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      • KCI등재

        한글 고전 작품 속에 나타난 인사말 연구 - 식사 관련 인사말과 두루 쓰임 인사말을 중심으로 -

        신호철 ( Shin Ho-cheol ) 한말연구학회 2020 한말연구 Vol.- No.56

        In Korea, as the people experienced social anxiety and threats to life due to frequent war, the greeting “Annyeong” was popularized socioculturally. Because of the poverty, our people valued ‘meal’, and through this, “Babeun meogeonni?” was customarily used as a greeting. However, it is difficult to find a reliable historical basis for this myth. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize the problem and change the perception of the negative meanings and perspectives of “Annyeong”, which is widely used in Korean greetings, and meal greetings “Babeun meogeonni?” Therefore, the purpose of this study is making positive recognizing of korean greetings through reinterpretation about background meanings. For this, the study reviewed and analyzed socio-historical backgrounds about the widely used Korean greetings like, “Annyeong”, “Pyeongan”, and meal greetings. By doing this, the paper expects expansion of functions and range of greetings. In chapter 2, this paper critically proposed problems about former studies and educational materials those have negative perspectives about Korean greetings. In chapter 3, we reviewed and analyzed widely used greetings like, “Annyeong”, “Pyeongan”, and meal greetings like, “Babeun meogeonni?” in classics. In chapter 4, the study made negative perspectives to positive by new interpretation. As a result of reviewing the greetings in Korean classics, this study could not find any evidences that support the myth about Korean greetings. Further, former studies said ‘Annyeong’ is generally used, but it can be found only in 2 conversations but ‘Pyeongan’ is preferred to be used widely. And greetings like, “Annyeong” and “Pyeongan” is distinguished by a differences of relationships, purpose of the speaker and conversational situations. Therefore, it is a correct understanding of our culture to switch to positive backgrounds rather than negative to our greetings and recognize and educate them. In other words, this study proposed new recognition that our society was a traditionally operated around the agricultural economy, ethical society that valued courtesy from the past, respected and cared for others, and pursued happiness and comfort.

      • KCI등재

        초음속 이중 압축 램프의 앞전 곡률에 따른 천이 유동 해석

        신호철(Ho Cheol Shin),사정환(Jeong Hwan Sa),박수형(Hyung Park),변영환(Yung Hwan Byun) 한국전산유체공학회 2015 한국전산유체공학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        Accurate prediction of supersonic transition is required for the heat transfer estimation over supersonic double compression ramp flows. Correlation-based transition models were assessed for a supersonic double ramp problem. Numerical results were compared with experimental data from RWTH Aachen University. A parametric study on the nose bluntness was performed using a selected transition model. As the nose bluntness increases, the boundary layer thickness is increased and the triple point of shock interactions moves downstream. The peak magnitude of the heat transfer is consequently decreased with the nose bluntness.

      • KCI등재

        일반 논문 : 문장 부호의 재개념화와 설정 기준

        신호철 ( Ho Cheol Shin ) 한국어교육학회(구 한국국어교육연구학회) 2011 국어교육 Vol.0 No.135

        This paper discusses about the original concept of Korean punctuation marks and the criteria to determine which is punctuation mark or not. For this purpose we did a comparative study of preceding research. We discussed that the preceding studies were a little fragmented, so they had insufficient definitions of Korean punctuation marks. Here, we suggest a new definition of Korean punctuation marks; that is, "Korean punctuation marks are regularly associated with modern Korean written language and they are accessory marks which add extra meaning into the sentence and help readers to understand. Next, we suggest five criteria which we may use to identify punctuation marks. First, historical criteria, punctuation marks are formed through diachronic streams. Second, ontogenic criteria, punctuation marks were originated not modern media, e.g. computers, cell-phones, etc, but traditional systems, e.g. books, newspapers, magazine, etc. Third, formal criteria, punctuation marks have only single-form. That means emoticons, which have multi-form, are not punctuation marks. Forth, non-iconicity criteria, punctuation marks have no correlation between their shape and functional meaning. Fifth, meaning criteria, punctuation marks have only functional meanings, not lexical meanings, and sometimes they partially express the aspectual meanings of speakers.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국어 색채 표현의 이원 체계

        신호철 ( Ho Cheol Shin ) 한국문법교육학회 2012 문법 교육 Vol.16 No.-

        This paper present the dual system of The Korean Color Expressions. The dual system is the system of Korean color vocabulary and the color names system of KS A 0011:2010. We should recognized these two systems of color expression in our language life. And we was discussed the difference between two systems of Korean color expression and word formational characteristics. At first, we are discussed in the process of color perception. We classified the color of the object by recognition process and representation process. After the recognition process, we go to representation process. Here, we divided to the color of the object into a memorial color and a measured color. The memorial color is represented by lexical color expression system, and the measured color is represented by physical color expression system. There are a lexical color expression system and a physical color expression system in the dual system of the Korean Color Expressions. The two system differ from formation background, cognitive domain, word formational characteristics, semantical characteristics, autonomical checkpoint, using scope. There are five basic color adjective in a lexical color expression system. And The lexical color expression system is expanded derivation, compound, borrowing of everyday word. There are two color names in KS A 0011:2010: One is relative color names, the other is usual color name.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대학수학능력시험의 문법 영역 문항 분석을 통한 출제 경향 진단 -2005학년도~2013학년도를 대상으로-

        신호철 ( Ho Cheol Shin ) 국어교육학회 2013 國語敎育學硏究 Vol.48 No.-

        본고는 2005학년도부터 2013학년도 수능에 출제된 문법 문항에 대한분석 작업을 바탕으로 문법 문항의 출제 경향을 점검하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 그래서 2005학년도부터 2013학년도 수능 홀수형 문법 영역의 80개문항을 대상으로 단독형 문항과 복합형 문항으로 분류하고, 다시 이들을 내용적 측면과 형식적 측면으로 구분하여 문항 분석을 실시하였다. 우선 내용적 측면의 분석 결과를 보면, 출제 범위가 어휘(어휘 의미 포함)와 단어 부분에 집중되는 편향성을 보이고 있다. 두 부분의 문항 수가 전체의 65.95%에 이르고 있음을 볼 때 출제 범위의 심각한 불균형이 있음을알 수 있었다. 이러한 현상은 교실 현장의 문법 교육에서 교수·학습 내용의심각한 불균형을 초래할 가능성을 배제할 수 없다. 형식적 측면의 분석 결과를 보면, 단독형 문항에서는 대부분의 문항이자료 추가형이나 조건 부과형으로 출제되고, 이해형 문항과 탐구형 문항이근사한 차이로 출제되고 있음을 볼 때, 단순한 사실적 이해 능력을 평가하는문항에서 벗어나고 있음을 짐작할 수 있다. 그러나 소재가 생활 중심형이 아닌 교과 중심형이 대부분이라는 것은 살아있는 문법 교육을 지향하는 현장의 문법 교육과 상치되는 것이다. The purpose of this paper is to analyze grammar items of Korean Language of College Scholastic Ability Test and the tendency of grammar questions. In this paper I was analyzed on the grammar question of the area to target 80 in the 2005 to 2013 College Scholastic Ability Tests. The Grammar questions were classified as director type questions and complex type questions. These were divided into the aspect of content and formal. First, look at the results of the analysis of the content aspect, the range of questions is focused on vocabulary and word parts. The ratio of the number of two-part question has reached 65.95 percent. And when the results of the analysis of the formal aspect, questions could be found almost integrated. Focus on the future development of an integrated grammar questions must be taken. Through the above results, the following questions will tend to diagnose. First, for diversity in the range of questions is needed. Second, the formal diversity questions is needed. Third, the committee questions the diversification of major area is required. Finally, grammar education`s diversification is needed in the field of the department of education.

      • KCI등재

        매체, 언어, 매체언어 개념의 국어교육학적 분석

        신호철(Shin Ho-cheol) 중앙어문학회 2014 語文論集 Vol.60 No.-

        본고는 2007년 개정 국어과 교육과정 때 고등학교 선택 과목으로 설정되었다 사라졌던 ‘매체 언어’ 과목이 2015년 차기 국어과 교육과정에서 다시 고등학교 선택과목 ‘언어와 매체’로 부활하는 기회를 맞이하여 ‘매체언어’에 대하여 그 기본 개념에 대한 국어교육학적 분석을 시도한 연구이다. ‘매체언어’란 용어는 단순히 ‘매체’와 ‘언어’의 결합형으로 인식되기 쉽지만, 그렇게 단순한 의미의 결합체가 아니다. 따라서 우선적으로 ‘매체’, ‘언어’에 대한 개념적 접근을 시도하였고, 그 범주의 외연에 대한 논의에 치중하였다. 결과적으로 ‘언어’의 범주를 확장하였음에 비해 ‘매체’의 외연적 범주는 축소하였다. 그 이유는 국어교육이라는 분야에서 한국어라는 언어가 주요 대상이기 때문이다. 자칫 매체의 범주를 확장하여 매체가 언어를 포괄하는 대범주로 설정한다면 ‘매체언어’는 국어교육의 교수?학습 대상 자격을 의심받을 수 있는 논란의 여지를 남길 수 있다. 따라서 ‘매체’는 의사소통 수단이나 도구라는 의미의 협의의 범주로 설정하였다. 곧 매체를 신문, 광고, 음악, 영화와 같은 전달의 도구나 수단으로 보았다. 그리고 ‘언어’는 전통적인 언어 체계의 분류 방식에 변화를 모색해 보았다. 이는 시대적 요구에 순응하는 것으로 언어는 역사적으로 소통 매체의 변화와 발전에 따라 변화해 왔음에 주목한 것이다. 그래서 언어를 통한 의사소통 체계뿐 아니라 시청각적 기호를 통한 의사소통 체계도 편입하여 매체언어를 통한 의사소통 체계를 제시하였다. 끝으로 매체언어는 단순히 ‘매체’와 ‘언어’의 의미가 결합된 복합어적인 성격의 것이 아니다. 매체를 통하여 소통되는 언어와 다양한 시청각적 기호들이 상호작용을 통하여 특정한 의미를 구성하는 데에 일정한 기능과 역할을 수행하기 때문에 이들을 ‘매체언어’라 부르고, 이 매체언어를 국어교육의 교수?학습 내용으로서의 대상으로 삼았다. This study was intended to analyze the concepts of media, language, and media language in the context of Korean language education in contemporary culture. The term media was defined to include any means or tools that aimed to facilitate communication. In this context, as we aim to investigate how language facilitates Korean language education, media includes newspapers, advertising, music, and film. In this information communication era, changes in language systems must also be discussed outside of traditional linguistic classifications. Communication systems not only convey meaning through language, but also include visual symbols. As a result, when the definition of language is expanded, the number of available mediums is reduced. The reason for this is that Korean language education aims to target the language of Koreans. Media language does not simply refer to a combination of media and language. Visual symbols are provided to perform a function and play an important role in creating specific meaning. For this reason, we incorporated visual symbols into media language. Therefore, media language can be targeted as a learning tool in Korean language education.

      • KCI등재후보

        대학 글쓰기 과목의 통합적 교육의 필요성 -문법 영역을 중심으로-

        신호철 ( Ho Cheol Shin ) 한국문법교육학회 2008 문법 교육 Vol.8 No.-

        In this paper, the syllabus and ratings of the students will be analyzed and it will emphasize the importance of the grammar education. Cultural studies of Korean taught in past Universities are now shapeless and the education of Korean is turned its way to composition education. To be on the right track and to be correspond to the needs of the students, the grammar education is inevitable. If you look through the contents of the writing subjects in Universities, the chapters which deals grammar is only 1-2 weeks out of 15-16 weeks. Instead of concentrating grammar in only 1-2 weeks, it would be better to concentrate on grammar in the first half of the class and in the other half combine thinking power, composition, presentation and discussion together. Combining these kinds of factors, it will lead and make the better stratus of Writing subjects.

      • KCI등재

        『한말연구』의 국어교육 연구 동향과 앞으로의 과제

        신호철 ( Shin Ho-cheol ) 한말연구학회 2016 한말연구 Vol.- No.41

        This study analyses research trend about 56 Korean education research papers those are printed in a 『Korean Language Research』 academic journal and suggests opinions about problems. First, the study divides Korean education area into curriculum content area and curriculum education area. Grammar part is the largest printed research in a 『Korean Language Research』. But Reading and writing part is the largest printed research in a 『Korean Language Research』 as integrated curriculum content and curriculum education. According by year, Korean education area research printed first time in 2000. From that year researches were printed steadily, 5 researches were printed every year during 2007 to 2011. Total number of researchers are 39, 30 researchers wrote each one. The task that has to be solved by Korean education area is correspond to Academy`s identity. For this, the study suggests research topic has to be limited only Grammar or integrated research topic that includes Grammar. And the study suggests create various topics for external extension of Grammar education and extends Korean education researchers. 30 years later, the study expects all of the areas` researches will be celebrated at Korean Language Research Circle`s 60th anniversary.

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