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      • 21세기 한의학 발전을 위한 연구개발 정책과 전략화 방안에 관한 연구

        신현규 대전대학교 대학원 2000 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        The study of the policy and strategy to develop the oriental medicine for the 21th century The conclusions through the study of the policy and strategy to develop the oriental medicine in 21th century are followings: 1. The research and development of the oriental medicine has been done only to find the meaning of traditional theories and to prove its availability in treatment, which is quite limited. But, now it is time for us to focus on what to do for medical society. We should reform the oriental medicine to be scientific and contribute to its' industrializing and improvement. That is to research and develop the technique and medical products according to the informations of oriental medicine. 2. The research method of the oriental medicine is divided into two. One is based on the theories of oriental medicine and the other is based on the theories of natural science. The lack of useful methodology brought falling down the position of the oriental medicine. Therefore, we should research methodology of the oriental medicine in the way of the science, the logic and the study. 3. Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan, the united states of America and WHO have got the aim about the research of the oriental medicine. That is to spread the new medicine and to make out new medical product. And, first of all, the oriental medicine should prove its availability scientifically and strictly. 4. There are the several projects to research and develop the oriental medicine. They are 2010 project, the ones of KIOM(Korean Institute of Oriental Medicine), the ones which have been done in oriental medical colleges and so on. We have to consider the investment in them and their outcome so that each of us need to fomulate the policy for proper research and development. Especially, the projects which have been done in the colleges have to be classified by rules so that we can avoid the waste of money and inefficiency. 5. The herbs should be handled by exact managements through the whole process standardized. I divided the process of handling the herbs into three stages and the followings show the needs of each stage. The first stage is the one from seeding to picking, that is to say the stage of producing materials. At this stage, we need to preserve and cultivate rare or exterminated medicinal plants and research substitutes and artificial multiplications of herbs which are prohibited to circulate internationally. Also the government have to support the farms to increase products. The second stage including cleaning, drying, cutting, storing, and circulating is the one for agricultural products to turn into the herb medicines. The key point of this stage is the standardization of the quality. It is necessary to establish KGMP and KGSP of the herb medicine for the guarantee of quality and safety. Thus, the pharmaceutical company have to take an important role as the center not only in circulation of the agricultural products but also in the process that the agricultural products turn into the herb medicines and that the herb medicines get to oriental medical facilities or to consumers. The third stage is the one for the oriental medical facilities to prescribe the herb medicines to patients, which is called the stage of the medicine. At this stage, the oriental medical facilities need standards of storing, handling, and boiling of the herbs. 6. The herb medicines and the herb products should be under the control over the whole process of production, circulation, and sales. Now, it is time for the herb medicine to be known to all over the world. Therefore, the herb medicine must be proper for the standards set by the western society and WHO. 7. The government should establish the law for the oriental medicine in order to stimulate the oriental medicine to be industrialized and globalized. Besides, the law is expected to apply to the reality and to include standard and definition. 8. I classified the herbal product into five categories. The first group : the ones that are made with the essence extracted from the herbs or the herbal compounds. The second group : the ones that have another way of administration. The third group : the ones that can cover another diseases which were not expected to be cured by them. The forth group : the ones with new components The fifth group : the chemical complexes which include the essence of herb or herbal compounds We should supply to construct infrastructure of the research and development especially of the third and the forth group. And, the education for making new products also need the supply. 9. The herbal product is, of course, compounded according to the theory of the oriental medicine. But, it should get through the process to get guarantee as the herbal product. The process is divided into the phase of the clinical experiment of the medical product, phraseⅠ, phaseⅡ, phaseⅢ, and phaseⅣ. That is to say the herbal product for the treatment of incurable diseases should prove its safety, availability, and science so that it can get recognized as the medical product. Only through this process, the herb medicine can be spread to the international medicine market. 10. The pharmaceutical companies are recognized as the major component of industry-school-research's cooperation and chief object of consortium with China, Japan and Taiwan. They play an important role in the management of the herb and the research of the new herbal product. and about the research, the circulation and the sales of the herb. So, the government and the oriental medicine association have to support the pharmaceutical company. 11. The cooperation with western medicine will increase in the research of new herbal product, the clinical experiment, and the research of the oriental medicine although we are arguing about the combination of western diagnosis and the oriental treatment. The combination of western diagnosis and oriental treatment is set as the main idea about the research of the traditional oriental medicine in the united states, China, Japan, and Taiwan. And, we should take this method as one sect in the oriental medicine system of my country as well. 12. The researches in the oriental medical colleges have been focused on the laboratory experiment. But they should move their focuses to the clinical experiment and research. Of course, the education should follow this direction as well. And, the accumulation of the clinical researches should be the center of the research of the oriental medicine. 13. First of all, the education of medical informatics in the oriental medical colleges is necessary so that it can be the base for the net of information of the oriental medicine in the 21th century. we have to start building the date base about the diseases. 14. It is necessary to cooperate with China, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, etc. in order that we can get the political advantages for the research of the oriental medicine and obtaining the oriental medicine market in western.

      • 중합 후 변형법을 이용한 기능성 폴리 알킬 메타크릴레이트의 합성

        신현규 전북대학교 일반대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Synthesis of materials with new chemical properties is very important in industry and academic area. Poly (alkyl methacrylate) is one of the engineering plastics in a wide range of fields such as optical lens, building materials, and photo-resist. Therefore, synthesis of methacrylic polymers with new physical and chemical properties is being studied in various aspects. The post-polymerization modification, which is for introducing new functional group into repeating unit of the polymer, has been studied for decades. However, this strategy is incompatible for PMAA because of sterically demanding methyl group of backbone. In this study, new synthetic tool for making functional poly (alkyl methacrylate) is presented via coupling between allene sulfonamides and poly (methacrylic acid). Various allene sulfonamide derivatives were accommodated with high conversion in this modification. Finally, this functional methacrylate polymer has chemical structure that had not been seen before.

      • 國民體育振興法의 制定과 變遷過程 考察

        신현규 國民大學校 大學院 2005 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 과거 국민체육진흥법이 어떻게 형성·발전되어 왔는가를 역사적·사실적으로 분석·파악함으로써 현행 국민체육진흥법을 입체적·동적으로 이해하고, 나아가서 미래적인 전망까지 가늠해 보고자하는데 그 목적이 있었다. 그래서 국민체육진흥법의 법제사적 접근방법으로 정치·경제·사회·문화의 총체적 구조속에서 국민체육진흥법의 제정과 변천과정을 고찰한 결과 다음과 같다. 국민체육진흥법은 제정 당시에는 군사정부의 정치적 의도에 의해 제정되었으나 분명히 국민체육진흥을 위한 기본법적인 성격으로 출발하였다. 그러나 20차례 개정 과정에서 체육재정부문의 기능과 역할을 담당하는 부분적인 법률과 1회성의 스포츠경기대회를 준비하는 한시적인 특별법적인 법률로 개정되어 광범위하고 복잡한 법률로 변모해 형해화되었음을 볼 수 있었다. 그러므로 국민체육진흥법은 현재 정체성을 상실했다고 보며 실효성 없음이 입증되었고 적용한계성이 드러난바 어떠한 개정으로도 정체성을 회복하기는 어렵다고 판단된다. 그러나 현재 또다시 국민체육진흥법의 전면적인 개정을 체육계나 국회에서 시도하고 추진하고 있는 실정이다. 이는 분명히 시간낭비이고 실익이 없으며 시대착오적이라고 생각된다. 따라서 본 연구에서 결론하였듯이 현재 형해화된 국민체육진흥법을 앞으로 소멸시켜 폐지하여야 하며 그 대안으로 새로운 시대의 스포츠 및 주변환경의 변화에 적합하고 올바른 대한민국 스포츠 기본법의 제정이 반드시 이루어져야 한다고 사료된다. 특히 현재 스포츠산업진흥법의 입법이 추진되고 있는데 스포츠산업진흥법 또한 국민체육진흥법과 마찬가지로 훈시적 규정과 장려법적 성격을 가져 다른 법률과 중복되고 대립되는 적용한계성을 가져올 우려가 있다. 그 때문에 스포츠산업진흥법의 제정에 앞서 스포츠산업진흥법을 규율하고 보호할 수 있는 스포츠기본법의 입법화가 우선적으로 고려되어 추진해야 할 필요가 있다고 사료된다. 그래서 앞으로 스포츠 관련법의 정비와 통합화, 그리고 스포츠의 체계적 발전과 효율적 보장을 위한 스포츠기본법의 제정을 위한 논의와 연구가 보다 속히 이루어지길 바라며, 본 연구가 스포츠기본법 제정에 조금이나마 일조를 할 수 있기를 기대한다. The purpose of this study was to examine the enactment and changing process of National Sports Promotion Act by analyzing the situation of politics, economics, society, and culture. Through this study, the following conclusion were drawn; First, in 1962 the National Sports Promotion Act was made to imitate Japan's Sports Promotion Law enacted in 1961. In Korea, the main reason of its enactment was strong political intention. That is, Park, Jung-hee's military government wished the political problem occurred by him settled down soon by attracting the people's attention to the sport. He intented to gain more medals in Tokyo Olympic of 1964 throughout supporting elite sports. Although no medal was gained in the olympic games, its enactment became decisive chance to strongly support and activate sport. Since then, the Act has been located as a sport related fundamental law. Second, National Sports Promotion Act has been changed 20 times since it was enacted. Whenever ploitical regime has been changed, it has been also reformed. In the military political power era, it was activated due to their powerful elite sport policy. However, it has been weakened since Kim, Young-sam took power. The reasons can be concluded as two things; the liquidation of previous military government, and restriction of sport organization for IMF era. Moreover, in 1999 this law was totally changed and lost its identity because of its amendment for 2002 FIFA Koera and Japen World Cup. Finally, we need the enactment of a new sport fundamental law, because current National Sports Promotion Act is almost losing its identity. In the near future, it is necessarily needed for the sport fundamental law to be legislated in order for the unification of sport related laws and systematic development of sport in Korea.

      • Arthur Miller의 Death of salesman 硏究 : common man protagonist에 關하여

        신현규 全北大學校 敎育大學院 1980 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The author thinks that it was not until the recent realism period when the self-consciousness has sprouted and the dramatic effects have been increased, and aims to study on the following task : What circumstances does Willy Loman, Who is the common man protagonist of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman which may be at the peak of the civil tragedy, have in order to evoke the tragic feeling? It was not until the Modern Ages after about 1880 when the dramatic effects have been elevated by the common man protagonist's entering the stage. For this, at that time there were a few social factors as the following : 1) the development of the capitalism ; 2) the appearance of the new human being's value ; 3) the pregnancy of the pragmatism. For these factors playwriters could not help letting the people in the real society become protagonists, and dealing with the basic problems of human beings, and studying the co-relationship between "individual" and "society". It was because it was the Naturalism ideology which would treat those around the writers rather than the characters far from them. The tragic cirumstancese of this play Death of a Salesman can be summarized as the following : first, the capitalistic economy system is obliterating a common man ; second, humanity which is lost by a capitalist can be recovered thanks to the same common men ; third, Willy is a man with only a strong and vain dream, who can't face up to the reality but is ignorant of it and moreover may not make a compromise with it.

      • 생태관광성향과 관광활동에 관한 연구 : 자연휴양림 방문객을 대상으로

        신현규 경희대학교 대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The ecotourism which is field of sustainable tourism is getting popular. 67% of our country is consisted of forest. Government and local government recognizes the importance of forest and planing to make the forest to rest space for people. Therefore, can speak that qualitative growth is also important as well as quantitative growth of recreational forest that is changing to one tourist resort gradually Therefore, this study recognizes recreational forest visitor's ecotourism disposition and grasps the effect about tourism activity preference accordingly, The purpose of study is that finding the ecotourism disposition of recreational forest visitors and offering the right activity through each dispositions, when they use the recreation forest. The results of this study can be summarized as follows, First, was showing the relations between the person who has pursuit of adventures and tourism activity preference. The result showed that positive effect in activity that related water but, negative effect in nature activity. Second, was showing the relations between the person who desire to learn about ecological enviroment and tourism activity preference. The result showed that positive effect in nature activity only. Third, was showing the relations between the person who has pursuit of perseverance among tourists and tourism activity preference. The result showed that positive effect in nature activity only. Fourth, was showing the relations between the person who has pursuit of meditation on the nature and tourism activity preference. The result showed that negative effect in both nature activity and activity that related water. Finally, was expose that relation between tourism activity preference and satisfaction. The result showed that only tourists who prefer nature tourism activity has positive effect in satisfaction. Furtherance purpose of recreational forest can talk that it is that do preservation of ecosystem and observation of nature and inspection. So the main purpose of tourists who visit recreational forest is that also contact with nature. But, recently, visitors of recreational forest id increasing, so the tourists who visit the recreational forest has different tendency and seek different tourism activity preference in own tendency. Therefore, if understanding visitor's character in the recreational forest and then equips facilities equivalent to them. Considered that satisfaction will be improved also

      • 한국어 '-면' 관련 구성 연구

        신현규 서울대학교 대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        이 연구는 논리학의 조건성과 달리 자연언어에서의 조건성이 가지는 몇 가지 단면을 확인하고자 수행되었다. 그 구체적인 연구 대상은 현대 한국어의 [조건] 연결 어미 ‘-면’과 ‘-면’이 통합하여 사용되는 ‘-면’ 관련 구성이다. 각각의 구성을 제시하고 분석하는 과정에서 자연언어의 조건성은 무엇인가 하는 범언어적이고 통일된 개념을 도출하기를 바라지 않으며 각 구성의 의미를 몇 가지 성질로 분류하는 데에 관심을 둔다. 실제 언어 사용에서 예문을 찾아 제시하고자 노력하며, 이때의 ‘실제 언어 사용’을 찾을 수 있는 언어 자료의 성질로 구어 자료를 중심에 두었다. 이러한 목적에 따라 한국구비문학대계, 국립국어원의 지역어 조사 자료집, 세종 구어말뭉치, 라디오 드라마 대본, 텔레비전 드라마 대본 등에서 추출한 예문을 제시한다. ‘-면’의 다양한 의미를 분류하기 위하여, 이 연구에서는 Kaufmann(2001)이 제시한 기정성을 기준으로 삼고자 한다. 지시하는 사건이 개별적인 조건 의미를 분류하는 데에는 기정성이 유효한 기준으로 작용할 것이라 기대한다. 그러나 반복성을 전제하고 있는 조건 의미를 분석하는 데에는 사건 시점과 발화 시점의 선후 관계를 바탕으로 한 기정성 논의가 해당되지 않을 것이라 판단한다. 기타 ‘-면’이 가진 의미에 관한 분석은 조건과 주제 사이의 유사성을 밝힌 연구에 기대어 분석할 것이다. 연구자가 조사한 ‘-면’ 관련 구성은 의미를 기준으로 장과 절을 구분하여 제시하기 보다는 구성에 참여하는 ‘-면’ 외의 요소의 품사를 기준으로 분류한다. 의미를 기준으로 본 연구에서 다루는 ‘-면’ 관련 구성을 분류하면 사건 외적 복수행위성과 사건 내적 복수행위성, 정보관할권과 상호주관성과 같은 주관성 관련 성격, 주제와 관련된 성격 등으로 나누어 볼 수 있다. 그러나 낱낱의 구성 중에는 이들 의미에 속하지 않는 작은 부류도 존재하기에 분류 체계가 온전하지 않더라도 품사를 기준으로 구성을 정리하겠다. 각각의 ‘-면’ 관련 구성의 위치는 연결 어미 ‘-면’이 포괄하고 있는 영역과 상당히 겹친다. 하지만 어떤 구성을 연결 어미 ‘-면’으로 대체하였을 때, 아무런 통사·의미적 차이를 보이지 않는 경우는 없다. 각각의 구성은 ‘-면’이 가진 여러 의미로부터 파생되어 특수한 의미를 가지고 나름의 영역을 확보하고 있다. 이 연구는 이러한 ‘-면’의 가계도를 그리는 데에 깃털 무게만큼이나마 기여하고자 한다. The primary aim of this thesis is to identify several aspects of the conditionality of the natural language, different from the logical conditionality. The specific objects of this study are conditional connective ending ‘-면[-myeon]’ and ‘-면[-myeon]’ constructions in Korean. I am interested in classifying the meaning of each construction into several properties, without wishing to derive a general and unified concept of the conditionality of natural language, in the process of presenting and analyzing each construction through this study. I'm trying to find examples in actual language usage, and I am concentrated on the spoken language data as a way to find this “actual language usage.” For this purpose, examples are extracted from a collection of The Comprehensive Collection of Korean Folklore, reports of the regional language research by National Institute of the Korean Language, Sejong Spoken Corpus, the radio drama script, and the TV drama script. To classify the various meanings of ‘-면[-myeon]’, I use the settledness presented by Kaufmann(2001). I expect that, in order to classify the meanings of conditionals, the settledness will act on a valid basis. However, in order to analyze the meaning of the conditional that have repeatability, it is judged that the discussion on the settledness nature of the relationship between event time and speech time is not applicable. The other analysis of the meaning of ‘-면[-myeon]’ will be analyzed based on a study that clarifies the similarity between conditionals and topic. The constructions of ‘-면[-myeon]’ what I investigated is classified based on the part-of-speech of elements other than the ‘-면[-myeon]’ participating in the construction rather than by classifying and presenting the meaning based on the difference of meaning. If I categorize ‘-면[-myeon]’ constructions in this study on the basis of meanings, they are divided into a pluractionality, characteristics related to subjectivity such as the territories of information and intersubjectivity. However, since there are small classes not belonging to these meanings in each of the constructions, the constructions are arranged on the basis of the parts of speech even if the classification system is not complete. The positions of the respective ‘-면[-myeon]’ constructions overlap with the areas included in the connective endings ‘-면[-myeon]’. However, if construction is replaced with the ending, there must be the syntactic or semantic difference is will be marked. Each construction is derived from various meanings of ‘-면[-myeon]’ and secures its own area with a special meaning. I want to contribute a little bit to draw such a ‘-면[-myeon]’ family tree.

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