatical errors, too. It means that KSL did not acquire all grammatical forms of preceding of extended meanings at the same period time. Moreover, frequency rankings of seven usages of ‘johta’ were the same regardless of linguistic ability. However, advanced learners used basic meaning of ‘johta’ less than all extended meanings while the opposite occurred in intermediate learners. That is, the higher the degree of the proficiency of KSL. it shows more similarity with KNS in utilizing a basic meaning and extended meanings of polysemous word in percentage. This can be explained in terms of interlanguage.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 학습자의 해라체 평서문 습득 양상

        엄진숙 ( Jin Suk Eom ) 국제한국어교육학회 2011 한국어 교육 Vol.22 No.4

        The purposes of this paper are to investigate learners of Korean` acquisition of a declarative sentence of Hera style through usages of written language text. First, how is use appearance by learners of Korean of a declarative sentence of Hera style. Second, how is acqusitional appearance of a declarative sentence of Hera style. This paper shows, by analysing the usages of composition data, learners of Korean acquire a declarative sentence of Hera style through the following acquisitional stage; 1) Learners of Korean use final-ending of Hera style ``-da`` as a literary style according to proficiency increasingly like native speaker. This result means a stage that learners of Korean acquire ``-da`` of a character as a literal style. This is similar to usages of a native speaker of Korean. 2) There are 3 types of morphological interlanguage of ``-da`` regardless of Learners` proficiency. 3) Learners of Korean use a first-person pronoun ``jeo`` at a high rate from level 2 in declarative sentences of Hera style, a final-ending ``-da`` involved [-honorific] feature with a first-person pronoun involved [honorific] feature. But as time passes learners seems like to acquire usage of first-person pronoun in declarative sentences of Hera style. It increased by learners` proficiency. In conclusion learners of Korean haven`t acquired of target-like use of declarative sentences of Hera style yet both of form and use in a sentence but they are being acquired of a declarative sentence of Hera style.(Yeungnam University)

      • KCI등재

        외국인 대학생의 요청 담화에서의 적극적 공손 전략 실현 양상 연구

        엄진숙 ( Jin-suk Eom ) 국제한국어교육학회 2016 한국어 교육 Vol.27 No.3

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the enactment of positive politeness to perform request functions in Korean as second language (KSL) speakers, with focus on international undergraduate students (IUS), and their native language (L1). Furthermore, this paper aims at comparing their positive politeness strategies (PPS) with Korean native speakers (KNS). IUS’ PPS can be classified as follows: through their utterances in formal letters; using terms of address, promise, optimistic utterance and similarity with the addressee; and giving reasons and background information of the request. This paper shows that IUS’ L1 does not influence PPS usage. IUS use PPS intentionally to mitigate a threat to the receiver’s positive stance in order to accomplish the goal of a request, which is not a specific cultural aspect but a universal communicative strategy applied situationally. IUS’ usage of PPS is similar to KNS. This is explained in terms of IUS’ pragmatic competence, the ability to achieve pragmatic purpose using appropriate strategies as well as KNS. However, when using the wish (blessing) strategy of optimistic utterance and the request strategy of giving reason and background information, IUS focus on form schema rather than content while KNS focus on content in detail to maintain the receiver’s positive stance. (Yeungnam University)

      • KCI등재

        고급 한국어 학습자의 질문 전략을 통한 공손성 실현 양상 분석

        엄진숙 ( Jin Suk Eom ) 이중언어학회 2015 이중언어학 Vol.59 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate how to substantialize politeness through question strategy to redress FTAs(Face Threatening Acts) of a negative face. Learners of Korean as L2(Second Language) speakers in Korea acquire knowledge about interrelation between a linguistic form and a pragmatic function; that is to say they use interrogative sentences for various pragmatic purposes that depart from original function: information request. Because speakers desire to communicate successfully by realizing politeness and redressing possibility of FTAs. This paper shows three conclusions by analysing the learner’s languages of conversations, text messages, texts of internet bulletin board and logical rhetorical writings, etc. First, KSL(Korean as a Second Language) learners use interrogative sentences strategically for a communicative intention. They are divided into conventionalized expressions like greeting words and not-conventionalized questions including indirect speech acts. KSL learners produce not-conventionalized questions(67%) more than conventionalized expressions(33%) of all. Second, KSL learners use interrogative sentences the most for expressing opinion(32%) and requesting(27%). This is explained in terms of reaching a systemical variation stage of interlanguage of KSL learners. Third, KSL learners use judgement questions the most and they tend to connect a specific question type with a specific pragmatic function. Judgement questions were used the most in request and confirmation, negative questions were used the most in expressing opinion, wh-questions were used in various functions like ordering(suggestion) and changing a topic, etc. Especially rhetorical questions were connected with expressing opinion.(Yeungnam University)

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