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      오늘 본 자료

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      • 지방 공무원의 직무스트레스가 이직충동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        엄광섭 朝鮮大學校 大學院 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is to examine how job stresses caused by the role conflict and role vagueness of public officials in local government have an effect on job accomplishment, work and non-work conflict, job satisfaction and life satisfaction. Also I have examined how these factors affect job quitting intent, and what the reasons for job quitting are. To perform research goals, the argument is based on the development of the theoretical background of job stress, job accomplishment, job satisfaction and job quitting intent and I intend to construct an analysis model through the comprehensive investigation of relevant references for positive research. In the analysis model, job stress is determined as an independent variable, and a subordinate variable is made up of role conflict and role vagueness. Also there are four parameters, that is, job accomplishment, public or private job conflict, job satisfaction, and satisfaction with life. Job quitting intent is determined as a dependent variable influenced by four parameters. Based on these variables, the research model and its hypothesis are established. Relations between variables of hypothesis and model suitability are examined. For the positive analysis, questionnaires were made using an interval scale of 5 points or 7 points, with the nominal scale based on research hypothesis and variables. Statistical analysis was carried out using the questionnaires collected from the public servants of Gwangju city, district offices of Gwangju, the provincial office of Jeollanamdo, the education offices of Gwangju and Jeollanamdo, and school nutritionists. The methods of statistical analysis are frequency analysis, ANOVA, factor analysis, reliability analysis, validity analysis, interrelation analysis, and path analysis. To verify the measure instruments, reliability analysis and validity analysis are performed making use of the methods of statistical analysis. In the meaning analysis of analytical models, measurement items of low reliability and validity are excluded. Only meaningful items are used to be analyzed. The inspection of the study model shows the lowest suitability, and that of the hypothesis shows that relations between job stress and job accomplishment, relations between job satisfaction and satisfaction with life and the relation between the impulse to quit jobs, job satisfaction and satisfaction of living have a significant influence in the significant level of p<0.05. Job stress has an effect on its subordinate element, or role conflict, but role vagueness was not so statistically significant that the whole hypothesis was rejected. In the relationship between the parameters, in addition, job accomplishment has an influence on job satisfaction and satisfaction with life, but both official and private job conflict doesn't. Especially the direction established in the hypothesis of a ground model showed the opposite direction aside from 3 variables of job accomplishment, job satisfaction, and satisfaction with life. And the public and private job conflict is significant in the subordinate element of job stress or role conflict, but not in the job satisfaction and the satisfaction with life. Also, because job conflict has an secondary effect on job outcome, job conflict has a direct effect more on job satisfaction than job conflict. That explains that job vagueness has a good effect on job accomplishment and job satisfaction and satisfaction with life. According to the study, the causes of the impulse to quit jobs depend on sex, marital state, age, continuous service, academic background, characteristics of one's job, and one's place of employment, except the cause of position. It shows that the public officials who are young, single, having shorter continuous service and doing the jobs for the people have more impulse to leave jobs. And the biggest reason of the entire samples is the absence of a sense of achievement, the second biggest is low social assessment, the next is salary, no opportunity to give full play to one's genius, and dissatisfaction about the way of putting policies and aims into practice. Considering by individual peculiarities, the cause for singles to quit the jobs is the public estimate of the public office, and the causes for officials under 35 years of age and under 5 years of continuous service are the absence of feeling of achievement, the low public estimate, and salary lastly. It's the same as for Civil Service officials too, and the personnel and organization managers should discover and develope the merits of a public office for young and promising people to keep serving all through their lives at the public office. Especially to get rid of the absence of the feeling of achievement, they should develop the jobs to facilitate and develop creativity rather than monotonous and mechanical jobs and at the same time prepare diversified strategy to raise the ethics of the public office society, a sense of duty, and a sense of being involved, to raise the public estimate of the public office. So far, this study has the meaning in that it presents the strategic direction of personnel and organization control to reform the atmosphere of public office society by finding out the main reasons why public officers wish to leave their jobs and examining the relation between the causes. We should note, again, that control should focus on females, a young group, singles and public officials in technical posts and civil service officials. However, this study has the following limits and in relation to this, it will present the direction for the next study here now. Firstly, because this study, for the researcher's convenience, had been done in the region of Gwangju, the result of this study can't be generalized to the other local administration of the country, I admit. Therefore if the samples will be chosen more widely from all over the country in the next study, the generalization will be more possible. Secondly, the model of the study started from the theoretical background that job stress has a negative effect on job satisfaction, but positive analysis resulted in the conclusion that job stress had an affirmative effect on job satisfaction, and also the conclusion that in the relation between variables direct effects were more potential than indirect effects tells us that we should have more interest in theoretical search and positive analysis in that relation. Lastly, because conflict between work and non-work conflict has nothing significant to do with job satisfaction and that of living, the next study should consider establishing a study model excluding this. We should not forget to exclude this parameter when we establish a study model.

      • 우리나라 學校給食 制度運營에 關한 硏究

        嚴光燮 전북대학교 1991 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is to establish the theoretical background of school meal supply system by examining the signification, necessity and effects for that supply, system in order to raise nations interest in school meal supply, and to suggest desirable feeding program suiting to current korean educational situation. The contents and findings of this study are as followings. 1. The objects of school meal supply should be magnified it's enforcing extent from primary school to kindergarten, middle school, high school and special school by improving the sharing method for the resources. 2. It is requested to excute feeding tasks suitable for district characters by setting up new organization of section responsible for school meal supply and by extending health specialties in department of education, central planning post, and also extending administrative organization from present unit of in charge to section unit in cities and provincial education offices. 3. The resources providing system of meal supply expenses are expected to find out extending method of feeding facilities by the resources except national treasury owing to variation of school meal supply resources, regulate supporting rate of feeding expenses by government and back up differently according to economic circumstances of district inhabitants and induce the pupil's parents to burden food expenses step by step and to have appropriate purchasing unit cost by reducing distribution process for feeding goods and by nationalization of mass purchase. 4. The staffs in charge of school meal supply should be stationed elastically in consideration of number of pupils, district circumstances and task quantities and temporary employees for cooking works should be promoted with their morales by appointing them as regular officials for securing their positions and by paying them cooking allowances according to their tasks. 5. The types of school meal supply should be gone with common cooking method but sole one in order to choose cooking method according to district circumstances and the patterns of meal supply should have partial feeding not depend only on complete feeding in reliance on cooking room. 6. the orientation activities and propagation for school meal supply should be exerted for systematic and continuous propagation activities through various information media in order to increase people's recognitions and also exerted to establish systematic educational course for school meal supply, development of sources and it's supply. Because the school meal supply could be said that it contributes to healthy development of children both in spirit and body as well as improvement of people's meal living and has significant effects, it must come out as an important subject of policy in the long term national welfare even in the currently promoted economic situation.

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