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      • KCI등재

        지구성 운동이 알코올 섭취 후 혈중젖산농도에 미치는 영향

        안정훈 한국운동과학회 2003 운동과학 Vol.12 No.3

        안정훈. 지구성 운동이 알코올 섭취 후 혈중젖산농도에 미치는 영향. 운동과학 제12권 제3호 391-397, 2003. 본 연구는 지구성운동이 알코올 섭취 후 혈중젖산농도에 미치는 영향을 규명하기 위하여 20대의 남자 대학생 30명을 대상으로 운동집단 10명, 알코올 섭취집단 10명, 알코올 섭취 후 운동집단 10명의 세 집단을 구성하였다. 운동집단을 제외한 나머지 두 집단의 알코올 섭취는 알코올 농도 40%(J사의 S위스키)이며 섭취량은 150cc이다. 트레드밀운동강도의 설정은 최대하운동부하검사를 %70HRmax까지 실시하여 개인별 %60HRmax의 운동강도를 산출하고 운동집단과 알코올 섭취 후 운동집단에 적용하여 지속부하로 30분간 실시하였다. 혈중젖산농도의 측정은 알코올 섭취 후와 운동 후의 세 집단 모두 휴식 30분, 60분, 90분, 120분, 150분, 180분에 채혈하여 분석하였다. 알코올 농도 40%의 위스키 150cc를 섭취한 후에 운동을 실시하지 않은 비교집단의 혈중젖산농도는 30분 후에 1.63mMol/dl, 60분 후에 1.94mMol/dl. 90분 후에 2.22mMol/dl로 낮게 나타났으나, 120분 후에는 2.51mMol/dl 까지 상승하다가 150분 후부터 2.39mMol/dl로 점차 낮아져 180분 후에는 2.31mMol/dl로 나타났다. 알코올 섭취 후 운동을 실시한 집단의 혈중젖산농도는 운동 후 30분 후에 3.44 mMol/dl로 가장 높은 수치를 보이다가 60분후에는 3.29mMol/dl, 90분 후에는 2.82mMol/dl로, 운동집 단 90분후의 2.92mMol/dl보다 낮았으며 180분 후에는 2.19mMol/dl로 운동집단 2.36mMol/dl과 알코올 섭취집단 2.31mMol/dl 보다 낮은 수치를 보였으며 통계적으로도 유의하였다(p=.000). 따라서 알코올 섭취 후 지구성운동은 음주로 인해 증가된 혈중젖산농도를 감소시키는데 효과적이라는 결론을 얻었다. An, J.H. The Effect of Endurance Exercise on Lactate Concentration in Blood after Alcohol Uptake. Exercise Science, 12(3): 81-397, 2003. In this study, to observe the change of lactate concentration in blood by endurance after alcohol uptake, 20 male collegers of 30 members were divided 10 members of controlled group and 10 members of alcohol uptake group, 10 members of alcohol uptake & endurance exercise group. An uptaken alcohol concentration were 40%(150cc). uptaken al were exercise alcohol The Propose of this study was to analyze the To measure the lactate concentration in blood, the treadmill exercise less than 60%HRmax was performed at the speed of 6mph for 30 minutes. The measure of lactate concentration in blood was after alcohol uptake before exercise, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 minutes. The lactate concentration in blood of the group who did not take exercise after drinking was lower level of 1.63mMol/dl 30 minutes after drinking, but it rose to 2.22mMol/dl 90 minutes after and it began to higher by degrees form 120 minutes after and reached at the level of 2.39mMol/dl. It began to lower by degree form 150 minutes after and reach at the level of 2.31mMol/dl at 180 minutes after. The lactate concentration of group who took exercise after drinking alcohol reached its maximum of 3.44mMol/dl 30 minutes after exercise, lowered to the level of 3.29mMol/dl 60minutes. and 2.82mMol/dl 90 minutes after exercise was lower than level of the not take exercise group after drinking. And at last 180 minutes after, it got to 2.19mMol/dl much lower than those of the non-exercise-taking group(p=.000). Although, these facts shows that exercise after drinking is very effective in the reduction of lactic acid as well as alcohol concentration in blood.

      • KCI등재후보

        장애등급 분포를 활용한 흡연에 의한 뇌졸중 질병부담비용 측정

        안정훈,서유신 한국보건의료기술평가학회 2018 보건의료기술평가 Vol.6 No.2

        Objectives: The purpose of the study was to estimate the economic burden of stroke in Korea using post stroke disability grades and to measure smoking attributed economic burden. Methods: The disability grade of stroke patient was assessed for stroke patients who did not have a history of stroke before from a large cohort study in Korea. Treatment costs of patients were estimated by the National Health Insurance Service annual statistical report and care cost was estimated by the need of care defined by the assessed disability grades of patients. The population attributable fraction from WHO was used to calculate the proportion of cost due to smoking. Results: The study revealed that the cost of the stroke in 2015 was about 3.228 trillion won, while the care-giver cost was approximately 176 billion won. The cost of the smoking attributed stroke was about 724 billion won. Conclusion: This study is useful for estimating the cost of smoking considering the poststroke disability and the results is important for achieving the national goal of extending healthy life from the Fourth National Health Promotion Plan.

      • KCI등재

        DC Appliance Safety Standards Guideline through Comparative Analysis of AC and DC Supplied Home Appliances

        안정훈,김동희,이병국,진현철,심재선 대한전기학회 2012 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.7 No.1

        This paper provides a safety guideline for DC supplied home appliances through the comparative analysis of existing safety guideline for AC supplied home appliances. For this purpose, a predictive DC home appliance model is suggested and in special international safety standards of AC appliances are also analyzed. Moreover, a DC distribution system is built to verify the validity of the proposed safety guideline. The detailed analyzing process is explained with help of informative experimental results.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        <木蘭詩>의 몇 가지 문제에 대한 고찰

        안정훈 한국중국어문학회 2005 中國文學 Vol.45 No.-

        〈木蘭詩〉是北朝民歌的杰作, 作品抒寫了一個靑年女子代父從軍的傳奇故事. 這首詩長期以來一直是中國文學史上的名篇, 但人們對該詩的理解, 尙有諸多疑点. 其中一個就是此詩首句"喞喞復喞喞"的解釋問題. 各家解釋大致有兩種, 一是釋爲嘆息聲, 二是釋爲織聲. 但是, 通過考察衆多資料本文認爲以"喞喞"狀蟋蟀的鳴聲十分接近. "喞喞"用在這首詩的首句, 一有点明時間季節的作用, 二有與下文点兵之事聯想的作用. 郭茂倩所編《樂府詩集》中〈木蘭詩〉有兩首, 人們所熟知的是第一首, 第二首由于衆多選本中很難看到, 文學史也多不論及. 但本文認爲第二首仍有硏究的价値. 兩首〈木蘭詩〉的差異主要體現在以下三個方面: 其一, 情節繁簡不同. 總體上看, 第一首繁而細, 第二首括而簡. 其二, 表現風格不同. 第一首更接近民歌的風格, 其表現手法簡易朴素. 與之相比, 第二首表現的"文人氣"更濃, 其手法對句精彩. 其三, 揭示主題的方式不同. 第一首用多量的修辭手法, 如比喩·疊字·反復等, 完全將主題隱藏在敍事描寫之中. 第二首作者則多次直接地鮮明地提示自己的議論, 但也不免顯出太多的道學氣. 在木蘭故事本身幷沒有愛國英雄的豪氣, 但通過〈木蘭詩〉一代一代地流傳下來, 幷在傳世過程中不斷變化, 終于把木蘭定格爲光彩照人的女英雄形象. 不過, 這些都是后人的演繹和愿望, 〈木蘭詩〉 本身井不具有這樣的品格.

      • KCI등재

        則天武后의 문자숭배 관념에 대한 고찰

        安正燻 韓國中國語文學會 2004 中國文學 Vol.41 No.-

        則天武后是唐朝唯一的女皇帝, 也是中國歷史上一位著名的女皇帝. 中國封建社會連續了兩千多年, 男尊女卑的封建觀念始終統治着人們的思想, 但則天武后作爲一個皇后, 却能突破封建傳統的束縛, 建立瞭强有力的專制統治, 倂推動瞭社會和經濟的發展. 通過考察則天武后的統治行蹟, 我們能發現저就是一個具有强烈自卑感的人物. 저的自卑感表現出爲缺乏自信和盲信民間迷信的傾向. 저崇佛, 重道, 篤信神영, 迷信祥瑞, 又看重文字的力量, 且動輒將政敵改姓. 缺乏自信的령一충表現是年號的頻繁變更. 在저之前的唐太宗統治23年只用了1개年號; 在저之后的唐玄宗, 統治44年用了3개年號, 平均每개年호用14.7年; 而武則天涉政, 執政的50年中, 竟用了32개年號, 平均每개年號僅用1.5年. 如比頻繁的更換年號, 在中國封建社會的歷史中非常우見. 年號也是帝王意志的 現, 是某충象征與祈求的表示. 年號的頻繁變動, 表面上看, 是則天武后迷信的表現, 實質上是저內心겁度空虛雜亂, 缺乏自信的反映, 希望通過變換年호使心理上得到某충寄托和安慰. 古代中國人都認爲自己的姓名就是自己存在的表現符호. 所以則天武后用不吉的文字將自己的政敵改姓改名的行爲, 是一충非常恐怖的詛呪方式. 他這마盲信文字的神秘力量, 說明他的內心缺乏自信, 所以需要 迷信爲自己壯단, 鼓起自己的勇氣. 但要注意的是, 雖然則天武后的這충崇拜文字現象尤爲突出, 古代中國的兩千年歷史來講, 這충崇拜文字, 盲信祥瑞現象就是一直被發現的一개明顯的標志.

      • KCI등재

        중국 고대 애정소설에서 하녀의 서사적 역할에 관한 연구

        安正燻 한국중국소설학회 2016 中國小說論叢 Vol.50 No.-

        이 논문은 明代 말엽의 화본소설집인 《歡喜寃家》를 주요 텍스트로 하여 이 작품에 등장하는 하녀의 서사 흐름 속에서의 역할에 대해 살펴보기 위해 작성되었다. 이를 통해 남녀 주인공 사이에서 애정 서사를 연결해주고 이끌어 가는 하녀의 서사적 역할에 주목할 수 있게 되었다. 사랑의 이야기에서 형식적 주인공인 才子와 佳人은 이들을 이어주는 연결고리인 하녀의 서사적 조력을 통해 사랑을 꽃 피울 수 있었던 것이다. 아울러 하녀는 작품 속에서 애정서사의 연결자로서뿐 아니라 애정 서사의 주인공이기도 하였고, 여주인공의 충직한 조력자이자, 문제 해결의 실마리를 제공하는 역할까지 수행하였다. 이러한 서사적 역할이 가능했던 것은 역설적이게도 이들 하녀의 신분이 비천하여 당시의 봉건예교에 얽매이지 않아도 되었기 때문이다. 외부세계와 쉽게 접촉하기 어려웠던 당시의 부녀자들과 달리 이들 하녀들은 안주인을 대신하여 외부세계와의 연결 통로가 되기도 하였고, 금욕과 절개가 중시되던 당시 도덕관념을 뛰어넘어 자유로운 사랑과 성애를 추구하는 역할을 담당하기도 하였던 것이다. The purposes of this study is considering about the narrative role of the maid in the ancient China love story. Through this, I analyzed how the narrative position of maid that is in charge of essential role between the male and female leading actors progressing of love story and theme of love being recognized and expressed. I emphasize that the narrative role of maid no less important than that of the male and female leading actors called ‘caizi(才子)’ and ‘jiaren(佳人)’. In other words, in the meantime motive and story of love that is focused on the male and female leading actors actually is almost impossible for the developing of narration without maid. The narrative role of heroine that is represented by the higher status lady is very limited and passive, on the contrary the maid rather can perform the active and free role because of her humble status - don t need manners. These characteristics of the maid can make her play a mediator role in narrative progress of connecting and arranging between hero and heroine in the ancient China love story works. As a result, the maid sometimes is serves as a connecter on narrative progress or sometimes is serves as a subject of narrative progress, or as a sex object in the narrative works.

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