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        자폐스펙트럼장애에서의 수면문제

        양영희,김지훈,이진성,Yang, Young-Hui,Kim, Ji-Hoon,Lee, Jin-Seong 대한수면의학회 2013 수면·정신생리 Vol.20 No.2

        Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized by persistent deficits in social communication and restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior and interest. Sleep problems are not uncommon in children with autism spectrum disorders. Symptoms of insomnia are the most frequent sleep problems in individuals with ASD. Sleep problems can cause significant difficulties in the daily life of children with ASD and their families. Genetic factor, deregulations of melatonin synthesis, extraneous environmental stimuli and psychiatric and medical conditions may cause sleep problems. The first line treatment of sleep problems in ASD includes managements for potential contributing factors and parent education about sleep hygiene care for child and behavioral therapy. Supplementation with melatonin may be effective before considering other medications, such as risperidone, clonidine, and mirtazapine.

      • KCI등재

        암 조기발견 지식·암발생 위험성 지각과 암 조기검진 수검 여부와의 관계 : 40세 이상 일반인 대상으로

        양영희(Yang Young Hee) 대한종양간호학회 2012 Asian Oncology Nursing Vol.12 No.1

        Purpose: This study is to determine knowledge about early detection and risk perception of cancer according to taking cancer screening tests in the general population. Methods: The participants were 151 people aged 40 years or older. A questionnaire consisted of knowledge about early detection (warning signs, cancer screening methods, general knowledge for early detection), cancer risk perception and history of cancer screening during past 2 years. Results: The percentages of correct answers were 64.7% in knowledge about warning signs, 73.7% in knowledge of cancer screening tests and 80.1% in general knowledge for early detection. Participants had the highest knowledge about screening methods for stomach cancer and the lowest for liver and colon cancer. The level of risk perception was medium. The participants who participated in cancer screening showed lower risk perception than those who did not. There was no significant relationship between knowledge and performance of cancer screening. The primary reason for not participating in cancer screening was patient's perception of their own health. Conclusion: These results suggest that cancer risk perception can affect the performance of cancer screening and we need to study how to handle this problem. Additionally screening programs should focus on liver cancer and colon cancer.

      • KCI등재

        사회 방언(학)과 비판적 언어인식에 근거한 문법교육의 방향 설정

        양영희(Yang young hee) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2017 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.17 No.1

        현재 문법 교육은 ‘문법 사용 능력’을 신장하는 데 역점을 두고 있다. 본 논의는 이러한 문법 교육의 목표를 달성하기 위해 문법 교육이 나가야 할 방향을 사회방언학과 비판적 언어 인식의 관점에서 모색하였다. 이들은 학습자의 사회적 맥락을 중요시한다는 점에 착안한 것이다. 문법을 사용하는 능력을 기르기 위해서는 먼저 교육 내용은 사회 방언학적인 관점에 입각해서 선정할 것을 제언하였다. 사회방언학은 사회적 요인에 따라 달라지는 언어 변이에 관심을 두므로 학습자가 사용하는 언어 변이를 중심으로 교육하면 학습자 중심의 교육을 할 수 있겠다는 생각에서이다. 다음으로 이러한 내용을 교수·학습하는 방법으로는 비판적 언어인식의 관점을 제언하였다. 비판적 언어인식 관은 ‘(교육적) 실천 행위’에 방점을 두므로 이를 문법교육에 적용하면 학습자가 자신의 어떤 목적에서 언어를 사용하는지 그리고 그렇게 사용하였을 경우에는 어떤 효과가 있는지를 파악하여, 자신의 언어생활을 객관적으로 비판할 수 있을 것으로 기대하는 까닭에서이다. It is widely acknowledged that current grammar education focuses on the enhancement of ‘grammar ability’. This paper investigates directions of grammar education to achieve this goal based on sociodialectology and critical language awareness, since these perspectives set high values on learner’s social context. To enhance grammar ability, firstly it is suggested that the educational contents be selected based on the perspective of sociodialectology. As sociaodialectology focuses on language changes caused by social factors, it is possible to teach language changes in learner language and therefore learner-centered education is made possible. Second, the perspective of critical language awareness is suggested as a learning and teaching method. Critical language awareness stresses ‘(educational) practice behavior,’ and it is possible to apply this ‘(educational) practice behavior’ to grammar education. According to this perspective, it is expected that learners will be able to recognize the purpose of their language use and the effect of the language use by themselves. Moreover, it is also expected they will be able to criticize their language life objectively.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        15세기 국어 존대표지의 실현 조건

        양영희(Yang Young hee) 한국어학회 2003 한국어학 Vol.19 No.-

        This article deals with the using conditions of honorific endings -si-, -sap- and -yi- in 15th century Korean. With reference to the study result. acts of object respected are stated in sentences or conversations in case of -si-. On the other hand, -sap- and -yi- are used under the opposite situation. And the three endings are different in this study: ‘-si-’ is an honorific marker. ‘-sap-’ is a humble marker, and -yi- is a politeness marker. Moreover, I draw a clear line between the humbleness or the politeness and the honorifics. The former of the two express honorific meaning indirectly by means of making speaker oneself low. The latter treat with respect directly. That is to say, the former is an indirect honorific marker, the other is a direct honorific marker.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        「2015 국어과 교육과정」에 근거한 국어사 교육 내용 설계

        양영희 ( Yang Younghee ) 국어교육학회 2016 國語敎育學硏究 Vol.51 No.4

        본고는 「2015 교육과정」에 나타난 `문법` 영역의 변화에 방점을 두서, 그것의 한 부분으로 인정되는 국어사 교육이 이러한 경향에 부응하기 위해서는 어떻게 변해야 하는가라는 의문을 제기하는 데서 출발하였다. 변화의 중심은 교육 내용에 있다는 생각 아래, 국어사 교육의 내용을 구성해 보는 데 논의의 초점을 모으고, 다음 두 가지 측면을 내용 설정의 준거로 삼았다. 첫째, 국어사 교육이 학습자에게 어떤 능력을 길러줄 것인가이다. 둘째, 국어사 지식이 비단 과거의 국어 양상에 대한 지식이 아니라 학습자들이 현재 사용하는 언어의 근간이며, 그것을 운용하는 원리로 사용되고 있음을 인식시키기 위해서는 교육 내용을 어떻게 구성해야 하는가이다. 본 논의는 이에 대해 세 가지 관점, ① 현대 국어에 대한 이해를 심화하는 차원, ② 현대 국어 운용의 원리를 탐구하는 차원, ③ 현재 진행 중인 변화를 파악하는 차원에서 접근하고자 하였다. 이런 맥락에서 설정한 문법 내용은 `나/너`의 주격형인 `내/네`, 사동형 `재우다: 태우다`, `먹거리: 놀토, 먹방`과 같은 조어 방식, `의존명사(만)> 조사(만)`으로의 명사화와 `접미사(님)> 2인칭대명사(님)`으로의 역문법화 등이다. The current study focuses on the change of the grammar field on 2015 Korean Language Curriculum and suggests questions regarding how the education of Korean Language History should keep up with the trend as a sector of it. Based on the assumption that the most crucial aspect of the change is the contents, this study examines the contents of Korean Language History education according to two criterions as follows. The first criterion is related to what kind of learner ability Korean Language History education should enhance. Secondly, which contents should be taught is discussed in order to help learners recognize that Korean Language History is not only related to the past history of a language, but also it is the foundation of their language and its operating principles. This paper approaches these problems according to three perspectives: first, intensifying the understanding of contemporary Korean Language; second, examining the operating principles of contemporary Korean Language; third, identifying current changes. Based on this context, grammar contents are discussed, such as `Nae/Ne` as the subjective case of `Na/Ne`, causative case `Jae woo da; Tae woo da`, coinages of `Muk gu ri; Nol to, Muk bang`, normative transformation of bound noun(Man)>postposition(.Man), degrammaticalization of `suffix (Nim) >second person pronoun(Nim)`, to name a few.

      • KCI등재

        문법교육에서 매체(언어)의 수용 방안

        양영희(Yang, Young-hee) 우리말글학회 2016 우리말 글 Vol.70 No.-

        본 연구는 문법 교육에서 매체(언어)의 수용 방안을 모색하기 위한 선행 작업으로 마련되었다. 먼저 2007 교육과정에서부터 2015 교육과정에 이르기까지의 문법 영역과 매체(언어)를 연계하는 성취기준(내용)이 없다는 사실을 확인하였다. 이와 더불어 교육과정에서는 매체와 매체 언어를 명확하게 구별하는 태도를 견지하면서 각각의 교육 목표와 내용을 설정하였음에 비하여 연구자들은 정작 국어교육에서 수용해야 할 대상을 분별하면서 논쟁을 하다가 최근에는 언어 중심관에 입각하여 매체가 아닌 매체 언어로 간주하는 경향이 있었다는 사실도 확인하였다. 이후 본 논의에서는 매체와 매체 언어를 구별하는 교육과정의 입장을 문법교육에 적용하였다. 그리하여 매체는 활용의 차원에서 매체 언어는 언어 활동의 차원에서 수용 가능하다는 의견을 개진하였다. 교수 · 학습과정에서 매체를 활용하여 탐구 학습을 하도록 함으로써 국어지식에 대한 이해를 넓힐 수 있고, 이렇게 학습한 국어지식을 매체 언어 활동의 기반 지식으로 활용하도록 함으로써 문법은 매체(언어)를 수용할 수 있다는 의미이다. This paper is a preliminary study to find an adoption method of media(language) in grammar education. First, it is difficult to find standards connecting grammar and media(language) from 2007 Curriculum to 2015 Curriculum, and this results in the difficulty of connection and utilization. In addition to this, although the curriculum clearly distinguishes media from media language and defines educational objectives and contents respectively, there has been controversy over which media should be adopted among researchers. There also has been tendency that is based on the language-oriented perspective, regarding them as media-language. After discussing current trends, this study applies educational standpoint which distinguishes media from media language to grammar education. In this perspective, it is possible to accept media as a form of utilization and media language as a form of language activity. In other words, it is possible to enhance language knowledge in language learning and teaching through media utilization, and this knowledge can be used as primary knowledge for media language activity. Through this process, it is possible to adopt media(language) in grammar education.

      • KCI등재

        중세국어 호칭어와 종결어미의 호응에 대한 재고

        양영희(Yang Young-hee) 한국사회언어학회 2006 사회언어학 Vol.14 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to reconsider the existing views on concord of appellation term with a final ending. In general, it has been considered that there is a consistent system to accord "the object not expressed with pronoun" with "hashowsheo" form, "geudui" with "hayassheo" form, and "neo" with "hara" form. There are, however, many examples from actual use which cannot be explained in this framework. Here, the concord of appellation term with final ending in middle Korean is classified into "conforming model on rule" and "strategic model of speaker". The former is sub-classified into "authoritative type" and "bonding type", the latter "appellation type" and "final ending type". Considering the fact that the appellation term and the final ending are related to the honorific system, such features as dialogue, personal feelings between interlocutors among others should be included in an analysis. It has been understood that some pronouns are used only with some appellations according to previous research regardless of these facts. The basic approach of this study is to provide an analysis distinctive from prevailing explanations.

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